Twisted in Chains

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Twisted in Chains Page 18

by Sam Crescent

  “No, let her speak. I may be willing to give you both up, for a price.”

  “What is it you want?” Skye asked.

  “I will take you on your knees, crawling over to me.”

  “That’s it?”

  He heard the hope in her voice. Her fear was clearly getting to her. There was no way in hell they were getting out of this alive, if at all.

  “You think to let you both walk out of here, it’ll just be you on your knees? No, Noah will have to go to his knees in front of Mitch, and then, you’re both going to have to suck our cocks. Let us fill those mouths with our cum, and maybe if you’ve done it right, we’ll consider letting you go.”

  Noah shook his head. “Don’t fall for it, Skye.”

  She turned to him, and he saw the tears in her eyes. She cupped his face. “What other choice do we have?” She whispered the words against his ear. One glance over at them, and he knew they couldn’t hear.

  “They’re not going to let us go, Skye.”

  “You’ve got your knife. You don’t have to suck Mitch. You just have to hurt him long enough to help me. It’s a distraction, that’s all.”

  Noah caught her around the neck, not squeezing, just holding her.

  “I don’t like this,” he said.

  She smiled, and he couldn’t resist slamming his lips down on hers even as he kept his focus on both men. No matter what, she would belong to him, always.

  They could not take her away from him.

  Letting her go, he couldn’t stand to watch her sink to her knees, but he forced himself to. No matter what happened, he couldn’t let them hurt her for long.

  With the knife in his pocket, ready to do justice, he watched as Skye slowly crawled across the carpet.


  Each step Skye took brought her closer to the devil.

  It filled her with fear seeing the look in Denison’s eyes. He liked this, maybe even a little too much. Clearly, he wanted them both at his mercy, but to have her, he seemed to be more than happy with.

  Without questioning everything she did, she tried to cut off the fear, to stop it from having a place to hide.

  You can do this.

  Think about Noah.

  Think about being free.

  They shouldn’t have gone back to that place.

  She stopped, looking at the two of them. “Did you even know we’d go back there?”

  “Didn’t have a clue,” Mitch said. “Denison was more convinced that you would.”

  “Skye didn’t want to come. I did,” Noah said.

  She chanced a look behind him. The anger in Noah’s gaze startled her. They weren’t supposed to do this.

  “Come on, Skye. Do I need to pop one in his leg? Will that make you move a little faster? I love the anticipation, but this is just plain boring.”

  She had no choice but to pick up speed.

  A bullet would hurt Noah, and not only that, it could render him helpless and there was no chance of either of them getting away.

  “I do love that princess costume. Wish it was white,” Denison said.

  “My brother got off on your first rape video, Skye. He wanted to see your virgin blood. We got a close up of that.”

  Hearing him speak those words made her stomach twist.

  She stopped walking and stared at the two of them. There was no getting out of this. What if no one suspected Denison was a bad guy? He was a cop. Killing a cop would place them as criminals.

  He let off the gun, and Skye screamed and quickly looked behind her at Noah. He’d ducked for cover at the sound of the gunshot.

  They both fucked up. Within a matter of seconds, that split focus, and Denison was on her.

  He grabbed her around the neck, lifting her up. “Let’s go and play.”

  His strength took her by surprise as he pulled her limp body out of the room with ease. She watched as the door in front of her closed, locking Mitch and Noah in together.

  “No, no, no, no. Let me go.” She stopped being limp and started to fight him. She tried to do anything that would make him stop.

  “You’re a feisty one.” He grabbed her ass, and she reached up, slapping his face.

  He let her go, and as she tried to leave, he caught her arm and backhanded her. She went crashing into the floor. Her brain seemed to rattle inside her head from the impact. She’d never been so afraid in her life.

  The pain radiated out from her cheek. She was so motionless. By the time she tried to run away, Denison had a handful of her hair and was pulling her along the dirty carpeted floor. The princess dress was getting soiled as he did so.

  He tilted her head back as with his other hand, he squeezed her breast so hard it brought tears to her eyes.

  “Let them hear you scream.”

  With that, he bit her neck, his teeth seeming to sink into her flesh, and she screamed so loud.

  “Skye!” Noah’s booming voice came through the door.

  Even with the pain filling every pore of her body, she screamed back.


  Denison released her neck, and she touched the skin but didn’t come away with any blood. He’d bitten her but not pierced the skin. She didn’t know if she was happy with that or enraged.

  Kicking out at him, she tried to hit him, but the odd angle he had her at made it nearly impossible for her to do so.

  He gripped the edge of her princess dress, tearing the fabric, exposing her breast. Noah had purchased a dress that had a built-in bra, so as the material came away, she had nothing to protect herself with.

  She tried to cover herself, and then Denison was dragging her to the stairs. If he got her up them, she knew her nightmare would get so much worse.

  Fighting him off was her only solution, but as he started to use her hair as some kind of handle, she had to get him to wait and let her walk up the stairs.

  She somehow found her footing and followed him up, grabbing his wrists to try to stop him. Her nails sank into the flesh.

  They got to the first landing, and he pressed her back against the banister. His hand wrapped around her neck. The banister didn’t feel all that sturdy, as if it could give to her weight.

