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Deception Page 26

by Victoria Saccenti

  “How are the mosquitoes?”

  “Fuck, man.” Kurt rubbed his jaw. “Grow a pair, they’re not in full season yet.”

  “Let’s go to the lanai. But if those fuckers start to bite, we’re coming right back in.”

  “Fine, fine,” Kurt murmured as he opened the kitchen side door and walked around through the lawn to the lanai. He pulled out a chair and signaled for Joe to do the same.

  “That was the long road here.” Joe eyed him, dragging his chair.

  “The sliders are locked. I didn’t want to make a big fuss in front of your…associate. ’Cause he sure isn’t a friend.”

  “It’s complicated.”

  Kurt laughed. “It always is.”

  Joe frowned. “More than the usual. Hunter is involved. They’re not fond of each other.”

  “Ah-ha. He’s a work partner of sorts, and she is… What? You’ve changed. You’re not the same dude hell-bent on retribution from a month ago.”

  “No, I’m not, Master Kurt. I can’t let her go.”

  “Fuck, dude.” Kurt clasped his palms together. “I shouldn’t say it but …what the hell, I will. I told you so. I warned you this could happen.”

  “And it did. Satisfied?” Joe massaged the back of his neck. A massive headache was gathering strength. Any minute, it would unleash its fury on him.

  “No, I’m not satisfied. I feel bad for you,” Kurt murmured. “So what’s going on?”

  Joe hunched forward. Leaning his elbows on the table, he pressed his forehead on his splayed fingers. “She’s nothing I’d ever imagined. She’s sweet, loving, and trusting. Brave, passionate, and sexy. In short, I’ve found the submissive of my dreams.”

  “What about Danielle and Elena?”

  “They’re both wonderful,” Joe answered, his head still buried. “But Hunter is more… She’s special.”

  “Hmm, I saw Hunter. She’s gorgeous.” Kurt sighed. “But so are Danielle and Elena. Then again, in these matters, the bond goes beyond a physical attachment. It’s a spiritual union as well.”

  “It is. And she has me.”

  “You haven’t mentioned the letter or your need for justice. Billy is still dead.”

  Joe raised his head. “I haven’t found a single similarity or correlation between the woman who wrote that letter and Hunter Giordano. Not. A. One. They’re two different people.”

  “Weird. You’re a good judge of character. But if she didn’t…who did?”

  “One of the mysteries I need to solve.” He pinched his nose. The headache began its torturing onslaught.

  “There’s more?” Kurt’s eyes widened.

  “Yes, sir. Yesterday morning, we had our first impact play. Gentle strokes first, warming her up. Then I switched to my two smaller cats…” He shivered, remembering Hunter’s screams. “The strokes were controlled. She begged me to hit harder. I went half a level up because she’s so new to this. So despite her urging, I held back.” He paused, frowning at Kurt.

  “Were you careless?”

  “No, Master Kurt. I’m confident in my ability. Every one of my floggers is calibrated and well used. We were in beginner’s territory.”

  Kurt nodded. “Then what?”

  “Hunter started yelling as if she was answering someone’s questions. By the time I released the cuffs, she was in a weird space, not subspace. She wept like a child.”

  “Sounds like she has embedded emotional trauma, Joe. Much like our PTSD. What do you know of her past?”

  “Not a lot.” He massaged his temples, the pounding strengthening by the nanosecond. “She’s kind of reticent. Which is pretty revealing. She has an eight-year-old boy, Kevin, living with her mother in Brooklyn. She’s moving him down soon. She also has an ugly scar between her hip and buttock. The scar is an important clue. I know two ladies who’ll tell me the truth if I press them.”

  “You’ll have to, if you wish to help her. Be careful with impact play. Sounds like it’s a trigger for her.”

  “The flogger is. Spanking she enjoys.” He snickered. “A lot.”

  Kurt laughed. “No punishment there. So… Now what? Are you still going ahead with your revenge plans? Are you dumping her once she falls madly for you? You’re very close to your objective. Few more days and she’s a goner.”

  Joe could barely hold his head up. His sight blurred with the pain and the guilt of his old skewed mission. Folding his arms over the table, he dropped his head. He spoke in a faint whisper. “No, Master Kurt. There’s no objective or revenge anymore. That’s over and done with. I can’t be without her. I only want to love her. Take her pain away…”

  “Hush, Joe. Now.” Kurt’s deep voice sounded above his. “We’re not alone.”

