Finding Us (The Music Within)

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Finding Us (The Music Within) Page 1

by Faith Gibson

  Finding Us

  A Music Within Short Story

  Faith Gibson

  All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  The author acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark owners of the wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction.

  All words and Lyrics Copyright © 2018 by Faith Gibson

  Published by: Bramblerose Press LLC

  Editor: Jagged Rose Wordsmithing

  First edition: December 2018

  Cover design: Jay Aheer, Simply Defined Art

  Cover photography: Deposit Photos

  ISBN: 978- 1732864818


  I usually have a lot of people to thank for helping make my books better than when I finish them. This time, I kept the story close to the vest. Life (most especially trying to write) has been difficult lately with the man having surgery, housetraining a new pup, and the holidays. Thank you to Nikki, Christina, and Candy for your support.

  Thank you to Jay Aheer of Simply Defined Art for taking a well-used stock photo and making something beautiful out of it. This is one of my favorite covers.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Coming Soon

  About the Author

  Other Works by Faith Gibson

  Chapter One

  “This is it, huh? Our last show together,” Sloane said as he fell in step with Taggart Lee, lead singer for 7’s Mistress. Emotions were high all the way around, what with Taggart Lee having just given notice he was quitting the band. The four of them had rocked the world for over fifteen years, so getting ready to step on the stage for the last time had Sloane’s throat tight and his eyes misty. “I just want to tell you it’s been an absolute honor to rock the stages with you, Lee,” Sloane said, using the name only Tag’s family called him. “You aren’t just the best lead singer I’ve ever heard, but one of the best friends a guy could have. If Pauly and I decide to carry on, we want you to be our producer.”

  Pauly, guitarist as well as Sloane’s best friend and lover, stopped them and pulled them both into a hug. The three of them stood quietly, enjoying their moment. Cade was still back in the conference room talking things over with the CEO of MG Records. Echo’s high heels clicked across the concrete as she headed their way.

  “Is this a private party or can anyone join?” their manager asked. Pauly stepped back and allowed Echo into their circle. “I love you guys,” she whispered before wiping at her tears.

  “There’s no crying in rock ‘n roll,” Sloane teased.

  “There sure as hell is,” Tag responded. “I have a feeling tonight’s going to be full of tears. This is the end of an era. And I want to say thank you, all of you, for having my back out there. And I’m sorry if you feel like I’m letting you down by going off in a different direction.”

  Pauly stepped next to Sloane and wrapped him up in his arms, kissing him in front of Tag and Echo. “I think it’s safe to say we’re ready to go in a different direction, too. What about you, Sunshine?” Pauly asked Echo when he broke the kiss. It wasn’t the first time Pauly had been overly friendly with Sloane in front of the others. Having been bandmates and best friends for fifteen years, they were often touch feely around the others, but it was the first time they’d given any indication their relationship was more than that of friends. Maybe tonight was about lasts, but Sloane had hope it was also a night of firsts.

  Echo smiled at all of them. “I’m willing to manage a really hot super couple if I ever find one,” she said with a wink. “Erik and Bethany are center stage. Good luck out there, all of you. Let’s go rock this bitch.”

  “You ready, Slick?” Pauly asked, using his nickname for Sloane. Sloane only nodded when he caught the mist in Pauly’s gaze. If he spoke, he was afraid he’d be the one crying. When they reached center stage, the two men placed their backs against each other. Normally, before the lights came all the way up, they moved apart and were on their respective sides of the stage. This time – the last time they would play together as 7’s Mistress – Pauly remained where he was, strumming the opening notes to “Heaven’s Hell.” Their heads were leaned back against the other’s shoulder, eyes closed, completely in sync. It wasn’t until Tag greeted the crowd that they finally moved apart. Sloane wondered if that was Pauly’s way of claiming him in front of the world. Then again, it was such a small gesture, he could be mistaken.

