Where We Belong: Love Returns

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Where We Belong: Love Returns Page 14

by Melissa Tereze

  “Yeah, we are.” I sigh. “They’ve always been there for me. Just…they’re good people.”

  “You have to keep in contact with them.” We cross the street. “It would be awesome to come back here and visit in the future.”

  “Yeah, it would.” I agree as we stop outside our accommodation.

  “Okay, this is fancy.” Mati’s eyes trail up the building in front of us. “This is where we’re staying?”

  “Best for the best,” I respond, nonchalantly. “We can treat ourselves, right?”

  “Mm, yes we can.” She pushes through the pristine glass doors.

  Offering Mati a seat while I check us in, she drops down, a soft smile on her face. I can feel her eyes on me as I approach the desk and it only warms me inside. The more time I spend with her, the more I know I made the right decision to come back to her. How could I ever survive without someone so beautiful in my life? We just get each other. Completely.

  “Ready?” I toy with the keycard in my hand.

  “Yeah, I’m ready.” Her smile beaming, she grips my hand. “This place is incredible.”

  “Just want to see that smile on your face more often.”

  “I don’t need this to smile…” She leans in, her breath washing over my lips. “I have you for that.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.”

  We step inside the elevator and I press the button that will take us to our required floor. I’ve stayed here once before so I knew Mati would love it. She’s right, she doesn’t need all of this…but I wanted to spoil her a little. We are about to take in the sights of this beautiful town, so why not bring the beauty back to the hotel suite with us?

  The bells sounding, the doors open and we step out into the corridor. The building is only small but it’s perfect. Ideal for our weekend break. Checking the numbers as we slowly make our way towards the suite at the end of the short hallway, we find the one we’re looking for and I swipe the keycard down the lock.

  “Wow.” Mati gasps. “This is beautiful, Liv.” Her eyes take in our surroundings, the floor to ceiling windows providing us with the perfect view of the bay. A kitchenette to her right and an open plan bathroom to her left, Mati turns to face me, those soft, sweet eyes holding appreciation for the trip I’ve arranged.

  “I told you.” I shrug. “Only the best. Tugging her into my arms, my lips press against Mati’s and I swallow the soft moan she releases. “Only ever the best.”

  “Mm.” Pulling back, she narrows her eyes and studies my face. “Do, um…do we have any plans for the rest of the day?”

  “Nothing concrete, why?”

  “That bathtub looks amazing.” She takes her bottom lip between her teeth. “Maybe you could join me after our nap?”

  “I’d love to.”

  “Oh, and would you look at that.” Her eyes close as she leans in, her lips covering my own. “It comes with strawberries, cream, and champagne.” Pushing me further inside, the door closes behind us. “Wouldn’t it be a shame to waste it?”

  “Mm, you think?” My lips trail Mati’s neck.

  “Oh…” Her hand slips up my shirt. “I-I know.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  This place is incredible. The way of life. The quietness. It’s everything I believe we need right now and the more time I spend here, the less I want to leave. Its early evening and we haven’t done much in terms of taking in the views, but I feel relaxed for the first time in a long time so I’m enjoying it while I can. If I have to lounge around until we leave, then that is what I will do. It’s so peaceful here.

  Olivia has been a little quiet since we woke from napping earlier, but I guess at times, things get on top of her. She is a thinker, like me. When she has something in her head, she focuses on it and doesn’t let it go. Not unless necessary. I know being here means a great deal to my girlfriend so I will let her be for a little while longer. She knows where I am if she needs me.

  Stepping out onto the balcony, I sink down into a seat and watch as the oranges and purples slowly dance through the sky. It’s no secret that I’m an absolute sucker for a good sunset but the weather in London often prevents the craving I have for them. London makes up for that in its own way, though. It makes up for it with its architecture. The parks. The people. It makes it up in the way I’ve been welcomed and how at home I’m beginning to feel there. My only hope…that Olivia one day feels that way, too.

