Twisted in Chains

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Twisted in Chains Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m invincible. Nothing is going to happen to me.” He stepped back and winked at Noah. “Try anything and I’ll take it out on her sweet skin.”

  “Don’t do anything stupid, Noah. Mitch is the worst of them all. At least you know your friend and have someone from your past.”

  “Skye wasn’t mine,” Noah said.


  “She wasn’t my girlfriend or even my friend, and we weren’t even dating. She was my study partner.” And he’d been trying to get her to do his work for him so he could spend his time fucking Bianca, the cheerleader with the magical lips when it came to sucking cock.

  Shame flooded him.

  If he’d not asked her to meet him down by the river, this wouldn’t have happened. They wouldn’t have been alone, and they certainly wouldn’t have been meeting in secret so no one knew where they were.

  This was all happening because of him.

  “The way you look at her now, I’d say she’s become more to you than just a mere study partner.”

  “Right now, she’s my reason for living.”

  Music filled the room, hard, heavy metal music. Noah glanced around the room, and then he heard the feminine scream.

  One by one, the men pulled the women to the edge of the dial. It had been locked into place so it wouldn’t move.

  He looked toward Skye.

  Fear shone in her eyes, and he couldn’t get to her to stop it. He was held bound and immobile with no way of getting out.

  She stared right at him, even as Mitch gripped her thighs.

  “You’re the one that has to be strong now. Stare at her. Don’t avert your gaze. Show her that you’re with her every single step of the way. She belongs to you, and you belong to her. You’re bound as one.”

  “How do you know this?”

  “Because Mitch raped the woman that was given to me. He fucked her until she was bloody, and made sure she screamed. I didn’t look away. I didn’t let her see that it was tearing me apart that I couldn’t help her. I only showed her that I had come to love her.”

  “I don’t love Skye.”

  “Then show her that you care. You’re friends, and this hellhole, shit happens, that binds you to her by more than a relationship.”

  Noah knew the moment Mitch was raping her. Tears filled Skye’s eyes, and she sank her teeth into her lip.

  He couldn’t bear to look even as he did so. He kept his gaze on her.

  Her head was moving up and down as Mitch took her harder.

  We’re going to get out of here. You’re going to come trick-or-treating with me, and we’re going to make new memories. Ignore him. Don’t let him win. We’re stronger than this. Stronger together.

  She didn’t close her eyes even as she seemed to go vacant. She wasn’t really looking at him anymore, even as she stared at him.

  Noah didn’t look away. He waited, he watched, and he felt himself shatter inside as they all finished.

  Mitch stepped away from Skye, and the lights showed his cum mixed with blood.

  The women were moved, and what happened next, would always stay with Noah. The men were all forced to watch.

  They tortured the women, using whips on their backs, drawing out welts. For Skye, Mitch made her bleed from two of the blows. They were not done.

  After they whipped every single part of their body, front and back, he had to watch them use nipple clamps. There were small, spiked instruments that locked on a woman’s nipple.

  Skye screamed out, and whatever place she had gone to in order to help her deal, faded fast.

  The pain of all of the women filled the air. If that wasn’t enough, they used dildos that were so large, he knew it had to hurt, and what came worse, was they used the women, just as they used him.

  Benches were placed in front of them. Skye was pushed over the bench. Her gaze was on his.

  “I’m here,” he said.

  “I know.” Her face was covered in sweat, tears, and snot. She couldn’t stop crying.

  “I’m going to show you how good a real man is,” Mitch said.

  “You look at me, Skye. Look at me,” he said.

  She nodded even as the man behind her spread the cheeks of her ass. The first touch of Mitch’s dick at her asshole had her tensing up.

  “Skye, we’re going to get out of here, aren’t we?”

  She didn’t answer but let out a scream as Mitch started to force his way inside her.

  Mitch wrapped her hair around his fist, jerking her head up, and he had no choice but to look into her eyes as slowly the other man hurt her.

