Ivy Series Teacher Student Romance - Boxed Set: Romance Boxed Sets for Kindle Unlimited (Ivy Series - Teacher Student Romance Book 7)

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Ivy Series Teacher Student Romance - Boxed Set: Romance Boxed Sets for Kindle Unlimited (Ivy Series - Teacher Student Romance Book 7) Page 112

by Suzy K Quinn

  As the tender docks, Nadia smooths her beautiful, feathered black gown and looks me up and down. ‘My God, Sophia. Do you need someone to help you carry that dress? It looks like it weighs a tonne.’

  ‘Actually it’s not that bad,’ I say, gathering up the layers.

  ‘It’s stunning.’ Nadia bends to stroke one of the silk roses. ‘Utterly stunning. Cover your eyes honey. Because those cameras are going to snap, snap, snap at you the moment you step ashore.’

  Marc puts a protective arm around my shoulder. ‘Stay close to me.’

  ‘Bonsoir, Mr and Mrs Blackwell.’ A girl with a clipboard and slicked down blonde hair meets us at the Palais des Festival.

  We’ve already been escorted along the red carpet, beside a screaming crowd.

  I’m overwhelmed, wanting to laugh when the crowd call my name and shout back to them, I’m just ordinary.

  ‘You’re with the Malbeck party,’ the girl tells us. ‘Your table is ready.’

  Nadia comes tottering up behind us, throwing her arms over our shoulders. ‘Okay guys! Let’s go party.’

  The clipboard woman blinks politely at Nadia. ‘And you are?’

  ‘Nadia Malbeck.’

  ‘Oh! Ms Malbeck. Of course. Right this way.’


  ‘Don’t let go of my hand,’ I whisper to Marc, as we’re led into the giant ceremony room.

  There are film cameras everywhere, their cables covered with red carpet.

  A suited waiter leads us through a sea of tables.

  ‘Oh my god.’ I cling to Marc. ‘There are so many famous people here.’

  Marc squeezes my fingers. He looks like Hollywood royalty in his black and white tuxedo, and fits this place like a glove.

  I, on the other hand, feel extremely self-conscious. How did someone like me end up here?

  For a moment, I am star struck.

  Meryl Streep. Leonardo DiCaprio. Scarlett Johansson …

  There are so many famous actors. People I adore and admire.

  We’re seated right near the stage, and when I see who’s sitting at our table, I break into a smile.

  ‘Baz!’ I wave. ‘Sigourney!’

  Baz is stuffed into a tuxedo, looking decidedly awkward, his scuffed and scarred face at odds with the starchy white collar.

  Beside him sits Sigourney, who looks skinny and miserable in a tight gold gown.

  It seems like a lifetime since we all shot Rapunzel together. But unbelievably they’re still together. Baz has finally found someone as crazy as him to settle down with.

  ‘All right people.’ Baz stands to shake our hands. ‘Fucking good to see you. I hate these stuffed shirt parties. Can’t wait to get out of here and down the pub.’

  ‘Hi everyone,’ says Sigourney, not standing, but offering a surprisingly genuine smile. ‘You look really pretty, Sophia. Um … I never got to thank you before. You know, when we were filming. For being kind to me. So … thanks.’

  ‘That’s fine,’ I say, not really sure what to make of her comment.

  ‘See?’ says Baz, putting an arm around Sigourney. ‘Told you it would be easy. You can be nice. When you’re off the booze.’

  Sigourney smiles again, and it’s a sweet smile. Vulnerable.

  ‘Where’s Leo?’ I ask. ‘He came by car – why isn’t he sitting at our table?’

  Nadia points across the room. ‘He’s over there. Working the crowd.’

  I see Leo, laughing and slapping backs.

  ‘He’s cheered up,’ I remark, taking a seat.

  ‘Hasn’t he?’ Marc sits beside me.

  Nadia arranges herself in the seat on my other side, and we all watch Leo grin at a beautiful blonde, then drape his arm over her shoulder.

  ‘I thought he was sitting with us,’ I say.

  ‘He should be.’ Nadia stands, black feathers flying. ‘HEY! Falkirk. Get your butt over here.’

  ‘Just a minute,’ Leo shouts back. ‘I’ve got some important business to attend to.’ He slides into the seat beside the blonde.

  Nadia shakes her head, arranging feathers again as she takes a seat. ‘That boy. He’ll never get his fiancée back if he plays that game.’ She surveys the table. ‘Hey – something isn’t right here. There’s an extra chair.’

