Twisted in Chains

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Twisted in Chains Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m not even on the pill, okay? Do you know what we’re risking right now? I can’t have you keep talking about what kind of future we’re going to have when we get back home when there’s no chance of that happening. They killed a girl right outside our door. We hear what they do. We’re not getting out.”

  Noah got to his feet, leaving his food. He moved toward her, sitting on the edge of the bed. She didn’t cringe away from him this time, so he considered that a bonus.

  Taking the tray from her, he held her hands, pressing a kiss to each one.

  “We’re going to get through this. No matter what, we’re in this together.”

  “Noah, you’re crazy. There’s nothing any of us could do. We’re not getting out of here.”

  “There is always hope, together. I’m not leaving you, Skye. Just as you won’t leave me. We arrived here together, and we’re going to end this, together.”

  He stared into her brown eyes. They were so full of pain and sorrow. He wanted her to smile at him. Glancing down at her lips, he couldn’t help but notice how plump they were, how inviting.

  “Why are you staring at me?” she asked.

  “Because, I just, I like your lips.”

  She licked her lips, and he felt an answering response in his cock. This shouldn’t be happening.

  He let go of her hand and turned a little away from her.

  “What is it?”


  “Noah, seriously, what’s wrong?”

  “You don’t want to know.”

  He got to his feet, keeping his back to her.

  She surprised him by getting off the bed, and grabbing his arm. “Seriously, Noah, what is going on?”

  Staring up at the dirty ceiling, he turned for her to see. “Are you happy?”

  “You’re aroused?”

  He looked at her. Her gaze was on his dick.

  “Yeah, I’m aroused.”

  “Okay, why are you aroused?” she asked.

  “Clearly, I’ve got a problem with my head, and it’s messed up.” He cupped her cheek. She didn’t flinch. “Staring at those lips, imagining kissing you. It all makes me want you, Skye. Do you know what I want to do?” he asked.

  “No.” She paused, licking those kissable lips once again. “Tell me.”

  “I want to kiss you. Only this time, I don’t want to be ordered about or have you tied down and screaming as I do. When I kiss you, I want you to kiss me back. To want it.” He stepped a little closer to her. His cock was stroking against her stomach, pre-cum already leaking out of the tip. “Then I want to show you how good it can be when I’m not being ordered to do it. How it feels to have my cock sliding deep inside you and for you to be so wet. I’d lick your pussy, treat you like a queen, and have you begging for my touch. I hope that you would remember this, and when we’re ordered back to that room, and they make us fuck, you remember who I really am and you get wet from it.”

  Tears glistened in her eyes. He cupped her cheek, tilting her head back. The plump lips were begging to be kissed.

  “But I won’t do any of that, not unless you ask me to. Not unless you want it, Skye.”

  “I want it,” she said.

  This made him stop.


  “I hate the memories we have right now. They’re unfair, and it’s not us. I want to have a different memory, something to get me through the worst of it. I don’t want to die, and I don’t want to hate you. It’s going to be hard, I know that. I still like it when you hug me, and when we’re here together. I know we can do this.” She placed a hand on his chest. Another willing touch from her after what they’d been through. “I think they trap people here, maybe even together. Give them that false sense of comfort. To have one another, to rely on each other.”

  “Then they take it all away.”

  “Exactly. It breaks them. The one person they trust more than anything else in the world becomes their worst nightmare. I don’t want that. I don’t want any of that. Please, Noah, even if we never make it out, when we come back here, will you promise me something?”


  “When we come back here, even when it hurts, make me forget. Make me only remember the good. I want you to touch me, to wipe out what they did. This is our fight, Noah, together.”

  He gripped the back of her head, pulling her close. Slamming his lips down on hers, Noah kissed her.

  He did what he said he would do, and as she moaned against his lips, with his other hand, he stroked down her back to cup her ass. She gave that little whimper, the one that drove him crazy and wild, wanting to hear it again and again.

  When he slid his tongue across her lips, she opened up, and he plunged right inside, deepening the kiss. She tasted amazing, and as her soft body molded against his, he held her even tighter, wanting her, needing her.

  His cock hardened even more if that was even possible, and he groaned against her lips. Skye made no other move to touch him. Her hands were on his shoulders, holding him.

  “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?”

  “I can feel it.”

  He took her hand and wrapped it around his cock. “Feel it, Skye. This is yours. Every single part of me is yours.”

  Even if it was only for the now, rather than later. They had each other, and he wasn’t going to hold back. Not now, not with her.

  She wrapped her fingers around his length, teasing him.

  He stared down and covered her hand with his own, stroking it up and down, showing her what he liked. He walked her backward, and when she hit the bed, he eased her down on it. Noah followed her down.

  For the past five times, he’d been forced to fuck her from behind.

  This time, it wouldn’t be from behind. He’d stare into her eyes and watch her as he fucked her, working his dick deep inside her.


  “It’s fine, baby, I’ve got you. I’ve got this. We’re going to take our time. We’ve got all day.” All night, and the rest of their lives to make it good. He took possession of her lips again, feeling her shake against him. Only, this wasn’t fear. This was something else, and he relished it. He loved the way she held onto his shoulders and the bite of her nails sinking into his flesh.