  Maybe she won’t, I don’t know…but I’m starting to realize that being with her is a craving which consumes everything else in my world. If she decided it wasn’t her place, would I leave with her? Honestly, I can’t say that I wouldn’t. I can’t say that I wouldn’t drop it all for her and move back to the US, because I think I would. I would in a heartbeat.

  I’ve never regretted my decision to move to London, and I never will, but it’s not everything to me anymore. Not now that I have Olivia back. Of course, I want to share a life with her in the UK, but wherever we are, we can be great together. I needed this experience to realize what I was losing. We both did. Naturally, I didn’t want it to happen, but life works in some mysterious ways, how we deal with it is what makes us who we are.

  I thrived and survived without Olivia in London, and in some messed up way, she survived in LA. The circumstance wasn’t ideal, and I was none the wiser, but ultimately, Olivia survived her mom’s death and came out on top. I only have to look at her to see how far she has come.

  Those weeks ago when I climbed into a bath fully clothed, her heart absolutely broken, yeah…she has come so far and I don’t know at what point I noticed it. I don’t know at what point I knew that we could be and would be okay. Maybe, deep down, I always knew we would work things out. Maybe it was just a case of waiting and finding one another when the time was right. It may have been hard and at times excruciating, but it worked itself out in the end. It worked and now I feel happier than I was before I left Chicago.

  I know all of this is going to take time and effort on both our parts but I’m ready. I’m prepared for whatever we may face. Is Olivia, too? Yes, I believe she is. I believe she knows exactly what she wants and she will get it. Whether that is in London, or elsewhere…she can have the life she once did. Before the break-up. Before her life took a turn. Before her mom’s death. It may take time and patience, but Olivia is one of the most patient people I know.

  The light evening air wrapping around me, my hair wisps and falls around my shoulders. The silence is comforting and the change in temperature is a welcome relief from being at home. Yes, I love fall, but who doesn’t love a little sun? Who doesn’t feel instantly lifted when they know they have no work commitments for the next week? Me, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.

  “Can I join you?” Olivia steps up behind me, her hand settling on my shoulder.

  “I wish you would.” I glance back, smiling as she stares down at me. “You okay?”

  “Super relaxed, but yeah.”

  Taking a seat beside me, Olivia pulls her legs up and rests them over my thighs. Night’s like this are what I live for with her. Comfort. Contentment. Just us. Our lives were once so on the go that we were lucky to spend uninterrupted time together, and if things work out in London, that will be happening all over again. I don’t hold it against Olivia, and she doesn’t hold it against me…we just have an understanding for our work and what is expected of us.

  Olivia has the benefit of being self-employed, but I don’t. It’s never been a problem for us before and I don’t imagine it’s going to become one. Work is work and at the end of each day, if we can spend just ten minutes alone, it is good enough.

  In time, life will settle down.

  “You said you had found a place when you went home to LA.”

  I’m not sure now is the time to be having this conversation but I guess there is no time like the present, right? Olivia once told me that she had found a building to set up her business in London but it hasn’t been mentioned since. I d
on’t know if she just hasn’t thought about it or if she is undecided, but a discussion about it seems like the adult thing to do.

  “I did.” She turns in her seat a little, facing me fully. “Fifteen minutes from your place.”

  “Wow.” My eyes widen as I focus on the view in front of us. “That close, huh?”

  “Just seemed like the perfect place.” She admits. “You know, distance wise…size wise, too.”

  “Seems a shame that you didn’t go through with it.” A sadness settles within me at the thought of what could’ve been. “Have you thought about looking for something else?”

  “Don’t need to.” My girlfriend shrugs. “When I knew we were going to make a go of this, I called the agent.”

  “Yeah?” My forehead creases.

  “The place was still available,” Olivia states, nonchalantly. “So, I took it.”

  “Y-You what?” I sit forward and Olivia’s legs drop from my lap. “You took it? You mean you have a place to set up…in London?”

