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The Slightly Supernatural Sheriff: M/M Shifter Mpreg Romance (Lone Wolves Ranch Book 3)

Page 7

by Ardy Kelly

  “Neither of us are shifters.”

  “There’s no rule fated mates are only for shifters. You like him, don’t you?”

  “I’m attracted to him. But I don’t know anything about him.”

  “That’s easy to fix.” Standing at the edge of the playground, Diana waved her arms and called Troy’s name.

  Troy sat on a bench in the playground, watching his children while scribbling in a notebook. He leapt up and hurried over to the baby carriage.

  “Oh, my goodness. This must be baby Joshua.” Troy stared at the infant. “You’ve got quite a reputation at the ranch already, little man, showing up in the middle of the night.”

  Diana laughed. “Troy, this is my brother, David. I don’t think you two met at the wedding rehearsal. He was the guard dog for the Morehouse elders.”

  Troy gave David a big hug, and took a deep inhale. “Welcome to Lone Wolves Ranch. My goodness, new omegas are popping up around here like weeds. First Steven, then Ricky, and now you!”

  Diana shook her head. “He’s not an om—”

  “Fertility must run in the family. Congratulations.” He scanned David’s neck for a bite mark. “A single dad, too!”

  “David’s the human one,” Diana said. “That’s probably Joshua you smell on him.”

  Troy was distracted for a moment by the playground. “Victor, stop torturing your sister.” He turned back to Diana. “Honey, I know the difference between fresh baked baby and baby batter.” He turned to David. “You knew, didn’t you? Am I the first to break the good news?”

  Diana grabbed her brother by the sleeve of his shirt and pulled him toward her. She inhaled and uncertainty clouded her face.

  “Let me guess,” Troy continued. “Your heat was less than a week ago, right?”

  Diana stared at her brother. “You had a heat?”

  David’s gaze darted between her and Troy. “I had…something. What’s an omega?”

  Diana’s jaw dropped before she turned on Troy. “Not a word,” Diana scolded. “I don’t want you talking to anyone, texting anyone, and most definitely not writing about this.”

  Troy put his hands on his hips. “I would never take away your opportunity to surprise your family with the happy news.” He tilted his head. “But how long before I can write about it?”

  “Never,” Diana barked.

  “That seems a little harsh. He’s not the first unmated omega to get pregnant.”

  “He is in our family,” Diana shot back.

  Troy gave David another hug. “Then congratulations again!” He waved his finger at Diana. “Everyone is going to find out when he blows up like a Macy’s Thanksgiving Day balloon.”

  Diana glared at David. “I can’t believe you’re pregnant,” she spit out.

  “That makes two of us,” David replied. “Male shifters can get pregnant?”

  “Only a lucky few.” Troy gazed warily at Diana’s pained expression. “Though it might be unlucky in your case. That’s what makes you an omega.”

  She began to sniffle. “This week was supposed to be about little Joshua. But now it will be all about you. As usual.”

  “Okay,” Troy said. “The new mommy needs a hug.” He wrapped his arms around her. “You’re having a little mood swing.”

  “Nobody is going to pay attention to Joshua when they find out David’s pregnant,” she sobbed.

  “Joshua is the prettiest baby I’ve ever seen, and everyone will want a chance to hold him. We won’t tell anyone the news about David.”

  Diana sniffled. “They’ll smell it on him.”

  “Baking soda has worked in the past. We’ll douse him with it. Or patchouli. Maybe both.”

  “I’ll go home tonight,” David said. “Tell Mother I couldn’t stay to see her.”

  Diana put her hand on David’s arm. “Don’t go. Like you said, I’m a little dramatic.”

  “More than a little.” When Diana gave Troy the stink eye, he added, “It wasn’t a criticism.”

  Troy studied David for a minute. “I don’t think you should be leaving just yet. You need to stay close.” He took a deep inhale. “You don’t smell like a recessive. If you’re not a shifter and you’re not a recessive, how did you get pregnant? We’ll wait until your mother leaves, and then I’m playing Nancy Drew in the case of the human omega.”

  David felt close to tears himself. “How am I even supposed to give birth?”