  ‘What’s Leo doing?’ I ask Nadia. ‘He’s desperate to win Jen back. I know he is. Why is he flirting with that woman?’

  ‘Maybe he’s trying to show her what she’s missing,’ says Baz. ‘Won’t work though. Women aren’t that stupid.’

  ‘You got that right.’ Nadia grabs a passing waiter. ‘Hey listen – there are seven chairs here. You need to tell the organisers.’

  The waiter looks confused. ‘But all the seats are accounted for, madam.’

  ‘No,’ Nadia insists. ‘There’s only six of us. And we’re all here.’

  ‘You have someone else arriving,’ says the waiter. ‘Cassandra Kilburn.’

  I stiffen, turning to Marc, who has gone equally rigid.

  Nadia’s eyes widen. ‘Cassandra Kilburn? Oh no, no. That is a big mistake. She wasn’t even in Rapunzel.’

  The waiter turns. ‘Ah. Here comes Ms Kilburn now.’


  Through tables of suited celebrities, Cassandra glides towards us.

  She is immaculate in a tight red-silk dress, shiny black hair lying straight down her back.

  When she reaches us, Cassandra puts a diamante-encrusted silk glove on Nadia’s shoulder. ‘Good to see you again, chica. I hope we can all be grown-ups and put any bad feeling behind us.’

  ‘There’s been a mistake.’ Nadia shakes her head. ‘You can’t be at this table, honey. I’m sorry. But Leo will be sitting here soon, and … look I have to think of the family.’

  ‘A mistake?’ Hurt flashes in Cassandra’s eyes. ‘Surely you’re not going to say I can’t sit with you?’

  ‘But you’re not even in Rapunzel,’ Nadia insists. ‘Look – I’m sure we can find you another seat. How did you even end up here anyway?’

  A waiter leans in. ‘It was understood Ms Kilburn is currently shooting a movie with you. So this was her table request.’

  ‘Was it indeed?’ Nadia mutters. ‘Well listen.’ She claps her hands together. ‘This can all be smoothed out, right? Let’s arrange another seat for Ms Kilburn.’

  ‘I’m afraid all the other seats are taken,’ the waiter explains.

  ‘You wouldn’t send me home, would you?’ Cassandra flutters her long, black eyelashes.

  Nadia looks between Cassandra and the waiter, clearly weighing up her options. ‘Can’t we move people around?’ she asks the waiter. ‘Make a space?’

  ‘It is impossible madam.’ The waiter gives a curt shake of his head. ‘Changes are not allowed.’

  Nadia sinks defeated into her chair. ‘Oh for Christ’s sake. Well listen – Cassandra, don’t sit next to Leo. That’s all I ask.’

  Marc glares up at the waiter. ‘This isn’t appropriate. Cassandra needs to be re-seated.’

  ‘What can he do?’ Nadia spreads her hands. ‘He can’t magic a chair from thin air. He already said. All the other seats are taken.’

  Cassandra lowers herself into the seat opposite me and pours wine.

  ‘Here’s to The Riviera Film Festival,’ she says, raising her glass.

  Awkward glances are exchanged.

  ‘ATTENTION EVERYONE!’ a voice booms from the speaker system. ‘The ceremony is about to begin. Please do not leave your seats.’


  ‘Where’s Leo?’ Nadia cranes her neck. ‘He needs to hurry up and sit the fuck down. Leo. Hey. LEO!’

  Leo bounds towards the table, but slows when he sees Cassandra.

  ‘You know,’ says Cassandra, elbows staking out the table. ‘We should make a toast to Leo. To celebrate his new status. I hear he’s recently single.’ She smiles at Marc and raises her glass to him.

  ‘What the fuck?’ Leo appears by Nadia’s shoulder. ‘How come she’s at our table?’

nbsp; ‘Hey, why is everyone coming down on me?’ Nadia snaps. ‘I didn’t make the table arrangements. She just turned up.’

  ‘Look, no offence Cassandra.’ Leo takes a chair. ‘But I want my fiancée back. I don’t want anything to do with you. So don’t get in my shot. Okay?’

  If you want Jen back, I wonder, why were you flirting with that woman over there?

  ‘But we had such fun,’ Cassandra smiles.

  ‘SILENCE PLEASE,’ booms the sound system. ‘The ceremony will now begin.’

  On the stage, a huge projection screen lights up, and a slender, blonde lady strolls towards a silver lotus-flower podium. Actually, she’s not just any blonde. She’s the woman Leo was flirting with earlier. And something clicks.