  “Seems I do.” Her smile widens when my own does. “It will be competition for the company you’re with but I’ll keep things clean…for now.”

  “I’m not interested in the competition right now.” My heart beats hard in my chest. “I’m interested in the fact that you’re really staying.”

  “I told you I was staying.” Olivia looks at me with confusion.

  “I know but you know?” I stand, leaning against the balcony and looking out over the bay.

  “No, Mati…I don’t know.”

  “I thought you would change your mind,” I admit, my back turned on my girlfriend. “I just wasn’t sure London was for you.”

  “Hey.” She stands, gripping my hands tight. “The thought of ever losing you again is too much to take, Mati. Never waking beside you. Never seeing that beautiful smile.” My eyes fill with tears. “I’m here for the long haul, I swear to you.”

  “Damn, you really are, huh?” I wipe the tears from my jawline.

  “Oh, I am.” She pulls me in close, her lips crushing into mine. “So long.”

  “You don’t realize how much this means to me, Olivia.” Cupping her face, she leans into my touch and her lips curl into the perfect smile. That freckle below her eye prominent, my thumb trails her cheek. “God, this feels amazing.”

  “You wanna just relax this evening?” Olivia asks, her deep brown eyes burning through me. “Just…breathe?”

  “Yeah.” I agree, pulling her inside our apartment. “Yeah, I’d like that.”


  Lay out on her stomach, Olivia sighs and turns her head to face me. Propped up on my elbow, my fingertips trail light patterns across her gorgeous, strong back as we both come down from one hell of a high. It was all kinds of hot, but it was needed. For both of us. Something about this evening feels different to me. She’s left me feeling like I’ve just had an out of body experience but she does that to me. It’s unmatched with anything I’ve ever shared with anyone before.

  Olivia’s mind and her words are like nothing I’ve ever felt before, and each time feels fresh. New. There is no lack of confidence. No backing down. Once she has her mind set on worshipping my body, she doesn’t let up. Her focus is totally on me. Us. Olivia is all in, I know that.

  When I met her some two and a half years ago, she was the breath of fresh air I needed. She was the difference in my life I believed I needed. From the moment I kissed her, I never looked back. From the moment I touched her, I knew she would be mine forever. I knew that we would grow together and support each other. Something got mixed up along the way but I still feel those things for her. I still feel that earth-shattering love between us. It's undeniable.

  My fingers gliding across Olivia’s shoulder blades, her eyes don’t leave mine and I can feel her smiling from the inside out. Yes, we’re that well connected. I love watching her. I love the little things she does. Like, when she has something on her mind, her right eye twitches just slightly. It’s barely noticeable, but I see it. Oh, and she plays with her hair. I know she is thinking real hard when that happens. She twists it around her index finger and stares into space. To anyone else, it’s irrelevant, but to me? To me, I could watch Olivia doing the little things I love for the rest of my life.

  “You warm enough?” I ask, the palm of my hand settling flat against her skin.

  “Mm, I’m perfect.” Olivia’s eyes flicker. “That feels good.”

  Pulling the sheets over us a little, it finishes halfway up her back and she moans as the warmth cocoons her. Concentrating my fingers on the back of her neck, Olivia closes her eyes and appreciates my every touch. My every move.

  Her breathing completely calm, and her body beyond relaxed, she is totally undisturbed right now. I’m not often wound up tight, nor is Olivia, but it does happen occasionally. Knowing that lying here like this settles us both renders me speechless and leaves me feeling positive about our future.

  “Can we discuss something?” I ask suddenly.

  “Of course, what’s the problem?”

  “No problem.” I give Olivia a soft smile. “Just…you remember like eighteen months ago? Before London was even a plan?”

  “Uh, yeah…I think so.” Olivia shifts and makes herself more comfortable. “What about it?”

  “That evening we were sharing dinner…you mentioned Brianna was trying with her husband?”

