Twisted in Chains

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Twisted in Chains Page 26

by Sam Crescent

  “I told you I was faithful in my marriage. That wasn’t a lie. I was faithful to my wife, but I wasn’t faithful in here.” He pointed at his head. “You were with me every single step of the way. Dealing with a large firm, being responsible for thousands of jobs, I thought about you, and each time I did, it gave me the strength to make the next decision. To do what needed to be done to succeed. That is all you.” He kissed her knuckles. “You think I’m the strong one, and I don’t even come close to you. You’re the fire, Skye. Not me. You’re the strong one. I hurt you, and you still found it in your heart to save me. You’re not sick, or ugly, or dirty. You’re fucking perfect. If you want to be taken hard, to be force-fucked, or to be held down, to be completely at my mercy to get your rocks off, well, screw everyone else that thinks it’s a bad thing. You’ve got me, Skye, and I’m not ever letting you go.”

  With that, he pressed a kiss to her lips so she would have no doubt of who she belonged to.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Skye didn’t go back to working for Arthur after his nephew’s betrayal came out. She instead stayed working at her desk near Noah’s office. They had an entire floor devoted to finance, but he wouldn’t see her move from her spot. One lunchtime, he had her sit on his lap in his chair and told her to look toward the window. She did as he asked, and saw he had the perfect view of her. There was a reason he had her placed where he did—he wanted to keep an eye on her.

  Where their working life was normal, they shared lunch together and dinners together. She started to show him how to cook. She wasn’t the best cook in the world, but she certainly wasn’t the worst one either. They survived, and if their experiments failed, she ordered takeout.

  After all their normal lifestyle, when they were alone, it was when they played. Some nights, Noah would arrive at the apartment before her. When she entered, he’d be there. He’d cover her mouth, stifling her scream, and pull her into the sitting room. He’d throw her down to the floor, spread her thighs, and fuck her hard. Each time, she’d stare into his blue eyes and get lost in the ocean of peace.

  He’d fuck her body, and she felt herself fleeing her own thoughts. Each time he held her down, she would arch up, taking him deeper.

  With her ex, she’d hide. She’d pretend her arousal. With Noah, he made sure she felt everything he gave her.

  One lunchtime, he couldn’t wait, and as his fingers traveled down her back, she gasped.

  She was completely naked. The blinds covering his windows were closed, and his office door was locked. He wanted privacy when they were alone together, and she respected that. If someone was to walk in, they’d see her completely naked.

  “You know, I don’t get men’s desires to have a really slender woman.” He cupped her hips, running his hands up her sides. “I love that I can’t feel your ribs, each one protruding out.” He held her tits, his thumbs stroking over each nipple. “You can take the fucking I want to give you.” He stood up, his body covering her back.

  There were still faint scars from the abuse she’d suffered with Mitch, but Noah didn’t even bat an eye at them.

  Martin had asked her about them, and she’d panicked, saying she had fallen on broken glass. He never asked another question, and he certainly never touched them, not the way Noah did.

  He played with them, loving them. His body had them as well, and she knew the stories behind them. They weren’t hiding anymore. They were free.

  He pressed his cock against her ass, and she moaned.

  “You’re dripping. You know that. Your thighs are covered in your cum.”

  “Please, Noah.”

  “You want me, don’t you? You want me to fuck you?”

  “Yes. Please, yes.”

  “Not going to happen just yet.”

  She whimpered, needing him more than anything. Never in all of her life had she been so aroused.

  He pulled back, and she cried out as he slapped her ass.

  “No one can hear you outside. I can do whatever I want to you. You’ve been a very bad girl.” He brought his hand back and slapped her other ass cheek.

  She closed her eyes, feeling the pain travel up her spine. Each slap of his hand felt so good against her. She wanted his punishments so badly.

  He stroked a finger from her neck, going down her spine, over her ass, and to her sopping wet pussy. He plunged four fingers in deep, stretching her. He pulled his fingers from her and teased across her clit, making her moan even louder.

  “I love hearing how desperate you are. How needy.”

  He removed his fingers, and she whimpered, wanting him back.

  Noah didn’t give her what she wanted. He pressed his cum-soaked fingers to her lips, and she sucked them in, tasting herself. “That’s it, baby. Lick that pussy of yours. I know how tasty it is. It’s going to have my cum soon enough.” One digit after another, she licked him. Once she was done, he wiped his slick fingers down her back, going to her ass. She tensed up as he gripped her cheeks and spread them wide, showing him her asshole. “I bet your husband never had this.” He teased a finger over her anus. She couldn’t help but tense up.

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “Good.” His body pressed against her. “It’s going to be something that belongs to me, and only to me.” He gripped her face, turning her head so that he could kiss her. He was always pulling her toward him, holding her close.

  She loved every second of it.

  He bit her lip as he pulled away. They were going to be swollen by the time they were done here.

  The unmistakable sound of his zipper lowering filled the air, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Finally. He was going to fuck her.

  He didn’t give her the chance to get accustomed to him. No matter how wet she was or how many fingers she took, each thrust of his cock always took her by surprise. He was so big and knew what he was doing with it.