  Slowly, Joe turned around. His stomach twitched.

  “Yes, Dan?”

  Waving his phone, Dan stood at the edge of the lanai, a bland expression on his face—much too bland for Joe.

  “Matthews tried to reach you.” Dan smirked rather than smiled. “The call went to voice mail. He phoned me instead.”

  A chill of dread ran over Joe’s body. He forgot the headache.

  “Can you text him for me? Tell him I’ll call as soon as I’m in front of my computer.”

  “Sure.” Dan pivoted.

  Joe’s brow tightened in worry. “How long could he have been there? Do you think he heard us?”

  Kurt stared through the glass at the figure crossing the living room. Dan flopped down on the sofa. He tapped his phone as if he were sending a text.

  “Impossible to tell, my friend. He snuck up because I was focused on our conversation. What the fuck, I hate living life on alert. We can’t even relax in our own home environment. Sucks.” He punched the tabletop. “Watch your six, Joe, and Hunter’s. I got a bad feeling about this dude. And I am never wrong.”


  THE DRINKING CROWD at Pete’s bar had started to thin out. Considering it was a Thursday night, the local customers had lingered later than usual. Hunter ambled about the empty tables, cleaning up at a lazy speed. In her somewhat skewed logic, the slower she went about her business, the faster time passed. She glanced at her wristwatch for the umpteenth time and smiled. Finally, the hour hand had moved a smidgen past nine. In about forty minutes, the hottest man on the planet would pick her up.

  “I’ve been watching you, girl,” Kelly murmured next to her ear.

  Startled out of her delicious lustful thoughts, Hunter jumped. Two dirty glasses tumbled onto the high-top table, spilling the slushy contents. Her dish-wiping cloth flew from her hand to the wooden floor.

  “Gah, Kelly. You’re going to give me a heart attack. Don’t sneak up like that.”

  With the regal attitude of a queen surveying her territory, Kelly moved around her, arching an eyebrow. “That’s because you’re not paying attention to your work. Where the hell is your brain?”

  Hunter bent to pick up the cloth. “Not here, that’s for sure.” She offered Kelly her largest toothy grin as she dried the liquid mess.

  Kelly positioned her tray at the edge of the table, helping Hunter gather the remaining scummy mugs and glasses. “Care to share?”

  “Share my thoughts?” She released a wicked giggle. “Not a chance.”

  “Wow. You have it bad.” Kelly finished loading her tray and turned toward the bar.

  Hunter sighed. “It’s all your fault, really.”

  “Say what?” Kelly came to a dead stop, mugs and glasses on her tray tilted.

  “You heard me.” Eyeing Kelly, she stabbed her finger in the air. “Who was the breathless woman who ran to the changing room gushing on and on about the handsome eye patch visiting the bar? Or did you forget? You brought Joe to my attention, darling.” She snapped the cloth, ejecting a few droplets, and folded the dry side out. “I might have never noticed him. What an awful thought! Then I’d still be living my boring little life without any change or excitement.”

  “No effin’ way, sweetheart.” Balancing the
tray with one hand, Kelly arced the other in a half circle. She snapped her fingers at the beginning and the end. “You’re not gonna dump that crap on me. And when Joe Reid walks through that door tonight”—she pointed her chin in the direction of the front door—“I’m giving him a piece of my mind. So there.” Her burgundy ponytail sailed as she began to walk.

  “Hold on.” Hunter detained her by the arm. “What does that mean, a piece of your mind?”

  Kelly glanced over her shoulder. “He is coming to pick you up, ain’t he?”

  “I sure hope so,” Hunter sighed. “We haven’t seen each other in two days—”

  “Oh my God.” Snickering, Kelly rolled her eyes. “What a tragedy.”

  “Yeah, it is. And for your information, he’s been very busy. At this exact moment, he’s glued to his computer, designing two huge projects.” Frustrated, she stomped her foot. “And you still haven’t explained what that piece of your mind…thing…whatever, is?”

