by Bobby Orr
interest in Orr, 63–64
offer to Orr, 199
Orr joins, 97
Orr’s feelings about, 198
playoff drought, 116
reputation of, 129–30
retirement of Orr number, 265–66
and Schmidt, 110–11, 112
as Stanley Cup champions (1970), 126
as Stanley Cup champions (1972), 136
status of, 105, 107
success of, 161, 162
trade Orr, 179
trades, 110
Bowman, Scotty, 62–63, 64, 65, 85, 123
Brady, Tom, 158
Brewer, Carl, 192
Bucyk, Johnny, 2, 94–95, 111, 124, 130, 206
Burke, Brian, 166
Bush, George, Sr., 153
Calder Trophy, 107
Camp Wee-Gee-Wa, 31
Campbell, Clarence, 135
Campbell-Pascall, Cassie, 223
Canada Cup, 179–81, 190, 202, 262
Canadian Hockey League, 249
Canney, Dan, 110
Carleton, Wayne, 125
Cashman, Wayne, 67, 81, 125, 130
Charles W. Stockey Centre, 265
Cheevers, Gerry, 121, 136, 142, 161, 203, 242
Cherry, Don (Grapes), 159, 163
awards, 171
and Canada Cup 1976, 180–81
coaching style, 168, 169–71
and D. Orr funeral, 174–75
fashion sense, 165–66, 174
forthrightness of, 166
generosity of, 171–72
love of hockey, 172–73
meets Orr, 167–68
omission from HHOF, 172
playing career, 173
popularity of, 165–66, 171
support for fighting, 250–51
Cherry, Rose, 168
Cherry, Tim, 168, 174
Chevrolet Safe & Fun Hockey, 223–25, 228
Chicago Black Hawks, 135, 233–34
Eagleson role in Orr trade, 198–99
job offer to Orr, 209
Orr joins, 179, 182–86
Clairmont, Neil, 18, 46
Clarke, Bobby, 162
Coffey, Paul, 29
Comeau, Marc, 225
Coniglario, Tony, 156
Conlin, Dick, 222–23
Connelly, Wayne, 109
Connolly, Dick, 153
Conway, Russ, 203
Corella, Bill, 83
Cosell, Howard, 151
Cournoyer, Yvan, 142, 149, 263
Crosby, Sidney, 251–52
Curran, Rick, 212, 234
Davidson, Bob, 52
Davidson, R.E., 61
Dionne, Marcel, 180
Doak, Gary, 2, 109, 110
Dornhoefer, Gary, 109
Dryden, Ken, 133, 263
Dubeau, Mike, 76–79
Dunbar, Dale, 238
Dzurilla, Vladimír, 180–81
Eagleson, Alan
as agent, 192–93, 197–98, 199–200
behavior, 197
break with Orr, 200–1
business practices, 195, 199–200, 202–3
charges against, 205
effects of crimes/misdeeds, 190–91
ejection from HHOF, 190, 206
friendship with Orr, 194, 196
meets Orr, 191
and Orr finances, 193–94
Orr’s feelings about, 189, 204–5
positive accomplishments, 190
punishment of, 205–6
sports camp enterprise, 194–95
Edmonton Oil Kings, 86, 103
Ellesmere, Bernice (Bernie), 76, 78
Ellesmere, Bob, 76, 78
Emms, Hap, 87, 91, 96, 97, 110, 192
Esposito, Phil, 110, 111, 114, 120, 122, 125, 161, 178
Esposito, Tony, 122
Favell, Doug, 67
Federal Bureau of Investigation, 205
Ferguson, John, 251, 252
Fernier, Gene, 25
Fireman, Paul, 196–97
Fitzgerald, Joe, 156
Flaman, Ferny, 192
Forristall, John (Frosty), 110
Fox, Michael J., 155–56
Gallivan, Danny, 210, 215
Game Misconduct (Conway), 203
General Motors of Canada, 212, 222, 266
Gignac, Doug, 71
Gilchrist, Anthony, 31, 37, 60–61
“Goal, The,” statue, 2–5, 265
Goldsworthy, Bill, 109
Green, Ted, 112, 130–31
Gregory, Jim, 52
Guidolin, Bep, 87, 161
Hadfield, Vic, 113
Hall, Glenn, 126, 128
Harris, Ted, 249–50
Hartford Whalers, 209
Harvey, Doug, 29
Hewitt, Foster, 190, 215
Hockey Canada, 203
Hockey Hall of Fame