  Noah held onto her hips, keeping her in place as he fucked her. He’d slap her ass, and the burn of his hits would awaken her desire for him to keep on doing it, to keep on hurting her. He had so much control and not once did she feel dirty or ugly.

  Each time she was with Noah, Martin’s cruel words would slowly begin to fade. She didn’t have to think about them. In this moment with Noah, they didn’t exist. They were the only two people in the world.

  She cried out again as he began to strum her clit. His fingers worked her until she came, hard and fast. Noah seemed to make it his personal mission to have her come on his cock. She wondered if he felt he was winning something over Martin by having her do this. Either way, she loved it.

  Not long after her release, she felt Noah come and hard. She could feel the jerk of his cock and each flood of his cum as he spilled inside her. To some people, what they had was fucked up. She was starting to not give a fuck what most people would think.

  Out of the entire world, Noah was the only one to understand, and she wasn’t willing to find someone else.

  Noah pulled out of her pussy, lifted her up, and spread her thighs wide. He had an obsession with seeing his cum on her pussy. Each time he watched her, it added to the arousal she felt.

  He sat on his chair, his cock slick with their combined releases. She gasped as he ran a finger through her slit, touching her entrance. Glancing down, she saw him gather up some of their combined cum and lift it up. “Taste us.”

  She licked his fingers clean as he went between her thighs to take more. She swallowed more of him.

  When there was nothing left, she climbed off the table, and staring into his eyes, she started to lick and suck at his cock.

  “You keep that up and I’m going to be ready to go for another round.” He stroked her cheek. She wanted him so badly.

  “I don’t mind.”

  “An extended lunch.”


  “I’ve got a surprise for you when we get home.”

  “You have?” she asked.


  She tried to hide the pl
easure of having him call it their home. Over the past few weeks, since he’d come back into her life, he’d given her so much happiness. It was always so surreal to her to experience it. She was used to the disappointments of life. With Noah, her happiness seemed to only increase.

  “Sir, Ms. King is outside demanding to see you,” his PA said.

  Skye paused. She let go of Noah’s cock and looked up at him.

  He looked … irritated. Leaning forward, he pressed the intercom. “Do you know why she’s here?”

  “No, sir. She says she wants to speak to you.”

  He collapsed back in his chair. Skye gripped his legs and got up.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “I need to get dressed. I’m not going to be naked while you have this conversation with your ex.” She made to leave, but he wouldn’t let her. “Noah, come on, be reasonable.”

  “I am being reasonable. You’ll stay there.” He got to his feet, buckling up his pants. He handed her the clothes that were discarded on his sofa. “Stay there and don’t even think of getting dressed.”

  “Noah, this is insane. You can—”

  He opened the door, and she shrank back, being careful not to be seen. There were no tiny gaps that could expose her. The only way his ex would know was if she made a sound or came around the desk.

  This was completely insane and crazy. She didn’t know what the hell Noah was doing, and right now, she didn’t much care.

  Whatever game he was playing, she wanted no part in this.

  “Scarlett, to what do I owe the pleasure?”

  He didn’t sound happy to see her.

  The sound of heels had Skye close to flinching, but she kept it at bay. Taking a deep breath, she waited.

  “What is the meaning of this?”

  Something slammed above her.

  “I’m seen with another woman.”

  “Do you have any idea what this does to me?” Scarlett’s voice rose, and Skye tried not to wince.

  “We’ve been divorced for quite some time. You think I’m going to stay faithful to a lying bitch like yourself?”

  “Is this the new flavor of the month, or are you trying to replace me?”

  She didn’t know what Scarlett looked like. She’d not seen any pictures of the woman.

  Noah sat down and pulled himself beneath the desk. She probably should torture him by teasing his cock, but instead, she just wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole.

  Being stuck beneath the desk wasn’t her idea of fun. Just moments ago, they were having fun, and now this.

  “Scarlett, what I do and who I do it with is none of your business,” Noah said. “You got some money.”

  “Does your new whore know what you like? Does she know you’re a sick fuck with certain needs?”

  He sighed. “I have never hurt you.”

  “You’ve wanted to.”

  “Scarlett, do I need to call my lawyer? I’ve been lenient with you.”

  “Oh, please. I wonder what the press would think to a little kiss and tell about you.”

  Skye didn’t know what she expected, but it certainly wasn’t for Noah to lean back and burst out laughing.

  “Seriously, let’s do that. Go ahead, Scarlett, tell people how I asked to spice up our love life. Tell them how you called me all the names. Tell the papers. Expose me for the brute I am. When you do, expect those little home tapes you enjoyed making with every single guy that came your way to also make their way out of there.”

  She gasped. “How dare you.”

  “How dare you! You come into my office. Demand to know who I’m fucking, and you think you’ve got a leg to stand on. You don’t know shit about how far I will go. If you talk, if you say a fucking thing, any respect people had for you will disappear. You’ll be nothing in this world. Try me.”

  There was a deadly edge to his voice. Skye had never heard him speak like that.

  “I want more money,” Scarlett said. “To keep me silent.”

