Hidden Witness 2: A Mafia Romance

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Hidden Witness 2: A Mafia Romance Page 13

by Posey Parks

  I placed my hand in hers. “Thank you, Sydney.”

  “I will take everyone’s empty dishes to the sink,” Samantha stated, clearing the counter.

  “Girl, I don’t know who you fooling. You ain’t leaving that man. I get it, you’re scared. I understand it’s scary. I’ve been kidnapped twice. One of the times was by one of Jacob’s crazy fans. The point is, you love that man, if you were leaving, you’d be gone by now.” She grinned.

  I took in my surroundings. “You do realize we are in a safehouse? We are surrounded by guards.”

  Samantha smiled, then left the room.

  My eyebrows wrinkled, looking between Sydney and Zoey. “Where is she going?”

  They shrugged their shoulders. “Not sure,” stated Zoey.

  “You never know with Samantha,” Sydney said.

  “Let’s go!” Samantha threw a duffel bag on the counter.

  I glanced back at her. She stood, loading a mag clip into a tan semi-automatic rifle. A mischievous grin was plastered across her face. “We can get you out. Ladies, grab your weapon of choice,” she ordered.

  I stood, walking toward her. “Samantha, what are you talking about?”

  “You said you can’t leave because we are in a safehouse. We can leave now. I will have Tony dismantle the explosives surrounding the house.”

  My mouth fell open. “I-I…”

  She shook her head side to side. “If you don’t want to be here we, can get you out now or later. Are you ready to go?”

  Wow, I can leave and never have to look back. I tossed the idea around in my head. I threw my hands in the air. “I guess I’m not ready to leave.” My eyes dropped staring at the white slated tiles.

  I felt hands rubbing my back. Raising my head, I noticed the ladies surrounding me.

  “We are here for you Sierra,” Sydney said.

  Zoey smiled.

  “You can’t tell a pack of killers you can’t get out of a situation. We are trained for combat. But we understand sometimes you need to get away and think. We’ve got your back. You love your man and you aren’t ready to walk away. If you choose to be with him and decide months later you want out the life, we will come running.”

  I fell into Samantha’s arms, crying. “I love Dillon, and right now I can’t leave him until I know he is safe.” I pulled back from Samantha.

  Sydney placed tissues in my hand.

  “Just know we understand. We have all run away from our men, however, we returned,” Zoey stated, pulling me into her embrace.

  Zoey released me.

  “Let’s hold hands a sec,” Samantha stated.

  We stood holding hands in a circle. “I guess what we are trying to say is, we can help you run, but chances are Dillon will find you and won’t leave without you being by his side. We speak from experience. Each of our men searched for us, found us, and we left at their side.” Samantha smiled.

  I gripped their hands, smiling. “Thank you. I’m not used to this kind of sisterhood.”

  “Well, get used to it.” Sydney laughed.

  “Now let’s carry the weapons out to the back porch. We can shoot trees and possum. I also, want to sit outside and let the sun warm my skin,” Samantha stated grabbing, the duffel bag off the counter.

  We laughed, following her out of the kitchen.


  I loved hanging with the ladies, listening to their stories, some crazy, others sad. It was a nice change. We sent Gio to the store to purchase treats and pedicure supplies. The guys were so deep underground, we hadn’t talk to them. It’s been two weeks. Today we lay around the living room, watching TV, in silence. I think not talking to our men for so long took its toll on us. Our somber faces stared blankly at the TV screen. My heart plummeted. I lowered my head onto my arms against the arm of the couch. I glanced at Zoey, who lay at the other end of the couch.

  Earlier this morning Sydney told Gio to bring the mattress into the living room. Gio and another man Rémy moved the furniture, placing the mattress in the center of the room. Samantha and Sydney lay on their backs on the king-sized mattress. How much longer will we lay here, depressed and worried about our men?

  I stood to my feet. “Let’s go swimming.”

  I glanced into each their eyes. “Come on!”

  “All right,” they sighed.

  I needed us to have a glimmer of fun before I lost my ever-loving mind.




