The Skull Throne

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The Skull Throne Page 73

by Peter V. Brett

  First came the drones. The male was magically and mentally dim, but loyal as a rock drone. He circled the ward mosaic, taking position behind the Consort.

  The female drone was brighter than her sire, but this was not surprising. Demon females always dominated their sires—something the Consort knew well. The Hive Queen was his progeny, after all.

  With the lesser drones behind him, the Unifiers entered. First came the Heir, who carried the weapons of the Enemy, powered by the bones and horns of the Consort’s ancestors, including his own grandsire.

  The Consort swallowed a hiss. The Heir had gone to great lengths to protect the body of his own ancestor, yet he flaunted his enemies’ bones arrogantly. It was an insult the Consort would repay a thousandfold when he was free.

  But the Heir’s surface aura was one of barely contained action. His every instinct screamed for him to kill the Consort and have done. He would not act unprovoked, but he would take any excuse to strike.

  The Consort was careful to give none. His posture did not threaten, but he met the Heir’s eyes, watching.

  Next to enter was the Explorer, who found the Enemy’s tomb and brought back the fighting wards the Consort and his brethren had worked so hard to suppress. Immediately following was his mate the Hunter, who feared nothing when the kill was scented. Both had covered their flesh in powerful wardings, powered from within by stolen Core magic.

  Heir. Explorer. Hunter. Each was bright with power, but even now, all three could not match the power the Consort held in reserve, if he were free to use it.

  “Mornin’,” the Explorer said. “Hope the accommodations are to your liking. Sorry we can’t be better hosts.”

  The Consort watched him with bemusement. The Explorer always opened with some insincere platitude. They played the game over and over, but never learned the rules.

  The Heir’s aura chafed at the Explorer’s lead. Older and more experienced, he was accustomed to dominance, but the Explorer’s magic was brighter, and in the end, magic always led.

  It was a small rift in their alliance, but like the links of his chain, the Consort could worry it in time.

  “How do we know it even understands us?” the Hunter asked. The female lacked patience, quick to anger. Another crevice to widen.

  “Maybe its mouth ent suited to our speech,” the Explorer said, “but it’s getting every word.”

  He moved along the wall, eyes on the Consort. There was something new in his aura. Impatient. “Only, I’m thinking it can talk. I think maybe it just doesn’t want to.”

  “Can’t imagine why,” the Hunter said.

  “Because it is a creature of Nie,” the Heir said.

  “Thing is, demon, you ent much good to us if you can’t talk.” The Explorer took one of the curtains in hand, pulling it aside.

  The Consort shrieked, throwing up arms to shield its eyes as the cell was filled with blinding brightness. Like molten stone, it burned his skin.

  The Explorer let the curtain drop, and the Consort immediately Drew on his reserve, healing the damage. The pupils of the humans had not even dilated, but it was more light than the Consort could bear for long. He would be drained of power even before the day star rose to burn him into oblivion.

  “Got anything to say?” the Explorer asked, still clutching the cloth.

  It was a ploy. The Unifiers had kept him too long to kill him now. But the Consort’s eyes still burned, and the auras around him were unreadable. He could not risk it.

  The Consort Drew hard, rolling to the side and strengthening a claw to shatter the lock he had eroded. A twist of the chain freed one of his legs, and he reached out, snatching the broken pieces of lock in his talons.

  A short burst of power sent metal flying through the room. Neither the Consort nor his magic could leave the circle at the center of the mosaic, but once in motion, the projectiles flew uninhibited.

  The Heir batted one piece aside with a wave of his weapon. The Explorer dissipated, letting it pass harmlessly through him. The Hunter was struck, but her aura brightened, healing the damage instantly. The female drone angled her shield and diverted the missile harmlessly.

  The male drone was dim, but quick and alert. He stepped precisely as the Consort anticipated, and the twisted bit of metal missed him to strike the wall behind at precisely the right angle to rebound into the back of his head, knocking the warded wrappings he wore askew.

  Dazed, the drone stumbled onto the mosaic and collapsed, one limb falling forward, the barest fingertip crossing the circle.

  But even that breach was enough for the Consort to slip into his mind, crushing the drone’s will like an insect.

  The others rushed to him, but they pulled up short when the drone got to his feet and placed himself in front of the Consort, his spear and shield held at the ready.

  “Shanjat, stand aside,” the Heir said.

