Loyalty: A Salvation Society Novel

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Loyalty: A Salvation Society Novel Page 2

by Heather Dahlgren

  “What’s your name?” I ask, not caring at all. I won’t remember it. I won’t even try.

  “Sarah,” she says, turning her head to smile at me.

  I grind against her ass and my hard dick is begging for me to find some relief. I close my eyes, enjoying everything around me. The loud music, the packed dance floor, the chick who’s rubbing her ass against me.

  “Why don’t you just fuck right here,” someone shouts.

  I snap my eyes open and laugh when I see a sexy redhead staring at me. “Don’t be jealous, join in,” I say, grinning.

  “Oh, holy shit. You’re Kegan Donovan,” she shouts with wide eyes.

  I chuckle as I spin the blonde around to face me now. “I am and the offer still stands.”

  Her eyes bounce between me and blondie, unsure of what to do. The blonde, whose name I’ve already forgotten smiles as she holds her hand out. “You need to think about being with Kegan Donovan? You’ll regret it if you walk away. Come on.”

  Redhead takes her hand and I grin as she presses against my back. I’m sandwiched between two beautiful women as we all start to move. It quickly escalates and I have four hands grabbing, rubbing, and clawing at me. My dick can’t take much more, so I grab their hands and lead them to the bathroom. I check to make sure it’s empty and lock the door behind us.

  I grab a condom out of my pocket and grin at them. “I only have one, so decide which one of you before I finish rolling it on my dick.”

  “I have a boyfriend, so I’ll bow out,” the redhead says.

  I pull her to me and bite on her ear. “Your boyfriend doesn’t need to know I finger fucked you, while I fuck her.” A chill runs through her and I grin pulling away. I free my cock and roll on the condom as my eyes bounce between the blonde’s brown eyes. I easily lift her, pressing her against the wall. I suck on her neck as my fingers dig into her ass. She’s moaning already and I know it’s going to be fast. I’m fine with that though because I’ve got more drinking to do before I head home.

  I slide the blonde’s panties to the side, feeling how wet she is. “You’re fucking soaked,” I say, looking up at her.

  “Kegan Donovan is touching me,” she moans.

  I chuckle as I slam into her, causing her to scream my name. “And now I’m going to fuck you,” I groan. I pound into her as she cries out over and over how good it feels. I glance over at the redhead, noticing the look of desire in her eyes. I reach one hand out and she comes right to me. I continue to fuck the blonde as I pull down the redhead’s strapless shirt, exposing her tits. I lean forward and suck a hard nipple into my mouth.

  Both of them are now moaning, echoing around us in the tiled bathroom. I move the redhead’s panties to the side and push my fingers into her dripping pussy. I can already feel both of them squeezing me, so I move faster. My cock fucks the blonde, while my fingers fuck the redhead.

  “Oh, Kegan, I’m so close,” the blonde yells.

  “Rub your clit,” I demand of both of them.

  Their moans grow louder, and my balls begin to tighten. My dick is being squeezed by the blonde and my fingers by the redhead. It’s fucking hot.

  “I’m gonna come,” the blonde yells, tossing her head back.

  I slam into her faster and she screams as her orgasm rips through her. The redhead grabs my wrist as she pumps her hips against my fingers. “Oh fuck,” she shouts.

  I find my release soon after and the three of us are left breathless as we fix our clothes. The blonde runs her finger down my chest and smiles at me. “I could use another drink and your number.”

  I grin as I button my jeans. “It’s been fun, a hell of a lot of fun, but this is where we part ways.”

  She steps back like I slapped her, hurt clear on her face. The redhead shakes her head and just walks out without another word.

  “So, that’s it? I was just a quick fuck in a dirty bathroom?” she asks.

  I grab her chin with my fingers, forcing her to look at me. “I’m not looking for a relationship and you had no objection following me in here. It’s been fun, let's not fuck it up, yeah?”

  “I thought the tabloids were making up shit about you being an asshole, but I was wrong. Go fuck yourself, Kegan,” she yells, rushing out of the bathroom.