Cherry’s omission from, 172, 173–74
Eagleson resigns from, 190, 206
Orr inducted into, 263–64
Hockey Night in Canada, 210
Hodge, Ken, 2, 110, 111, 125, 130
Hodgson, Ted, 86, 103, 104
Holmes, Bob, 71
Howe, Gordie, 31, 99–101, 167, 187, 206, 215, 217–18, 263
Hull, Bobby, 149–50, 161, 180, 206
Imlach, George “Punch,” 60–61, 215
Jack Adams Trophy, 171
Jacobs, Jeremy, 2, 198, 199
Johnson, Tom, 131, 161
Johnston, Eddie (EJ), 109, 110, 121, 140–42, 209, 242
Karlsson, Erik, 29
Keenan, Larry, 124, 125
King, Larry, 212
Konrad, Harold, 225
Lafleur, Guy, 149, 179, 180
Langlois, Al, 99
Lapointe, Guy, 180
Lemaire, Jacques, 85
Lemieux, Mario, 190
Lester B. Pearson Award, 264
Lester Patrick Trophy, 264
Letang, Kris, 29
Lindros, Eric, 41, 42
Lindsay, Ted, 192, 206
Lonsberry, Ross, 86, 103, 104
Los Angeles Kings, 233
Lussier, Ray, 2
MacLean, Ron, 172
Mahovlich, Frank, 115
Major Junior hockey, 233, 234, 235, 249
Marcotte, Don, 2
Marotte, Gilles, 67, 100, 110
Martin, Pit, 110
MasterCard, 211
Maxwell, Tom, 31, 35
McDavid, Connor, 235
McDonald, Wilfred (Bucko), 31, 32–34, 35, 37
McKay, Jim, 153
McKenzie, Johnny (Pie), 2, 111, 130, 161, 242
Memorial Cup championship, 86, 87
Menino, (Mayor), 2
Mikita, Stan, 150
Montreal Canadiens, 60, 63, 65, 119–20, 132, 133, 143
Montreal Forum, 143
Mooney, Paul, 199
Morton, Gus, 192
Nabisco, 211
National Collegiate Athletic Association, 233, 234, 236
National Hockey League
draft, 88
expansion, 109
routes to, 233–36
selection process, 59–60
National Hockey League Entry Draft, 59
National Hockey League Players’ Association, 193, 199, 203, 205
New York Rangers, 135, 136
Niagara Falls Flyers, 67
Norris, Jack, 110
Norris Trophy, 262–63
Olympic 2010 Winter Games, 266
Ontario Hockey League, 249
Order of Canada, 190, 205, 264
O’Reilly, Terry, 138–39
Oritz, David (Big Papa), 2
Orr, Alexis (granddaughter), 2
Orr, Arva (mother), 39, 42–44, 45–48, 51, 54, 55, 58, 68, 73, 78, 134, 174–75
Orr, Bobby
as agent, 236–38
on agents, 236–38
and All-Star selections, 263
awards and trophies, 107, 264
bantam hockey, 35–37
Black Hawks job offer, 209
break with Eagleson, 200–1
broadcasting work, 210
business pursuits, 212–13
Canada Cup, 179–81
on Canada Cup championship, 262
and Chicago Black Hawks, 182–86
childhood hockey, 16, 18–19, 20, 25, 26–27
as coach, 243
on coaches’ role, 231–33
consulting work, 209
control by Eagleson, 197
courted by Bruins, 65–67, 68–69
education, 75–76, 79
feelings about Eagleson, 189, 198, 204–5
on fighting, 248–54
and financial matters, 193–94, 197–98, 199–200, 201–2
first NHL game, 99–101
first NHL goal, 101
first training camp, 92–93, 95–98
fitness level, 93–94
friendship with Eagleson, 194, 196
Hockey Hall of Fame induction, 263–64
and hockey program for youths, 222–25
on hockey rules, 243–48
injuries, 86–87, 88–89, 118–19, 177–78, 181–85 (See also knee injuries and operations)
joins Bruins, 91–92, 97
knee injuries and operations, 106, 115–16, 117, 136–37, 146–47, 178, 182, 184–85, 186
love of sports, 19
meets Cherry, 167–68
meets Eagleson, 191
and “The Goal” statue, 2–5, 265
