Twisted in Chains

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Twisted in Chains Page 22

by Sam Crescent

  Tilting her back, she arched up, and he licked one bud, sliding his tongue across the tip, watching her.

  She moaned, her eyes closing. He saw the rapture on her face. Her tits were sensitive. He bit on one nipple. The bite of pain had her jerking in his arms, but she didn’t pull away from him.

  Soothing out the pain with his tongue, he licked between the valley of her tits, to her other nipple. He divided his attention between the two. When it wasn’t enough, he pushed his equipment off his desk.

  “You broke your computer,” she said.

  He smiled. “I can buy another.”

  “You’re very wasteful.”

  Lifting her legs onto his chair, he spread her thighs wide. Sitting down on his chair, he slapped her hand as she tried to cover her pussy.

  “Don’t even think of trying to hide yourself from me.” He gripped her ankles before running his fingers up and down her calves.

  She shook a little, but he didn’t mind. His cock was rock-hard, and the pressure inside his pants was too much. He needed release.

  Opening his pants, he worked his cock out of the tight confines. The tip was already wet with pre-cum. He moistened his hand with his saliva and wrapped his fingers around his length. He moved from the base, up to the tip, and back down. His foreskin pulled back, to reveal the mushroomed head and tiny slit.

  “Do you see what you do to me?” he asked.

  Skye lifted up and let out another gasp. His balls were so incredibly tight. They ached for release.

  “This is all you,” he said.

  She licked her lips, and it would be so easy to pull her to her knees before him and make her suck his cock. Instead, he let his cock go and stood up. He gripped her neck, not too tight to choke her but enough to have her lying back. Her pulse pounded beneath his fingers, and he let her go.

  Caressing down her body, he used the tips of his fingers over her skin. He saw goosebumps erupt, and he wasn’t in a rush to end this.

  “Don’t you have work to do?” she asked.

  “I’m the boss. I say what I do or not.” When he got to the band of her skirt, he hated the sight of it.

  Her clothes were not fit for her body. He made a note to send her shopping and to buy clothes that displayed her for his enjoyment and also made her feel nice. He wasn’t a total monster.

  “And right now, all I want to do is look at your pussy and play with you.” As he spoke, he spread the lips of her pussy, admiring her, loving the view. He knew he could put money on the fact no one had ever paid her enough attention, or simply enjoyed watching her. He did.

  With the flat of his palm to her clit, he pushed two fingers inside her, stroking her. He pumped in and out of her, wishing it was his cock.

  Back at his apartment, he’d be able to use some of his toys, to keep her wet and ready for him. For now, he had to be content with his hands and to work her body to how he wanted.

  “Are you on the pill?” he asked.

  “Why does it matter?”

  “Because, when I fuck you for the first time, I want to fill your cunt with my cum. To see it falling from your pussy against your thighs. I’m not ready for a baby, but I’m willing to take that chance.”

  “This is crazy.”

  “No. What’s crazy is you thinking this is not going to happen. It’s already happening, Skye. You already belong to me.”

  She shook her head, and he drew his fingers from her cunt and slid them against her clit, working her until she arched up off the desk, screaming his name. He brought her so close to the peak, but once she started that climb, he brought her straight back down again, denying her the orgasm she clearly craved.

  “Please stop,” she said.

  He held his hand against her. “You want me to stop touching you?” he asked.

  “No! I want you to stop torturing me.”

  “Then work for me.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  He didn’t play with her pussy, instead keeping her poised and ready and not letting her go. She cried out and he was so pleased he had soundproof walls. The only reason he’d gotten them installed were the times he slept in his office. He didn’t want his staff to hear his nightmares.

  “How about we compromise?” he said.

  “What is the compromise?” She shook with every single indrawn breath. He liked that he was the one that kept her in suspense, waiting, desperate, hungry.

  He was ready to come all over her, to have his spunk mark her body. He was in control, and Skye needed to be the one to see it.

  “You work here, but you still work for Arthur.”

  “Why can’t I work in Arthur’s office if I’m still working for him?” she asked.

  “Skye, you’re not that stupid, and I’m not going to treat you as if you are.” He leaned forward and sucked her clit into his mouth, relishing the sound of her moans as he did. Hearing her pleasure echo in his office was something he wanted to relive, again and again. “You know why I want you close. You don’t think I can’t feel this between us. This passion. It’s there, and you can deny it all you want. I know your pussy is wet for me, and I bet no man has ever gotten you this close to coming before. Not even that husband of yours. The one that you claim to love.”

  “Fuck you.”

  He smiled. It was the first real emotion he’d gotten out of her. “I’m going to fuck you. First, you’re going to come, screaming my name. Then you’re going to start working for me. It’s as simple as that. You can deal with Arthur’s company. I’ll deal with him. You will belong to me.”

  “I’m not part of the takeover.”

  “You’re his employee, and from now on, that makes your ass mine.” He bit down on her clit, fucking her hard with his fingers. She grew even more wet as he continued to hold power over her. He wanted to keep on licking her pussy, but he also wanted to watch her come and the only way was to stand up and do it.