  She’s … Aurelie Reynard. The French actress. Now I’m even more confused, because Aurelie Reynard is happily married to director, Pierre Reynard.

  ‘Greetings everyone and welcome to the Riviera Film Festival,’ says Aurelie, her small frame disappearing behind the podium.

  The auditorium is dark, but I feel Cassandra’s eyes on me.

  ‘You know, before we get started I have a special announcement to make,’ says Aurelie. ‘A good friend of mine – Leo Falkirk – has a message he wants me to deliver.’

  The film cameras turn to our table.

  ‘Leo wants to send love to his fiancée Jen. And tell her he’s thinking of her. And he’s sorry.’

  A collective awww flows around the auditorium.

  So that’s what all that flirting was about, I realise. Leo was charming Aurelie into making his announcement.

  Cassandra’s lips pinch together, and she takes a long drink of wine.

  ‘Sweet, huh?’ Aurelie claps her hands. ‘Okay. So let’s begin the ceremony.’


  I hold Marc’s hand tight and focus on the stage.

  As film clips roll and awards are handed out, I notice Leo’s eyes glued to his phone.

  Cassandra fixes me with glittering, angry eyes. ‘This isn’t over,’ she whispers. ‘All I have to do is make sure the cameraman gets a shot of us together. And that message will mean nothing.’

  ‘Why are you doing this, Cassandra?’ I whisper back. ‘Why are you messing with Jen and Leo’s relationship? They’re nothing to do with you.’

  Cassandra smiles, drinking wine through red lips. ‘To punish you. For taking my man.’

  ‘How is this punishing me?’ I hiss.

  ‘I’m hurting you through your friends,’ she replies coolly. ‘You don’t live in Hollywood as long as I have without learning to play the game.’

  My hand clenches a wineglass.

  ‘I wouldn’t throw that if I were you,’ says Cassandra casually. ‘If you do, the tabloids will have you down as a crazed, bi-polar jealous wife. I’ll make sure of it. You see how it works?’

  ‘Jen isn’t stupid,’ I say. ‘She’ll see through you. She’ll know what you’re doing.’

  ‘Jealous women rarely see sense,’ says Cassandra. ‘Most likely she’ll decide her boyfriend can’t stay away from me. And you know the best part? Leo can’t say a word in his defence. Because if he does, his career will be over.’

  I sense Leo is listening. His jaw is hard, his fingers white as they grip his phone.


  The ceremony rolls on, but I find it hard to focus on the film clips. All I can think about is the game Cassandra is playing. The worst part is, she’s winning.

  Leo’s phone stays black; no messages flash or sound.

  Finally, it’s time for the Best Director award.

  ‘This is it,’ says Nadia. ‘Hey listen – if I don’t win this year, I don’t care. Okay?’ She gives me a wink.

  ‘Let’s all have a drink,’ Cassandra announces, pouring more wine. She fills Leo’s glass, then goes to fill mine.

  ‘No thanks,’ I say. ‘I can fill my own glass.’

  I see a camera turn to our table.


  Cassandra shrugs, filling everyone else’s glasses. ‘Suit yourself. If you don’t want to toast your director.’

  Something inside me sinks, as I realise they’ll now be a shot of me snatching my glass away from Cassandra. She really does know how to play the game.

  There are murmurs from nearby tables, and someone whispers, ‘Shush!’

  ‘And now,’ Aurelie announces, tapping a silver envelope on the podium, ‘the award for best director.’

  Suddenly, my naked body is projected onto a 20-foot high screen, as Leo and I make love in Rapunzel.

  My back moves back and forth above Leo, and the camera films my face, pretending to be lost in ecstasy.

  ‘Oh great.’ I half cover my eyes.

  Beside me, I feel Marc tense.

  It seems to take forever, but finally my scene disappears, and Leo and I fade into another movie clip.

  The audience falls silent, as Aurelie opens the silver envelope.

  ‘And the winner for best director goes to …’ Aurelie pauses. ‘Nadia Malbeck.’

  Applause explodes around the auditorium.

  ‘OH MY GOD!’ Nadia screeches. ‘OH MY GOD!’ She leaps to her feet, nearly knocking over her wine glass. ‘Jesus Christ.’

  Leo, who has just caught her glass, stands and takes her arm. ‘Come on, best director. I’ll walk you up there.’


  Up on stage, a microphone is thrust into Nadia’s face. But she just opens and closes her mouth, spluttering, ‘Um … err …’

  Leo puts a friendly arm around her shoulder and takes the mike. ‘I think our best director is a little lost for words. For once.’