  Tears ran down her cheeks, and she screamed. This was torture to the women, but also a message to the men. They were helpless. They couldn’t help their women.

  They were worse than nothing. Skye was nothing more than a body.

  “When we’re out of here, we’re going to make them all pay, aren’t we, Skye? We’re going to kill every single motherfucker here. You and me. We can do this. You look at me. You think about me, not that piece of shit behind you. You think of me.”

  She screamed as Mitch groaned his completion.

  Mitch stepped back, and Skye passed out.

  “Let me out of here,” he said, rattling the cuffs.

  “Sure,” Mitch said with a laugh.

  He walked away, and Noah watched as another guy came toward Skye. He lifted her up, and because she was out cold, he did nothing more than pull her across the hard floor.

  “Pick her up, you piece of shit,” Noah said.

  They didn’t listen to him, instead pulling her along the floor, making him angry. They were going to hurt her.

  One by one, the women were moved, and so were the men. Noah stayed in his cuffs, and Mitch was still there. The doors closed, and he heard the locks click into place. Staring at Mitch, he saw the man was still naked.

  “Did you like the show?”

  “Fuck you.”

  Mitch smiled. “I like that you still have a fighting spirit. It’s good. It means it’ll be so much fun when you break.” He wiped sweat from his face. “I think what makes a person break is when they realize there is no getting out. When they see the people change and know they’ve either been sold off or put on the dump heat, or fed to my dogs. They get hungry, and so the taste of human flesh appeals to them. That’s where your buddy is going to end up, or I may cut him up. See how long that fighting spirit lasts for.”

  “Let Skye go.”

  “No can do. Her virginity was a nice new addition to our catalogue. You have both been watched many times together. Someone paid a high price to see her virginity torn away from her. What people pay for here, they get. And I have to make sure all the girls are clean. I’m not a total monster.” Mitch laughed.

  “So does that mean whoever fucked me was clean?”

  Mitch snorted. “Oh, please, you were not fucked, my boy. There’s no way you can even say that was being fucked. You were raped. I don’t know if they were clean. They paid a pretty sum, and ta-da, they got what they wanted. I don’t ask questions.”

  “Maybe you should.”


  “You watch me and Skye. I think you’ve got a bit of an obsession going. I’m guessing with her because you don’t strike me as liking my ass, but I fucked her after. I take her every single day and feel that tight pussy on my cock. If those bastards gave me anything, you’ve got it now.” It was never on his list of things to do, to taunt a man with the potential of getting a sexually transmitted disease, but his life was not normal. This wasn’t on his list of things to ever achieve. Far from it.

  Mitch smiled.

  “You think I’m joking. Watch the tapes. We don’t exactly have a condom on. What I’ve got will spread.”

  “I’m thinking who will be the father of her baby,” Mitch said. “I know the answer to your other question, but I don’t care. You see, I came inside her today, and her pussy, damn, that is tight. You think I’m going to let her go to you. The jock? Once I get
rid of you, and I will. It’s a certainty. The men tend to lose their value after a couple more weeks. You all break so easily. Now the women.” Mitch kissed the tips of his fingers. “Even when they break, they have a certain charm. Not the crazies, that’s a whole other story. I’m talking about the women that break and become a shell. You can do so much to them, and they won’t scream, or beg. They will take the cocks, the beatings, and so long as afterward you feed them, they’ll keep coming back for more. I see the fight in Skye’s eyes. I wonder if I snuffed it out, fucking her ass. I’m surprised you didn’t take that, by the way. She was a lot tighter there than her pussy.”

  Mitch went to his chains, and suddenly, he was released. He dropped in a heap on the floor and Mitch laughed.

  Noah gritted his teeth, hating how weak he felt.

  Mitch stepped back, and they were suddenly two men.

  “What is this?”