  It took two weeks to get a solid location on Filippo Jr. We’ve flushed out all his safehouses between New Jersey and New York. Sebastian was hard at work trying to catch Junior’s face on any camera leaving the last safehouse. Sebastian finally caught a glimpse of him on camera outside a drugstore in Staten Island. Sebastian tracked his whereabouts to a low budget motel around 5 p.m. His men were crawling throughout the parking lot like fucking roaches. It was too hot for us to move on him without killing innocent civilians.

  At nightfall, Hunter, Dom, and I sat in a black Suburban a block away from the motel. Brandon and Sebastian sat in another Suburban parked around the corner of the motel. Sebastian and Brandon took turns flying their drones over the drug-ridden motel. Sebastian flew his drone over the motel around midnight. I watched the live feed on an iPad. The drone zipped through the parking lot over the roof tops of the cars and trucks. One of Filippo Junior’s men guarding his door glanced right into the eye of the drone. It felt like he was looking directly at me. His eyes scanned the parking lot searching for someone, maybe whoever was flying the drone.

  My hand flew over my brow. “Sebastian, what the fuck?”

  “Relax, I got it!” he barked.

  “We got what we needed. The guy who looked into the camera is Ricky Chino right-hand henchman of Filippo Jr. Early in the morning, Brandon will follow them with his drone if they leave before sunrise. That would be my move, to remain unseen. I’m hoping we’ll be able to end this long ass hunt.”

  “Sebastian, calm down.”

  He guided the drone to where he stood outside the truck, staring into the camera. “Calm down?! I haven’t seen my wife in two fucking weeks.” His jaw clenched.

  “If you weren’t family, there’s no fucking way I would have stayed away from my wife and child this long!” His middle finger flipped upward to the camera before it shut off.

  I glanced around the truck tossing my hand up. “Did he appear a little upset?”

  Tony rolled his eyes, waving his hand in my direction. Hunter pushed his sunglasses up his nose, leaning his head against the window. My eyes landed on Dominic. He chuckled. “No man wants to be away from good pussy for a long time, especially when he’s used to getting it on the regular.”

  Clutching the Glock in my lap, I glanced out the side mirror, observing my surroundings.

  I reclined the driver’s captain chair. “Oh yeah? How would you know?” My eye brow raised in his direction.

  “Big bro, you’ve been gone for a very long time. There’s only one woman getting my attention while I’m away at school. I’m pretty sure she’s pissed right about now because I haven’t called her in two weeks. I’d been taking my time to have sex her.” He stated fidgeting with his dark baseball cap.

  He glanced toward the fellas in the back, then leaned in closer to me. “Let’s just say I finally go all the way with her. Take her virginity and shit, then I left her in a hotel room in New York. I sent her back to Cali with my right-hand man Hugo.” He fell back against his chair, then exhaled.

  “Do you have any idea what it will take to make it up to her? I thought we’d wrap this shit up in three days max not two fucking weeks.”

  “Hey, I’m sorry this slippery fuck fled Jersey into New York!” I lifted my black baseball cap off my forehead, resting on my curls, wiping my brow.

  I stared at Dominic. “Do you think I want to be away from my woman? This piece of shit’s father tried fucking her in the ass.
On top of all that, I had to leave her.” I lowered my head, then my eyes met his again.

  “She’s in a very fragile state and wants shit to do with me because I lied about who I am. She begged me not to leave but instead return with her to Portland.”

  Dom snickered. “She doesn’t know how our family works.” He ran his hand along his neck.

  “Yeah, I told her ain’t no going nowhere.”

  “Dillon, what do you think is going to happen when you get back?”

  I slumped back in my seat. “Shit, I don’t know. I won’t let her go without a fight.”


  Before daybreak, Junior was on the move. Brandon’s drone, followed their entourage at a safe distance through the light rush hour traffic. Sebastian and I followed. We were four cars back, careful not to get made. Everything depended on us remaining out of sight. The drone followed them down an upscale beautiful tree-lined street. They drove into the two-car garage of a tan brick luxury colonial home. Brandon waited until the lights popped on in the house. He hovered the drone near the atrium window, snapping a photo of Filippo Jr. The second I saw his slender face which mirrored his fathers, I blew out a breath. Finally, we are able to take these fucks down. Brandon flew the drone slowly throughout the neighborhood. We needed a home to lay low in for our stake out. Brandon flew the drone back to the passenger side window, grabbing it, pulling it inside the truck.

