Maid For An Alien Prince: A SciFi Alien Romance (Intergalactic Exchange Program Book 1)

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Maid For An Alien Prince: A SciFi Alien Romance (Intergalactic Exchange Program Book 1) Page 20

by Roxie Ray

  She was simply stunning, and the sight of her took my breath away. Brittany smiled, and my chest squeezed tight. She made her way slowly down the ornamental path, and those who were gathered to watch us make our vows greeted her with smiles all along the way.

  Then she was there in front of me, and I was reaching for her, twining my fingers through hers and squeezing her hand in encouragement.

  Brittany beamed up at me, and for what must have been the millionth time, I marveled that this beautiful creature was mine, forever.

  As one, we turned to my father, who was serving as officiant for the ceremony, and he gave us both a warm smile before beginning.

  It flew by in a haze of ancient vows, but I barely registered the words my father spoke. My focus was entirely on my bride, my heart full of love. I was so absorbed in her, so lost in her bright eyes, that I jolted when I heard Soren clear his throat and nudge my shoulder.

  I turned, taking the ring he was holding out to me. It was a relic of our house, a Holland heirloom that had been passed from generation to generation. The last woman to wear it had been my grandmother—my father’s mother—when she was queen.

  Now it would go to my bride, my future queen, and one day to our children.

  I took her hand, staring into her eyes, and spoke from my heart.

  “Brittany, with this ring, I promise to love, honor and cherish you above all others. When I first laid eyes on you, I knew you were special, that we were meant to be, and I am forever grateful that you came into my life. You’ve made me a better man, and I will continue to strive to be the best man I can be for you. I vow to love you with all my heart, from now until forever.”

  Brittany’s eyes glistened with tears as I slid the ring onto her finger, cementing our bond. Warmth rushed from her hands to mine, and I could have sworn I actually felt the mating bond sliding firmly into place.

  She bit her lip in the way I loved so much, then took a ring of her own and began her vows.

  “Niall, you are my everything, and I am equally grateful the universe brought us together. I thought I knew what love was, but I had no idea until I met you. You are the kindest, most generous man I’ve ever known, and I’m looking forward to spending every day for the rest of our lives showing you just how amazing you are. I vow to love you with all of my heart, from now until forever.”

  Brittany slipped her ring onto my finger, and then I knew I wasn’t imagining it. I could definitely feel the bond between us, stronger now than ever before. And nothing had ever felt so right.

  My father said a few more words, but they were lost on me as I looked down at my bride, my mate, my love. And when I kissed her, it was more than a sealing of our marriage. It was a vow of its own, joining us together for the rest of our lives, and I had never been happier than I was in that moment.

  As the sun set on our Mating Day, Brittany and I sat at the table of honor, surrounded by friends and family as they joined us in celebration. Soon the atmospheric lighting would come on and the soft music would turn up, and the party would really get started. But for now, I was simply enjoying having my mate by my side and the conversation of our friends.

  Brittany was talking with Wisteria, Rahl the Nourisher’s baby sister, who had accompanied him to the ceremony in lieu of a female companion. Brittany seemed absolutely enchanted with the Macronian female.

  They seemed to be about the same age and were discussing Wisteria’s job as a Soil and Sky Seer—which from what I’d gathered was highly revered on their planet and had something to do with consulting on weather and the harvest.

  I turned to Rahl, who was watching the two women as well.

  “Thank you so much for coming. I wasn’t sure if you would be able to make it with all the duties of your new role,” I said.

  Rahl smiled. “It is a bit overwhelming at times, but I wouldn’t have missed this day for anything. You and Brittany are truly in love.”

  There was something wistful in his voice. We’d grown close enough over the past months that I felt comfortable in asking him something personal. “Is there not a special someone back home who you have your eye on?” I gave him a wink. “I’m sure there are plenty of women lined up who would be more than happy if you looked their way.”