  “You need to be careful. I wonder what your precious Noah would think if he was to see you hanging to your death. That pretty neck of years at an odd angle.” He squeezed tightly, cutting off her air, and she tried not to panic, but it was no good, not for her. No air, fear, and wanting to escape, and she was fighting to breathe.

  Denison just laughed.

  The moment he let her go, she started to gasp for breath, enjoying the delicious oxygen.

  “From the moment I saw you in those rooms, I knew I wanted you. I couldn’t believe Mitch had picked you up.” Denison stroked a finger down her cheek. “You’re so strong. So sure of yourself.”

  “You picked me out?” she asked.

  If she got him talking, it might give Noah time to come and get her.

  “Yes. It’s how he knew to take you. I was the one that wanted you. I told him I’d be able to break you given the time.”

  “Where was I?” she asked.

  What were you supposed to do with kidnappers? Appeal to their human side? To let them know you were human and had a lot of feelings?

  Could she do that?

  She licked her dry lips, so thirsty all of a sudden. She didn’t know if she had the strength to fight Denison off.

  “You were coming out of the library. Your head in a book and completely oblivious to the world. The next time I saw you, you were in the bakery, and you didn’t take time to order. You knew what you wanted, asked for it, and left. No one got in your way, and the moment I saw you, I knew that given the right training, you would be perfect.”

  “You want to train me?” She felt sick to her stomach.

  The way he stroked her cheek at the same way as holding her neck, the threat there, it scared her. This man wasn’t right in the head, nowhere near close.

  You can do this.
  Give Noah time.

  Even as she shook, she placed a hand on his chest. “How would you like to train me? To be perfect for you?”

  She hoped he didn’t see the tears in her eyes or the pain in her voice. The only person she wanted right this second was Noah.

  Please, Noah, please, save me.

  “You think I don’t see what you’re doing.” Denison caught her hand, giving it a twist. “I’m a fucking cop. I know all the tricks women use. Thinking they’re victims. You know how many women claim to have men rape them? Fucking whores, the lot of them. They need to know their place.”

  “Where is their place?”

  “At men’s feet. At their mercy.” He gave her wrist another tug, putting her to her knees before him. “All women should know to worship a man. To be there ready for him when he comes home.”

  She tried to pull away from him, especially as he started to loosen his pants. Screaming for help, she let all pretense slip away and allowed the panic and fear to flood her entire body.

  It was the biggest mistake of her life.

  One little twist and Denison broke her arm, and the pain was so real as he grabbed her body. She curled up in a ball, and much to her surprise, he lifted her up, carrying her into a room.

  He dropped her to the floor, closed the door, and the echo of the lock reverberated around her brain.

  Come on, Skye. You can do this. You can fight this.

  As he tore at her clothes, she felt herself start to splinter apart. The pain filled every single part of her, flooding her with fear.

  Denison tore at her panties, and then, he held her head in place. She snarled at him, showing him her teeth, doing anything she could think of to keep him away. He laughed.

  “You’re so cute. Okay, I see where this is going. The threat of biting off my dick.” He held his hands up in surrender. “Let’s see.” He stepped away, and she was just thankful to be left alone. Collapsing to the floor, she held her arm, trying not to have a panic attack, not to do anything other than stay calm.

  He stood near a wall with so many tools. “You know in England many centuries ago, they made so many amazing devices. Mitch and I, we had a few things recreated. This here, this goes into your mouth, and you cannot close those pretty lips. It’ll keep your teeth covered, and it makes it so much easier to sink a cock into your mouth. Makes the most of a lot of unwilling women.” He put it down, and next he pulled up what looked to be pliers. “Of course, nothing makes everything easier than pulling out a woman’s teeth. You want to bite me, fine, I’ve got no problem with blood, Skye. You want to play this game, I’m good.”

  “Please, don’t.”

  “Don’t what? You don’t want me to hurt you?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t like pain.”

  “Then you’re going to be a good little girl, aren’t you? You’re going to open those lips, take my cock, and let me flood that mouth with my cum.”

  She sniffled and nodded.

  What else could she do?

  Denison chuckled. “You give me what I want and I promise you, Skye, I’ll make you come so many times, you can’t even remember your own name.”

  He moved toward her. Her dress was in shreds around her. She held in her sob as he touched her leg, stroking his fingers up her thigh.

  Noah needs you to be strong.

  Denison was so much worse. He was a person in power. Someone who had promised to serve and protect.

  His badge was a lie.

  He hid behind it.

  She’d never trust the cops again, not so long as she ever lived.

  He touched her between her thighs. She still wore a pair of panties. He wrapped the fabric around his fist and tugged hard. She let out a whimper, and his hand was there, stroking her.

  “So dry.” He spat onto his fingers and returned them back to her pussy. “That’s better.”

  She wasn’t aroused. He’d just slickened her up with his saliva.

  “Don’t worry, one day, you’ll come for me, and you’ll be begging for my fingers.” He thrust two inside her, and she winced at the bite of pain from his penetration. “Damn, you need to lighten up. You better get yourself wet because I’m going to fuck you so very soon. Now, let’s have those lips wrapped around my cock.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Are you going to get to your knees?” Mitch asked.

