A Beautiful Ranch

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A Beautiful Ranch Page 11

by Malone, Misty

  "I think so."

  "But looking back on it, I think I jumped the gun a bit. In my mind, we already had a relationship going, mostly because I wanted us to. But we didn't, and I'd never talked to you about my beliefs concerning a relationship I'd want to have with a lady I care a great deal about. I should have done that before, but I was upset and reacted out of fear. I'm sorry for that."

  "It seems we're both saying that a lot tonight."

  "Yes, it does. We need to clear up a lot of misunderstandings and missteps on both our parts."

  "I agree. So, I think we've established that we both want to pursue a relationship. What do you want to tell me about some beliefs you have?"

  He kept her head resting against his chest and ran his fingers through her hair. "I believe any marriage, or any relationship is like a business; there has to be someone who's the leader, or in charge. As you've probably guessed, in a relationship I'm in, I believe that should be the man, or me. Now, like in business, the man in charge can't do everything, nor does he necessarily know the best way to do everything without conferring with his co-workers. That means if we disagree on something, I'll ask your opinion and why you feel that way, we'll discuss it, but ultimately the decision will be mine."

  She sat up and looked at him, obviously not completely sold.

  "Now, you have to keep in mind," he continued, "that I'll always keep your best interests in mind. The only reason I would ever overrule your choice would be for safety reasons. Your safety and health and happiness will always be what I focus on. I'm very protective of the people I care about, and I want them to be safe and happy. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

  "Yes, I understand," she said hesitantly.

  He grinned as he asked, "But you're having a hard time agreeing to it?"

  "Well, maybe a little."

  "Do you have any questions about it that I may be able to answer for you?"

  "Well, I guess I do, yeah. Obviously you believe in spanking."

  "That's correct, I do."

  "How does that fit into this? I mean, if I do something you deem unsafe, is that same thing going to happen again? Because I don't think you know how badly that hurt."

  "What will happen is we'll go over any rules, just like we did that first night you stayed at the ranch. I told you what I expected and why. The difference is that if we're in a relationship, there will be more things I'll be concerned about, mostly because I'll want even more to keep you safe. We'll go over them so you'll know what I expect and why. But then if you ignore one of them, like I thought you did that day, by being out of sight of the house and by missing supper time, yes, you will be spanked."

  He felt her stiffen, but he gave her an extra little hug and continued. "I think a spanking is the quickest and most effective way of getting my point across. It hurts, but that's the idea. If it hurts, it will make you think twice before doing it again. But it's quick, and when it's over, it's over. I won't need to mention it again, unless you do it again. We may discuss it again then. The only thing that won't be over quick is if it's a sound enough spanking, you may feel it for a little while when you sit. Although you may not appreciate it at the time, it's a good reminder."

  "But it really hurts, Dalton."

  "I doubt if any spanking hurts as much as whatever it is I'm trying to protect you from."


  "For instance, your first spanking was for going too far from the house, and not being there for supper or answering your phone. The fact that you were late and not answering your phone led me to believe you had indeed wandered too far from the house and were lost. The spanking was so you don't do those things again and ultimately do end up lost on the ranch. Do you remember any of the things I told you during your spanking, the things that could have happened had you gotten lost?"

  "Uh, well, that's something else I need to talk to you about. I think I was kind of in shock while you were spanking me, and I didn't hear anything you said. In fact, I didn't even know you were talking, but Daphne assures me you would have been."

  His eyes opened wide at her admission. "So you didn't hear or take any of the things I said to heart that day?"

  "I didn't even know you were talking. Sorry."

  "That isn't your fault, Lilly, it's mine. I let my fear control my actions, and I see now how wrong that was. Do you know now why you were spanked?"

  "Yes, but it wasn't on purpose. I mean, I misunderstood your rule about being within eyesight of the house. I was in a zone with my painting, and when I do that, I have no sense of time. My phone probably rang in my pocket, but I don't always hear it."

  "You don't always hear it because it's in your pocket?"

  "No, because when I'm zeroed in on my painting, it's almost like I'm in my own little world. I'm not aware of what's going on around me. My whole focus is on my work."

  Dalton sighed, but she could tell it was a concerned sigh, not an angry sigh. "We're going to have to work on that. That's not safe. You have to always be aware of your surroundings, especially when you're out on the ranch, and your phone if it rings."

  "I understand what you're saying, but honestly, Dalton, when I'm in a zone, that's when I do my best work."

  "It is?"

  "Yes, definitely."

  "I'll have to give that some thought then, because I don't want to interfere with your painting. You're a very talented artist, but I have to find a way to keep my talented artist safe." He looked down at her and saw a huge smile on her face as she looked at him. "What's got you so happy about me finding a compromise that will work for both of us?"

  "You called me your talented artist. I like that."

  He gently took her face in his hands as he said, "I'm glad. I like the way it sounds, too." He held her face while he gently kissed her. When he pulled back and saw another big smile on her face, he leaned in to kiss her again. "It doesn't feel bad, either," he said with a chuckle.

  "No, it doesn't," she agreed.

