Loyalty: A Salvation Society Novel

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Loyalty: A Salvation Society Novel Page 8

by Heather Dahlgren

  I move my hands down to rest on his large biceps. “So, you trust me now?”

  His hands move up and his thumbs rub against my bare back. “I’m starting to.”

  I smile at him and just like in the elevator the air around us shifts. He searches my eyes and I notice his swallow. I bite my lip and tighten my hold on his arms. I’m suddenly very aware that his arms are around me, his hands are touching me, and his body is pressed against mine. Both of us begin to breathe heavier and I’m willing to bet his pulse is racing like mine.

  “You guys realize the song ended right,” Lane says, breaking the bubble.

  I pull away so quickly that my head spins. Okay, I guess I had a little too much to drink. I steady myself as Kegan runs his hands through his hair.

  “Everett brought someone back to his room and Remi just went up alone. I think I’m gonna call it a night with that brunette over there,” he says, giving me a wink.

  I laugh and rest my hand on his shoulder. “Have fun.”

  Kegan looks down at me and I smile. “I think you had enough to drink. You wanna head up?” he asks.

  “To my room,” I say, crossing my arms.

  He laughs as he wraps an arm around me. “Yeah, Lorelei. You’ll go to your room and I’ll go to mine.”

  He walks me to my room and tells me that he’ll see me in the morning. I smile at him and because I’m drunk, I push up on my toes and wrap my arms around his neck. He wraps his strong arms around my waist and hugs me tight.

  I pull back and clear my throat. “I had fun tonight, thank you.”

  He grins and holds my door open for me. “Night, angel.”

  I kick off my heels and fall onto the bed.

  Yep, things are finally looking up.

  Chapter Nine


  “Pizza is here,” I yell.

  Lorelei grabs the beers out of the fridge, and we rush to get a seat at the table. It’s become a game with us to see who will have to eat on the couch. It’s harder than you’d think on a moving bus.

  “Suckers,” she shouts, when they come running.

  “Fuck this,” Lane whines, dropping onto the couch. “You two always beat us to the table.”

  “Are you whining?” Lorelei asks. “You’re a grown ass man, suck it up.”

  Things have gotten so much better the last two weeks. Lorelei has become one of us and we’ve all really enjoyed having her around. We’ve all gotten to know more about her, and we share things with her, too. She’s not only fun to be around, but I’ll admit she’s fucking great at her job. She’s not only kept us on track, but kept all our personal lives out of the headlines. The only stories that you read about are the tour and our success. The label is happy which makes us all happy.

  “I’m sitting at the table for breakfast,” Lane asks, biting his pizza.

  We all laugh, and Remi wipes his mouth. “So, Olivia is coming tomorrow.”

  “You know what you’re gonna do?” I ask.

  He shakes his head, avoiding eye contact.

  “Hey, your happiness is what matters the most. If you want to be with her and she truly makes you happy, you have our support, man,” I say, meaning it.

  “You know we always have your back,” Everett says.

  “Remi?” Lorelei asks, softly. He peeks up at her and she smiles. “Is it her that wants out?”

  I look at Lane and Everett before looking toward Remi. What the hell?

  “I think so,” he whispers.

  Mother fucker. She’s the one causing all this uncertainty. It makes me hate her for causing my friend this kind of worry and pain. I glance at Lorelei and tilt my head. How the hell could she have known that?

  She reaches across the table and rests her hand on his. “Listen, tomorrow before the concert you and her need to go somewhere quiet and private. You both need to talk and be honest with each other. If she wants to go, it’s gonna hurt, but I promise it will get better.”

  “Boss lady is right,” Lane agrees.

  I don’t say anything because I won’t be as nice as she is. I’ll tell him that she’s a bitch and has been using him for the money and fame. I know that’s not what he wants to hear, so I bite my pizza instead.

  “There are plenty of groupies who will help mend a broken heart,” Everett says.

