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Deception Page 16

by Victoria Saccenti

“I didn’t realize you’re such a good cook. Your puttanesca was awesome. My father would love it.”

  “If he visits you, I’ll invite him over.” He winked.

  Shutting off the water, he took the dish towel from her. He dried his hands as he walked past the pantry, opened the door to the garage, and tossed the towel in the hamper.

  “All right. Our conversation is way overdue.”

  Grasping her hand, he led her to the leather sofa in the living room. He angled her shoulders between the back and the armrest, then tucked a pillow behind her. He plopped down on the opposite corner. Using the coffee table as a footrest, he crossed one leg over the other.

  “Give me your feet.” He patted his thighs.

  Hunter didn’t wait to be asked twice. For someone like her, who was always on her feet for work, a foot massage was one of life’s most delightful experiences.

  He wiggled her big toe. “Sexy red polish. Keep using it.” He ran his finger down the middle of her sole. “Ticklish?”

  She giggled in response. “A little.”

  “Great. More ammo for me.”

  Using both hands, Joe kneaded deeply into the bottom of her right foot. She rolled her eyes back, inundated with pleasure. He laughed. “That bad, huh?”

  “You’ve no idea.”

  “I’m sorry, gorgeous.”

  Pushed out of her little cloud, Hunter opened her eyes. She knew what he meant.

  “Joe, I’m not a child or feeble minded. A man like you has been with other women. Many, I imagine.” She did her best to sound soft. She didn’t want him to think she was upset after Dan’s comment.

  He sighed. The foot massage continued.

  She eyed his sharp profile. What could he say? She didn’t expect excuses or explanations from him. He didn’t owe her anything. They’d had an evening and a few intimate hours. Who knew what else might develop if they continued beyond this point? Joe wanted to bring her into a lifestyle she didn’t know at all, yet he practiced it regularly.

  Dan’s poison arrow had done its job. What she’d entertained in the abstract, he’d brought down to reality with a loud crash.

  Still, despite the stab of jealousy that struck her, she accepted the undeniable truth: Joe had pleasured other women the same way he’d handled and pleased her. A man didn’t become that adept with the intricacies of a woman’s body without constant trial and error.

  “You’re thinking.”

  “I am.” She focused on his large hands kneading her foot.

  “Tell me.”

  “Domination. What if I don’t like it?”

  “Is that it?”

  “No. The Orlando ladies…”

  “While you and I are together, no other woman will sleep in my bed. That’s a promise.” He stopped kneading. “Look at me. You’re a submissive. It’s present in everything you do. You thrive on sexual and behavior domination. In fact, I’d guess you’ve stumbled with the men in your life because they haven’t given you the structure or attention you need.”

  Oh Lord. Her chest tightened. He’d seen inside her soul. How far and how deep, she couldn’t tell.

  “Joe… I—”

  He waved a hand. “I don’t know what happened to you. Eventually, I will get to the heart of the matter. Meanwhile, we’re starting slow and easy. I’ll try different methods of arousal, and you will tell me how those feel. That’s why truth is so important between us. As we progress and experiment, I will push you. I expect you to trust me with your pleasure. You’ll feel sensual pain. I won’t hurt you. If it’s too much, we pause and talk about it.”

  “Different methods?” Although she couldn’t quite wrap her head around that idea, her tummy trembled with anticipation.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He chuckled. “Your reaction is precious. You can’t wait to begin.”

  Heat ravaged her skin. She dropped her gaze to her foot.

  “I get the message.” Laughing harder, he resumed the foot massage. “Moving on, if, after a couple of days, we’re still doing okay and have no issues, we’ll engage in further discussions and you’ll become my submissive. Exclusively. Which means you will obey my orders and my requirements. What I say goes.”


  “You can suggest, and I will consider. Once again, if it’s too much for you, we terminate the arrangement and the relationship.”


  “I know that sounds drastic, but that’s how it is. I can’t live halfway in the lifestyle. To give you everything you need, I must be all in. Otherwise, I’d be unhappy, and so would you.”

  No. No. No. She wanted to scream. You can’t leave me. Not now.