  Noah stared at the door. He wasn’t afraid of Mitch, but seeing what that bastard did to Skye, it was too much. He heard her scream, and it broke him apart.

  “Make him stop,” Noah said.

  Mitch tutted. “You’ve got a brother and a sister, right?”

  “You leave them alone.”

  His opponent laughed. “What? I can’t talk to you about our siblings? My brother, he likes what he likes, and there’s nothing I can do or say to stop him from taking what he wants. He’s a force all his own.”

  “Who did all of this?” Noah asked, pointing at the house. “You or Denison?”

  “It’s a team effort. Denison keeps the law off our backs, but being a cop, it’s the perfect cover.”

  This bastard really thought they weren’t going to get caught. He would make sure Denison and Mitch were known to the entire world before he was done with them.

  “It’s not going to last, you know. You’ll get caught.”

  “Dear boy, you think I haven’t been in your shoes? You think I haven’t expected someone to come and save me? I have. I’ve taken so many cocks I lost count. Your asshole is not that special, nor your mouth. I don’t see the appeal in you. We’ve been doing this our entire lives, Noah. We’ve never gotten caught, and I’m nearly fifty years old. We’re careful. You’re not getting out of here. My brother is going to hurt Skye. He’s going to fuck every single hole she possesses, probably tear her a new one while he’s at it. When he gets into the zone, no woman is safe. He likes to make a piece of art out of their blood.”

  Noah still held the knife in his hands.

  “Now, be a good little boy, get on your knees,” Mitch said.


  If you fight this, you take longer in getting Mitch close to you.

  You need him close to hurt him.

  Gritting his teeth, he slowly went to his knees, submitting to his abuser, his tormentor.

  You’re doing this for Skye.

  You’re not going to let anything happen.

  His heart pounded. The last time he’d submitted to this man, he’d promised himself he wouldn’t do it again, and yet here he was, on his knees, ready to take whatever shit this man had to throw at him, for a second fucking time.

  For Skye.

  He had to remember that part.

  This was all for Skye.

  No one else.

  Mitch sighed. “You have no idea what that does to me. Seeing you like this. Man, look at those muscles. You’ve been working out, haven’t you?”

  Noah nodded his head. Tears fell from his eyes. They were filled with anger, but to anyone else, they could be mistaken for giving up.

  He wasn’t giving up, not even close.

  Breathe in.

  Breathe out.

  Don’t give up.

  Don’t give in.

  You’re strong.

  Mitch touched his shoulder, running his finger along the length.

  With the knife still in his hand, Noah held onto the handle, finding the strength as he did so. All he needed was the perfect, weakened moment.

  Mitch stood in front of him, looking so smug it sickened him.




  He counted each word, spelling them in his mind. Trying to do anything to calm the rage that was building inside him.

  Skye’s sudden scream made him tense.

  “Don’t you worry about her.” Mitch’s hands went to his pants and began to unbutton them.

  Noah resumed the counting.

  He was used to being patient. Waiting for the ball, knowing t
he right moment when to call, to make the winning pass.





  Mitch’s pants were open, and as he pulled his dick out, Noah waited. Mitch was rock hard. His length stood out in front of him, so close to Noah’s face.

  “Go on, boy. Have a little taste. You’re going to have to get used to cock. Your mouth is going to be…”

  Mitch didn’t get to finish his words as Noah brought his knife out and slammed it against Mitch’s groin. He pulled the blade out and did it again.

  The next time, he grabbed Mitch’s dick and used the knife, which was incredibly sharp, seeing as he’d spent hours since his last escape sharpening it.

  He severed Mitch’s dick right off, holding the dead piece of flesh in his hands while Mitch fell to the floor and screamed.

  Noah felt oddly detached as he stared at his captor.

  The man who had hurt him.

  Beaten Skye so that he’d hurt her.

  Tortured her in order to hurt him as well, weakening him. Noah kicked him over with his boot as Mitch continued to scream.

  It was just a little pain.

  They had all experienced it at his hand.

  Crouching down, Noah watched him. The blood excited him as it spilled from Mitch’s body. The cock still in his hand seemed odd.

  “You wanted your cock sucked didn’t you, Mitch?” he asked. Still holding the cock in his hand as he stared at his abuser. “Open wide.”

  Noah grabbed his chin and forced open his mouth. With his other, he fed Mitch his cock. “Don’t forget to deep throat.”

  Once he had lodged the cock so deep in Mitch’s mouth that he started to choke on it, Noah got to his feet. The blade was still in his hands, and he cleaned off the blood onto his jeans.

  Taking the stairs, he followed the sounds of Skye’s screaming.

  He felt so … detached. It was strange how easy that was.

  Once he cleared the stairs, he stood, waiting, hearing Denison’s muffled voice.

  Noah was quiet as he crossed the hallway. Putting his ear to each door, he waited. When he couldn’t hear them, he moved onto the next one, until finally, he found the door. Trying the handle slowly, he knew it was locked.

  That son of a bitch!

  Skye let out a scream and gasp.


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