  He’s right, there are. They are all over constantly. Women are never a problem to find. Although, I haven’t slept with anyone in a while and I’m honestly not sure why. It’s not like me at all. I’m usually bringing girls back to the bus every single night, sometimes two at a time. But no one has grabbed my attention lately. I think it’s because I’m so focused on the tour.

  My phone rings and I excuse myself to answer it. I get into the bunk room and press it to my ear. “Hey, Ma.”

  “Hi, sweet boy, how’s everything going?” she asks.

  “Everything is good. We’re almost in Arizona for our concert tomorrow,” I tell her.

  “How’s Lane? I called him earlier, but he didn’t answer.”

  “He’s good, having fun and behaving himself. Don’t worry,” I say, laughing.

  She quiet for a minute and I check to make sure I didn’t lose connection. “You haven’t made headlines in a while.”

  I laugh as I sit on a bunk. “Our new publicist knows how to do her job. She’s really great and has become a good friend to us all.”

  “Is that so?”

  My brows dip and I nod like she can see me. “Yeah, it is, why?”

  “No reason. It’s great she’s doing such a good job and you’ve all formed a friendship, that’s all.”

  “How are you?” I ask, changing the subject.

  “I’m good. I’m going next door for cards in a few minutes,” she says.

  I smile knowing she’s finally allowing herself to have some fun. “Good, Ma, that’s awesome.”

  “Listen, I don’t want to take up any more of your time. Go have fun. I’ll talk to you soon. Good luck tomorrow.”

  “Thanks, Ma, I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  We hang up and I listen to the laughter from outside the bunk room. I shove my phone in my pocket and return to the fun.

  Everyone has been in bed for over an hour at this point. I once again can’t sleep, so I’m sitting in the dark on the couch watching the world pass by. I hear footsteps and I know without looking who it is. Every night for the last week and a half we meet out here.

  “Couldn’t sleep?” she asks.

  I turn to her as she sits on the couch next to me. “No, you?”

  “No, that bunk sucks.”

  I chuckle and wrap my arm around her shoulders. I feel like a damn kid looking for ways to touch her when no one else is around. I’ve never crossed a line, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t go to bed rock hard every night. If she was any other chick, I would’ve already had her screaming my name, but she’s different. She deserves more than being a quick fuck. But that’s not what’s happening. It’s an innocent flirtation or that’s what I keep telling myself.

  “You ready for tomorrow?” she asks.

  “I’m always ready to be on stage,” I say.

  She moves a little closer and I know what she wants. I lay back and pull her down with me. She rests her head on my chest and I run my fingers through her hair.

  “You truly do shine on and off the stage, Kegan,” she whispers.

  I stop my movements and use my fingers to lift her chin. Our eyes connect and I get lost in the blue calm staring back. “You shine, too, angel. Not only with your job, which you are kickass at, but with us. It’s like we didn’t realize we needed you until you were here. Look what you did for Remi tonight. You knew it was Olivia causing him pain, and somehow you still managed to have him singing and laughing. You let Lane go get everyone coffee, even though I know you hate how sweet he makes yours. You know how he likes to feel needed. And Everett, you laugh at his jokes even when you don’t think they’re funny. You see what everyon
e needs and you’re willing without a thought for yourself, to give it to them,” I say.

  She bites on her plump bottom lip and I pull it out with my thumb. “I do what a friend would do. I help when I know I can.” She looks down and shifts her body slightly. “But what about you?”

  My brows dip and I force her to look at me. “What about me?”

  Her eyes bounce between mine and I can see the question in them.

  Just ask me, angel.

  “What do I do for you?” she asks, closing her eyes.

  “Hey, don’t hide,” I say. She looks back up at me and I run my thumb along her wet bottom lip. “Don’t lose your confidence with me.” She shivers from my touch and I feel myself getting hard. I clear my throat and decide she deserves the truth. “You bring me peace.”

  She tilts her head, moving her hands to rest on my chest. Something I’ve noticed she really likes to do. “Peace?”

