Twisted in Chains

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Twisted in Chains Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “You think I’m going to tell you that?”

  “You know mine. I don’t see why I can’t know yours, unless there is a real chance of us escaping this, and which point, it would explain why you don’t want me to know.”

  “You’re a clever girl.”

  “I know.”

  “Not too clever though, Skye. You did, after all get taken, and you’re still here. It did concern me, picking a girl as intelligent as you, but I guess, faced with a lot of bad shit, you’re not so bright.”

  She didn’t like being told that she wasn’t so bright. Gritting her teeth, she waited for him to continue. Insulting her intelligence felt like the worst possible insult.

  He started to laugh.

  “It’s just so easy with you.” He burst out laughing.

  “Your name?” she asked.

  Don’t cry.

  Don’t show him weakness.

  Have a spine.

  Don’t let that son of a bitch win this.

  “Okay, seeing as you and Noah have blown my expectations out of the water, I’ll tell you. It’s Mitch.”


  “Yes. Pleasure to meet you, Skye.” He held his hand out for her to take. She stared at it, not wanting to touch him, or to be near him, or to have anything to do with him. “You do know it’s rude to keep a man waiting like this. I’ll punish you.”

  She reached out, grabbing his hand.

  He smirked, and as she tried to take her hand back, he wouldn’t let her. He held onto it, and she cried out as he jerked her up, forcing her body close to his.

  “Let’s go on a little walk.”

  In the next second, he had her hand cuffed to his, and he pulled her out of her cell. No one made to stop them as he led her down the long corridor, going in a different direction than they’d ever been before.

  “Slow down,” she said.

  “Keep up, Skye. I don’t believe in slowing down for anyone.”

  She had no choice but to keep up with him, or risk falling over. Her tears were so close to the surface that it scared her.

  Skye refused to let him see how deeply affected she was just by walking with him. This man had arranged her beating and rape. He’d taken them.

  The elevator doors closed shut, and she was forced to stare at her naked body.

  The bruises shocked her.

  Ever since they’d been taken, her clothes had been removed from her. With Noah, it was so easy to forget they were both naked. Right now, staring at herself, she felt more exposed than ever before.

  “Why don’t you allow us to wash every day?” she asked. She missed having a bath where she didn’t have to be filmed. The punishment washes of the blasts of cold water were just awful.

  “Because filth reminds you all what you are. Besides, you wash when we say you can wash.”

  She was surprised he answered her. Why was he doing this? Did he wish to weaken her? Nothing made any sense right now.

  The doors opened up, and it was like stepping into an alternate universe. There were soft carpets and clean walls. The room was warm, and she felt a wave of need to get home rush through her. Of escaping, and getting back to the life she once knew.

  Only, it wouldn’t happen. The man who dragged her along stopped in front of a whole wall full of computers.

  She looked at them, not knowing if she should or not. There were so many, and it showed men in their cells as well as women. Some of them were even more filthy than she was.

  “I just thought you’d like to see what you’re up against.”

  He leaned forward, forcing her in close, so her breasts brushed his arm. His touch sickened her. She missed Noah’s arms wrapped around her, holding her.

  He brought up a screen, and she covered her mouth. A roomful of men was gathered around two women. It only took a brief glimpse to see they were all taking turns with them.

  Then he brought up another video, and Skye couldn’t believe it as she watched both herself and Noah. The day he’d first been ordered to rape her.

  What surprised her was the price tag beside their video.

  “Fifty thousand?”

  “That’s dollars, and that was the highest demand we got for what they wanted you to do. Once our clients knew that you were a virgin, they wanted this so badly, and of course, we always want to give our clients what they want. I’m a believer in giving them what they want.”

  “So you sold it.”

  “And Noah got to take it.”

  “How do you know our names?”

  “Your IDs were on you.”

  “Our parents won’t stop looking.”

  “In my experience, they do eventually. They just can’t keep living, waiting for their loved one to return, only for you to already be dead by the time they start to give a fuck. It’s sad really.”

  “One day, you will be caught.”

  He captured her chin, squeezing the flesh until tears filled her eyes. “No, we won’t.” He let her go. “Besides, if you guys do escape, you’ll never be the same again.” He tapped on the computer screen. “Look.”

  She turned to the television, and he zoomed in.

  Skye gasped as she caught sight of Noah.

  “What are you doing to him? Let him go.”

  “Nope. They paid for the privilege. You’ve got to see I’m not a bad guy, Skye. In fact, I’m very much a giver. I give men and women what they want.”

  She tried to hit him.

  Only, she wasn’t strong enough, and Mitch saw it coming. He captured her wrist, bending her over the table.

  She didn’t like the angle as it brought him far too close to her personal area. She let out a cry as he touched her, first at her breasts, squeezing each nipple.

  “You need to learn your place here, Skye. For me, you’re just a little slut that is going to make me a lot of money. You need to learn to be a good girl. I can make your life here so much easier.”

  He trailed his fingers down her stomach. She wasn’t aroused, so when he pushed his fingers inside her, the bite of pain made her cry out.