  “Oh honey,” Troy responded. “Just enjoy the miracle of making a baby, and I’ll fill you in on all the gruesome stuff later.”

  “We’ve got to go.” Diana grabbed David and headed toward the woods. “Ricky is waiting for us.”

  “Keep Wednesday afternoons open,” Troy called. “I’ve got a little club you should join.”

  Out of earshot, David moaned. “Tell me that man is crazy.”

  Diana nodded. “He is, but I wouldn’t doubt anything he says. You must have slept with a shifter. Who is the poppa-daddy?”

  David shuddered. The last thing he wanted was to be any more linked to his neighbor. “I can’t go back to San Francisco.”

  “Obviously,” Diana answered. “You’ll have to stay with Dad until the baby is born. You can’t let humans see you. We’re still on the down low.”

  Diana and David took a well-trod path into the woods, stopping in front of a gleaming double-wide home. Fenced gardens surrounded the property, each of them bursting with growth or recently tilled.

  Adam opened the door before the visitors had the chance to knock. He gave David the laser look Diana recognized as the one her father used on any boy she dated.

  “Relax, Adam.” Diana lifted Joshua out of the stroller. “He’s a pregnant omega. There’s no funny business.”

  “Can’t blame me for making sure.” He took a deep inhale as David passed. “Why don’t I smell wolf?”

  “I’m the non-shifter Morehouse,” David explained, resisting an instinctive and unfamiliar urge to show the man his neck.

  “But you’re pregnant…”

  “Yeah,” Diana replied. “That’s the problem. It also means he’ll be visiting a lot, so dial down the alpha vibe.”

  David didn’t notice any outward change in the man, but he felt a drop in the intimidation level.

  “Come in.” Adam stepped aside. “Ricky is in his workroom.”

  Walking through the front room, they caught the attention of a silver-eyed infant in a playpen.

  “Rommy’s grown,” Diana noted.

  Adam transformed from wary wolf to proud poppa. “Top ten percentile.”

  Just past an open door, Ricky was bent over a treadle sewing machine, pumping it with his foot. “Just one minute.”

  He pulled the length of a quilt through the machine, stitching the side closed. After snipping the thread, he laid the piece down and turned to his guests. “Sorry I’m late. I’m Ricky.”

  Diana pushed her brother forward. “He’s David.”

  “And this must be Joshua.” Ricky held out his arms. “Can I hold him?”

  Joshua grabbed hold of Ricky’s thumb as the omega pulled him close. “Quite a grip, little man.” He kissed the top of the baby’s head. “I forgot Romulus was ever this small.”

  Diana swiped at a spot of drool on her shoulder. “Are you thinking of having another?”

  “If you’d asked me this morning, the answer would have been no,” Ricky replied.

  “We’ve talked about it,” Adam said.

  Ricky nudged David. “Talking about it doesn’t make any difference when our heat comes on, does it? Had you decided you wanted a baby?”

  “Furthest thing from my mind,” David replied.

  There was the squeak of springs behind them as Adam released the Murphy bed from the wall.

  Ricky reluctantly handed Joshua back to his mother. “What can I help you with?”

  David looked to his sister.

  “He’s got morning sickness,” Diana answered.

  Ricky nodded. “Is it your f

  “In more ways than one,” David said.

  “My brother is not a shifter,” Diana explained. “But he has shifter blood.”

  Adam asked, “How did he get pregnant?”

  “The same way Ricky did,” Diana replied. “Do I need to explain the process to you?”

  Ricky leaned toward David and inhaled. “This is a new one on me, but let’s see if I can help with the nausea. I’ll warn you, it usually lasts about a week. You may need to come back as your body continues to change.”

  Slipping off his shoes, Ricky pulled out a few pillows and a blanket from the closet. “Sorry for the lumpy mattress.” He dropped his voice to a whisper. “Adam doesn’t like smelling other wolves in our bed.”

  “Can I watch?” Diana asked.

  Ricky positioned David on his side, spooning him. “There’s really nothing to see.”

  “You sure?” she asked. “You don’t glow, or have energy sparks shooting out of your toes? It could happen. You’re asleep so you wouldn’t notice.”