  Biting her lip, he broke the kiss and started to work down her body, getting to her tits. The room was cold, always so fucking cold. Flicking his tongue against the first hardened peak, he teased the other with his fingers, showing them both attention. Sucking the bud into his mouth, he stroked his down her body, caressing her, wanting to feel her come apart from his touch.

  Kissing across her chest to her other nipple, he teased the bud, and she arched up. When he bit down, Skye screamed. The noise echoed in the room.

  Pressing her tits together, he licked each hardened bud before finally moving down between her thighs.

  Yesterday, they had given them the luxury of a sponge bath. It wasn’t much, but it had cleaned away some of their mess.

  Opening the lips of her pussy, he stared down at her clit.

  No one else had touched her, had tasted her. Only him.

  Skye would always be a part of him. When they got out, he would never forget her. They’d shared this, and he would make sure she was happy. He’d spend the rest of his life ensuring it.

  “Noah,” she said, wriggling. “What is it?”

  “You’ve got the prettiest little pussy.” He stroked a finger between her wet folds, and watched as she arched up. Her legs opened a little wider.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  He smiled. “I’m getting you ready for me, Skye.” Sliding a finger inside her, he felt how wet she was, how ready, and this made him so fucking happy. Adding a second finger into her once virgin hole, he could have danced with joy. She was turned on, aroused.

  In and out, he worked his fingers inside her, staring at her wetness on his fingers.

  She lifted up, staring down at where his hands were working her

  “What is it? Is that not normal?”

  “Oh, this is so fucking normal. You’re wet.” Unable to hold back, he licked her pussy, going from her clit, to her entrance, then back again. Flicking his tongue back and forth over her nub, he heard her moan of pleasure, the release that was so close for her.

  Even after everything that had been done to them, she was still able to moan for him. Her body wanted him, and he wanted her. His cock was leaking pre-cum, coating the mattress where they lay.

  He held her hips as he continued to tease and stroke her clit, drawing her closer and closer to that pinnacle.

  She cried his name, asking for him to not stop. He had no intention of ever stopping, not when it came to her. He wanted to hear her release, to listen to the moan that escaped her lips.

  It was a hunger he couldn’t deny himself, not after everything they’d faced together and would continue to do so.

  “Fuck, baby, you know what you’re doing to me, don’t you?” he asked.

  “Yes, please, I want this. I need this. Please, please,” she said.

  He brought her to orgasm with a few strokes of his tongue.

  The moment she did, he felt on top of the world. He’d done this. Finally given her pleasure. Finally, he’d given her something, and he was so happy, he couldn’t stop smiling.

  When she couldn’t handle any more of his touch, he kissed up her body, taking her lips.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No. I want to know what it’s really like.”

  He settled between her legs, holding himself above her with one hand. With the other, he gripped his cock, sliding it between her soaking wet pussy. Bumping her clit, he watched her moan.

  He did this twice more before finally holding his cock poised at her entrance, and inch by inch, sinking inside her.

  Her walls tightened around him. This time, she wasn’t dry and screaming for him to leave her alone. She was wet, ready, and primed.

  As he pressed against her, she pushed up. They found a rhythm together, pushing and pulling backwards.

  He took hold of her hands, locking their fingers together as he lifted up off her. “I want you to watch us together, Skye. See what I’m doing. See how wet you are. That you want this.”

  She looked down between them, and he took his time, letting her see everything he was doing.

  “How does it feel?” he asked.

  “It feels good.”

  “This is how it should have been for your first time. I’d have waited. Let you get used to my dick and the pain subside like it always does, and then I’d have fucked you, Skye. I’d have made you come all over my cock.” He let go of one of her hands, reaching between them, teasing her clit. “When they take us again, I want you to remember this. To know I don’t want to cause you pain. You know that, right?”

  “Yes, I know that.”

  “Good. I would never hurt you willingly, Skye. Never. I care about you.”

  Being locked in a room for hours on end for each other for company, there was no way for him to not care, but he’d known this before they were taken. In the hours she’d spent tutoring him, helping him to study, he’d seen past the flaws that many bullied her for, and saw the truth in her gaze.

  Skye was a beautiful woman, inside and out. Any guy who finally won her should be fucking ecstatic to have her.

  Yet, as he thought about another man having her, he didn’t like the sudden pull of possessiveness that flooded him at the thought of another man touching her, being with her in any way.

  Skye belonged to him and him alone.

  Driving in deeper, he felt her second orgasm as it crashed over her, making her scream his name.

  It was the most beautiful sound in the world.

  This was what they’d do. They’d make their own memories here. When the darkness fell away and there was only the two of them, this was what they’d have, nothing else.

  He drove inside her, feeling his own release so close to the surface.

  Noah didn’t pulse his release within her. He pulled out, taking her lips in a searing kiss, and expelling his cum onto her stomach as he did.

  Coming inside her was already risking pregnancy.