  He chuckled. “I’ve seen how you respond to Noah. One day, I may even make you do that for me. I see the fighter inside you, Skye. You think I don’t see a weak woman compared to one with a spine. I see you. I know you.” He added another finger, and she tried not to scream from the pain. A whimper escaped, and he laughed. “I love seeing you in pain. It’s one of the fun parts of my jobs. You have no idea how much I want to break you, Skye. You’re a rare gem to me. So strong, so intelligent, you can’t even believe you’ve been taken because you’re always so careful. You always did everything your parents told you to so the boogeyman wouldn’t hurt you. Of course, they never told you about me. I don’t wait to see your routine. I don’t watch you for days on end and make a mistake. I see, I find an opportunity, and I take.”

  “You’re a monster.”

  “That’s right. When the money is not good enough, you will belong to me. Noah’s a pretty boy. Someone will pay for his used-up body and ass. You will belong to me.” He pulled his fingers from her pussy, and she tried to get away.

  There was no way for her to escape.

  He held her against her will, and she tried not to fight him.

  “Now, what would you be willing to do for a shower?”


  “I’m willing to let you get cleaned up now, for a price. There is always a price for everything, until you’re wanted that is.”

  She licked her dry lips. Her nerves were completely shattered. “What is it you want?”

  He smiled. “You on your knees, sucking my cock. I want you to take it deep.”

  She shook her head.

  “It’s your loss. I wasn’t really asking anyway.” Mitch then pushed her to her knees.


  Noah was dropped on the floor. They’d hosed him down, but it didn’t matter. After what had just happened to him, he wanted nothing more than death. Skye was nowhere to be seen, and he did
n’t like that. Didn’t like how not seeing her affected him.

  Lifting his head, he stared at the floor.

  The dirt covered ground. He moved and cried out at the pain.

  The men had done what they had. Used him. Cleaned him up, and tossed him back in the cell.

  All hopes of escape fled him. Right now, he’d be glad of anyone killing him, putting a bullet in his head and ending his torture and misery.

  What about Skye?

  What was the point of them returning home? They were done for.

  Any hope of getting out alive was fucking crazy. There was no getting out for them. They were here and trapped with no chance of escape.

  Suddenly, the door opened, and Skye was thrown inside.

  He turned to watch as she collided with the wall. She caught herself before her head made the impact, and she looked a little happy about that.

  The moment her gaze caught his, worry filled her eyes.

  “Noah!” She rushed to his side, and he cringed against her touch.

  Did she feel like this after he’d done that to her? Did she wish he’d never touch her again and just leave her alone? He felt … disgusting, shameful, weak.

  They shouldn’t have been able to touch him, and yet, that was exactly what they had done. They’d touched him, taken from him, raped him.

  “Don’t, Skye. Leave me be.” He felt the tears fall down his face, but he made no move to cover them up.

  Skye didn’t listen, much like he hadn’t on the day they’d forced him to take her. “I know what they did,” she whispered against his ear. “He showed me what they were doing to you.”

  He turned his head to look at her. The pain in her eyes was too much.

  “Come on, you shouldn’t be on the floor. It’s freezing, and killing you wouldn’t be on their plans.”

  “I don’t want to move.”

  “I know. I know you just want to be left alone, and you don’t want any help and to just be left alone, but we promised to be there for each other. I couldn’t help you then, but let me help you now. I would never wish something like that on you. Please, Noah, let me help you.”

  He heard the sobs in her voice, the pain. It was raw. It was emotional.

  “Skye, please don’t. Okay. I can’t … do this. I’m … no, I want to die.”

  “Don’t say that,” she said. She was on his back, holding him. “Please, Noah, I know it’s bad right now. I know you’re hurting and you want me to leave you alone, but I can’t do that. I can’t let them win. Not this, not us. Please, get off the floor. I want to help you.”

  He stayed right where he was. Death would be a welcome relief right now.

  Skye sobbed. “If that’s your choice, I can live with that.”

  She crawled off his back, and he expected her to go to the bed. She didn’t.

  Right beside him, she lay on the floor. She touched his hand, and he saw her smile. “If this is what you want, then this is what we’ll have, together. We promised each other. I won’t leave without you, Noah. Never ever. If this is how you want to go, then we go together.”

  “Skye, don’t be crazy.”

  “I’m not. I’m not even trying to blackmail you. I want to be with you. We’re in this together. If you die, then I’ll die. I don’t want to get out of this without you. We’re going to need each other. You’re not going alone. I’ll always be with you.”

  She touched his hand, and it was too much.

  Even with the pain, he got to his knees.


  “You’re not dying because of me.”

  Slowly, taking each step at a time, he got to the bed and crawled on it.

  “I’m not going to give them the pleasure of dying. We’re going to get out of here,” he said. He tapped the bed. “Care to join me?”

  She didn’t keep him waiting as she joined him on the bed. She wrapped her arms around him, and he held her as best as he could.

  “Are you in pain?” she asked.


  “I’m so sorry for what they did.”

  “You saw?”

