The Touch of Healing

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by Alice Burmeister

  safety energy locks: 16–26

  chapter five

  In the last chapter, we explored Safety Energy Locks 1 through 15, located within the first and second depths. Now we will turn our attention to the remaining eleven SELs, which are contained within the third, fourth, and fifth depths.

  Numbers are keys to the flow of universal energy.

  the third-depth SELs (16–22)


  FIGURE 5.1

  Safety Energy Lock 16 is located on the outside of the ankle, between the ankle bone and the heel. (See Figure 5.1.) It is opposite Safety Energy Lock 5. When energy flows easily through the SEL 16s, we are better able to make healthy and smooth changes in our lives. For this reason, the SEL 16s are often referred to as “breaking down the old forms and establishing the new.”

  The SEL 16s harmonize the skeletal system and help improve muscle tone. They are also useful for helping our reproductive functions, aiding elimination, and for relieving head and neck tension.

  If holding the SEL 16s is difficult, you can also clear them by utilizing SELs 11 and 25 in the following sequence:

  FIGURE 5.2

  1. Place your right hand on the left shoulder, at Safety Energy Lock 11, and your left hand on the left buttock, at Safety Energy Lock 25. (See Figure 5.2.)

  2. Place your left hand on the right shoulder, at Safety Energy Lock 11, and your right hand on the right buttock, at Safety Energy Lock 25.

  “WHEN I WAS a relatively inexperienced practitioner, one of my weekly clients was a woman who had a chronically stiff neck. On one occasion, she arrived at my office visibly shaken. She told me that her husband, an attorney, had lost his job the day before. She was very frightened about the future—the possibility of losing their home, giving up their affluent lifestyle, or even moving away.

  “UNCERTAIN AS TO the best way to proceed, my thoughts went to Safety Energy Lock 16. Sixteen breaks down old forms to make room for the new ones. Her old forms certainly seemed to be breaking down. Since I also recalled from my classes that the sixteens help the neck, I decided to treat her by harmonizing that particular SEL. By the end of the hour, the discomfort in her neck had subsided. Her emotional balance also seemed to be restored as she commented to me that she felt more ready to face whatever situation might develop.”


  FIGURE 5.3

  Safety Energy Lock 17 is located on the outside of the wrists, on the little-finger side. (See Figure 5.3.) The SEL 17s harmonize the reproductive energy.

  The SEL 17s are good to use in emergency situations because they help balance the nervous system. Other areas that benefit when we open them are the heart, breast, and ankles. They are also useful for relieving bloat.

  To jumper-cable the SEL 17s, simply hold the right wrist with your left hand for several minutes, then the left wrist with your right hand. (See Figure 5.4.)

  “AFTER SHE HAD received surgery as an outpatient, I brought my mother home from the hospital. Shortly after helping her into the bathroom, I heard her frantically call me. As I ran in, I saw that she was fainting and falling over. I caught her and began to hold her seventeens. I had often thought, ‘Who would remember to do this in an emergency?’ whenever I would look at my class notes. Yet at this time I did remember, and she quickly came to.”

  FIGURE 5.4


  FIGURE 5.5

  Safety Energy Lock 18 is found on the palm side of the base of the thumb. (See Figure 5.5.) The SEL 18s make us conscious of the physical body and integrate the personality with the physical form.

  The SEL 18s harmonize the rib cage and the back of the head. They also assist in eliminating sleep disorders.

  To jumper-cable the SEL 18s, hold the base of the right thumb with your left hand for a few minutes. Then apply the same for the other hand: hold the base of the left thumb with your right hand.

  Another effective way of clearing the SEL 18s is to jumper-cable SEL 25 and SEL 3, as follows:

  FIGURE 5.6

  1. Hold the right buttock, at Safety Energy Lock 25, with your right hand, and hold the right shoulder, at Safety Energy Lock 3, with your left hand. (See Figure 5.6.)

  2. Jumper-cable the left buttock, at Safety Energy Lock 25, with your left hand, and hold the left shoulder, at Safety Energy Lock 3, with your right hand.

  “WHENEVER I FIND myself at a higher altitude, I seem to be susceptible to headaches. These leave me incapacitated for at least a day. Recently, a friend instructed me on how to hold the base of my thumbs at Safety Energy Lock 18. She told me that this would help to clear up the pressure that I felt in the back of my head. I used this on myself during my next trip to the mountains, and was pleasantly surprised at the result!”


  FIGURE 5.7

  Safety Energy Lock 19 is found at the crease of the elbows, on the thumb side. (See Figure 5.7.) It is associated with authority, leadership, and the ability to maintain balance in all kinds of situations. And as we saw earlier, SEL 19 can also be opened when we wish to open Safety Energy Lock 9, which is often difficult to reach.

  The SEL 19s harmonize digestion, the back, lungs, and breasts. They also sustain physical fitness and are therefore useful for revitalizing our overall energy.

  To jumper-cable the SEL 19s, place your right hand at the thumb-side crease of the left elbow, and your left hand at the crease of the right elbow. To provide an additional outlet for the energy released from the SEL 19s, jumper-cable the high SEL 19s (on the upper arm) while holding the high SEL 1s (on the opposite thigh).