moves into Junior A hockey, 75
and Norris Trophy, 262–63
offer from Black Hawks, 198–99
as Olympics flag bearer, 266
and Order of Canada, 264
and Oshawa Generals, 81, 83, 84–86, 88
on parents’ role, 229–31
readiness for pros, 88–89, 91
records broken, 141
on reducing injuries, 246
on referees, 253–54
retires as player, 186–87
rookie challenges, 101–2, 105
rookie season (Oshawa Generals), 58
on routes to NHL, 233–36, 238–41
routines and habits, 147–49
scouting of, 62–64
shyness, 210, 211
skating skills, 27–28, 64
skills development, 19, 33–34
sports camp enterprise, 194–95
style of play, 102
summer jobs, 50–52
sweater numbers, 98–99, 265–66
traded by Bruins, 179
on training young players, 227–29
treatment by Toronto fans, 133–34
turns pro, 91–92
on winning Stanley Cup, 262
on year-round programs, 225–27
Orr, Brent (son), 221
Orr, Chelsea (daughter-in-law), 2
Orr, Darren (son), 2, 221
Orr, Doug (father), 14, 39, 41, 42–45, 48–50, 51, 52–55, 58, 68, 84, 87, 98, 174–75
Orr, Doug Jr. (brother), 14
Orr, Elsie (grandmother), 14, 17
Orr, Patricia (sister), 14–15, 73
Orr, Peggy (wife), 9, 45, 187, 201, 207, 221
Orr, Penny (sister), 14, 52–53
Orr, Robert (grandfather), 14
Orr, Ronnie (brother), 14, 37, 78
Orr Hockey Group, 212, 234, 238
Oshawa Generals, 55, 58, 67, 69, 70–71, 73, 75, 81, 84–86, 88, 139
retirement of Orr number, 2 65–66
Palmer, Arnold, 152–55
Palmer, Dr. John, 117
Parent, Bernie, 67, 109, 162
Parise, J.P., 109
Park, Brad, 178, 206
Parry Sound Shamrocks, 27
Peters, Jimmy, 81, 82
Philadelphia Flyers, 103, 162
Picard, Noel, 4, 126
Popiel, Poul, 109
Potvin, Denis, 180
Pronovost, Marcel, 106
Pulford, Bob, 192
Quinn, Pat, 118, 119, 133
Ratelle, Jean, 178
Reardon, Ken, 63
Rivers, Wayne, 109
Robinson, Larry, 180
Rochester Americans, 167
Rowe, Dr. Carter, 178
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 205
Russell, Bill, 158
Sabourin, Gary, 124
Sanderson, Derek (Turk), 2, 67, 112–14, 125, 126, 130, 161, 211
Savard, Serge, 85, 180
Schmidt, Milt, 2, 110, 112, 115
Schock, Ron, 109
Shack, Eddie, 112
Shore, Eddie, 29, 99
Sinden, Harry, 2, 96, 105, 125, 131, 161, 215
Sittler, Darryl, 180, 181
Slap Shot (film), 18
Smith, Dallas, 242
Smith, Reverend Marjorie, 45
Smith, Rick, 4, 124
Smythe, Conn, 32
Standard Brands, 211
Stanfield, Fred, 110, 111, 112
Stanley Cup, 126–27, 160, 162, 262
Steele, Arva, 14. See also Orr, Arva (mother)
St. Louis Blues, 122, 124–26
Summit Series, 136–38, 190, 206
Team Canada, 202
and Summit Series, 137–38
Ted Lindsay Award. See Lester B. Pearson Award
Tennant, Royce, 26, 27, 28, 29–30, 31, 35
Toronto Maple Leafs, 60, 61–62, 63, 65, 133–34
Tyler, Steven, 153
Vadnais, Carol, 85, 180
Verdi, Bob, 178
Wakefield, Tim, 2
Walton, Mike, 133–34, 195
Watson, Jimmy, 180
Watson, Joe, 103
Watters, Bill, 46, 196
Waylett, Stan, 70, 84
Wentzell, John, 2
Westfall, Ed, 113, 125, 161
Whittaker, Jimmy, 18, 79, 80
Wilde, Cora, 79, 80
Wilde, Jack, 79, 80
Wilkins, Barry, 81
Williams, Ted, 156–59
Woolf, Bob, 212
Woolf Associates, 212
World Hockey Assocation, 114, 161
Worsley, Gump, 101
Yastrzemski, Carl, 158