  “You calm my racing thoughts, my angry demons, my soul. You just need to walk into the room, and I find myself relaxing. No one has ever done that for me before,” I say, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

  Her eyes are shining with tears as her tongue pokes out to wet her lips. She looks from my eyes to my mouth, begging me to kiss her. It’s fucking killing me because I want it more than I want my next breath. But I don’t do it, instead I pussy out and kiss her cheek. She moans in disappointment and it feels like a knife in my chest.

  I push her up and flip us so I’m now on top of her, staring down at her heated eyes. I pin her hands above her head, and I kiss her neck, sucking lightly on the soft skin. She moves beneath me and I groan. My dick is so hard it’s painful and I know she can feel what she’s doing to me. I kiss and suck a path up to her ear and bite gently on it.

  “Not yet, angel.” She buries her face in my neck and I sigh.

  Her nails dig into my shoulders as she nods. “I should go to sleep.”

  “You don’t have to, not yet,” I say, needing her a little longer.

  I’m a selfish prick, I know I am. I should let her go. Let her run away from me, but I can’t. I need her in order to keep my peace.

  “Alright, a little longer,” she whispers, running her fingers through my hair.

  “Let’s go! We need to be inside in fifteen minutes,” Lorelei yells.

  I walk out from the back and grin. “Relax, we’re coming.”

  She paces as she looks back down at her clipboard. She doesn’t even realize how damn sexy she is right now. Her hair has those wild curls in it, her makeup is dark and daring, and that white flowy dress she has on, hanging off one shoulder. Her focus is on her job and nothing else. It’s hot.

  “You ready to watch us rock out, boss lady?” Lane asks, tossing his arm over her shoulder.

  She laughs as she looks up from her clipboard. “Hell yes, but fuck can we go before you’re late and I have to hear about it,” she says. We start to laugh, and she shakes her head. “VIP meet and greet after the show!”

  We begin to climb out of the bus, and I toss my arm around her shoulder. “You look amazing and stop worrying, we know what we need to do,” I say, bumping her shoulder.

  She smiles up at me and I’ve found my peace. “You look great and I’m excited to watch you up on stage tonight.”

  Once inside the venue, things are crazy. Lorelei goes one way, and we go the other. We won’t see her again until after the show. We get ushered in a small room to wait until the opening act is done on stage.

  “There are waters and snacks if you would like. Also, there are some excited females waiting to come back before you go on,” the guy says, laughing.

  “No, we’re good,” I say, closing the door in his face.

  “What the fuck, man?” Everett yells. “I could use some good luck tits in my face.”

  I shake my head as I uncap a water. “You don’t need luck.” They are all quiet for a minute and I turn around.

  “Look, we don’t give a shit, but you gotta be honest with us,” Remi says.

  “What?” I ask, leaning against the table.

  “Are you and Lorelei hooking up?” Lane asks.

  I laugh, putting the water on the table. “No, we aren’t hooking up.”

  “So, what’s the deal with you two?” Everett asks.

  I lift my shoulder and cross my arms. “There’s no deal. We’re friends and she’s our publicist.”

  “You haven’t fucked anyone in weeks,” Remi points out.


  “And, that isn’t you, man. You are always looking for the next pussy,” Everett says.

  I laugh and grab the water. I drink the entire bottle, tossing it into the garbage when I’m done. “I guess because she’s around, I’m trying not to get into trouble. I know the label is riding us hard and you guys and this band deserve nothing but the best. It’s what you guys have been begging me for anyway, so what’s it matter now?”

  I’m feeling defensive and they know it. It’s just I don’t even know how to describe what it is with me and Lorelei, because I honestly don’t know. I know I fucking want her. I know she makes me smile just walking in the room. I know that I hate being away from her. I know that I’m beginning to crave having my arms around her while everyone else is sleeping. I know that I tell her things that no one else hears. What I don’t know is what any of it means.

  “Okay, let’s just focus on the concert,” Lane says.

  I nod and we quickly move past it. At least I hope we do.

  We spend the next twenty minutes getting excited to get on stage and when the door opens to usher us out, we are all pumped. We get to the side stage and the guys go right out on the dark stage. I wait while they get set up, bouncing up and down, swinging my arms. The excitement I feel before stepping out is indescribable. My focus is clear and on nothing but the show that is about to happen.