  Rahl laughed, but I sensed he felt the same way as I used to about the women of Hollander. “None so far. Perhaps one day.”

  Again that wistful tone was there, and I couldn’t help but wonder what his story was and why he hadn’t once mentioned a special someone in all the times we’d spoken since we first met.

  Not wanting to push the issue, I turned my attention to the large pot of peace lilies that he and Wisteria had brought as a wedding gift. “Those have to be the most vibrant flowers I’ve ever seen.”

  Rahl’s green eyes twinkled. “You really do need to come visit. I think the natural wonders of Macros might have you rethinking your opinions on Hollander being the most beautiful planet.”

  It was an ongoing joke at this point. “Well, it has to be better than the planet these birdbrains call home,” I said, unable to resist the jab at Kain and Dordus, who were seated on the other side of Rahl.

  Kain merely lifted a brow as he stuffed his face like the barbarian he was.

  Dordus, however, let out a boisterous laugh. “You’re just jealous that you can’t compare to our strength and prowess.” As if to emphasize his point, he flexed and posed like he was in some kind of bodybuilding competition.

  “Yes, that’s right,” I said with a chuckle. “I only wish I lived on a planet run by a warring barbarian.” Our teasing was all in good fun, though. It was just the way we were, almost like brothers these days.

  Brittany turned, her attention drawn by Dordus’s laughter. “I was hoping your daughter could join us today.”

  Dordus nodded. “Unfortunately, she couldn’t get away, though she did send a gift. Handmade,” he said proudly as he pushed a box across the table toward Brittany.

  She eagerly tore into it, and gasped when she pulled out a sparkling pink sculpture.

  “Sea glass,” Dordus said when Brittany lifted an eyebrow in question. “She specializes in the medium.”

  “But it’s pink.”

  I reached out and took the sculpture in my hand, running my thumb over the curves of a woman swollen from pregnancy. “The Raider oceans are pink,” I murmured, then laughed again when I realized just what the sculpture was for. “It’s a symbol of fertility.”

  “And luck,” Kain said. “Though, yeah, it’s mostly for fertility.”

  Brittany blushed as she took the sculpture back. We hadn’t talked about children yet, and I wondered what she thought of the idea.

  “You better watch out for that,” Wisteria remarked. She wrinkled her nose that was speckled with dark green freckles as she grinned. “You might want to keep it far away from the bedroom…or not.”

  Rahl laughed. “Wisteria has a sense about these things, so I’d listen if I were you.”

  “Call it woman’s intuition,” she said with a wink.

  Brittany laughed. “Thank you so much. All of you. Having you here today means so much to me. As you probably know, I don’t have any family of my own, but this…” She smiled and bit her lip. “This feels like what a family should be like. And I couldn’t be happier that you’re all able to share in this special day with us.”

  I reached for her hand and laced my fingers with hers, squeezing gently, and then I noticed Dordus rubbing at his eyes.

  “Dude, are you crying?”

  “No,” he exclaimed, too quickly and too defensively for anyone to believe him.

  I smiled and looked around the table at the people who had come to be more family than friends over the past months, and I understood exactly what Brittany meant. At the next table, my parents and brothers sat talking and smiling as well, and I realized my heart had never felt so full. I was lucky in so many ways. And I could only hope Brittany felt as happy now to have a family she could call her own.

  I leaned over and put my arm around her, pulling her in close and whispering in her ear. “I love you, sweetheart.”

  She looked up at me, and her smile told me enough. She looked like she’d never been happier in her life than she was in this moment.

  “I love you, too.”

  Just then, the music picked up, and I arched a brow at my mate. My wife.

  “Shall we dance?”

  I led her out to the dance floor that had been set up and pulled her in close as we had our first dance under the stars as an officially mated couple in front of friends and family.

  And I knew that without a doubt, I was the luckiest man alive.