  The show was more energetic than Sloane could remember. The band – even Cade – gave it their all, and the crowd fed off their energy. When Tag took the stage alone to sing his song for Erik, Sloane and Pauly stood off to the side, sharing a bottle of water. Sloane wanted that. He wanted what Tag had found with his pediatrician boyfriend – the kind of love worthy of songs. Worth leaving your band for. Worth telling your man in front of twenty thousand fans you wanted forever with them. He glanced over at Pauly who was already looking at him. He didn’t know who leaned in first, but their lips met in a kiss so sweet, Sloane’s heart skipped a beat.

  When the crowd roared, they broke apart and returned to their places on stage. Tag was being helped back onto the platform by security guards. The grin he gave them was bright enough to power the arena. Yeah, Sloane wanted that, and he wanted it with Pauly.

  The high from the night turned pretty damn low when Erik’s friend Sarah held the babysitter at gunpoint with both Delilah and Brady, Bethany’s baby boy, in the house as hostages. The ending was tragic, with Sarah taking her own life. The good news was everyone else, including both kids, weren’t harmed.

  For Tag and Erik, things settled down, and the two of them recovered from the scare with their love stronger. For Sloane and Pauly, things stalled out. Instead of spending the two weeks before Christmas alone, Pauly wanted to hang out with the others so he could play with Delilah. Sloane wasn’t jealous. Not really, but he had thought their lives would progress together. Granted, it had only been two weeks since their last show, so maybe Pauly was trying to figure out what his new normal would be.

  Watching his lover snuggle the baby was bittersweet. Pauly was a natural with Delilah, and Sloane had to wonder how his man would be with his own kids. Both had lived rock star lives early on, bedding both men and women. Sloane had even married the mother of his daughter, however short-lived it was. Being on the road eleven months out of the year was no way to be a husband or father. Sloane talked to his daughter, Taryn, at least once a month, but he hadn’t seen her in over a year. As far as Sloane knew, Pauly hadn’t seen his kids in almost five years. Watching Tag raise Delilah added to the guilt Sloane dealt with every day.

  Tag had decided to leave 7’s Mistress to be more hands-on in raising Delilah with Erik, leaving Sloane, Pauly, and Cade at a crossroads. With Cade at odds with the rest of the band, that left Sloane and Pauly to figure out what was next for the two of them. Over the last few years, they had gone from sharing lovers after shows to reaching only for each other when it came time to scratch their itch. They had been best friends for almost fifteen years, and having their relationship move toward intimate had b
een as natural as breathing.

  “Merry Christmas.” Tag stood behind Sloane, looking over his shoulder at the crowd in the living room. It didn’t matter that the band had officially broken up; all of them, save Cade, were gathered in Tag and Erik’s home to celebrate the holidays. Two of their security detail were hanging out as well, talking of starting their own company there in Nashville so they could stay close to Delilah. One little baby had managed to turn the music world on its ear when she lost her momma, and her world-famous rock star uncle gained custody.

  “It’s a beautiful thing you got here,” Sloane said in response, and he meant it. This same time last year, the band was in Japan, rocking to a sold-out stadium. Tag did his best to get home to his sister every year for Christmas since it was just the two of them. Cade had his folks in California, and Sloane and Pauly usually wound up back in LA drinking until New Years was over. Being with Tag and his new family was so out of character for all of them, but it was something Sloane would have to get used to if he wanted to keep Pauly in his life.

  Sloane tracked Pauly as he handed the baby off to Erik and left the room. Speaking of beautiful. Sloane’s feelings for his best friend had turned from platonic to falling-off-the-edge-of-a-cliff, in-your-face, head-over-heels, every-cliché-under-the-sun, love. Pauly didn’t speak of his feelings, but Sloane felt loved every time his lover turned those stormy gray eyes his way. Every time he brushed against Sloane, lingering a bit longer than friends should. Every time he subconsciously pulled him closer in the middle of the night.