  I shake my head as I exit the bathroom. What happened to just fucking with no feelings? I get back to our table noticing that only Remi and Olivia are there. I sit down and he looks at me, raising an eyebrow.

  I shrug as I pick up someone’s beer from the table, taking a long pull. “I’m gonna need a few more of these,” I say, holding it up as the waitress walks by.

  “Another bathroom fuck?” Olivia asks, sipping her drink.


  Remi shakes his head looking toward the dance floor. “You better hope the label doesn’t hear about it.”

  I laugh as the waitress places two beers in front of me. “The label doesn’t own my dick.”

  He snaps his head toward me, anger clear on his face. “They own us all. Jennifer already told you that you can fuck anyone, anytime, just not in public. Christ, take them to your damn apartment.”

  “No chick is welcome in my apartment. That’s my space.” I tip back the beer, letting the cold liquid try to cool me down. I blow out a breath, running my fingers through my hair as I look at him. “This band is my life. I will never do anything to fuck that up for me or for you guys. You know me better than that. I will die before I’d let that happen.”

  Everett and Lane sit down, laughing about something that happened. Remi and I are still staring at each other and the laugher dies down quickly.

  “Shit, what’s going on?” Everett asks, looking between the two of us.

  “Nothing,” I hiss, turning to look at him. I smile as I sip my beer. “I was just reminding Remi that this band is my life.”

  Sometimes I think Remi is jealous of all the ass I get. He’s had the same pussy for years and I think he resents me for being able to fuck anyone anytime I want. He may play the role of the happy boyfriend, but I know differently. He’s confessed on many drunken nights that being with her feels more like an obligation now. Once he’s sober though, he’ll deny ever saying it. I think she likes the power she feels she has over him. I also believe that Olivia is the one who puts this shit in his head about the label. She doesn’t want the chicks around, especially now, because we are going on tour and she’ll be staying here in New York.

  “You guys wanna get out of here? We can go back to my place,” Lane suggests.

  “Nah, I’m gonna finish my beers and head home. We need to meet with the label early tomorrow,” I say.

  “You guys missed Everett trying to impress some chick with his dance moves,” Lane says, laughing.

  “Shut the fuck up! She was all over me after those moves,” Everett yells.

  “Cause she wanted you to stop,” Lane replies.

  We all laugh while Olivia shakes her head. Lane notices, too, and looks at me. I shrug and he shakes his head.

  “The label won’t like that,” Olivia says, flipping her hair.

  “Babe, enough,” Remi says.

  “You guys need to remember you are representing the entire band, not just yourselves and your dicks,” she continues.

  Everett nearly falls off the chair laughing, which causes Lane and I to laugh even harder. “Olivia, stop trying to be our mother all the time. It’s fucking annoying,” Everett says.

  “I’m just trying to help,” she pouts.

  I shake my head as Remi wraps his arm around her. “It’s okay babe.”

  I done dealing with this dumb shit for the night. She’s ruining my buzz. I toss money down on the table as I stand up. “I’m out of here. I’ll see you guys in the morning. No one better fucking be late.”

  I don’t wait for them to reply, I just walk away. On my way to the door, I’m stopped several times for photos or fans wanting my autograph. When I finally make it out the door, I’m smiling. Life is fucking good.
  My driver, Anthony, is waiting outside my building as I walk out the front door. “Good morning, Mr. Donovan,” he says, opening the back door.

  “Kegan. I keep telling you that,” I say, climbing in.

  He pulls away from the building and I stare out the window. I love living in New York. There’s always something going on no matter what time it is. It’s how I like it, exciting and never ending. Lane and I grew up in a small two-bedroom apartment in Brooklyn. My dad took off and my mom worked her ass off to keep food on the table. Even at a young age, I knew that I would do whatever it took to make sure she’d be taken care of when I was old enough.

  Remi and Everett grew up pretty much the same. The only difference was Remi had a father figure, and Everett had many that tried to be when his mom would bring them home. All of us wanted more and we’ve all fought our own battles to get where we are now. I wouldn’t have made it this far without them, and not just because of the talent they possess. They’ve all been there for me no matter what the situation. As I have for them. We are more than just friends and bandmates, we are family.