  Brittany and I walked hand in hand down the main promenade leading through town. It had been three months since we’d wed, and we’d taken a day off from royal duties to just enjoy being together. Today I wanted to take her back to the first restaurant we’d ever gone to together. Not only was it my favorite, but now it held such special memories for the two of us.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, a soft smile lighting her face. Over the past few months, I’d done my best to make sure she always had a reason to smile. So far, I thought I was doing a pretty good job.

  “You’ll see,” I said teasingly.

  Just as we were about to turn the corner onto the street that led down toward the beach, I felt Brittany tense.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, immediately on guard. Even though it had been nearly a year since Brittany’s abduction, old habits died hard. And her safety was all that mattered.

  She pointed just ahead to a woman walking toward us. Sophie, I realized as she drew closer. I narrowed my eyes, ready to tell her to get the fuck away from my wife, but Brittany rested a hand on my arm as if she anticipated what I was about to say.

  “It’s fine, Niall,” she murmured, but the tension in her shoulders said differently.

  “Prince Niall,” Sophie greeted, bowing low before turning and doing the same to Brittany. “Princess.”

  I pressed my lips together, trying not to say anything. I was sure Britt wanted to handle this herself. Still, I gave her hand a squeeze to let her know I was here for her.

  “Hello, Sophie,” she said, her voice carefully distant.

  Sophie swallowed nervously, fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. “I’m so sorry,” she blurted, turning pleading eyes on Brittany. “For everything. I truly did care about you and consider you a friend. I can’t blame everything on Yivonne, I know I need to take responsibility of my own actions. I was wrong for going along with something I disagreed with.”

  The look of shame was plain on her face, and while I was sure Brittany appreciated the apology on some level, I was surprised by her answer.

  She smiled at Sophie, her eyes clear of the anger and rage that had been there so many times in the days and weeks after her abduction. “Thank you for saying that, Sophie. And while I can’t say we can ever be friends like we were before, I do forgive you. And I wish you well.”

  Sophie nodded, looking relieved. “Thank you. Perhaps someday we can be friends again.”

  Brittany smiled once more before bidding Sophie goodbye, and when we were a few yards down the road, I turned to her.

  “That was generous,” I said. “You seem to be in a good mood today.” In fact, she seemed like she’d been in a good mood even more than usual lately.

  She hummed, a sparkle in her eye, and I narrowed my gaze. “What’s going on, sweetheart, that has you so happy?”

  “You’ll see,” she murmured vaguely, echoing my words from earlier.

  I laughed, then kissed her on the lips and headed to the restaurant.

  A few hours later, after enjoying ourselves thoroughly on the best food and wine on the planet, we were home getting ready for bed.

  I’d almost forgotten her vagueness from earlier until she walked up and took my hands in hers. “I have a surprise for you.”

  I lifted my eyebrows, curious when she took a slip of paper from her pocket and pressed it into my hand. Glancing down, I unfolded it. Then my heart nearly stopped.

  In unmistakable terms, the paper stated that Brittany was pregnant. Carrying my child.

  I glanced up, eyes wide. “Are you serious?”

  She laughed. “As serious as I can be. We’re having a baby, Niall.”

  A thrill raced through my body, and I swept Brittany up into my arms and spun her around and around until she was laughing and telling me to stop before I made her sick.

  I loosened my grip but didn’t let go of her as I slid her back down my body to land on her feet.

  “Brittany,” I whispered, lowering my forehead to hers. “This is incredible.”

  “You’re happy then, I take it?” she asked with a grin.

  “Happy? I’m thrilled,” I told her earnestly before pressing my lips to her and kissing her with all the passion and love I had, showing her just how happy I was about this news.

  A baby. I was going to be a father. Other than the day of our mating ceremony, this had to be the happiest day of my life.

  I told her as much, and she twined her arms around my neck, pulling me back to kiss her once more. I rested my hands on her waist, holding her close to me.

  “Why don’t you show me just how happy you are?” she asked breathlessly when I broke the kiss, grinding her hips against mine so there was no mistaking her meaning.