  They hadn’t talked about what they were going to do now that 7’s Mistress was no more. They hadn’t talked about much of anything. Tag, who was looking to start his own production company, said he was okay with the remaining members forming their own band, but with Cade in the wind, Sloane knew that wouldn’t happen. He wasn’t sure he wanted it to happen. The four of them had played hard-driving rock for as long as they’d been together, and Sloane was ready to slow things down a bit. It wasn’t like he needed the money. Even sending his ex-wife and daughter a monthly check didn’t put a dent in his bank account. Now was the time to do something different.

  “Have you figured out your next steps?” Tag asked.

  “Watching you and Erik… It makes me wish for my own family.” Sloane was ready for a new normal. He wanted to do everyday things like shopping for groceries, cooking dinner before vegging out on the sofa watching inane shows on Netflix. He wanted to go see a movie on the weekends. Get a dog like Duke he could take on walks and play fetch with. And he wanted all that with Pauly.

  “You mean with Tracy and Taryn?”

  Sloane never considered trying to get his ex and daughter back. Even if he had, it didn’t matter. She’d moved on and had remarried. Sloane just never talked about them to the rest of the band. Not even Pauly. Some things were best left in the past. Before he could answer, Pauly shouldered past and said, “I’m headed to the hotel.” He didn’t wait to see if Sloane was ready to go.

  “Hold up,” Sloane said, but Pauly shook his head.

  “I’ll catch up with you later.” Pauly said his goodbyes to everyone except Sloane, and didn’t that feel like a punch to the gut. Sloane didn’t let the others see how his best friend’s abrupt departure hurt his feelings. They had spent every available moment together for a long time, and maybe Pauly just needed some space. Sloane would give it to him. For a little while.

  Tag picked back up on the conversation they had been having. “Are you seriously thinking of going back to Tracy?”

  “What? Hell no. My life is with Pauly. At least I hope it is. Besides, Tracy’s remarried. Taryn likes the guy, says he treats them both well. That’s all I can hope for where the two of them are concerned. Now that I’m not on the road eleven months out of the year, I do want to spend more time with Taryn. Get to know my daughter before she’s completely grown.”

  Tag squeezed Sloane’s shoulder. “I’m sure you and Pauly will be fine. You know how he gets.”

  “Everything okay?” Erik asked when he joined the two of them.

  Sloane didn’t know how to answer, so he shrugged. “Today was emotional for all of us.” After passing out gifts, Tag and Erik both asking the other to marry him, and visiting the cemetery where Tag’s sister was buried, the day had been filled with both tears and laughter, so Sloane could see why Pauly would want some alone time. Considering they were sharing a hotel room, that meant he had to find somewhere else to go to give Pauly his space.

  Tag looked like he wanted to say something, but Sloane waved him off. “I’m just gonna go look at some lights. I’ll probably see you tomorrow.” He made the rounds, wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, and walked out the front door, pulling on his coat. Pauly must have called for a ride since the rental was still in the driveway. Sloane slid into the driver’s seat and headed away from the small community where Erik’s house was. He did what he told Tag and just drove around for hours, thinking about the future.

  By the time he entered the hotel room in downtown Nashville, his heart was heavy. Pauly was already asleep. Sloane considered sleeping in the second bedroom of their suite, but he didn’t want to be alone. After stripping down to his briefs, he climbed in bed behind Pauly and pulled his best friend close. Pauly snuggled back into Sloane as he always did, and only then was Sloane able to let go of some of the stress.

  During the hours spent riding around, Sloane decided he needed to get away from Tag and Erik. Away from the blissfulness that he wanted for himself. He didn’t know if Pauly would go with him, but if he didn’t want to, Sloane would be okay. He had to be. After worrying about the future for what felt like hours, Sloane’s eyes finally drifted closed.

  Standing at the bathroom counter, Sloane admitted to Pauly’s reflection in the mirror, “I can’t stay here.”