  “Nothing happens,” Adam confirmed. “I’m always watching to make sure nothing happens,” he warned.

  Ricky tsked. “I’ve never had bedroom performance anxiety before, but this attention is creeping me out.”

  “Come on,” Adam told Diana. “Let’s leave these two to nap.” He turned his attention on David. “But I’m leaving the door open, and wolves have excellent hearing.”

  Ricky smiled. “You’re cute when you’re jealous.”

  “Can you find your way back?” Diana asked her brother. “Joshua will be napping, and I still have to finish cleaning.”

  “I’ll make sure he gets back safely,” Adam volunteered.

  Chapter 5

  David woke from the nap with an unfamiliar feeling. He was hungry. Not just hungry—ravenous. His stomach rumbled in agreement.

  Ricky jostled beside him. “That sound isn’t morning sickness, is it?”

  “The exact opposite.”

  “Glad to hear it.”

  As the two rose from the bed, they heard the distinctive sound of Troy’s voice. “Adam, I was just in the neighborhood and thought I’d drop in. Diana isn’t here, is she?”

  David shot up. “Is there any place to hide?”

  Before Ricky could answer, Troy appeared in the doorway. “Oh, David, I didn’t realize you were still here.”

  Adam shot David a look. “Don’t believe a word he says.”

  Troy rolled his eyes. “Ignore him. He still blames me for saving Ricky’s life.”

  Ricky rose from the bed, intent on keeping the quarrel from escalating. “David’s got his appetite back.”

  “That’s great,” Troy squealed. “Why don’t I take you down to the hall and get some food in your belly while there’s still room in there.”

  “I’m taking him back to Diana,” Adam said.

  “Don’t be silly,” Troy replied. “It’s right on my way. Plus, I’m sure he has plenty of questions only another omega can answer.” Elbowing Adam aside, he hustled David out the door.

  Once out of earshot, Troy looked behind them to make sure no one was following. “I’m dying to know your story,” he gushed. “Is the father one of the wolves here on the ranch?”

  David shook his head. “A neighbor in San Francisco.”

  Troy nodded. “A boy-next-door story. I haven’t written one of those. I’d love to be there when you tell him.”

  “I’m not telling him. He’s mated. And the less I have to do with him, the better.”

  Troy tsked. “I didn’t take you for a homewrecker.”

  “I didn’t encourage him,” David protested.

  Troy laughed. “Being an omega in heat is all the encouragement an alpha needs. But don’t worry. No one’s going to blame you for making a stupid mistake with your first heat...well, no omega will blame you. Especially without a family to guard you. We’ll get you a supply of Cool-Aid.”


  “It’s a heat suppressant. Doesn’t stop it completely, but makes it manageable without taking all the fun out,” Troy added with a wink.

  “I don’t ever want to go through that again.”

  “Oh, we’ve all wished we didn’t have heats. Especially the times we had to listen to our parents going at it. But if you find the right alpha, there’s nothing like losing yourself in sex with someone you trust. Especially if he knows his way around an omega.”

  David huffed a, “No thanks.”

  “Honey, you need to find someone. There’s plenty of good, single alphas around here.”

  “I’m swearing off wolves.”

  Troy shook his head. “Those pregnancy hormones can be almost as powerful as a heat. It’s best to have a few friends with benefits.” He paused to inventory the available alphas at the ranch. “There’s Luke. He’s Adam’s brother, but don’t hold that against him.” He tapped his chin. “Maybe Tom would suit you. He’s an odd bird. Literally. He’s a peacock. Only one we’ve got, so he’s always pecking around the fresh meat. If you’re desperate, there is Eddy. Can’t miss him. He’s tall, dark, and gruesome. On the other hand, if you’re into hot daddy types, I’ll introduce you to Stu.”

  “Not interested in any types.”

  Troy shrugged. “Have it your way. But it’s too late to save yourself for your mating night.”

  “The only thing I want to save myself from is ever getting pregnant again.”

  “Swearing off wolves should do the trick.”

  “Once this thing is out of me, I’m getting as far from the ranch as I can.”