  “Okay,” she murmured instead, folding her hands over her stomach. “What happens if I fail?”

  “Don’t think in terms of failure. If an activity doesn’t work, we talk about it, find another way. If you willfully disobey, I’ll punish you.”

  The image formed instantly. She was bent over Joe’s lap as he spanked her cheeks red. In response, her pussy throbbed, and her breathing accelerated.

  “Amazing reaction.” His eyebrows shot up. “Got news for you. Spanking isn’t the only punishment in my repertoire. There are other forms. Some can be challenging.”

  Heat blasted her skin. Laughing, she covered her face with her palms.

  “This is bad, I can’t hide anything from you.”

  “Put your hands down. I like to see your face, red and all.”

  She peered over her hands. He eyed her directly. His expression had changed. His eye gleamed with intent. Dominant Joe had surfaced.

  “In fact…” His tone was soft and firm at once. “Remove your dress. Toss it over there.” He flicked his head in the direction of a comfortable-looking lounger.

  “Now? Here?”

  He shrugged. “Why not?”

  “We’re in the living room.”

  “And?” He cocked his head.

  Hunter scanned the room side to side. Then it hit her. This was her first real command, and she was resisting. Lifting her butt, she pulled her dress up and over her head. She flicked her wrist, and the dress floated onto the chair.

  “Good, girl.” He smiled. “You’re so beautiful. I enjoy seeing your body.”

  His approving words warmed her heart. A wondrous peace subsumed her. Anxiety fled away. The location didn’t matter. She had privacy with him.

  “What are you thinking, gorgeous?”

  “Baby steps, I guess. I felt exposed when you asked me to undress. Like the world could see me.”

  Extending his palm, he gestured at the room. “It’s just us.”

  “Took me a second to get it.”

  “We have all kinds of people in the life. Some are exhibitionists. These folks need a public scene in a club to really feel, to get in the zone. Others require multiple partners and extreme play with both sexes. I could go on, but there’s no limit, and we don’t pass judgment.” Sliding a hand from her foot, he trailed his fingers along the tender skin inside her ankle. He moved up her calf as he slowly pushed her shin. By the time she noticed, her leg was bent and her knee was up.

  “I like my kink in private. What we do is between us. That being said, a time may come when I ask you to wear a revealing blouse in public for my personal enjoyment and the envy of other males. In those situations, your full attention will be focused on the needs and desires of your Dom. No one else.” He tapped her knee. She leaned her leg on the sofa’s backrest.

  “Beautiful pink pussy.” His gaze shifted to her face. “And later, when we shower, I’m going to shave that sweet cunt. I like it bare.”

  Blood roared in Hunter’s ears. Her heart pounded inside her chest so hard, she thought it would jump out. The way he spoke, the hypnotic cadence of his deep voice, and the erotic images he suggested excited and entranced her at the same time. With hardly a touch, he’d spun a vortex of wild sensations around her. If this was only the beginning…

  “You’re ready,” he murmured.

p; Joe moved her feet to the floor, then swept her into his arms and passed through a short hallway, entering a room she hadn’t seen before.

  On top of a tall dresser, a three-flame candle flickered, casting soft shadows on the wall. As he continued inside, the soothing scent of lavender invaded her nose.

  Hunter stretched her neck to see better, and he laughed.

  “Curious, aren’t you? Well, I have a remedy for that.”

  He walked around a massive sleigh bed. The paneled headboard curved back, while the footboard rose to the edge of his king-size mattress. He’d paid attention to every detail; the pillows had been fluffed and the covers folded back.

  Slowly, he lowered her to the bed. Moving around to the footboard, he circled both her ankles, then pulled her toward him.

  “Scoot down.”

  She wiggled, following his instruction, and waited. Okay… So all this was good and exciting; however, she was stark naked, while he eyed her still fully dressed with his fists on his hips. Impatience pushed her on.

  “What about you?” She pointed at him.

  Joe cocked his head and sighed. “Indeed, baby steps.” Tugging a button at a time, he opened his shirt one-handed. “It’s good I’m a patient man. You have two minutes.”

