Using the Biker (Curvy Women Wanted Book 16)

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Using the Biker (Curvy Women Wanted Book 16) Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Nothing that happened between them mattered.

  “Look at your pussy. There’s no denying you’re enjoying this, Jo. You want this.”

  She whimpered as his other hand moved to her pussy. He slid two fingers inside her as his thumb teased over her clit.

  He also started to fuck her with one finger, then a second in her ass. She bit her lip to try to contain her moans.

  “I want to hear you, Jo. Let me hear you.”

  She cried out. “Please, don’t stop.”

  “I have no intention of stopping. Your greedy pussy wants my hands, and I bet you even want my dick.”

  Her body was no longer her own as he worked her pussy and ass. She stared down at what he was doing as the burn in her ass intensified. It shook her a little at how expert he was in using her body or at least caressing her to get what he wanted.

  “You’re good at this.”

  “So’s your mouth when it’s wrapped around my dick.”

  He pumped his fingers inside her, his thumb flicking back and forth across her clit. She had heard of a woman having multiple orgasms, but she’d only ever experienced the rare one with a man.

  She arched up as her orgasm rushed over her, taking her by surprise. The few seconds of pleasure made her writhe—she needed it, begged for it.

  Doc wasn’t done. He slowed down his strokes but prolonged her pleasure, waiting for her to slowly come down from her peak.

  She couldn’t stop, didn’t want to, and as her orgasm ebbed away and Doc let go of her, she glanced down at Doc to see his cock already hardened against his jeans. Opening his jeans, she released his dick.

  She wrapped her fingers around the length as she shuffled down his body. She moved so his knees were on either side of her head, and she took his cock into her mouth.

  “You can use me any way you want,” she said, releasing his cock with a pop.

  He growled, gripping the back of her neck, and she moaned as he hit her throat. He fucked her mouth, and she watched him.

  Doc was still in control, and she wanted to make him lose it.

  Cupping his ass, she gave the firm cheeks a squeeze before spreading them. Sliding a finger across his anus, she began to stroke him.

  He lost control, his actions becoming rougher as he fucked her face, going as deep as he could get, and she took him.

  There were a few times he went a little too deep and she gagged, but she loved watching him lose control.

  This man, this leader, she wanted to shock him, to make him yearn for her.


  This is just a little bit of fun.

  She pushed all of her reasonings to the back of her mind as she worked his cock, moaning around the length, and when he finally came, she swallowed him down. Every single drop of cum that exploded, she gulped down, not letting any leave her mouth.

  He pulled out of her and perched on her chest.

  “You’re going to be the death of me,” he said.

  “Yeah, well, this is the most fun I’ve had in a long time.” She needed to keep on reminding herself this was just fun. She looked toward his clock. “It’s a little after midnight. I’m going to have to go home.”

  “You don’t have to go home. Dale and Mandy won’t be done yet, and I don’t want to catch my son’s naked ass and in truth, I don’t want to see Mandy naked either.”

  She laughed. “Are you really sure they’d be doing it in my house?”

  “The tensions between those two have been rising for a couple of months now. Yeah, they will be fucking like rabbits.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Rabbits are cute.”

  “Still fuck a lot though.” He climbed off her chest and offered his hand.

  “Either way, I still need to get home. Do you mind if I call a cab?” she asked.

  “How about we compromise here and you stay the night?”

  “How is that a compromise? I don’t want you to start thinking I’m going to fall for you.” She enjoyed their time together, even if it had only been two times now. When she was with him, all of her worries evaporated.

  He cupped her face, and he pressed a kiss to her head. “I want you to stay. You know, a lot of women would get a kick out of being the first woman to stay here.”

  “Really? You think I’m going to fall for that one?”

  “It’s not a line. I don’t bring women back here. This is my space, and I don’t share.”


  “Yeah, oh. You can go back home by all means, but you can lay in your lonely bed listening to Mandy and Dale fuck, and think about what I could be doing to you instead.”