  He replaced his tongue with his fingers, stroking her as he gripped her neck. He didn’t squeeze or choke her, but he held her firmly down so she knew he was the one in control. He held the power over her, not the other way around.

  She moaned his name, and he felt the change within her.

  Noah didn’t stop. He kept on stroking her, pushing her to the limit and holding her still.

  Each stroke set her on fire, begging for more, desperate for it.

  This time, he gave her what she wanted, stroking her to a release that had her screaming even louder this time.

  Again, he was thankful for soundproof rooms because everyone in his office would have known what they were doing, not that he had anything to hide.

  Modesty was for her.

  Once she came, he used the cream from her release to work his cock, running his hand up and down his length, keeping her in place.

  The way her tits shook with every single indrawn breath drove him crazy. It didn’t take him long to find his own release, and one day soon, he was going to fill her pussy and watch him leak from her. Every single drop landed on her mound. He grabbed a tissue and wiped it from her.

  “This is only the beginning.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Arthur didn’t put up a single fight.

  Skye stared across her desk over toward Noah’s PA. The other woman offered her a smile, and she felt like crap for not remembering her name. She’d been so kind to her, even after she walked out of his office just the other day probably looking thoroughly fucked by the man himself.

  They’d not had sex though.

  No, Noah had made her come so hard. She couldn’t recall a time in the past fifteen years that she’d experienced that kind of pleasure, and it scared her.

  Not that orgasm. She loved letting go and finally being free. The orgasm wasn’t the problem. It was the way Noah did it. He … took so much control.

  Martin, her ex-husband, would never have forced her to hold her skirt while he played with her, or hold her down, or take all of the power away from her. Every second wit
h Noah had set her body ablaze, and she’d been powerless to stop it.

  Now, as she ran the pen across her lip, she wondered what it would be like to be with Noah. To suck his cock, to let all of her past go and just have some fun.

  It was crazy. A stupid idea and thought. Yet, she wanted it.

  His office door opened, and he showed out the man he’d been in a meeting with. He’d been there to see her to her new desk, much to her annoyance. Having sex with Noah or any relationship with him was bad news. Their history was in the past, and it had to stay there. Last night, she’d already started looking for jobs, but none of them were for her. She had to either take another pay cut, which was out of the question for the simple fact she was already struggling to make ends meet, or move, also not happening. The other jobs available she either had too much experience or not enough. She was currently screwed, which was why she wanted to make this work for her.

  It couldn’t be hard to do.

  Noah would move on. He was a successful businessman who must have women hanging on his every single word. She knew there had to be a woman in every single city he wanted, and yet, being over his desk, his cock out, ready to take her, she’d felt like the only woman in his world.

  The man, whose name couldn’t remember, left, and Noah spun on his heel. He offered her a smile, knocked on her desk, and walked back into his office, closing the door.

  That was it. Nothing else. No words. No invite.

  Just a smile that reminded her of wickedness and sin.

  Get a grip, Skye. He’s not for you.

  Noah had set her some financial forecasts for Arthur’s current software, and for the hours leading up to lunch, she worked through the numbers, answering calls when she needed. She had a phone on her desk that Arthur had been given the number to. Several of the staff at the Sanderson building still called her, needing information, which she was able to give. The space beside Noah’s office was actually really nice. Back at the Sanderson building, she had a very small box of an office. Most of the time, she had to go down to the basement to look through old files. When he converted to brand-new software that Arthur designed himself, it made her life easier. Arthur didn’t trust well, and he didn’t want any information going onto or into software he’d not created.

  She was in finance, not in technology or anything like that. He built programs, games, all across the spectrum of software and codes that she didn’t even have a clue to explain.

  From her desk near Noah’s office, she had a clear view of the city, and obviously, several other office buildings, but those blue skies called to her. They made her feel like she was floating and finally free. Her old office had no window. She’d been deprived of light and … everything.

  Also, the coffee was good. She had yet to find one thing wrong with her new working environment. She loved everything, even Noah making an appearance whenever a new client, customer, or associate arrived, and he’d appear at the buzz of his PA.

  Calls were a constant, as was paperwork.

  She couldn’t believe how much he worked in just the short time she’d been with him.

  For two weeks, Skye didn’t get any personal time with him. She went for her lunch at twelve, returned forty-five minutes later, completed her shift, and walked home. She couldn’t afford a car, so she often walked.

  By the beginning of the third week, she was starting to think she’d lost her mind. There was no way a takeover could take this long, and after a phone call with Arthur, she knew something had happened. She’d also noted on her paycheck, which had arrived, all of her details had been converted to Noah’s company.

  She had so many questions and not enough answers.

  “I’m looking for a Ms. Banks,” a postal guy said right before lunch.

  “That’s me.” She looked up from her pay slip to see him holding a rectangular white box. She frowned at it.

  She’d not ordered anything, and on the side, she saw the name of an expensive boutique. Signing for the item, she thanked him and sat back down. Releasing the ribbon that held it all together, she opened the lid and peered inside.