  FIGURE 5.8

  1. Jumper-cable the right upper arm with your left hand, and the left thigh with your right hand. (See Figure 5.8.)

  2. Jumper-cable the left upper arm with your right hand, and the right thigh with your left hand.


  FIGURE 5.9

  Safety Energy Lock 20 is found on the upper part of the forehead, slightly above the eyebrows. (See Figure 5.9.) The SEL 20s unify the personal consciousness with the universal mind and thus allow us to glimpse the timeless reality that we refer to as eternity.

  Opening the SEL 20s harmonizes the ears and eyes. It also helps promote sharper mental activity and restores equilibrium.

  To open the SEL 20s, place your left and right hands over the respective safety energy locks and hold them. You may also jumper-cable SEL 22 to release the SEL 20s. The upper-arm-and-thigh sequence recommended for SEL 19 is quite useful for SEL 20 as well.

  FIGURE 5.10

  1. Jumper-cable the right high SEL 19 (on the upper arm) with your left hand, and the left high SEL 1 (on the thigh) with your right hand. (See Figure 5.10.)

  2. Jumper-cable left high SEL 19 (on the upper arm) with your right hand, and the right high SEL 1 (on the thigh) with your left hand.


  FIGURE 5.11

  Safety Energy Lock 21 is found on the underside of the cheekbones, on either side of the face. (See Figure 5.11.) The SEL 21s release the weight of the world, both mentally and physically.

  The SEL 21s strengthen thinking, restore energy, and help with balancing weight projects (either overweight or underweight). They are also good for dizziness and stress.

  To open the SEL 21s, simply place a hand directly underneath each cheekbone for a few minutes. The exercise suggested for SELs 19 and 20 is also good for releasing any energy stuck in SEL 21.

  FIGURE 5.12

  1. Jumper-cable the right high SEL 19 (on the upper arm) with your left hand, and the left high SEL 1 (on the thigh) with your right hand. (See Figure 5.12.)

  2. Jumper-cable the left high SEL 19 (on the upper arm) with your right hand, and the right high SEL 1 (on the thigh) with your left hand.

  “A FRIEND OF mine believed that he needed to
lose weight in a hurry. Although I have never thought of him as being overweight, I told him that the twenty-ones are good for weight projects. For the next few weeks, he fasted and held the twenty-ones, as I told him to. It’s funny—since he really didn’t need to lose any weight, he ended up actually gaining a few pounds! The ability of the twenty-ones to correctly balance the body’s weight would not allow him to lose any weight.”


  FIGURE 5.13

  Safety Energy Lock 22 is located under the collarbones. (See Figure 5.13.) The SEL 22s are said to balance and harmonize our thoughts because they allow us to think more objectively and reasonably, without emotion or attachment. They also help us to adapt to all new situations and to changes in the environment—including changes in weather or seasons.

  Because the SEL 22s represent completion, they are useful for balancing the total being. They also harmonize the thyroid and the parathyroid glands, and they help to prevent strokes. The SEL 22s can be jumper-cabled whenever there is emotional stress or digestive disharmony.

  The SEL 22s are jumper-cabled by placing the left and right hands under the collarbones at the site of the safety energy lock and holding that position until the tension melts away. The jumper-cabling sequence used for the previous three SELs is also recommended here.

  1. Jumper-cable the right high SEL 19 on the thumb side (on the upper arm) with your left hand, and the left high SEL 1 (on the thigh) with your right hand. (See Figure 5.14.)

  2. Jumper-cable the left high SEL 19 (on the upper arm) with your right hand, and the right high SEL 1 (on the thigh) with your left hand.

  FIGURE 5.14

  “I WAS ASKED by Jinny and her husband, Alex, to be present when she gave birth. Jinny was in labor for about fifteen hours before they called me. I arrived at about nine-thirty in the morning and used Jin Shin Jyutsu with her. During that morning I treated her as she lay in bed resting. I worked with her as she walked around the room between contractions, following along beside her. As time went on and on, I could see the look of worry on the nurse’s face. She said it was taking too long and whispered in my ear, ‘In twenty more minutes I’m going to recommend the doctor look at her for possible surgery.’

  “BY THIS TIME it was afternoon, and I was searching my brain for a flow that would be most useful. I thought of Mary telling us in class that Safety Energy Lock 22 was excellent for aligning the chest (thirteens), the solar plexus (fourteens), and the groin area (fifteens). I thought, if they are aligned, they are working together in harmony with a good, clear straight pathway for the energy to flow down the front of the body. And if that happens, maybe the energy flowing down will bring the baby with it. So I got behind her, put my hands over her shoulders, and held my right hand under her right collarbone, and my left under her left collarbone. And that’s just what happened. On her third exhalation there emerged out into the world a beautiful baby girl, very peacefully, with her eyes open wide in great wonderment.”

  the fourth-depth SEL (23)

  Among the first five depths, the fourth depth is unique in that it is the home to just a single safety energy lock, number 23. This unusual circumstance is indicative of the important role of Safety Energy Lock 23. It has a far-reaching influence upon our being. One of the clues to its potency is its location—close by the kidney and adrenal region. The adrenals are the regulators of our “fight-or-flight” response. This, of course, relates to the predominant attitude of the fourth depth—fear. SEL 23, therefore, can be an important tool for helping us eliminate fear.