  “You’re the devil.”

  “Nah, I’m not. Come on, let’s shower.” He led her back to his bathroom, which of course was way too tempting to deny.

  There was nothing wrong with having a little fun.

  Not tonight. This was what single people did. Any doubts she had, she pushed them aside. She didn’t need to think about them.


  Doc sipped at his coffee as Dale entered the office. One glance at Mandy’s empty desk and whatever smile was on his son’s face vanished.

  “It’s her day off. I figured you’d know that.”

  “You know where she is?” Dale asked.

  “Probably out helping Jo.” Mandy was with Jo. They were packing up the last of Jo’s home. Even though she had gotten the house during the divorce, Jo wanted it gone. It was on the market, and from what he saw the other day, she would have no problem selling it.

  “Fuck. I wanted to take her out to lunch.”

  Doc raised his brow.

  “It’s not what you think,” Dale said.

  “You’re trying to court a woman that saw you riding three of the club pussy, and you think you’ve still got a shot?”

  “Mandy understands things.”

  “Mandy knows a great deal, and she accepts a lot. Doesn’t mean she’s going to want you to herself.” He knew Mandy was blunt and didn’t beat around the bush. She made her feelings clear. She had already asked him if it was okay for her to have some fun with his son, nothing meaningful or long-lasting.

  Mandy, behind all that bluntness, was a nice woman. Cute and sweet and if she let Dale get close, she’d be broken-hearted. It was one of the reasons he put up with her. She talked constantly, spoke her mind, but was also loyal.

  She had been telling him about Jo and her divorce for months. How Mitch wanted to keep Jo, and had even offered them both an open relationship. From what Mandy knew, Mitch liked to play the field. He didn’t want to sleep with his wife, but he liked having her as a security blanket. She was suitable to take to social gatherings, as his bosses liked a family man, but he didn’t find her attractive. She was someone he wanted to use to better himself, but he also wanted to have fun without any consequences. Mandy had told him all the nitty-gritty stuff, and he saw the love she had for Jo.

  He could see why. Jo was a sweetheart. She didn’t make waves, and with Mandy working for him, he’d already known a great deal about Jo from the thorough investigation he’d gotten. No one worked for the Nowhere Men MC without being checked out.

  “I like Mandy.”

  “You’ve had a lot of club pussy.”

  “Dad, that’s been over for a long time. Don’t talk to me about club pussy. You haven’t had any either.”

  “You like Mandy. She’s your age.”

  “Dad, come on, stop riding my ass.”

  Doc laughed. “Nothing much is going on here. We may as well pick up the girls some lunch and head on over to Jo’s place.” He wanted to see her.

  After falling asleep beside her the other night, he’d woken up to find her gone. He didn’t like it and couldn’t think of a single reason as to why he could go and talk to her. Something casual didn’t mean knowing their every waking moment, or talking on the phone just before they went to sleep.

  He didn’t date.

  Had never dated.

  Dale’s mother had been a one-
night stand, and to a fifteen-year-old kid, it had been an amazing night with a posh woman. Come the harsh reality of what it was, he’d regretted bedding her. Not for Dale though.

  He loved his son more than anything in the world.

  Having Dale around him day in day out was something he cherished.

  After Doc climbed on his bike, Dale followed him into town, where they picked up some lunch before heading to Jo’s house.

  The front door was closed, but he saw Mandy’s car parked in the driveway.

  He parked his bike behind Mandy’s car as Dale pulled in.

  Grabbing their food, he didn’t bother knocking, just walked right in.

  Mandy was coming downstairs as he entered. “It’s rude to not knock.”

  “I tell you that every single day, but you still barge into my office.”

  “That’s work. This is a home.”

  “What is it, Mand?” Jo came out of the direction of the kitchen. Her long, blonde hair was pinned up on top of her head, and she wore a really nice pair of jeans that molded to her ass.