  Everett hits the drums and the lights flash. The crowd goes wild, causing me to smile. Remi strums the bass guitar and once again the light flash. Lane begins to play the first cord of Loyalty on the guitar, Everett and Remi join in and I rush onto stage.

  The screams are deafening. I grab the mic and the lyrics begin to pour out of me. I move back and forth slapping some of the fans hands as I pass. They are singing with me and it just gets me going more.

  When the song ends, I laugh as they keep shouting for me. “Hello Phoenix!” After the screams die down, I continue. “Who’s ready to have some fucking fun?”

  After we sing our last song, I head off stage and the guys follow behind. We are handed waters as we are rushed into the VIP room. Everything is loud and rushed, but when we enter the room it’s quiet enough to hear each other.

  “Holy shit!” Lane yells.

  “That was fucking epic,” Everett agrees.

  I nod in agreement. “I always think we can’t top it, but this was the biggest one yet.”

  “The crowd was insane,” Remi says.

  “You guys seriously fucking kicked ass out there,” I say, finishing off my water and looking for a beer.

  “It’s easy when it’s nothing but fun,” Lane says, slapping my sweaty back.

  “That’s the fucking truth,” I say. “Where the hell are the beers?”

  I keep looking around, but I don’t see any alcohol at all. That’s definitely not gonna work for me. My adrenaline will be dying down and I need something to help me get through the meet and greet.

  The door opens and I take a step forward to give hell to whoever it is, but stop in my tracks when Lorelei walks through smiling.

  “That was insane!” she yells.

  She rushes over and hugs Lane, Remi, Everett, and finally me. I wrap my arms around her, holding her a bit too long.

  She’s the one that pulls away and clears her throat as she steps away. “You guys seriously amaze me, but I’m not gonna fan girl right now.” She laughs as she looks down at her clipboard.

  “Oh, come on, boss lady, fan girl for me,” Lane teases.

sp; She shakes her head, laughing. “The VIP fans will be coming back soon. You guys are expected to hang out with them for an hour. There are quite a few so make sure you spend a bit of time with all of them. They’ve paid a lot of money for it.”

  This part is always fun. I love getting to know the fans better and the excitement when they meet us is always humbling.

  “Where’s the alcohol?” I ask, pulling my shirt up to wipe my sweaty face.

  She looks around and pulls a walkie talkie from off her clipboard and asks someone. “I don’t know why they didn’t do that,” she says, more to herself.

  “It’s cool, don’t get stressed about it,” Everett says, dropping his arm around her shoulders. “Any chance we have dry shirts in here?”

  “Fuck,” she says, pulling away from him. “I forgot them out there. I’ll be right back.”

  She runs out of the room and I shoot Everett a look.

  “What? I was just asking,” he says.

  She doesn’t get back in time and the VIP fans start piling in. It’s a blur of pictures, small talk, flirting, and finally getting a beer.

  “Kegan, we are huge fans,” a blonde says, pushing up against me.

  “Thanks,” I say.

  She bites her lip and reaches out touching my arm. “You want some company after this?”

  Normally, I wouldn’t even need to think. I’d grab her ass and give her a knowing grin. But I glance over my shoulder and I see Lorelei laughing with Lane and I step back.

  “I’ve got plans,” I say.

  She slides a piece of paper into my pocket and keeps her hand much too close to my cock. “My number in case plans change.”

  I nod and walk away.

  What the hell are you doing to me, angel?

  Chapter Ten


  I sip my coffee as I read over everything I’ve written. News broke about Olivia coming and the rumors have been outrageous. I need to clean it up and I’ve been up all night trying to do just that. I’ve called the magazines and papers asking for a retraction. I’ve written a perfect response that everyone will want to read. I just need to make sure Olivia stays the fuck away from reporters. She was all too happy to come in and crush Remi with not only saying she didn’t love him anymore, but that she found someone new. I was grateful they had this conversation off the bus because the guys were ready to draw blood.


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