  “It’s not a thing, dear,” Troy snapped. “It’s a cub.”

  David took a steadying breath. “Sorry. I’m still processing this insanity.”

  Troy linked his arm with David’s. “You don’t have to do it alone. Raising a cub is hard enough, even with a mate. You need to be in a pack.”

  “I can’t raise a baby.” David scrubbed a hand over his face. “How would I explain showing up in San Francisco with a newborn?” He ignored the knowing smile on Troy’s face. “Maybe my sister will want it.”

  “You’ve got plenty of time to decide,” Troy assured.

  They walked in silence for a minute as David battled with his emotions. “Damn Morehouse curse made me part human and part wolf. I’ve got too much of both and not enough of either. Why am I the only man who didn’t know he could get pregnant?”

  Troy flicked his wrist. “Please. You’re just a variation on the barren omega trope.” He rubbed his chin. “Or maybe the recessive omega trope. They’re a dime a dozen. A young man, raised among wealth and privilege, with a family secret that’s a ticking time bomb.”

  “That’s not exactly my childhood.”

  “Seduced and abandoned by a lecherous cad.”

  “I hope he abandons me. I never want to see him again.”

  “Nowhere to go. No one to turn to. Shunned by family and friends.”

  David stopped. “You know I’m visiting my sister.”

  Troy was lost in thought. “What do you think of the title Damaged Goods for your story?”

  “That’s not my story.”

  Troy threw his hands in the air. “Of course it isn’t. Diana has forbidden me from writing it. Oh look, we’re here.” He halted in front of the main hall.

  The smell of meat on a grill was distraction enough for David to forget Troy’s words. “I’d kill for a cheesesteak.”

  “No need. The chef has already done the killing part.” Troy pulled basil leaves from his pocket. “I grabbed these from Ricky’s garden. I’m just going to rub these on your neck and wrists to hide the scent. Luckily it’s not too strong yet.”

  Troy crushed the leaves and coated David’s glands with the aroma. Walking into the hall, he made sure to keep a safe distance from any wolves. Within a few minutes, their cheesesteak sandwiches were ready.

  Before they could take their first bites, Lionel rushed into the hall. “Diana’s looking for you,” he sa
id. “Your mother is on her way.”

  David dropped his sandwich back on the plate. “There goes my appetite.”

  Troy grabbed David’s plate. “I’ll wrap this up for you and drop it off later.”

  Diana was pacing the room with Joshua in her arms when the men returned. “Where have you been?”

  “I stopped to get lunch,” David replied. “The first real meal I’ve had this week. Rather, the first meal I didn’t have, thanks to you.”

  “I’m glad that your morning sickness is gone.” Diana grabbed David’s hand. “Now help me in the kitchen. Mother said she’s staying for dinner, not that I remember inviting her.” She turned to Lionel. “And don’t mention the pregnancy.”

  “What pregnancy?” Lionel’s face drained of all color. “Are you pregnant again?”

  “David’s pregnancy,” she replied. “Can’t you smell it on him?”

  Leaning into David, Lionel inhaled before answering his mate. “A little. Mostly he smells like pesto.”

  “Troy rubbed me with basil,” David explained.

  He scratched his head. “But how—”

  “It doesn’t matter right now,” Diana interrupted. “Let’s get through tonight and worry about it tomorrow. Mother won’t notice the scent, but if Dad drops in, we’ll need to mask it.”

  “Dirty diapers work wonders,” Lionel suggested.

  Diana pulled frost-coated containers from the freezer, handing them over to David. “That’s leftover corned beef from St. Patrick’s Day, here is deer meat from one of Lionel’s hunts, and this is the last of the lasagna from my birthday.”

  “Are you keeping a time capsule in there?” David set the containers on the counter. He opened the cupboards, picking through the items. “You’re not giving me much to work with. If I had known, I would have asked Ricky if I could forage through his garden.”

  “Those are community gardens. Anyone can help themselves.”

  “I could run back,” David offered.

  Diana shook her head. “You are not leaving me alone with Mother. Write down what you need. Lionel will get it.”

  Once the list was done, Lionel looked over the items. “What’s thime?”


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