  The car stops, jolting me slightly and I realize we are outside JRJ already. Anthony has my door open before I even manage to get my phone back in my pocket.

  “Thanks,” I say, slapping his back.

  I walk inside and see Lane leaning against the receptionist desk with a grin on his face. I laugh as I get closer and he looks up.

  “Figures the Donovan's are the first ones here,” he says, handing me my coffee.

  I grab the coffee and take a sip, raising an eyebrow. “I thought for sure Remi would beat us all here. I figured Olivia would have made sure of it.”

  He rolls his eyes as we walk over to look out the window at the city below. As many times as I’ve seen this view, it still makes me smile.

  “She’s getting worse,” Lane whispers, looking out the window.

  I turn my attention to him as my brows dip. “Who?”

  His eyes glance my way before focusing back outside. “Olivia. She’s tightening that leash she has him on.”

  “Yeah, well we’ll be going on tour soon. We’ll have plenty of time to talk to him and maybe change his mind,” I chuckle, as I slap his back. “The groupies will not be in short supply.”

  We both laugh just as Remi and Everett walk up behind us. “What’s so funny?” Everett asks.

  We turn around and I shake my head. “Watching a guy out there being led around by a leash.”

  They both laugh and I smile at Lane.

  “Gentleman, they are ready for you. Please follow me.”

  We follow behind the sexy receptionist and while they quietly talk, I focus on how her hips sway and her round ass. She stops outside Jennifer’s office and opens the door for us. I give her a wink as we walk through, and I see her cheeks redden. Damn I can’t wait for this tour to start.

  “Good morning,” Jennifer says, waving her hand toward the chairs she has set out for us. She leans against her desk, looking at us and crosses her arms. “Let me start by saying that Jerry, Robert, and I are really looking forward to this tour. Loyalty has gained more success than we could have ever imagined happening so quickly.”

  “Thank you,” I say, looking at the guys with a smile. I’m fucking proud that we surprised even them. It’s a huge accomplishment.

  She nods and reaches over, picking up a pile of papers. “That being said, with the popularity you have gained, you’ve also gained the eye of every tabloid.” She starts tossing down the papers and I notice one after another are pictures of us from the bar last night. Pictures of us with different women, dancing, and drinking. There’s also a huge article on me. How I fucked two women in the bathroom and blew them off after. I shake my head looking at it and scrub my face.

  “This is bullshit. We were out having fun. What, now we can’t even go out?” Everett says, pushing the papers onto the floor.

  “Told you,” Remi hisses toward us.

  I laugh as I look at Jennifer. “Okay, so we got a little drunk and had a little fun. I don’t think it’s anything that will deter fans from wanting to listen to our music.”

  She stands us straight and walks over to sit down at her desk. She lights a cigarette and shakes her head. “I’ve explained to you all, many times in fact, that you represent the label now. I told you that you can do whatever the fuck you want behind closed doors, but in public, we expect you to behave. You can have fun, but you can’t be banging women in bathrooms, feeling them up on the dance floor, and pouring body shots.”

  We all look at each other, and I suddenly have a sinking feeling that she’s about to deliver some bad news. My instinct is to stop it before that happens, so I jump up and cross my arms.

  “It’s all in good fun. The fans love the interaction we give them.”

  She laughs as she blows smoke up toward the ceiling. “That interaction is what is causing all the trouble, Kegan. You, especially. You are careless and tactless. You don’t care who is watching or who you hurt along the way. You are the main reason for this meeting.”

  I can feel three sets of eyes burning into my back and I grab the back of my neck. “We’re here to have a meeting about the chicks I fuck? I’ve never forced anyone to do anything. Everything that has happened is one hundred percent consensual,” I say.

  She smashes out her cigarette and stands up, leaning her hands on her desk. “I understand all of that and I understand that since we’ve had this discussion before, things are unlikely to change.”

  “We’ll make sure they do,” Remi interrupts. “We’ll keep eyes on him at all times. We’ll stop the behavior before it happens.”