  “I want to see what all the fuss is about. I checked you out, Noah. You’re the town star. Not only were you king on the football field, but you’re a nice guy. I’ve got the tape of you fucking Skye. I wonder what they would think if I was to let them see what their good guy was capable of.”

  Noah got to his feet. It wasn’t him he was worried about. It was Skye. She deserved better. What happened here, stayed here.

  “You don’t like that, do you? You got a girl at home? I admit I fucked up with you. I thought Skye was your girl and figured this would be interesting.”

  “Why do you partner us up?” he asked.

  “Because it’s so much fun to watch them fall apart. They don’t know what to do as they stare at their new partner, the ones that they’ve grown close to, and watch as you beat them, rape them, torture them. It really shows you how strong a person is when they’re faced with all of that.”

  “You’re a sick bastard.”

  “That too. I wonder how well Skye will fare now. You both are so young after all, and she a virgin. Just so you know, Noah, whenever I take her from your room, know this, I’m going to be fucking her raw. Every single time you’re not with her, I’ll be the one inside her, driving my dick so deep. I wonder which one of us will get her pregnant first.”

  “You piece of shit.” He lunged for the guy, only he didn’t get a chance to touch him as Mitch landed the first blow.

  Much to his surprise, he ended up on the floor from that first blow. Something like that had never happened before.

  Mitch laughed. “You think I’m fucking stupid, Noah. You better learn to be careful around me boy. I’m only keeping you around because I know how much your dick and asshole cost, and when the time is right, I’m selling you.”

  One more blow and everything went dark.

  Chapter Eight

  Skye sat on the edge of the bed, watching Noah, waiting to see when he’d come around. She’d been the one beaten and raped, but he’d come back unconscious. Mitch, he’d smirked at her and given her a warning that he’d be seeing her soon. She didn’t want to think about what that meant.

  Even as pain radiated through her entire body, she focused on Noah, not on anyone else.

  Suddenly, he started to groan, and she reached out, taking his hand. He opened his eyes, and she gasped.

  “Noah,” she said.

  He looked at her, and suddenly his arms were around her. Her first instinct was to push him away, but she couldn’t bring herself to do that, not to Noah.

  “You’re here.”

  “I’m here,” she said.

  “I’m so sorry, Skye. I’m so sorry.”

  She didn’t need to ask him what for; she knew. “It’s okay. I’m fine.”

  He leaned back, cupping her cheek.

  “What happened?” she asked.

  “He hit me.”

  “He did? How many times?”

  “Only two.”

  “And that knocked you out?” She frowned. Noah was one of the strongest guys she knew. She had seen him training in school. In fact, some of their study sessions had been at the gym, and even she’d been impressed by his ability to weightlift. Most guys were scared of him.

  “Yeah,” he said, frowning.

  “You’re not used to being knocked out.”

  “No.” He looked at her again.

  “What? I don’t like that look.”

  “Mitch is coming for you again.”

  “Oh,” she said.

  Moving away from the bed, she stepped up to the corner. The cold seeped into her bones, but she ignored it, rubbing at her arms.

  “He does this on purpose,” he said. “He brings people together, makes them like couples, until he starts to break them down. We’re nothing but pets to them. Did you notice how some of them wore collars? It’s where they’ve been claimed by certain people. They’re owned, and with it, comes an added layer of protection.”

  Noah climbed off the bed.

  She heard him walk toward her, and when his hands touched her shoulders, she couldn’t help the flinch.

  “Fuck, I hate this,” he said.

  “I know. I hate this, too.”

  “He shouldn’t have touched you.”

  “Noah, it’s not about being touched here. Can’t you see that? None of this should be happening.” Tears filled her eyes, and the room went blurry. She promised herself she wouldn’t cry. “I don’t know how much more I can take.”

  He held her tightly.

  “Please, Noah, stop. I don’t think I can do this.”

  “I’m not going to make love to you, Skye. I’m holding you. That’s what you and I do, we hold each other. We comfort each other, and we’re always here for each other.”