  “Yes. They have cameras all over the place. Noah, it’s like a bidding war. Whoever places the highest bid gets to decide what they do to us.”

  He listened as she told him about their own video. How they were being watched constantly.

  “I don’t know if they have any sound or anything. I only know what they told me.”

  “Which wasn’t a lot.”

  “It’s going to get worse,” she said.

  “I know.”

  “So much worse.”

  “Are you trying to scare me or yourself?” he asked.

  “Can you handle it?” She nibbled her lip.

  He stared into her tear-filled eyes. “I will try to handle everything they throw at me, baby.”

  She touched his cheek. “I will as well. We should make a promise, a vow.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “That if we get out of here, we make it our mission to bring them down.”

  She whispered each word.

  “We make it out together. You and me, Noah. We make it out, and we fight back.” She took hold of his hand. “Together we’re strong.”

  “We are strong, Skye. You and me, against the world.”

  “I’m not joking.”

  “Neither am I.” He took her hand and placed a kiss against her knuckles. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For not giving up on me.”

  She chuckled. “Noah, I was prepared to die with you on the floor.”

  “I know, but you know what I mean.”

  “I do. We’re in this together. Consider us an old married couple,” she said with a hint of a smile on her face.

  “It’ll be one to tell the grandkids, for sure.”

  “You want kids?”

  Noah stared at her. For a split second, he imagined the two of them married with kids, and their kids wanting to know the story of how they came together.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “It’s nothing. I’m just fucked in the head, that’s for sure.”

  “You’re not anything like that.” She kissed his hand this time. “Kids?”

  “I want a family, yeah, you?”

  “I think so.”

  “You don’t have any brothers and sisters, do you?” he asked, trying to change the subject. He didn’t even know why he felt this way or even what had changed it.

  He wasn’t used to feeling this … open, raw, and exposed.

  “Erm, no. My parents couldn’t afford any more kids.”

  “How do they figure that out?”

  “The math. They worked out the cost of keeping a baby, the college education, all of it. My parents are the kind to plan everything out before they commit to anything. It’s how they always work.” She sniffled. “I can’t even believe I’m talking about this with you right now.”

  “I’ve got a younger brother and sister. They’re a bit on the nerdy side.”

  She laughed. “Why didn’t you get them to tutor you?”

  “Please, as if I’d pay attention to them. I’ve been making their lives miserable for years. They’d pay me back in kind.” He smiled. “You know, I never thought I’d miss them. They’re always a pain in the ass. I have to take them trick-or-treating, or to their parties when Mom and Dad have to work.”

  “It must be nice. I tend to be alone a lot. Only child. I’d have loved to have done that.”

  “Yeah, well, now I wish I could still do that. I wonder if we’ll still be here for Halloween.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “If we’re not, if we escaped, I want you to come with.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes. You can come out trick-or-treating with us. It’ll be good and fun. You have to dress up.”

  “I’ve never dressed up in my life.” She smiled.

  It was such a sweet, sexy smile, one filled with so much promise.
r />   He cupped her face, ignoring the pain radiating through his entire body. “You know I never realized it before, but you’re so incredibly beautiful.” He stroked his thumb across her lip. They were plump, inviting, and he wanted to taste her. To kiss her.


  “I know. I’m a selfish prick half the time. I’ve spent so much of my life going for the easy girl. The girl that threw herself at me, time and time again. I didn’t want complicated in my life.”

  “And now?”

  “Now, I want you. I do want you, Skye. Even when all this is over.”

  She touched his hand where it lay against her face. “Don’t talk about this, okay.”

  “You don’t believe me.”

  “Noah … you were raped today.” She started to cry. He stared at her tears, fascinated by them. “And I know that is hard.”

  “So you think I don’t want you? I just don’t want to remember being raped.”

  “I don’t think you want to remember any of what happened.”

  “Do you?”


  “I know what I’ve done to you. Do you hate me?”

  “No. I don’t hate you.”

  “I hate them,” Noah said. “If I could, I’d fucking kill them, but I don’t have any strength. I am nothing. I am useless.”

  She cupped his face and kissed him. “You’re not useless,” she said, between kisses. “You’re not weak. You’re strong, Noah. So strong.”

  He burst into tears and sobbed like a fucking baby.

  With the pain rushing through his entire body and his whole world broken down, he just couldn’t handle it anymore and cried.

  He gave up.

  “I’ve got you, Noah. I’ll always have you.” She kept on repeating his name as he gave up. Her arms surrounded him.

  “We’re going to get out of here. I promise, Noah. We’ll get out of here. I know we will.”

  Still, he said nothing because he didn’t have the words she needed to hear right now.

  Chapter Seven

  Noah hadn’t done much but use the toilet, eat his food, and collapse in bed. Skye watched him now as he stared up at the ceiling with a vacant look. His eyes kept drooping, and seeing him without this energy, this spark, it killed a part of her soul.

  During the time they’d been trapped together, he’d come to mean so much to her, and because of that, she expected him to be happier, more confident, only now, he’d been raped, beaten, and slowly, he was dying inside.


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