  “Your drone no longer controls this shell,” the Consort replied, using the warrior’s mouth to form the clumsy, inefficient vibrations of their speech.

  The Heir pointed the hated weapon at him. “Shanjat is ready for Heaven, demon. We will not release you for him.”

  “Of course not,” the Consort agreed. “He is only a drone. He does not expect you to save him. He begs your forgiveness for his failure.”

  “There is no dishonor in being defeated by a superior foe,” the Heir said, emotion coloring his aura and clouding his judgment. How easily they were manipulated!

  “Indeed,” the Consort agreed. “You were correct that I cannot form your words, but this drone will serve hence as my voice.”

  The female drone made a low sound, her aura coloring with a delicious blend of pain and anger. The Explorer reached again for the curtain. “Just for now, Shanvah. You’ll get your da back.”

  She would not, of course. The Consort had already severed the drone’s will and replaced it with his own. He could access the drone’s thoughts, feelings, and memories, but without the Consort’s will to animate it, the body would wither and die. “What price for my freedom?”

  “The path to the Core,” the Explorer said.

  “They are all about, for one such as you, Explorer,” the Consort said.

  The Explorer shook his head. “A real one. Kind you use to march your prisoners down to demon town.”

  “A dangerous path, and winding,” the Consort said. “Countless twists and turns. Too much for this primitive drone to impart, but I can guide you.”

  “We cannot simply trust this servant of Nie,” the Heir said.

  “No one trusts anyone,” the Explorer said. “Just talking, is all.”

  The Heir chafed at the Explorer’s dominant tone, and the Consort turned to him, both heads swiveling at once. “Your Nie and Everam are fictions. Soothing grunts to ease your fear of the dark.”

  “More lies,” the Heir said.

  The Consort shook the drone’s head. “You want to know why we have something, instead of nothing. Perhaps the worthiest question one of your primitive intellect can muster. The mind court has pondered this for millennia. There are many plausible answers, but none of them resembles the ridiculous fantasy the Mind Killer used to inspire his warriors.”

  “Mind Killer?” the Heir parroted.

  “The one you call Kaji,” the Consort said. “Though in truth it was pronounced Kavri.”

  “How can you know this?” the Heir demanded.

  “I knew him, in my fashion,” the Consort said. “All my kind did, in those cycles.”

  “You were alive in the time of Kaji?” the Heir demanded. “Three thousand years ago? Impossible!”

  The drone smiled. “Five thousand one hundred twelve. You’ve lost count many times, over the years.”

  The female drone dared speak to her betters. “He lies.”

  “He is the prince of liars,” the Heir said.

  “Night, what is the matter with you?” the Hunter snapped. “Ent here to argue scripture!”

  The Heir’s aura fill
ed with anger at her tone, and she leaned in, fearless before the kill.

  “Enough,” the Explorer said quietly, his submissive tone belying his dominance as their auras shamed and they stood down.

  “Why would you take us there?” the Explorer asked.

  “Because the journey is long, and you are mortal. The time will come when your guard grows lax, and then I will be free.” The Consort let out a false aura, granting sincerity to his words.

  “Fair enough,” the Explorer said.

  “And because the surface will soon be swept clean,” the Consort added.

  “Eh?” the Explorer asked.

  “You understand nothing of what your actions in the desert have brought upon your people,” the Consort said.

  “There will be swarm.”


  Abban am’Haman am’Kaji: Wealthy khaffit merchant, friend to both Jardir and Arlen, crippled during his warrior training.

  Ahmann asu Hoshkamin am’Jardir am’Kaji: Ahmann, son of Hoshkamin, of the line of Jardir, of the tribe Kaji. Leader of all Krasia. Believed by many to be the Deliverer. See also: Shar’Dama Ka.

  Ajin’pal (blood brother): Name for the bond that forms on a boy’s first night fighting in the Maze, when he is tethered to a dal’Sharum warrior to keep him from running when the demons first come at them. An ajin’pal is considered a blood relative thereafter.

  Ala: (1) The perfect world created by Everam, corrupted by Nie. (2) Dirt, soil, clay, etc.

  Alagai: The Krasian word for corelings (demons). Direct translation is “plague of Ala.”

  Alagai hora: Demon bones used by dama’ting to create magic items, such as the warded dice they use to tell the future. Alagai hora burst into flame if exposed to sunlight.