  Those words came across like gibberish to her. She was focused on the snail’s-pace unveiling of Joe’s magnificent muscular chest, then lost her breath when she saw the angry wound shaped like a starburst between his right shoulder and his upper chest. A hollow spot remained in its center, red and deep. The cluster of scars was still in the process of healing. A long gash running alongside his sexy abs enhanced the tightness of his muscles instead of detracting from their appearance.

  He was a beautiful wounded god.

  The ache in her throat was unbearable. He’d suffered excruciating pain and loss. She was on the verge of tears.

  “Time’s up. Close your eyes.”

  “Huh?” She widened her eyes instead.

  Joe laughed. “You’re so precious. I’m going to miss these early training days.” He switched to a full frown. “Hunter?”

  “Yes, Joe.”

  His forefinger went up. “New rules. One. When we’re in D/s mode, short for dominant-submissive, you will address me as Sir. Two. And this is only for tonight. If, for any reason, I do something that truly hurts or that you can’t handle at all, say ‘Orlando’ as loud as you can. The activity ends immediately. Afterward, we can talk about it.”

  She rolled the words around in her mind.

  He tugged her ankle. “Repeat what I said.”

  “Sir is your name. Orlando stops everything.”

  “Good girl.” He stroked her skin. “I could blindfold you and make this much easier for you. Since I’m testing your obedience, I won’t. Whatever you hear or feel, you will keep your eyes closed until I say. Not seeing will heighten your sensations. You peek, and it’s over. All right?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she murmured.


  Hunter inhaled, preparing for the unknown. She’d arrived at Joe’s personal doorway, the entrance to his essence, the man he rarely showed others. She was determined to cross over, succeed, and enjoy all the sensations he’d promised, and maybe…graduate to full submissive rank.

  Time passed, and nothing happened. The AC kicked on. Cool air caressed her naked skin. She wasn’t uncomfortable; her nipples puckered, though. A touch of anticipation and nerves struck her. She breathed deeply.

  “You’re doing so well.” He surprised her when he spoke next to her ear, yet she managed to stay still. She heard a swishy sound. Now she understood what he meant. The temptation to look was almost irresistible. She kept her eyes closed.

  “Relax. I’m positioning your body.” He stretched her arms above her head. Placing her wrists together, he wrapped something soft and silky around them. In the next movement, he pushed her ankle back, close to her buttocks. Her knee bent up. He wound what she imagined was another silky strap around her upper thigh and her lower calf. He went around both parts twice. He tugged a little, tightening the loop, and her leg lifted.

  “Is that too tight? How’s the thigh muscle? Do you feel any cramps?”

  “I’m good, Sir.”

  He caressed her cheek. “Beautiful.”

  Joe repeated the same procedure and questions with her other leg. When he finished, the tips of her toes touched slightly and her tied legs flopped to the sides.

  It was the worst time for her sense of humor to rise, but it did. She was just about to joke about looking like a trussed-up chicken when he slapped her splayed labia. The sudden burn pushed all thoughts away. A second passed, and he slapped harder. Another second went by, and he slapped again.

  Her pussy stung. Hot arousal roared in her, and she arched involuntarily.

  “Not so funny now, is it?”

  A low hum followed his words as he steadied her legs apart “That’s it. Don’t raise your legs. I want access to your beautiful cunt.” Slipping his arms under her body, he lifted her again; she guessed she was closer to the edge of the bed. Before she could catch up, he pressed a large vibrating surface to her clit. The stimulation was intense. Her sheath contracted.

  “You don’t have permission to climax.”

  She gasped. “Ah…ah, please…please.” She wrestled with the ties around her wrists, tugged, and went nowhere.

  He removed the vibrator. “I said no.”

  Hunter tried to swallow the moisture her dry mouth didn’t have.

  “Thank goodness there’s a kink shop on Highway 192.” Joe chuckled.

  “I don’t care about the road to Melbourne or adult shops.” She huffed desperately. Her clit throbbed; her body wanted release. Period.

  “Hmmm, I need to do something about that mouth. As I was saying…” Joe continued talking as if he was discussing the weather. “I rushed over after leaving your place. I found these. They’re not the best, but they’ll work for now. Next time, you’ll have your own pair.”