  “Wow, calm down, girl. I was only messing with you. I’ve no intention of saying anything.” Kelly blew out her cheeks. “It’s kinda nice to see you like this, laughing, singing under your breath, joking and chatting with the customers. Joe has improved your attitude. I hope it stays.” She hoisted the loaded tray on her left shoulder. “Now, am I allowed to drop this off at the bar? My arms are getting tired.”

  “Oh, go away.” Hunter shoved her playfully.

  “Um, save that for someone else.” Kelly glanced to the front.

  “Shit…effin’ hell,” Hunter whispered, propping her fist on her hip. She didn’t have to turn to know that either one or both members of the love-to-hate-Hunter duo had walked in. “Don’t they realize we’re closing up?”

  “Dude wants a roadie.” Kelly shrugged. “There’s an idiot for ya. We don’t serve to go. He’s gonna have to drink it here.” With a wink, she rushed to the bar.

  Standing sideways to the door, Hunter loaded her tray with the few items Kelly had left behind. Out of the corner of her eye, she followed Aaron as he strode to the counter, ignoring her. She sighed. Pete and Kelly would handle him. She didn’t have to get involved. Two minutes passed, and the door swung open again. This time, Dan walked in. Her stomach tightened. Her relief had been premature.

  She scanned the high-tops around her. Some had been left a mess. There was plenty of work to keep her far from the activity at the bar, at least until Joe arrived. Tweedledum and Tweedledee wouldn’t dare bug her with Sir around.

  Narrowing her eyes, she sent a quick look at the duo. These two were definitely up to something. It was not her imagination or paranoia. Dan had never been boisterous or loud. Aaron was the clear giveaway. This soft-spoken demeanor was new and out of character. Same as the other night, they were secretive and spoke to each other in hushed tones.


  Aaron’s interrupted gesture. He’d started to turn her way, but Dan clutched his shoulder.

  The creepy feeling returned.

  Determined to block out the weird pair at the bar, she rubbed the bumps along the skin of her forearms and focused on the job before her. Shifting from table to table, she loaded her tray and wiped the tops dry. By the time she reached the fourth table, a couple exited the bar and the handsome man she loved held the door open behind them and stepped in.

  Her heart leapt, full of joy. Sir had come earlier than she’d expected. She threw her shoulders back, displaying her breasts, dropped her arms to her sides, and straightened to her full height as he approached her. He smiled. He’d read her clearly and approved. Her posture was as close to a presentation of her body in a public vanilla place as norms would allow. A silent offering and a sign of respect to her Dom.

  Joe searched her eyes. “Kitten?”

  His warm breath caressed her face. Wild excitement rushed through her when he twisted his fingers around her long tresses.

  “Sir,” she whispered.

  Slowly, he tugged, tilting her head back. Stating to everyone in the bar that she was his possession, his lips captured her mouth in a full, dizzying kiss.

  Her surroundings, the people, and the world dissipated into nothingness.

  Joe unlocked his front door with a swift turn of the dead bolt and pushed it in. Grabbing Hunter by the hand, he walked inside his dark living room. He didn’t bother with the light switch. He knew the exact placement of every item in his home. Elbowing the door closed, he turned the lock and, without warning, grabbed Hunter by the waist and hoisted her over his shoulder.

  She squeaked in surprise. Laughing, he kept going until he entered his bedroom, and dropped her like a bundle in the middle of his bed.

  “Right, that’s where you belong.” He stood feet wide, his fists pressed on his hips. “Two days. I’ve missed you. You’re so beautiful. Show it to me, baby.”

  Her green eyes glittered in response. Eyeing him, she shifted her position around, and in a slow, teasing pace, advanced on hands and knees to the edge of the bed. The tip of her nose came within an inch of his jeans’ zipper as she moved her butt side to side in a sensual invitation.

  “Kitten? Did I give you permission to do that?” He frowned.

  “Sorry, Sir.” Blushing, Hunter straightened to her knees. “Since we’re not in the playroom, I thought I’d please you.” She dropped her gaze.

  He’d fired out his dominant assertion on the spot, just as he did with all his subs. He controlled and commanded, always. But Hunter was different. He saw no guile, no manipulation, or an attempt to top him from the bottom. His pleasure was foremost in her mind—he knew that with certainty. He’d enjoyed her seductive little crawl to the fullest, and so had his dick, which grew harder and harder. Why repress such delightful initiative?