  “Trying?” My girlfriend looks at me confused. “Trying…oh, right.” She realizes what I’m saying. “Yeah, I remember.”

  “We had a half-hearted conversation about our future. Our plans.”

  “Mm.” Olivia grins. “You wanted us to go into business together. You had all these plans and ideas. How you wanted your office to look. The color scheme planned out and ready to go.”

  “No, not that part.” I clear my throat, my eyes focusing anywhere but on Olivia. “After that…”

  “Kids.” She breathes out. “You’re talking about the kid’s part, right?”

  “Right.” I nod in agreement.

  “You don’t want it anymore, do you?” Olivia sits up, pulling the sheet tight against her body. “I mea-“

  “Hey.” I stop her, placing my hand on her wrist. “I want to know what you want.”

  “Why?” She asks, her brow furrowed. “What about what you want?”

  “You know what I want.” I shift closer to Olivia. “What I want has never changed.”

  “You still want the kid’s part?”

  “With you, yes.” I lean in, pressing a kiss to her lips. “That will never change.”

  “Like, now…or?”

  “Well, not just yet.” I laugh. “But, so long as both still want that, there is no pressure. You know, we don’t have to get the ball rolling right now.”

  “Then when?”

  “Well, when you are set up in London,” I reply. “I know the idea is exciting, but we need to figure things out in London first.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.” Olivia squeezes my thigh. “You always were the sensible one.”

  “Mmhmm.” I purse my lips. “Don’t ever forget it.”

  “You know, I could always see you being a mom.” Olivia toys with my fingertips.

  “Yeah? You think we can do it?”

  “Damn right, we can.” My girlfriend pulls me down into a searing kiss. “The best.”

  “You’re going to make me cry,” I mumble against Olivia’s mouth, her scent enveloping me. “I love you.”

  Gripping her neck, we mold into one and every emotion inside of me heightens. The love. The sorrow. The time we’ve lost between us. The laughing and the crying. Every moment I’ve ever spent with this woman is at the forefront of my mind and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else right now.

  “I love you so much, Olivia.”

  “I’m taking you to dinner tomorrow night.” My girlfriend exhales. “And if I get my way, we’re never leaving this place.”

  “You want Spain?” I ask, pulling back and studying O
livia’s face.

  “I want you…”

  “Did you ever think about setting up home here?”

  “I did.” She nods, her eyes diverting away from me. “A long time ago.”


  “And it didn’t work out.” She says, nonchalantly. “I was supposed to move to Chicago and find you.”

  “Real smooth.” I roll my eyes playfully. “But in all seriousness, was it a big plan of yours?”

  “Yes and no, I guess.”

  Something tells me Olivia is holding back from me a little but I can’t be sure. I could be reading too much into this, but I’m also usually good at reading people in these situations. Maybe its just none of my business.

  “Dinner would be great.” My back connects with the mattress as the cool evening breeze passes through the open balcony doors. “Dinner. You. Anything I can get.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  “So, where exactly are we headed?”

  Stepping out of the restaurant, Mati takes my hand and laces our fingers together. It’s cool tonight, but it’s ideal. It isn’t an uncomfortable heat…it’s just right.

  “Just for a walk.” I shrug. “Take in the town at night…”

  “Perfect.” Mati leans in and presses a kiss below my ear. “Dinner was great, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “How are you feeling?” Mati tightens her grip on my hand, her body inching a little closer.

  “Um, great.” I glance her way, a smile curling on my lips. “You?”

  “Amazing.” She breathes out. “But, I’m talking about how you are feeling being here. I know it must be hard for you.”

  “I thought it would be,” I admit. “But having you here with me makes this all seem so much easier than I anticipated.” It’s true. If Mati wasn’t here with me, I’d have fallen apart by now. Without a doubt. “I’m so happy you’re here.”

  “I think I always would’ve come here with you. Even if I didn’t want to…” Her honesty causes our pace to slow some. “I’d never have forgiven myself if you’d traveled here alone and needed me.”


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