  "Okay, I'll try and find a solution to our problem. Back to our talk now, though. Are you going to be okay with the whole concept that I will do what I have to do to keep you safe, even if that's a spanking?"

  "How often will that be?"

  He chuckled and his eyebrows raised as he looked at her. "That is entirely up to you. If you listen to me and follow the rules and never do anything dangerous, I won't ever spank you."


  "However, knowing that you have an ornery little streak of brat in you, I'd say that first one won't be the last. I can't tell you how often it will happen, though. Generally, it will be more often at first until you catch on to what I won't allow."

  "That doesn't sound good."

  "It wouldn't worry you if you didn't agree you're a bit of a spoiled brat," he said with another chuckle.

  Before she could object, he suggested, "Assuming you're not crazy about the spanking aspect of our relationship but will give it a chance, what else do we need to talk about? I'm still not sure what made you jump up and run that day."

  She flushed, but recovered and tried to give him an explanation. "I think I was in shock and I didn't hear or understand anything you said during the spanking. Then as I started getting my bearings again, I realized I was sitting on your lap, and I didn't know how I'd gotten there. Remember, I'd been trying to get you to see me as an adult and not your little sister's trouble-making friend. I didn't know how I ended up on your lap and was afraid I was there by my choice. Getting a spanking was embarrassing enough, but if I crawled onto your lap on my own, well—"

  "I think I see what you're saying. Of course, now we both know that was yet another misunderstanding. After a spanking, I'll always hold you on my lap and comfort you while you calm. You'll know that the next time, but I know you wouldn't have known it then." After a short pause he felt he needed to add something. "And Lilly, for what it's worth, there's no reason to be embarrassed when you get a spanking. It just means I care and I've been watching you to be sure you're safe

  She looked deep into his eyes. "You mean that, don't you?"

  "Of course I do. You'll find I always mean what I say. I will not lie to you, and you can count on me. I'm very consistent. My sister would tell you to a fault."

  Now Lilly giggled. "I can believe that."

  "So, do you feel better?"

  "I do, yes. Thank you for finding me and explaining everything."

  "I'm glad we got things straightened out. The next time you're confused or have questions, ask me. Don't run off. We can't solve any problems we may have that way. Plus, as we've learned here, it leads to misunderstandings, and we've had enough of them to last us for quite some time. Do you understand me? No running off without talking about it?"

  "I understand," she answered.

  "Good. Now, I say we start getting to know each other better. You're sitting on my lap because I wanted you right where you were when the problem started. I'm very comfortable with you here, but if you aren't, you don't have to stay here. I understand we're just starting a relationship, even though it should have started a couple months ago."

  "Actually," she said quietly, as her face blushed, "I kind of like it."

  "Me, too," he enthused. "I've dreamed of this very thing."

  "I have, too," she admitted before she realized what she was saying. She quickly looked away, embarrassed.

  He used his finger to gently turn her chin to look at him. "Remember, Lilly, no need to be embarrassed around me. I'd love it if you'd be honest with me and tell me how you feel instead of making me guess, or try and pull it out of you. That's a trait I love. Don't be embarrassed about it, please."

  She cuddled into his chest a little more. "I'll try."

  "That's all I ask. Now, how's your painting been going? Have you sold any of your work?"

  They spent the next hour catching up. When he found out she hadn't been able to do the kind of painting she was doing at the ranch, he was alarmed. "Well, let's get you moved back in where you belong then, and get your painting back up to par."

  "Really? You'd let me stay there again?"

  "Of course, but under the same conditions as before."


  "You follow the rules or you'll pay the price. I want to make sure there's no doubt in your mind this time, Lilly. I will set rules, just like before, and if those rules aren't followed, you'll be spanked."

  "The same rules as before?"

  "The same rules, yes, but there will be others added, I'm sure."

  "Like what?"

  "I don't know until a situation arises that calls for an additional rule. We'll talk about any new rules I add, though, before it becomes a rule. It won't be a surprise to you."

  "And they're all for safety?"

  "Before I answer that, I feel I have to explain what encompasses safety in my mind. Safety to me is keeping you safe, and healthy, and happy. So although not drinking enough on a hot summer day may not be something you would think of as falling under the category of safety, I do. If you don't drink enough you could get sick, and that's not safe. If I let you get away with something you'll regret later, you'll become depressed and unhappy, and that's not safe. Do you get what I'm trying to say?"

  "I think maybe."

  "I will always be looking out for your best interests. Anything I know could be contrary to your best interests will fall under the category of safety. Does that help?"

  "It makes it hard to argue with when you put it that way."

  "Good. So are you ready to move back to the ranch tomorrow? I'll get us three plane tickets back home."

  "I've got my car. We can drive."

  "It's a long trip and I'm busy right now at the ranch. I don't want you driving that far without me, so I'll have your car shipped back. You can drive my car if you need to go somewhere before your car gets to the ranch."

  "You'd do that for me?"

  "It's for me as much as for you, Lilly. I have to be sure you're safe."

  "Okay, but when you say your car, do you mean your pickup?"

  "You can drive that if you want, but I assumed you'd be more comfortable driving my car."

  "I didn't know you had a car. All I've seen you drive is your pickup."