  “All right, kitten. Go on.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” Beaming, she lifted her gaze and shuffled forward to the edge of the bed. She sat back on her haunches, then reached for the top button of his jeans and carefully lowered the zipper.

  Joe smiled when his rock-hard cock jumped at her. Wide-eyed, Hunter glanced up.

  “I don’t always wear briefs.”

  The surprise didn’t paralyze her. Undeterred, she pressed her sensual attack. Holding the base of his dick steady, she licked side to side, tasting his flesh and nibbling gently. She slipped from the bottom to the tip, then slurped the mushroom head inside her warm mouth, taking his cock as deep as her throat would allow. Slowly, she released him, then licked back down.

  “Ah,” he exclaimed as mind-bending pleasure rolled over him.

  Meanwhile, exchanging her grip on his shaft, she’d managed to tug her top down to her waist. She struggled with the bra. Joe assisted her with a quick twist on the clasp. Now she amped up his pleasure. Pushing her full breasts together, she nestled his cock between them as she raised and lowered her body.

  Tension built. Arousal coursed through him. The image of Hunter’s rapturous expression, fucking and loving him with her breasts, sent him to the edge of climax. Erotic energy gathered at the bottom of his spine. His balls retracted. If he didn’t stop her, he’d come in a moment, and that was not part of the plan tonight.

  Hunter’s absence had been hard on him.

  Joe’s soul and heart had ached for her.

  He had to take his fill, and a quick release would never satisfy the two-day emptiness.

  “Kitten.” He clasped her hands.

  She glanced up. Concern shadowed her eyes. “Is this wrong?”

  “No.” He smiled. “It feels much too good. We have to slow down.”

  Pulling her hands aside, he crouched to face her. “You drive me crazy. And you’re getting your due.”

  The twinkle returned to her face. Her lips parted in expectation. He didn’t waste the opportunity. Covering her mouth, he plunged his tongue inside, and when her tongue darted to meet his, he circled and sucked, drawing it out. Opening her mouth wider, she gave in to him, submitting so sweetly, he nearly lost it.

  His cock throbbed with impatience. He had to
sheathe his penis within her hot moist depths.

  Take. Invade. Now.

  Releasing her tongue, he slipped his palms under her armpits. With a swift arch, he lifted her from her knees and tossed her back. She bounced on her butt.

  “What?” She propped her torso up on her elbows.

  “Hush, kitten.” He pointed. “Stay.”

  Joe opened the drawer of his night table. He pulled out two rolled red sashes, a bottle of oil, a slender flesh-color vibrator, and placed all four items at Hunter’s side. Slowly he unrolled one sash.

  “Lean back on the bed and relax. Raise your arms above your head.”

  He propped one knee on the bed as she obeyed his instructions. Gathering her wrists together, he tied the first sash around them, then slipped a finger under the material, testing for tightness.

  “Wiggle your hands. How does that feel?”

  “Sweet, Sir.”

  The scene was taking shape nicely. With her wrists bound above her head, her full, natural breasts draped a tad on the sides. Her nipples however, stood fully erect. Resisting the urge to bite them, he moistened his dry lips.

  Joe held up a pillow and tapped her hips. “Lift up, kitten.” As she leveraged her weight against the mattress with her feet, he slipped the pillow under her lower back. He shifted it around, ensuring her pussy and butt remained exposed and accessible to him.

  “Perfect.” Nodding, he stepped back and stripped.

  Hunter’s huge eyes followed his every move. Despite her obvious curiosity, she fought the urge to speak.

  “Let’s get rid of these.” He reached for the waistband of her leggings and thong. A moment later, he finished rolling off her clothing, and her glorious body was displayed before his hungry eyes. She was all his, and he was free to feel it. His gaze roamed the beautiful calves and sexy thighs, the lush curves of her hips, the slightly rounded belly and creamy skin. Grabbing the next sash, he climbed on the bed and straddled her waist. He sighed with pleasure when his cock fell on the silky skin of her tummy.

  “Close your eyes, kitten.”

  Twisting the mass of thick hair out of his way, he placed the sash over her eyes, made a flat knot, then slipped it around to the back of her head.


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