  “Here as in the hotel, or here as in Nashville?”

  “Nashville. Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy for Tag and Erik, and I love Delilah, but… I’m kind of… lost.”

  “Then let’s go find you,” Pauly said, wrapping his arms around Sloane’s waist, resting his chin on Sloane’s shoulder.

  Sloane sighed. He should’ve known Pauly would understand. Turning in his lover’s arms, Sloane ran his hands through Pauly’s long hair, tilting his head back to have access to the long stretch of skin that was Pauly’s throat. Sloane loved nipping at Pauly’s Adam’s apple, licking a path across his jaw to his ear lobe, where he bit down hard enough to make Pauly gasp. Pauly slid his hands down Sloane’s back until he was gripping Sloane’s ass. Grinding their hard-ons together, Pauly muttered, “Bed.” Sloane didn’t hesitate to follow when Pauly grabbed his hand, leading him from the bathroom. Pauly pushed Sloane onto his back before crawling between Sloane’s legs and pulled his briefs down his thighs just far enough he could suck on his hard cock. Pauly didn’t bother edging Sloane. He took Sloane’s dick all the way down, using his hand to add extra friction.

  Sloane gripped Pauly’s hair, pulling and pushing. He wanted to come, but he wanted to do it while Pauly was balls deep in his ass. “No,” he husked. “Not yet.” Pauly pulled off without preamble and ripped Sloane’s briefs down his legs, tossing them to the floor. He grasped Sloane’s legs, pushing them back to his chest. With no lube and no hesitation, Pauly shoved his hard length into Sloane. The burn was painful, but it let him know he was alive. Pauly didn’t last long, just a few thrusts and he said, “Grab your dick.” Sloane knew his lover was close, but so was he, primed from the blowjob. When Sloane’s orgasm hit, his ass bore down on Pauly’s cock, and his lover was coming with him. Pauly pulled out and rolled to his side. Sloane couldn’t be bothered to get up and clean himself. No, he wanted Pauly’s cum to stay with him as long as possible. He rolled onto Pauly’s chest and nestled his face in his friend’s neck, sleep taking him quickly.

  Chapter Two

  When Sloane woke, he stretched his arm across the bed, reaching for Pauly. The smile he still wore fell when he found the spot
was empty, and the sheets were cold. Fuck, it had just been a dream. Rolling onto his back, Sloane remembered how things had ended the day before. He listened for movement from the other room, praying Pauly hadn’t walked out. When the sound of a guitar being strummed met his ears, he let out the breath he’d been holding. Sloane rolled out of bed, took care of business in the bathroom, and padded barefoot into the living area of the suite.

  Pauly either didn’t hear him or was lost in the melody he was playing. It wasn’t a song Sloane had heard, so Pauly was more than likely creating what could become a new hit record. Only instead of it being hard and heavy, the tune was slower. Lyrics immediately began to take hold in Sloane’s mind. Standing behind the sofa, Sloane carded his fingers through Pauly’s long hair.

  Pauly stopped playing, but he didn’t speak. “You okay?” Sloane asked.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” Pauly stood abruptly, Sloane’s fingers falling away. Pauly set his guitar on the sofa, standing in place as if he was waiting for something.

  Sloane took a good look at his best friend. Pauly’s shoulders were slumped, and he ran a hand through his long hair. Something was definitely bothering Pauly, but he wasn’t one to open up about his feelings. Instead of continuing that line of questioning, Sloane asked, “What are we going to do?”

  “About?” Pauly asked as he moved into the kitchen, pouring the last cup of coffee. Damn, he’d been up awhile.

  “The future.” Sloane didn’t add ‘of our music’ because he felt that was a given.

  “I think you already have things figured out, so why don’t you tell me?” Pauly kept his back to Sloane, and Sloane couldn’t figure out what had happened between the time they woke happily yesterday to last night.


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