  She turned in his arms, wrapping herself around him, needing his comfort, anything to take the nightmares away.

  “When he comes for you, try and find a way to escape,” Noah said.

  “What? I can’t do that.”

  “Make him fall in love with you.”

  “Noah, I don’t flirt. I’ve never done that in my life.”

  He cupped her face, staring into her eyes. “Then be yourself. Be something he needs and you could end this for yourself.”

  “What about you?”

  Noah wiped the tears from her eyes. “You know me. I can handle this all on my own.”

  She shook her head. “No. I’m not going to do this. We came together, and we’ll leave together.” She took his hand, locking their fingers together. “That’s how we’re going to get out of here. Together.”

  “I know this is a lot to ask, but you must promise me, you won’t give up. No matter what is thrown at you. You’re stronger than all of them.” He held her tighter than ever. “He’s going to try and ruin you. To crush your spirit and I can’t bear to see that happen.”

  “I’ll do everything I can, I promise, but I won’t try to make him fall in love with me. I’m stronger than you think, Noah. We can do this together.”

  Only, two days later after being taken that first time, Skye didn’t know how much she would be able to take.

  Mitch took her from her cell, to a room, where he then chained her up and proceeded to abuse her body. It was almost as if he was punishing her for being strong. When he was finished causing her every single pain imaginable, he dumped her back in the room for Noah to help her.

  By the time the third day arrived and Mitch entered their cell, she held onto Noah a little tighter.

  “Go,” Noah said. “I’ll be right here.”

  He didn’t even put up a fight for her, and it broke Skye’s heart. When she got to her feet, Mitch smirked, and she nearly screamed as he kissed her in front of Noah. “Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of your girl.”

  Noah was climbing out of bed as they left the room, and Skye frowned. She had noticed that he wasn’t as strong as she remembered. Was their time in the cell affecting his ability to move?

  She didn’t get it.

  They were at the elevator, and Mitch pinged for them to go up two floors. They weren’t going to the room
for torture.

  “I can’t touch you while you’re like this. You need to be clean again.”

  “Why don’t you let us wash all the time?” she asked.

  She cried out as he backhanded her, and she fell against the wall of the elevator.

  “You don’t get to ask me questions, slut. You’re here for my amusement.”

  She got to her feet, and in their reflections of the metal, she saw blood against the edge of her lips. It was already swelling.

  “That was fun,” Mitch said. He did it again.

  This time she expected it, and before she hit the edge of the elevator, she was able to catch herself. He didn’t like that, so he kicked her hard, forcing her down.

  “We make sure you don’t clean so you know the kind of filth you are,” he said. “You get cleaned when we say you can.”

  Mitch pulled her up by her hair, and she screamed. Her legs weren’t working, and as she couldn’t move fast enough, he started to pull her by her hair.

  The pain was excruciating, and tears poured down her face.

  She heard his cell phone ring. He released a curse and then kicked her in the stomach, forcing her to curl in on herself, trying to stop the pain that he was inflicting.

  “Hello,” he said. He stepped away from her, just a few feet, his attention on the call he was taking.

  She stared across the room, and she frowned as one of the doors across from her was open. It looked like a cafeteria with the trays of food.

  One by one, she watched as two people walked around, and from a little syringe, they were dropping some liquid into the bowls of food.

  Skye didn’t lift her head, and when they glanced over at her, she had her eyes closed as if she couldn’t handle the pain, holding herself.

  “This will keep them weak,” the man said.

  “The doctor said we’re going to have to start upping the dose if they show it’s wearing off,” another said.

  “Well, let’s keep an eye on them while we dish out this food. I don’t want any of them thinking they can go crazy on us.”

  Mitch grabbed her hand, pulling her down the corridor, to her own doom.

  They were drugging the food?


  Was that why he couldn’t fight back? He didn’t have any strength because they were keeping them weak.


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