  Sebastian followed me up the street to Paces Plaza Diner. Stepping into the dimly lit diner, the fresh smell of coffee dangled under my nose. There were only a few patrons eating before dawn. A waitress sat us at a large table in the back of the restaurant. Our tired eyes were barely open. Only one of us shaved, Hunter. He had to keep a clean-shaven face under the prosthetic mask at all times. The remainder of us hadn’t had the privilege of shaving. We could be mistaken for huge lumberjacks. Lounging in the same clothes for two days, blue jeans, dark baseball caps, T-shirts, and black Gore-Tex boots, it was time for showers and a fresh change of clothes.

  After placing our order with the friendly waitress, Sebastian sat his laptop in the middle of the large table.

  He ran his hand along his thick black beard. “Let me show you guys what I found. Using my real estate capabilities. The house across the street on the corner lot from our friend, the family is out of town for the week. We can set up there. Tony, I need you to grab a National Grid gas truck,” he stated, staring at him.

  Tony stretched his long legs, folding his arms. “Sure thing.”

  Sebastian’s serious eyes roamed around the table. “This will allow us to move into the home this morning.” He glanced at his watch.

  “Eight-thirty this morning is our magic time frame.”

  Sebastian glanced over to his right. “Brandon, plant the yellow flags in the yard. That way, the neighbors will think we are working on the gas lines.”

  Brandon grinned. “Clever. I will run to a nearby uniform store at 8 a.m. and grab a couple of shirts for me and Tone.”

  “Great. Brandon, grab two more shirts. One for me and Dom,” I stated.

  “We should probably take shifts. While you guys are getting everything set up, Dom and I will grab a hotel room down the street and get some shut-eye. Dom and I will arrive at the house at noon. We’ll take over allowing you guys to go back to the hotel and get some rest.”

  “Sounds good,” Tony smirked.

  “Sebastian, if we are keeping the truck for a couple of days, you’ll need to disable the Low Jack on the truck.”

  “Yeah, I can do that, no problem. Luckily, the drive way is on the other side of the house.” He pointed to the computer screen.

  “Our friends will never know we moved into the house. I will hack the homeowners cell phone account so I can obtain his phone number. I will call Mr. French informing him National Grid is checking the gas lines on his property. When he calls National Grid, he will be routed to Tony’s phone.”

  He glanced at Tony sitting to his left. “You know the drill. Answer the phone Nation…”

  “Yeah, I got it.”


  The waitress appeared, placing our steaming hot plates in front of each of us. Her red cheeks brightened her pale face. She ran her hands down her white waitress uniform. “Can I get you guys anything else?”

  I smiled. “The bill, please?”

  Her black medium ponytail shook up and down. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Brandon and I will drive the Suburban’s into the backyard after dark. The privacy fence will shield our activity from the neighbors. Dom, Dillon, you’ll have a clear view of the house across the street from the family room. We will go over the remainder of the plan tonight.”

  I nodded my head at Sebastian.

  Customers were beginning to fill the restaurant. Possibly their regular Monday crowd. This was the perfect time of the week to knock off Junior. People will be exhausted after working long days at work between today and tomorrow.

  I’m happy the house we are using on Belwood Loop in Tottenville, New York, sits on the corner at an angle from the house Filippo Jr. and his men are occupying. The street that runs behind the house they are living in will allow us to penetrate the property from that point.

  Filling my mouth with wheat toast, I glanced around the table at guys stuffing their faces, not saying one word. I think it’s safe to say we want this all to be over so we can return to our women. “Thanks guys, for coming through in a monumental way. Believe you me, I want to get this over with, quick and easy,” I stated, dusting my hands together.

  They smiled one by one. “Sorry we’ve acted like bitter bitches,” Hunter stated, hovering over his plate.