  A pinching sensation gripped her left nipple. At first, she thought he was biting her. A moment later, she realized it was a clip of some kind, because the stinging pressure came from two points. Her brain fought to process what was happening. She traveled on three fast-paced lanes: pain, sexual stimulation, and the need to climax. A strange tension built. Deep within her, a current of sexual excitement rushed from her nipple to her sex, and her channel spasmed with pleasure. She panted. Her rapid breaths suppressed the impending climax.

  “Talk to me. Are you okay?” he murmured.

  “Y-yes, Sir.”

  “Too much? Does it feel good?”

  “Sir… Yes!” she screamed, rolling her head side to side. “I need!”

  The same sensation was repeated on her other breast.

  Her mind flew, soared. She wanted to see, to disobey him and look.

  No. No. No. She scrunched her eyes closed.

  “Hmmm, I knew you’d like these.”

  Without warning, he returned the vibrator to her clit. He teased her inner folds, the rim of her channel, and the area above her puckered back entry. With stunning accuracy, he lifted the toy when her sheath contracted.

  “Aarrrgh!” Any minute, her head would blow to bits. She was losing her sanity.

  “Good girl.” He slapped her aching clit, the insides of her thighs, and then went back to her folds. The wicked man added a thrilling new sensation when he trailed kisses over her skin and slurped her clit into his mouth. He added a slippery liquid to the play, spreading it all over her labia. He ran a slow finger up the middle of her pussy, wiggled her übersensitive clit and stopped.

  “Sir. Sir…my pussy tingles. It’s getting really hot. Ah. Ah.”

  “The oil is working.” He blew softly. Instead of cooling her burning tissues, she got hotter. Desire ravaged her. She wanted to throw her arms around his neck, bring him down close to her. Beg him to take her and end this torment.

  He stopped. Time passed, and nothing
happened. As she started to calm down, the buildup started again. He added little pulls to the clamps on her nipples as he teased her with the vibrator.

  “Oh my Lord.” Hunter jerked as she breathed, desperate to control her body’s response and the unbearable impulse to find release. Stubborn, she refused to lose the climax battle.

  The mattress dipped. He lay next to her. “I can’t believe how good you are,” he murmured as he captured her lips and his muscular arms lifted her chest against his.

  His kiss was soft and sweet, tender and different. He lingered on her mouth as he caressed her lips, then slipped over to her cheeks, her forehead, her closed eyes. He penetrated her soul. Her spirit warmed and softened as one of her ancient scars began to fade. This was real atonement and healing. Not the toxic practices of her past. She let go, released her control to Joe Reid’s domination and keeping, and the world floated around her…

  “You can look now.”

  Her eyes met his. He studied her deeply.

  “I’m a lucky man.”

  A shadow darkened his face. It was faint. She ignored it.

  “Do you always wear your eye patch?”

  Joe kissed her nose. “Tonight, you’ve seen most of my scars. Next time, I’ll take it off.” He tugged the loose end of each sash around thigh and ankle, and the loop slackened. Her legs slipped to the mattress, and he straddled her waist.

  Her mouth sagged open. He’d undressed while he’d played and teased her. As he handled the nipple clamps, his stunning, fully erect cock—steel encased in velvet—jutting out of a nest of light-brown curls, rested on her abdomen.

  “Because this is your first time, I didn’t tighten the clamps all the way. I’m going to take them off. You may hurt when the blood rushes back in. Ready?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  She tensed, preparing for the sting. Joe’s skill was impressive. As he removed the right clamp, he squeezed the nipple between his fingers. He opened them slowly, and the blood flowed gently back. The pain was minimal. He used the same care on the left breast. She smiled at him, and he kissed both peaks.

  “I’m a nipple guy. Expect lots of attention.” Using the edge of his fingernail, he lazily grazed a sensitive pebble. “I have a decorative idea you’ll love wearing. It’s going to be something very special, perfect for these beauties.” He spoke lazily, eliciting erotic images, activities and scenes she suddenly wanted to experience with him. Her mind responded to his enticing words. Her hips bucked of their own volition. She’d reached the edge.


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