  He didn’t want to risk anything else.

  Chapter Five

  They had a perfect weekend together, if this was really the weekend. The days never really made much sense. Just time spent imagining the days of the week. Skye couldn’t complain. They had spent it either eating the food that had been given to them, or fucking. She liked Noah like this. His tenderness, and how he drove inside her, made her want him even more.

  Come the next day, reality set in.

  Neither of them fought as they made their way down a long corridor, only instead of turning right, they were forced to turn left.

  She didn’t like this one bit.

  Entering what looked like a small arena, her heart started to pound.

  Noah wasn’t up to strength. Even with the food he was eating, his weakness remained, and his lack of energy. He couldn’t fight them, and yet, it looked like they were about to fight.

  “What’s going on?” Noah asked.

  Accent guy clicked his fingers, and she winced as Noah got hit in the chest. She wanted to go to him, only they liked pulling her hair, hitting her. Her body was covered in more bruises than it had ever been before.

  “So, I need to ask, Noah—it is Noah, isn’t it?”

  “Fuck you.”

  She winced as he was hit again.

  Accent guy nodded. “Ah, I remember. You don’t like it when your punishment is taken out on Skye.”

  Another snap to his fingers, and the first hit struck her across the face. She fell to the floor, only to be kicked in the stomach.

  “Stop it. I’ll be good. I promise. I won’t do anything,” Noah said.

  She hated that he had to beg as she knew it bothered him just as much. “You see, that’s what I thought. You kids today need to earn respect and start to show it. I mean, I feed you, and I’ve given you free rein to fuck each other. Let’s face it, I bet you guys are having a lot of fun with that.”

  Neither of them spoke. Skye got to her feet, touching her mouth and coming away with blood.

  “If your boyfriend had behaved your face wouldn’t be bruised. You can thank him for that.”

  She made no sound.

  “I said fucking thank him.”

  She swallowed past the lump, looking toward Noah. “Thank you, Noah, for getting me hit.”

  “That’s it. See, this is what I’m talking about. You should really take a note out of this girl’s book. I bet you’re a good girl, right?” Accent guy held up her study book. “I found this in your belongings. You’re a clever girl, right? Studious, the good girl. You never make waves and always do the right thing.” She watched as he tore apart the book. “I don’t want the good girl here. I want the sexy girl. The hot girl. The girl ready to do whatever it took to win her guy over.”

  She watched him, waiting. One by one, three more men entered the room. They were chained up, their cocks rock-hard.

  She didn’t like this and tried to take a step back, but she was held.

  “What’s going on?”

  “We’re going to see just how much Noah’s willing to risk his life for you. They’ve been … in lockdown. They haven’t been able to touch themselves, or be inside a woman, but for the past week, they have watched nothing but men getting their rocks off. Men like Noah here. If they kill Noah, their prize is simple, it’s you. They can fuck you without me interrupting.” Accent guy smiled. “This is fucking genius. Our own little Roman battle, only, you’re the tiger in the cage, and all you’ve got to do battle is a single gun, three bullets.” He placed a gun on the ground and then shoved her forward, dropping her to her knees.

  They released Noah.

  “When the whistle blows, let the best men win,” Accent guy said.

  They were alone in the small makeshift arena. She
stepped closer to Noah, staring at the men.

  “I don’t like this.”

  “Neither do I.”

  He’d not gotten his strength back. She took hold of his hand, locking their fingers together. They were a team. They could do this.

  “I don’t want any of them touching me,” she said.

  “Skye, when that whistle blows, it’s going to be blood. You have to get the gun. I’ll distract them.”

  “I will.”

  She couldn’t allow the tears to fall. This was tearing her apart, but again, what could she do? Each day was going to get worse. She didn’t know if Noah even realized that one day, she might not be with him. Her body may be with someone else. That was all she was here, a body.

  A mouth.

  A cunt.

  An asshole.

  The person beneath didn’t matter.

  Each day she was coming to terms with her fate, even as it scared her.

  The cuffs were removed from the men, and then the whistle blew. All three came charging at her. She didn’t even have time to grab the gun as all three men were on them.

  Noah shoved her behind him as he took the brunt of one man, shoving him into another. The third one got around, and Skye moved out of his hold, but he caught her hair, holding her close.

  “I want pussy,” he said, growling the word against her ear.

  He cupped her between the thighs. The action was so violent, it made her scream.

  Noah was there, and he grabbed the man’s hand, twisting his fingers back, and she was released. Only, the two men were back up.

  It was a fight to the death.

  With Noah trying to fight all three men, Skye kicked, hit, screamed, and tried to help him. She wasn’t as strong as he was, but she was able to land a couple of blows to their balls. Each man went down. She looked behind her and saw the gun was still there.

  She quickly rushed, trying to get to the gun, but there was no use as the men got on top of her. Come on, Skye. Don’t give up.

  Someone grabbed her, throwing her down to the ground once again.

  During the scuffle, she lost sight of the gun, but was able to wriggle away as they tried to penetrate her.

  Don’t think.

  Just act.

  This is kill or be killed.


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