  A red dress lay on pastel pink paper. It looked stunning without taking it out of the box. There was a card on top of the dress.

  Wear this tonight for me. I’m taking you to dinner. Noah. X

  She couldn’t go and question him about this as he wasn’t even in his office. Closing the box, she put it down beside her chair, holding the card. It was his office’s logo, and he’d signed the back.

  No way of telling him no. Nothing.

  What did this mean? Three weeks of nothing but the occasional wink and touch, now a dress and dinner.

  For the remainder of the day, she struggled to focus on the work at hand. The dress seemed to be burning her where it lay, and she couldn’t think straight. At first, she decided there was no way she’d wear the dress for him, or at all. It had to be returned. She couldn’t afford anything so beautiful. Then she wanted to wear it and to see him to clear the air. She didn’t like this uncertainty between them.

  By the time the end of her shift came, she grabbed the box and went to the ladies’ room. Changing out of her work clothes and into the dress, to which she found matching lingerie, she couldn’t deny how lovely it felt to be in something so sexy.

  The dress felt good against her body.

  Leaving the stall, she stared at her reflection. Removing the pins from her hair, the brown locks fell down her back, and she felt … incredible. Even after a long, hard shift, she didn’t think it was possible to feel this amazing, and yet, here she stood, looking like this.

  Grabbing her bag, she put her old clothes inside, and even as she felt silly, she used the stairs rather than the elevator to make her way downstairs. No one stopped her on the way out, and she paused, catching sight of Noah. He leaned against one of his cars. He had an array of cars, many of which she didn’t know or care about.

  “I thought I was going to have to come and steal you out of there,” he said, his gaze moving down the entire length of her body. “I knew it would be perfect.”

  “You really didn’t have to do this.”

  “I know, but I wanted to and I’m pleased I did. You look stunning.”

  She tucked some hair behind her ear. “What is all this?”

  He didn’t answer. Instead, he opened the car door.


  “Have a little faith. I’ve never steered you wrong.”

  “It has been three weeks.”

  “You’re counting down the days since our last encounter?”

  “Please stop messing around.”

  “Get in the car,” he said, his tone playful.

  She rolled her eyes but moved forward, climbing into the passenger seat. Before she’d even gotten inside, Noah had taken her bags from her. He closed her door, rounding the vehicle, making a quick stop to dump her things inside.

  Putting the seatbelt on, she was careful not to wrinkle her dress. She really rather liked it.

  “Where are we going?” she asked once he was inside the car.

  “Somewhere we can celebrate.” He turned over the engine and pulled away from the curb. She stared out of the window, trying not to look at him even as her gaze was drawn to him.

  This pull he had over her, she needed to get control of it. There was no way anything could happen between them. When they were younger, they were nothing alike. Now, it was even more so. She was broke, and he was a rich, successful businessman.

  “How are you liking your job?” he asked.

  “It’s great, but I saw what you’ve done. I called Arthur to ask him about it, and he had nothing to say.”

  “What have I done now?”

  She looked over at him. “I now work for you.”

  “Skye, you need to learn something.”


  “I always get what I want.”

  “Why is me working for you so important?” she asked.

  “I don’t know
if it is or not. I only know what I want.”

  She rubbed at her temple. There was no more time to talk as he pulled up outside of a very expensive looking restaurant. This one had press outside and clearly was a hotspot for celebrities. Noah was a celebrity. Most newspaper outlets regarded him as an eligible bachelor.

  “Why have you brought me here?”

  “The food is delicious.”

  “Noah, I shouldn’t be here. Not with you.”

  “Stop worrying. Come on.”

  Before she could protest, he was out of the car and already walking around to her side. Cameras snapped his picture, and he smiled so easily.

  “It’s okay, Skye. Just act like this is the most natural thing in the world.” If this was shown on the news, people at work would know she went on a date with him. She didn’t know if she could handle people thinking that.

  Worry about all that tomorrow.

  The instant Noah took her hand, all of her concerns melted away. Standing by his side, close to him, touching, shoulder to shoulder, she stared out at the camera and felt completely out of place.

  “Just smile. They don’t care who you are,” Noah said.

  She forced a smile to her lips, hoping she didn’t look like some kind of murderer. Noah didn’t linger in the crowds. Within a matter of seconds, they were out of the never-ending questions, and inside the restaurant. The maître d’ knew him instantly, and took him to a table. He nodded at many people they passed. She recognized some faces, not all of them.

  Noah moved the maître d’ aside to hold out her chair, and she had no choice but to accept it as he did so. She waited for Noah to be seated and them alone before leaning a little forward to talk.

  “You didn’t have to bring me here,” she said.

  “I come here all the time to celebrate, and we’ve got something to celebrate.”

  “How have we?” She couldn’t think of a single reason why they should be celebrating anything. Even if she was to do the math inside her head, it wasn’t even the day they escaped.

  “I found Arthur’s problem. It really was quite clever if I do say so myself.”

  “What do you mean you found out Arthur’s problem?” she asked.


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