  FIGURE 5.15

  Safety Energy Lock 23 is located in the small of the back. (See Figure 5.15.) The SEL 23s are the controllers of human destiny because they unload fear—an impediment to the natural flow of life.

  The SEL 23s improve circulation and adrenal function. They are also good for relieving abdominal distress and reducing temper tantrums. The SEL 23s also help all forms of addiction, projects of the circulatory system, brain function, and physical agility.

  To jumper-cable the SEL 23s, place your left and right hands directly on the small of the back. Hold that position for several minutes, until the tension releases. If that position seems a bit awkward, then open the SEL 23s by jumper-cabling the groin, SEL 15, and the shoulder, SEL 3.

  FIGURE 5.16

  1. Hold the right groin, at Safety Energy Lock 15, with your right hand, and hold the right shoulder, at Safety Energy Lock 3, with your left hand. (See Figure 5.16.)

  2. Hold the left groin, at Safety Energy Lock 15, with your left hand, and the left shoulder, at Safety Energy Lock 3, with your right hand.

  “I WAS STAYING in the hospital with my daughter, Ida, who was admitted in considerable respiratory distress. We had a roommate, Danny, who spent most of his days crying. One day Danny started to moan. His cries sounded even more pained than usual. Soon his bed was surrounded by six or seven staff members. They all stood there discussing which tests to order next as his voice wailed above theirs, ‘My stomach! My stomach!’ I found myself walking over, and without a word I palmed Danny’s twenty-threes. His wails decreased to a whimper, a whisper, then ceased. Danny looked at me right in the eyes, and a slight smile passed over his face. With the crisis apparently over, the staff left the room. One intern and a nurse stayed behind to ask, ‘What are you doing?’ I explained that by relaxing the back of the waistline, abdominal tensions could be eased.

  “THE NEXT DAY, upon entering the room, I found the same nurse sitting in a rocking chair with Danny in her lap, palming his twenty-threes. He was whimpering, but just a little. ‘Is this how you do it?’ she asked timidly.”

  the fifth-depth SELs (24–26)


  Safety Energy Lock 24 is found on the outer top of the foot, about midway between the little toe and the ring toe, opposite SEL 6. (See Figure 5.17.) SEL 24 is jumper-cabled whenever we feel confused or chaotic. It promotes peace of mind and body. It is therefore referred to as the “peacemaker.”

  Appropriately, the SEL 24s are good for eliminating physical manifestations of chaos, such as shakiness. They are also effective for helping us overcome stubbornness, as well as feelings of jealousy and revenge.

  The SEL 24s can be jumper-cabled by placing the hands directly upon them. Or they can be jumper-cabled in tandem with the groin.

  FIGURE 5.17

  1. With your left hand, hold the right outer edge of the shoulder blade, near the armpit, at Safety Energy Lock 26. With your right hand, hold the right groin, at Safety Energy Lock 15. (See Figure 5.18.)

  2. With your right hand, hold the left outer edge of the shoulder blade, near the armpit, at Safety Energy Lock 26. With your left hand, hold the left groin, at Safety Energy Lock 15.

  FIGURE 5.18

  “I WAS ATTENDING a workshop in Assisi, Italy, last June. A group of about ninety people were traveling on large buses to see the places where Saint Francis had been. The intense meditations and the curvy roads of Tuscany left one member of the group very carsick. She said (in Italian) ‘I feel all nauseous and shaky.’ I asked the person behind her to hold her twenty-sixes, while I knelt before her and held her twenty-fours. Amazingly, she was fine in about thirty seconds. It was a lot of fun and gratifying to help someone so quickly.”


  FIGURE 5.19

  Safety Energy Lock 25, found on the sit-bones (the ischium), is used for calming, soothing, and quietly regenerating all of the body’s functions. (See Figure 5.19.)

  The SEL 25s increase alertness, energy, and mental clarity.

  To jumper-cable them, simply place both hands on the buttocks and hold that position for several minutes. Results may also be achieved by holding SEL 3 along with them, as follows:

  FIGURE 5.20

  1. Hold the right buttock, at Safety Energy Lock 25, with your ri
ght hand, and hold the right shoulder, at Safety Energy Lock 3, with your left hand. (See Figure 5.20.)

  2. Hold the left buttock, at Safety Energy Lock 25, with your left hand, and hold the left shoulder, at Safety Energy Lock 3, with your right hand.


  FIGURE 5.21

  Found by the outer edge of the shoulder blades near the armpit, Safety Energy Lock 26 means “complete.” It is opened to provide harmony and vital life energy to the total being. (See Figure 5.21.)

  The SEL 26s recharge all mental and physical functions with vital life energy.

  Just quietly fold the arms across the chest, and hold Safety Energy Lock 26. It is okay to hold one at a time or both together. The following exercise is also a powerful way to clear SEL 26:

  FIGURE 5.22

  1. Hold the right thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger with your left hand, one by one. (See Figure 5.22.)


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