  “We have invaders,” Mandy said.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Mandy told me what was going on, and I bought lunch. I figured we could help.” Doc looked at his son, but he already had stars in his eyes, looking at Mandy.

  When she was at the office, she always wore a dress, makeup, and let her hair full back. She looked out of place in the office, and she said it was to put female clients at ease. If they saw her looking like that, happy, it made them comfortable to be in the same room as the biker men.

  It made a weird kind of sense, and he wasn’t one to judge.

  Today, she didn’t look like a sweet woman. She wore jeans that were torn at the knees, a shirt that molded to every curve, and his son looked like he was panting for more.

  Doc only had his eyes on one woman, and she looked nervous.

  “I’ll grab a few plates.”

  Leaving his son to his problem, he followed Jo.

  “You abandoned me,” he said, putting their bags of food down.

  Jo stopped and turned to him. “I’ve never been the kind of person to do the day after.”

  “Not even with your husband?”

  “Not even with him. It was all official by the time we slept together.”

  “He got a wedding ring on your finger?” he asked.

  “Pretty much. I don’t want to keep talking about my marriage. It’s over.”

  “You don’t love him anymore?”

  “No, I don’t. I haven’t loved him in a long time. The divorce was a relief.” She put the plates on the counter.

  Good to know.

  He didn’t want to start chasing after a woman if she was pining for her previous husband.

  “You know, I didn’t even cry when I caught him.”

  “You didn’t?”

  “Nope. It all made a lot of sense. I think I was more just happy to have a reason to divorce him.”

  Chapter Five

  By the end of the day and with Doc and Dale’s help, Jo was able to pack up the whole of her house. She had an apartment lined up for the end of the week, and Mandy had already agreed to help her move in.

  Mandy and Dale made an excuse to leave before pizza even arrived, which meant she was alone with Doc. They sat on her sofa, eating their way through the pizza, and all the time she was aware of how close he sat. His thigh was brushing against hers.

  He’d asked no end of questions as they packed, and she didn’t have a clue why. She wasn’t in love with her ex-husband anymore. Their time had passed, and she wanted nothing to do with him. Licking the cheese off her lips, she heard Doc moan.

  When she turned to look at him, his gaze was on her mouth. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?” he asked.

  “I’ve got some idea.” She glanced down at the hard dick pressed against his zipper. It would be hard to miss what she did to him. She couldn’t help licking her lips, and he took the pizza from her, smashing his lips down with hers.

  “You know, I haven’t fucked you on a bed yet.”

  “Mine is still made.” She released a squeal as he lifted her up and started to carry her to her bedroom. He’d asked for a tour earlier, and seeing as they were helping her pack, she didn’t see a problem.

  He dropped her down to the bed, and before she knew what was happening, her tight jeans were off in one sweeping motion. Doc spread her legs, and as his hand touched her pussy, she groaned.

  The pleasure was instant, intense, and she arched her pelvis up for him to give her more. So much more.

  He stroked his fingers through her curls, teasing her clit before sliding down to push inside her.

  She closed her eyes, took several deep breaths, and tried to focus as he flipped her over. He spread the cheeks of her ass wide, and she cried out as he teased across her anus.

  Jo didn’t have time to question him as he thrust in hard, taking her completely by surprise as he filled her. He pulled out, only to push in deep. All the time, his fingers teased across her asshole. She couldn’t help but push back as he pulled out until only the tip was inside her.

  “Stay still,” he said.

  His voice was deep, hard, and it made her ache to hear more. She didn’t want him to stop talking to her. She felt hypnotized by the sound of his voice. There was nowhere else to go, not that she wanted to. She wanted all the kinds of dirty pleasure he could offer and for him to not stop.

  Suddenly, he pulled out, and she whimpered. His fingers replaced his cock, sliding inside her wet pussy, teasing across her clit. When his teeth sank into her ass cheek, she cried out. The pleasure and pain were like a new drug that she couldn’t say no to.