  “My wife appears hard on the outside, but there’s a reason I bring her with me. She’s been kidnapped twice and has come back from the brink of death. She and I being apart more than a few days isn’t normally an option.” He ran his hand along the back of his neck.

  “Hopefully, Skyler taking care of Sierra will keep her anxiety attacks at bay,” Hunter stated, dropping his eyes, focusing on his meal.

  My eyebrows raised as I sipped my orange juice. “Wow, you two have been through a lot.”

  “Yeah, we are managing,” he smiled.

  “On TV, you two look so happy.” I shoved a sausage link into my mouth.

  “We are happy. It’s just certain things triggers her flare-ups. Maybe Tony will tell you guys later. He’s been with us through it all.”

  I placed my heavy hand on Hunter’s shoulder. “We are here for you. We are one big happy family. If you ever need us, we’ll be there.”

  He ran his hand over his face, accompanied by a weak smile. This selfless billionaire celebrity halted his life to help us. So, did Brandon the surgeon. I would have never pegged Sebastian as an ex-CIA agent, but after working with him, I can see how he is instrumental on any job.

  It was nice to bond with my brother. Fourteen years is a lot of time to make up.



  My hands reached to the sky in an attempt to stretch out the kinks in my back. The drab dark tan popcorn walls and ceilings are less than inviting. The four-hour nap wasn’t long enough. I glanced at Dominic, who was sound asleep one bed over. Five steps, and I’m walking into the bathroom. There wasn’t any time to request a suite. We weren’t there for leisure. We were there to get decent sleep, then get a job done. I had ten minutes to take a shower. Shit, the hot water felt good banging against my sore muscles. Leaning my arms over my head against the wall, I closed my eyes imagining Sierra was standing under me, staring into my eyes, much like we did every morning. A smile curled my lips remembering the last time I threw her against our shower wall, fucking her until her legs trembled uncontrollably around my waist.

  After Lindsay cheated on me, I began second guessing myself. Was I losing my touch in the bedroom? Was I not able to please her anymore? Sierra, on the other hand, came several times and not ju
st from me eating her pussy. I stared into Sierra’s gray eyes while we made love. I could tell she was right there with me. Not fantasizing about making love to some other man only me. I wake up early in the morning to Sierra riding my dick. Shit, watching her ride me reverse cowgirl is the best way to wake up. I need to stop these thoughts. No time to reminisce making love to my woman. I have to fight for her. I can’t lose Sierra. However, I have to remember Mafia life ain’t for every woman. It certainly wasn’t for my mother. Do I push Sierra into this life anyway? Last week I carved out some time to plan a surprise trip for Sierra. Yeah, I know I am pushing her into this life.

  Loud banging on the bathroom door disrupted my thoughts.

  “Superman, get the fuck out the shower! We gotta go.”

  “I’m coming out! Keep your skirt on.”

  “I got your skirt right here, bitch!”

  I laughed. I missed that guy.

  Towel wrapped around my waist, I strolled out of the bathroom, drying my hair with another towel.

  “Dillon, what the fuck, man?! Do you live in the gym? You look like a fucking body-builder.”

  I chuckled. “I usually work out four times a week.”

  “Fuck that! You see this right here?” He curled his arm, forming a muscle.

  “These are natural. I work out twice a week. I keep a six pack and normal muscles. Not muscles rippling all over my back and legs.” He shook his head. “What the fuck?!” He laughed, disappearing into the bathroom.

  Siblings are a fucking trip.


  Dominic and I drove the Natural Grid van to the house on Belwood. We entered the subdivision from the other end of the block, careful not to be seen by Filippo Jr. or his men. I parked the truck in the back yard. The afternoon sun sent heat waves through the navy shirt. Cap pulled down snug over my sunglasses, I exited the back yard carrying a portable gas reader. I kneeled down by the front porch, inserting a yellow flag into the lawn. A black Escalade made a left on the block, slowly driving past the house. I continued fiddling with the gas meter, pretending I was carrying out my job. I didn’t move until I thought they were down the block. I walked into the backyard closing the tall natural colored gate behind me.


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