  A low growl rumbled in my chest, and then I was scooping her up again and carrying her to our bed, happy to oblige her request.

  I lowered her down slowly, carefully, my eyes locked on hers as I took my time removing her clothing. Mine followed right after, and then I was crawling up on the bed, positioning my body above hers.

  I braced an arm on either side of her head, then kissed her again, so thoroughly that soon we were both panting and hungry for more.

  I rubbed my cock against her, teasing her already wet opening with my piercings, loving the little gasps of pleasure as she stared up at me with half-lidded eyes.

  “Niall,” she groaned. “That feels so good.”

  I reached up and brushed a thumb across her nipples, and I was rewarded with a sexy moan that had me aching to be inside her. She was so responsive, even more than usual.

  “You know,” I said, a mischievous twinkle in my eye, “I’ve heard somewhere that human women are particularly sensitive when they’re with child.”

  She bit her lip. “I’ve heard that too.” Then she grinned at me. “I think we need to put that theory to the test.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” I said, my voice ragged as she reached up and scraped her fingernails down my chest, trailing her hands across my newest tattoo. I’d recently had one done to symbolize our union. And it looked like I’d be getting another soon enough to celebrate the little boy or girl my bride was carrying inside her.

  After moving down her body, trailing kisses from her neck to her chest, in between her breasts then down to her stomach, I began running my hand across her smooth, creamy skin. I rested my palm flat on her stomach then looked up at her, our gazes locking.

  It was such a miracle. All of it. Finding my mate, making a life together, having a child. I had it all, and I couldn’t ask for more.

  I pressed a soft kiss to her stomach, and her eyes glistened with fresh tears. These, though, were definitely tears of happiness.

  I took my time with her, touching and kissing her all over, working her higher and higher until she was practically begging for release.

  “Please, Niall,” she said on a moan when I slid my fingers deep inside her slick pussy. Her walls clamped down around me, and I groaned at the sensation.

  “What do you want, sweetheart?” I slowly, languidly slid my fingers in and out of her, teasing her, torturing her.

  She gave me a look like she knew exactly what I was doing. “You know what I want.”

  The impatience in her voice was perfectly adorable. I chuckled and gave her a sly smile. “Well, who am I to deny my q
ueen what she wants?”

  I rolled us over in one smooth motion so she was straddling me, the tip of my cock positioned right against her swollen pussy lips. Then she was taking control, gripping my cock in her fist and sliding down on top of me until I bottomed out completely.

  We both groaned, our bodies shuddering with pure pleasure. I would never get tired of this. We fit together so perfectly, and somehow, impossibly, it felt better and better each and every time.

  Then Brittany was moving, rolling her hips as she rode me, taking me deep with every thrust. I gripped her hips, guiding her with my fingers as she moved faster and faster until we were both breathing heavily, our movements erratic as we raced toward our release.

  Brittany came first in an explosion of epic proportions, her body clenching and convulsing around my cock, milking me as I throbbed inside her velvety walls. That was all it took for me to follow hot on her heels, my own orgasm ripping through me.

  It was intense, fiery and full of passion, and we stayed locked together long after we’d both been completely spent.

  In no rush to end the moment, I wrapped her in my arms and cradled her against me. Honestly, I’d be content to stay just like this forever. I rested a hand on her abdomen, stroking my thumb over where she carried our child.

  In that moment, I knew it truly was the happiest I’d ever been. Just as I knew this was just the beginning. We had a whole lifetime ahead of us. And with Brittany by my side as my queen, my mate, and the mother of my child, I couldn’t ask for more.



  I sat in my office, reviewing some of the more mundane work that was part and parcel of leading. I hated this part. I much preferred the physical part of leading a warrior nation. Sitting at a desk? Not so much.

  Scanning through my messages that had accumulated while I’d been out on my latest mission, I smiled when I saw one from Niall.


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