  Alagai Ka: Ancient Krasian name for the consort to Alagai’ting Ka, the Mother of Demons. Alagai Ka and his sons were said to be the most powerful of the demon lords, generals, and captains of Nie’s forces.

  Alagai’sharak: Holy War against demonkind.

  Alagai tail: A whip consisting of three strips of braided leather ending in sharp barbs meant to cut deeply into a victim’s flesh. Used by dama as an instrument of punishment.

  Alagai’ting Ka: The Mother of All Demons, the demon queen of Krasian myth.

  Aleverak: Ancient, one-armed Damaji of the Majah tribe in Krasia. One of the greatest living sharusahk grand masters.

  Amanvah: Jardir’s eldest dama’ting daughter by Inevera. Married to Rojer Inn.

  Andrah: Krasian secular and religious dictator, second only to the Deliverer and Damajah.

  Anoch Sun: Lost city that was once the seat of power for Kaji, the Shar’Dama Ka. Rediscovered by Arlen Bales, it was found to contain the secrets to battle warding.

  Asavi: Dama’ting of the Kaji tribe. Former rival of Inevera as nie’dama’ting. Lover of Melan.

  Ashan: Son of Dama Khevat and closest friend of Jardir’s during his training in Sharik Hora, Ashan is Damaji of the Kaji tribe and part of Jardir’s inner circle. Married to Jardir’s eldest sister, Imisandre. Father of Asukaji and Ashia.

  Ashia: Jardir’s Sharum’ting neice. Daughter of Ashan and Imisandre. Married to Asome. Mother of Kaji.

  Asome: Jardir’s second son by Inevera. Dama. Known as the “heir to nothing.” Married to Ashia. Father of Kaji.

  Asu: “Son” or “son of.” Used as a prefix in formal names, as in Ahmann asu Hoshkamin am’Jardir am’Kaji.

  Asukaji: Ashan’s eldest son by Jardir’s sister Imisandre, and heir to the Kaji tribe. Dama.

  Baden: Rich and powerful dama of the Kaji tribe. Push’ting. Known to possess several items of hora magic.

  Bazaar, Great: The largest merchant area in Krasia, located right inside the main gates. It is run entirely by women and khaffit.

  Belina: Jardir’s dama’ting wife from the Majah tribe.

  Bido: Loincloth worn by most Krasians under their robes, the bido is most commonly noted as the sole clothing of young Krasian boys and girls in training.

  Chabbavah: Dal’ting woman killed in an attempt to be raised to Sharum.

  Chin: Outsider/infidel. This word is also considered an insult, meaning that a person is a coward.

  Chi’Sharum: Greenland adult men too old to go through Hannu Pash are levied and trained in the chin’sharaj. Those who pass are inducted into chi’Sharum. Generally used as fodder in combat.

  Cielvah: Daughter of Abban. Raped by Hasik, leading Abban to have Hasik castrated.

  Coliv: Krevakh Watcher, bodyguard to Amanvah.

  Couzi: A harsh, illegal Krasian liquor flavored with cinnamon. Because of its potency, it is served in tiny cups meant to be taken in one swallow.

  Crownsight: Enhanced wardsight from Crown of Kaji.

  Dal: Prefix meaning “honored.”

  Dal’Sharum: The Krasian warrior caste, which includes the vast majority of the men. Dal’Sharum are broken into tribes controlled by the Damaji, and smaller units answerable to a dama and a kai’Sharum. Dal’Sharum dress in black robes with a black turban and night veil. All are trained in hand-to-hand combat (sharusahk), as well as spear fighting and shield formations.

  Dal’ting: Fertile married women, or older women who have given birth.

  Dama: A Krasian Holy Man. Dama are both religious and secular leaders. They wear white robes and carry no weapons. All dama are masters of sharusahk, the Krasian hand-to-hand martial art.

  Damajah: Singular title for the First Wife of the Shar’Dama Ka.

  Damaji: The twelve Damaji are the religious and secular leaders of their individual tribes, and serve the Andrah/Shar’Dama Ka as ministers and advisors.

  Damaji’ting: The tribal leaders of the dama’ting, and the most powerful women in Krasia.

  Dama’ting: Krasian Holy Women who also serve as healers and midwives. Dama’ting hold the secrets of hora magic, including the power to foretell the future, and are held in fear and awe. Harming a dama’ting in any way is punishable by death.