  Doc worked her body like he knew the special tune to her instrument. He didn’t stop until she came close to the crest, ready to spiral over, and then, he stopped.

  “Please,” she said, begging. She wasn’t above begging. She’d been so close to coming, and now that he’d stopped, she wanted his touch again.

  He chuckled. Doc was the one in charge, not her. She was his puppet, and he was the one pulling the strings.

  Her teeth sank into her lip, and as his cock pressed against her asshole, she was in no doubt as to what he wanted to do.

  It was on the tip of her tongue to beg him to stop, but then, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She wanted this more than anything. Craved it.

  Doc was giving her everything in life she’d fantasized about, and as he pressed the tip of that large dick to her anus, she didn’t fight him, or argue.

  She embraced the pleasure as he pushed past that tight ring of muscles, sinking inside her, going deeper than before, and she gritted her teeth, trying to calm her racing heart and failing.

  “That’s it, baby. I’m nearly all in.” He reached between her thighs and stroked her clit, bringing her back to that peak as he sank the last few inches until he was as deep inside her as he could go.

  This was pain but also pleasure. It was so much of each one that she didn’t know which was stronger. As he stroked her clit, she didn’t care as long as he made her come. That was all she wanted, and as he stroked her, he began to rock.

  The feeling was too much and not enough at the same time.

  After a few minutes or maybe even a couple of hours—she didn’t know, time wasn’t a factor—she began to press back, to fuck him hard, to want it.

  When he finally pushed her into an orgasm, she screamed his name. The sound echoed around the room as he gripped her hips and took over. He didn’t pound her. His strokes were long, deep, and shattering.

  “Your ass is so fucking tight. You better get used to this, baby. I’m going to want you again and again.”

  He pumped into her ass, and she couldn’t complain. Her orgasm was still sending aftershocks throughout her entire body.

  When Doc came, she felt every single pulse as he filled her ass with his cum. His groan calmed her as he slowly pulled out.

  She t
ried to move, but he held her still.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “There’s no better sight than seeing your cum leak out of your woman’s ass.”

  What had she gotten herself into?


  There were only a few things Doc was good at: leading the Nowhere Men, fucking, riding, and working on cars. He pulled out from under the hood of the latest piece of junk he’d been asked to fix.

  The only other place in town was a complete butcher. They took cars and completely trashed them before they decided to come to him, to fix their babies. This latest one, he didn’t know if he’d be able to fix it.

  He had one other problem than the piece of junk. It came in the form of a beautiful, blonde, curvy woman, who’d come on his dick the other night and who he couldn’t get out of his head.

  “Here’s the file you asked for,” Mandy said, popping gum. “It’s all the work the other place did before they decided to cut their losses.”

  She jumped up onto his workstation, waiting for him to glance through it. Dale had stopped by earlier, trying to convince Mandy to take the day off, but his secretary had refused. She had work to do. As her boss, he’d been more than willing to let her go out with his son, but he’d not intervened.

  “How’s Jo?” he asked.

  “Can’t get her out of your head, can you?”

  He looked up from his paperwork. “I asked you a question.”

  “She’s fine.” Mandy pursed her lips.

  “What are you doing with my son?”

  “Nothing. I’m working. We both know what your son wanted, and last time I checked, I didn’t read ‘Dale’s personal whore.’”

  “You’re playing with him?”

  “Nope. Having fun is not playing. We’re both consenting adults, but if you’re going to have a hard time with that, I can stop it. I don’t want to quit.”

  “I don’t want you to hurt my son.”

  “That is not my intention. Believe me. Dale told me straight up he doesn’t want to settle down, and he’s not looking for love. Neither am I. I won’t hurt your son, I promise. I’m following his rules, Doc. I bet you don’t give a shit about the other women he’s fucked and discarded. Remember that. I’m not blind to the workings of your club. I happen to like working here, but if it’s going to be a problem, I can work anywhere.”


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