  Noah laughed. “You’re not getting another cent out of me. You’ve had your money. You should learn to economize. You think you’ve got me by the balls. I’m the only one that holds my balls, and maybe this woman. Tell your stories. You better be ready to take me on.”

  In the next second, the door slammed and she heard the lock click into place. Skye didn’t move. She could barely breathe.

  Seconds later, Noah was there. He sat on the floor, and she stayed hidden in his desk. He leaned against his window, rolling up his sleeves.

  He held out the paper Scarlett had clearly slapped down on the desk.

  “Your ex doesn’t sound very nice.”

  “She’s not. She’s a fucking bitch.”

  On the front cover of the newspaper was a picture of the two of them.

  “This is bad news,” she said.

  “This is nothing.”

  “Our past.”

  “I dealt with that years ago. We were minors. Even at eighteen, we were still young, and our case was different. It’s closed, and the monsters were caught.”

  “Not all of them, Noah. You know that as well as I. People paid to watch that stuff.”

  He shrugged. “There’s nothing we can do.”

  “Do you ever think about those people?” she asked. “About … why they wanted it?”

  “I don’t think about them. There’s no reason for us to waste valuable energy thinking about them. They’re disgusting. Not a day goes by when I don’t think about what I could have done differently. How I could have fought.”

  “Noah, there’s nothing you could have done. We’re not at fault with this. They are. Not us. We’ve got to remember that. It took me a long time to see it as well, but we’re both not to blame.”

  Skye licked her lips, staring at the paper.

  “You’re not the only one that has been called vile, disgusting, ugly,” Noah said. “I like control, and Scarlett, well, she likes to hurt people.”

  “You have tapes of her with other men.”

  “My lawyer does. He knows what to do with them if her name is attached to anything scandalous. I always make sure to keep myself safe, and I will always keep you safe.”

  He reached out, offering her a hand.

  Skye didn’t hesitate. She crawled out from his desk and snuggled up against him. Noah wrapped his arms around her, holding her close, and she did not want to ever let him go.

  “I don’t think you’re vile or disgusting. I think you’re perfect just the way you are.”


  Noah waited outside of one of his spare rooms, with the present he intended to give her. Skye was finishing the last of the dishes, but his mind, it was elsewhere.

  He’d not seen Scarlett in some time, not since their divorce. His lawyer often dealt with her and let him know what he had to do to convince her to back the fuck off. He hated that cold-hearted bitch.

  Her words were not new for him.

  He was used to her being a bitch, and throwing shit at him like she did. He’d left the key to the room behind him lying around, and she’d found it. She expected to see something fun and exciting, but what she saw made sure the end of their marriage was imminent.

  Running a hand over his face, he thought about Skye. She was nothing like his ex. She’d never throw words at him, or tell lies.

  Never once in all of his marriage did he hurt Scarlett. He’d treated her like a queen. One night, she’d asked him if there was anything he’d like to do, and he being the stupid fool that he was, had told her he wanted to hold her, to hurt her but to also make the pain go away. He wasn’t into BDSM. After college, he made sure it wasn’t that, as otherwise he’d have gone and gotten the right sort of training. He didn’t wish to have a sub at his feet or to be in complete control of her life. There’s no way he’d ever be able to stick to that kind of routine, and besides, he hated holding whips and other instruments to whip and strike someone. His hands always did enough damage, and there was no way he�
��d use something else.

  “All done,” Skye said, rounding the corner.

  Her smile filled him with so much fucking pleasure.

  “What is it, Noah?” She paused a couple of feet away from him, looking a little nervous.

  “I don’t deserve you.”

  She laughed. “I don’t …what do you mean?”

  He looked behind him at the door. “I’m a sick fuck.”

  “Noah, don’t say stuff like that.”

  “They should have locked me away,” he said. “When they knew what I’d done. I told that cop. Daniels, the one after we killed Mitch and his brother.” He rubbed at his eyes, feeling the sting.

  “I don’t know what’s happening right now.” She looked past his shoulder at the spare bedroom. He’d never showed her this room, nor had he given her the key. Anyone who had worked on this special room had to sign nondisclosure forms. No one else knew about this room, apart from Scarlett, her lawyer, his, and the men who worked on the room. “Is that my present?” She pointed toward the door.

  “No. This is not your present.” He held out a rectangular box. “This is your present. The moment I saw it, I thought of you.”

  “Noah, you don’t have to get me anything.”

  “I know, but I want to. I want to spoil you and give you presents.” He opened the box and showed her the small, heart-shaped pendant he’d found. He watched her nibbling her lip. She looked so incredibly fuckable right now, especially when she looked nervous. “May I?” She nodded her head, and he slid the necklace around her neck, fastening the clip.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “Good. Now I have something I want to show you.”

  Taking the key out of his pocket, he slid it into the lock and twisted. The lock clicked open, and he took the key out and slid it into his pocket.

  He reached behind him, waiting for her to take his hand. She didn’t even hesitate as she slid hers within his.

  Holding her tightly in his grip, he opened the door, stepping inside. He moved Skye in front of him, closing the door before flicking the light switch on.

  Skye’s gasp echoed around the tiny room.

  He felt her tense up, and he wrapped his arms around her, keeping her secure to his body, not wanting to let her go.


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