  Daylight War, the: Also known as Sharak Sun. Ancient war during which Kaji conquered the known world, uniting them for Sharak Ka.

  Desert Spear, the: The Krasians’ term for their city. Known in the North as Fort Krasia.

  Domin Sharum: Literally translating as “two warriors,” Domin Sharum refers to a strict ritual of single combat under Evejan law.

  Draki: Krasian unit of currency.

  Drillmasters: Elite warriors who train nie’Sharum. Drillmasters wear standard dal’Sharum blacks, but their night veils are red.

  Enkaji: Damaji of the powerful Mehnding tribe.

  Enkido: Eunuch servant and sharusahk instructor of the Kaji dama’ting. Made personal bodyguard to Amanvah, killed by a mimic demon.

  Evejah, the: The holy book of Everam, written by Kaji, the first Deliverer, some three millennia past. The Evejah is separated into sections called Dunes. Each dama pens a copy of the Evejah in his own blood during his clerical training.

  Evejan: Name of the Krasian religion, “those who follow the Evejah.”

  Evejan law: The militant religious law the Krasians impose on chin, meant to force nonbelievers to follow the Evejah under threat rather than belief.

  Everalia: Jardir’s third Kaji wife.

  Everam: The Creator.

  Everam’s Bounty: After Fort Rizon with its vast farmland was taken by the armies of the Deliverer in 333 AR, the city-state was renamed Everam’s Bounty to honor the Creator. It is the Krasian foothold in the green lands.

  Everam’s light: Wardlight, and the ability to see otherwise invisible flows of magic using warded sight.

  Fahki: Dal’Sharum son of Abban. Raised to hate his khaffit father.

  Gai: Plague, demon.

  Gaisahk: Form of sharusahk modified by Arlen Bales to maximize the effect of his warded flesh.

  Ginjaz: Turncoat, traitor.

  Greenlander: One from the green lands.

  Green lands: Krasian name for Thesa (the lands north of the Krasian desert).

/>   Hannu Pash: Literally “life’s path,” this represents the period of a boy’s life after he has been taken from his mother but before his caste (dal’Sharum, dama, or khaffit) is set. It is a period of intense and brutal physical training, along with religious indoctrination.

  Hanya: Jardir’s youngest sister, four years younger than he. Married to Hasik, mother to Sikvah.

  Hasik: Disgraced bodyguard to Jayan, castrated by Abban. Called Whistler because his missing tooth causes his s’s to whistle.

  Heasah: Prostitute.

  Hora magic: Any magic using demon body parts (bones, ichor, etc.) as a battery to power spells.

  Horn of Sharak: Ceremonial horn blown to begin and end alagai’sharak.

  Hoshkamin: Father of Ahmann Jardir; deceased. Also Jardir’s third son by Inevera.

  Hoshvah: Jardir’s middle sister, three years younger than he. Married to Shanjat. Mother of Shanvah.

  Hundred, the: The kha’Sharum and chi’Sharum warriors in Abban’s employ. Taking their name from the one hundred kha’Sharum warriors given him by Jardir, Abban has increased their numbers well beyond that.

  Ichach: Damaji of the Khanjin tribe.

  Imisandre: Jardir’s eldest sister, one year younger than he. Married to Ashan. Mother of Asukaji and Ashia.

  Inevera: (1) Jardir’s powerful dama’ting First Wife. Kaji tribe. Also known as the Damajah. (2) Krasian word meaning “Everam’s will” or “Everam willing.”

  Jamere: Abban’s dama nephew and heir apparent.

  Jardir: The seventh son of Kaji, the Deliverer. Once a great house, the line of Jardir lasted more than three thousand years, slowly dwindling in number and glory until its last son, Ahmann Jardir, restored its renown.

  Jayan: Jardir’s first Sharum son by Inevera. Sharum Ka.

  Jiwah: Wife.

  Jiwah Ka: First wife. The Jiwah Ka is the first and most honored of a Krasian man’s wives. She has veto power over subsequent marriages, and can command the lesser wives.

  Jiwah Sen: Lesser wives, subservient to a man’s Jiwah Ka.

  Jiwah’Sharum: Literally “wives of warriors,” these are women purchased for the great harem of the Sharum during their fertile years. It is considered a great honor to serve. All warriors have access to their tribe’s jiwah’Sharum, and are expected to keep them continually pregnant, adding warriors to the tribe.


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