  He pauses for a laugh, and gets one.

  ‘I gotta tell you all, I love this girl,’ Leo continues. ‘She’s just the best. Well done Nadia.’ He kisses her cheek.

  ‘Oh my God,’ Nadia stutters. ‘I can’t believe this. Honestly, I can’t. Jesus Christ. There are so many people I should thank. My husband. Of course …’ She reels off a long list of people, including Marc and I, Baz, Sigourney and pretty much every cast and crew member she’s ever worked with.

  Everyone claps good-naturedly as the thanks go on and on.

  When Nadia finally runs out of names, Leo takes the mike. ‘Are you done telling everyone how fantastic they are Nadia?’

  Nadia laughs. ‘All done, Leo.’

  ‘Good.’ Leo turns to camera one. ‘Because I’ve got something to say.’

  The crowd falls silent.

  Leo’s good-natured smile fades. ‘I have a fiancée,’ he says. ‘The most amazing woman I’ve ever met. But I totally fucked up. I … I slept with someone else.’

  A deathly hush falls over the audience.

  Through the gloom, I see Nadia approaching our table, Silver Lotus award under her arm. She slides into the seat beside me. ‘What the fuck is he doing?’ she whispers.

  ‘No idea,’ I whisper back.

  Leo looks earnestly into the camera. ‘Jen. I never cared about Cassandra Kilburn.’

  ‘Oh Jesus Christ.’ Nadia puts her head in her hands. ‘And now he’s given them a name.’

  ‘I was weak and stupid,’ Leo continues. ‘Cassandra took advantage when I was lost, but I’m found again. And Jen … I just love you so much.’

  Big tears slide down Leo’s cheeks. ‘I can’t imagine life without you. So Jen. Please. Please take me back. We’ll get counselling. We’ll get help. And I’ll spend my life proving how much I love you. That’s all.’

  He hands the mike to Aurelie and bounds off stage.

  ‘Um … well, thank you Leo,’ says Aurelie, throwing a confused glance at camera one, then shuffling with podium papers, clearly a little thrown.

  Cameras swivel to our table – I guess to get a close-up of Cassandra’s reaction. And seeing Cassandra’s surprised face and wide eyes, I know they’re going to get exactly the shot they want.

  We’re not seeing the usual cool, calm Cassandra, but a caged animal, red lips parted in panic.

  As a cameraman
sprints across the room to get his shot, Leo saunters back to our table.

  ‘Cassandra,’ Leo says, picking up a champagne bottle and swigging directly from it. ‘Never underestimate what a man will do for true love.’


  For a moment, I think Cassandra might slap Leo – her eyes are so hate-filled. But instead she bolts up, leaving our table and weaving her way across the room. She’s followed by a stampede of cameramen and photographers.

  ‘Oh my god,’ I breathe, watching her head to the exit.

  ‘Well done Leo,’ says Marc, leaning to pat him on the back. ‘Admirably done.’

  ‘It was for Jen.’ Leo toasts the nearest cameraman. ‘Oh Jesus fucking Christ, God in heaven. I hope she forgives me.’

  ‘I hope you know what you’re doing, Leo,’ Nadia remarks, stroking her Silver Lotus award. ‘The public have long memories when it comes to cheating fiancés. You, golden boy – well let’s just say you won’t be offered any roles for a while. Movie goers don’t like men who cheat.’

  Dimly, I’m aware of more film cameras turning our way. I guess they still want a shot of Leo, after his big announcement.

  ‘It’s a chance I was willing to take,’ says Leo, downing his glass of champagne.

  Sigourney puts a hand on my shoulder. ‘Um … Sophia?’

  I turn to her. ‘Yes?’

  ‘You might want to look at the stage.’ Sigourney points.

  ‘Why?’ I ask, looking around in confusion.

  Sigourney smiles. ‘Because Aurelie just said your name.’

  On stage, Aurelie holds a torn silver envelope. ‘Sophia Blackwell?’

  I blink at her, more confused than ever as more cameras turn to our table.

  Aurelie smiles down at me. ‘Shall I do this again? Dum, dum, dum.’ She pretends to do a drum roll on the podium. ‘So. The award for best actress goes to … Sophia Blackwell. For Rapunzel.’

  I turn to Marc. ‘I … is this a joke?’ My stomach flips over and over.

  Marc stands. ‘Come along, Mrs Blackwell. You’re wanted on stage.’


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