  "It's what I drive most. I do have a car, though, for things I go to that are more formal. It's what we'll take when I take you out to dinner."

  "Dinner? I thought you call it supper?"

  "I do when I'm on the ranch. When I'm taking a pretty lady out to eat, it's called dinner. Today's Wednesday. Let's fly home tomorrow, and Friday I'll take you out to dinner and you can see my car."

  "That sounds good to me."

  "Good. Now, it's getting late and we'll have a full day tomorrow. I'm going to go get Daphne so we can all get to sleep. Lock your door while I'm gone."

  Lilly did as he asked and sat back, going back over the evening. Daphne was right; she had misunderstood several things, but so had he. She smiled, glad they were indeed just misunderstandings.

  Chapter Nine

  When Dalton returned with Daphne, he gave his sister a quick kiss on her cheek, and spent a little more time giving Lilly a kiss. "Now, you two get some sleep. Don't stay up all night gossiping or I'll take both of you over my knee tomorrow."

  Daphne just smiled, but Lilly looked alarmed. "How would you know?"

  "Oh, I'll know," he said. "Ask Daphne. If you're tired tomorrow, I'll know you were up late instead of getting the sleep you need. I know my sister gets grouchy if she doesn't have enough sleep. There's lots of ways to know these things when you pay close attention to the lady, or ladies," he said looking from one of them to the other, "that you care about. So get some sleep. I'll call you in the morning and tell you when our flight leaves."

  He left, but when he waited in the hall he didn't hear the lock fasten. He waited another couple minutes, then knocked on their door. Daphne answered. "What did you forget, Dalton?" she asked.

  "I guess I forgot to remind you to lock the door when I leave, and don't answer the door to anyone without checking to see who it is," he said in a stern voice.

  Daphne dropped her eyes and quickly said, "I'm sorry. I was so anxious to hear if you guys got everything all worked out that I forgot. I always check it before I go to bed, though."

  He sighed and shook his head slowly. "Daphne, Lilly hasn't been raised with rules to follow and she doesn't know what safety rules I insist on, so a lot of this is going to be new to her. I'm counting on you to be a good example."

  "I'm sorry. I'm excited about you two getting things worked out, and I wasn't thinking. You're right, though, I need to be a positive influence."

  He allowed himself to smile a little. "Yeah, I'm pretty excited about us getting things worked out, too. But get it together, please. Make sure you two lock the door and watch opening it without checking."

  With another quick kiss for each of them he said, "See you in the morning," and left. This time he heard the lock click, and went to his room, tired but happy.


  They all three returned to the ranch the next day, where Stella had supper ready for them and Brian and Clay. Stella was delighted to see Lilly return with Dalton and Daphne. Dalton told everyone simply that he and Lilly had had several unfortunate misunderstandings, but they had everything worked out now, and she would be staying on the ranch again while she painted.

  He then proudly told them how well her paintings she'd done at the ranch had been received. He never mentioned any painting she'd done after she left. To his way of thinking, that wasn't worth thinking about now since she was back where she belonged and he was sure her work would show it.

  Over the next few days, things returned to much the same as they were before she left, with one big difference. Now after supper, it was Dalton who escorted Lilly out the door. He'd decided to show her some more remote spots on the ranch she might like. Often they started out headed for one place, but when she saw something she wanted to check out, they'd go there and wind up somewhere
totally different, which was fine with Dalton, as long as they were together.

  Sunday was the only day Dalton and Lilly ate lunch and dinner alone. After morning chores on Sundays, Clay ate breakfast with Dalton, then the day was his and he either ate with the men in the bunkhouse or went to town.

  A couple weeks after Lilly returned, Dalton surprised her on a Sunday. At lunch time he told her to gather her art supplies while he gathered a few other things. "Why? Where are we going?"

  "I thought I'd take you to that little knoll at the far end of the ranch. You said you'd love to paint the valley there as you're looking down from atop the knoll. That's not a place I want you to be by yourself. It's too far from the house, and we've seen a few wolves, and even an occasional mountain lion out there. I could see how taken you were with the view there, though, so I thought maybe today we could go out and let you start your painting. Didn't you say once you have it started, you can paint from photographs?"

  "Usually, yes, if I get a good start on it first. I have to be there to get the depth right. I sort of have to feel that as I'm painting it. Once I get it started and I have the scope of it, the depth of the view, and the feel of it on the canvas, then I can finish it from the photos. But it usually takes several hours at least to get to that point. Sometimes it takes a couple days to reach that point."

  "That's why we're taking a picnic with us for supper. You can paint as long as the sun's good for you. I know sometimes you have to stop when the sun starts going down, but without having to be back in time for supper, that'll give you a few extra hours. If it's not to that point yet, do you have to work on it on consecutive days, or could we come back next Sunday and continue?"

  She was all smiles as she answered. "I can probably stop and go back a week later. Sometimes I can't work on anything else in between, though, or I lose that energy I get from the spot."

  He nodded in understanding. "I wondered if that might be the case. Let's go get started. If you need more time and you're afraid you'll lose that energy, I'll bring you back out tomorrow morning after breakfast."


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