  I snap my head to look at him, but he keeps his eyes on Jennifer. Lane and Everett both have wide eyes looking between him and I.

  “It’s too late for any of that. Robert, Jerry, and I have made a decision,” she says, crossing to the front of her desk again. “You will now have a public relations publicist that will be in charge of you all. She will not only be in charge of keeping you in line, but keeping your shit out of the tabloids.”

  “She?” I ask.

  Jennifer nods and picks up a business card, handing it to me. “Yes, Lorelei Seidel.”

  I crush the card in my hand and laugh with absolutely no humor. “We don’t need a fucking babysitter,” I hiss.

  “She’s far from a babysitter. She’s a well respected, professional, confident woman, who is now in charge of your every move,” she says, lifting an eyebrow.

  “No way,” I say, shaking my head.

  She shrugs and smiles. “You accept Lorelei as your publicist, or you will no longer be represented by JRJ. Your choice.”

  Fuck. I turn my head looking at the guys and they look as pissed as I feel. They know we need to agree, but they are just as pissed about being babysat as I am. I turn my attention back to Jennifer and nod. “Fine.”

  “Wonderful,” she says, holding her hand out to mine. “Go home, get packing, and on Friday when you are leaving, we will meet you at the bus and introduce you to Lorelei.”

  I shake her hand and we walk out of her office. I’m beyond pissed, I have rage running through me. This is the most demeaning thing I can think of to happen to us, and I refuse to accept it with open arms. I’ll let them think they won this battle, but I fucking agree I will be the one winning the war.

  Chapter Three


  “Congratulations,” Todd says, as I finish making photocopies in the conference room.

  “Thank you,” I reply, smiling.

  He grabs a file off the table and turns to James. “Must be nice to have your grandfather being your boss,” he whispers.

  I spin on my heel crossing my arms as they walk away. “I assure you, Todd, my grandfather had nothing to do with me getting this account.”

  He laughs as they both turn around to face me. “That’s not what I’ve heard.”

  “Jealousy does not suit you,” I hiss, digging my nails into my

  All I’ve heard all week is how my grandfather is the reason I got this huge account. No one believes that I have earned it on my own. Which to me is absurd, considering I’ve only ever managed to gain small accounts since my time here. How they can’t see that my grandfather has done nothing but hold me back is beyond me. It just makes it that much clearer that no one noticed me, until now. Now that I have gained this huge account they are all pissed and envious and I’m seen. I’ve kept my mouth shut all week. I’ve ignored the remarks and the constant demeaning comments. But when I walk out these doors today, I will be living my dream. I refuse to let them take any more of my excitement.

  “Let’s just hope you don’t fall flat on your face and bring down Seidel Public Relations with you,” Todd says.

  Before I can even reply, they both walk out of the room, and I smack my hand on the table. I’m tired of this. I grab my copies and head straight for my grandfather’s office. I knock and when he looks up, he nods for me to enter.

  “Grandpa, we need to talk,” I mutter, walking toward his desk.

  He pulls off his reading glasses, tossing them on his desk. He sighs as he leans back in his chair. “What?”

  “I would really appreciate it if you could be on my side, just this once. Everyone here thinks that I only got the job with Loyalty because I’m your granddaughter. They don’t think I can handle the position and are wishing to see me fail. Please, tell them I am more than capable of doing my job and that it was on my own merits that I got the position,” I say, wringing my hands together.

  “Lorelei, I can’t do that. It’s not my job to convince people to believe in you. That’s your job. If you can’t do that here, how do you expect to convince a bunch of men in a band to believe in you?” he replies, taking a sip of his scotch.

  “Getting a bunch of men in a band to believe in me will be easy, Grandpa. You see, they have no idea that you don’t believe in me. You not believing in me has made everyone in this office see me as the poor granddaughter hired only because I’m family. No one here respects my achievements, my work ethic, or my abilities and that is because of you. You’ve made sure that I stay hidden away. So, I’m not at all concerned that I will not only do the job, but shine doing it. And when I return, I want the respect I deserve.”


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