Hidden Witness 2: A Mafia Romance

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Hidden Witness 2: A Mafia Romance Page 18

by Posey Parks


  Eyes closed, I rolled over swaying my hand over the empty side of the mattress. Slowly, my eyes opened. I glimpsed around the room. “Sierra,” I called.

  Sitting upright, I climbed out of bed, walking into the walk-in closet. Sierra’s clothes were still in the suit case. That was a good sign. I strolled into the bathroom to start my morning routine.

  After my shower, I hopped into a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. I opened the bedroom door, noticing the guys were sitting around the living room watching sports highlights.

  “Good morning, fellas.”

  “Good morning, Dillon,” they said one after the other.

  “Hey where are the women?”

  “They are in the kitchen,” Jacob stated.

  “Oh, ok.” I began walking across the living room.

  “Whoa! Where are you going?” Jacob asked.

  I halted. “To say good morning to my woman.”

  Sebastian stood. “Dillon, they are talking about us.”

  My eyes darted around the room. “What?”

  “That’s what they do,” Brandon said.

  “Ok.” I inched closer to the entrance of the kitchen.

  “I move my hips to the left or right to ensure he hits the right spot,” Sydney whispered.

  I darted back over to the guys, eyes wide. “They are exchanging sex tips!” I whispered.

  They chuckled. “We tried to tell you not to go into the kitchen. It’s their time.” Jacob said, sitting back against the sofa.

  “My wife goes over to Jacob’s house often and that is what they talk about,” Sebastian said.

  “When we visit them in California, Zoey runs right into the kitchen and they huddle around the counter. Welcome to the outsider’s club,” Brandon laughed.

  “Forget this. I’m speaking to my woman.” I strolled into the kitchen.

  “Good morning, ladies!”

  They were leaning over the counter. The women jumped back into their seats. “Good morning, Dillon.” They cleared their throats.

  Sierra hopped out of her chair, running into my arms. “Good morning, baby.”

  Her lips pressed against mine. I watched the ladies faces around the room. Sierra stood back. “Baby, are you hungry?”

  I looked down at her. “Yes.”

  “All right, breakfast will be ready soon. Go sit with the guys for a little while, ok?”

  I glanced at the ladies then at Sierra. “What are you ladies talking about?”

  “Dillon, baby, it’s girl talk,” she said with a southern twang.

  I smirked. “Ok.”

  Sierra kissed my lips again, returning to the counter with the other ladies.

  I walked back into the living room sitting at the other end of the sofa. “Guys, you’re telling me we just have to sit here until they are finished with their sex talk?”

  Sebastian ran his hand roughly over his hair, staring into my eyes, “Yeah.”

  The guys laughed.

  Brandon pointed at Jacob. “The Cowboys won’t fair well this year!”

  The guys argued about sports and I joined into the discussion.

  Thirty minutes later we ate breakfast with our beautiful women. The way each of the men stared at their wives spoke volumes. They truly adored their wives. And I adored my wife to be. After breakfast we packed up our belongings, saying our goodbyes to one another.

  “Ladies video conference soon!” Sierra yelled as we walked toward the Suburban.

  “Yes! I can’t wait,” Zoey gleamed, before climbing into the back seat of the Suburban parked behind us.

  Watching your woman smile from ear to ear is all any man wants. I love the new relationship Sierra has with the ladies.


  Holding Sierra’s hand, we walked into my family’s mansion. Her eyes immediately made contact with the gigantic crystal chandelier in the oversized atrium.

  “Mr. Magarelli, it is good to see you, sir.”

  I smiled. “It’s been a long time, Teddy. I would like to introduce you to my fiancée, Sierra.”

  He extended his hand for hers. “It is a pleasure,” he said.

  “Nice to meet you,” she stated.

  “Follow me, please. Your mother awaits in the family room.”

  Sierra’s eyes roamed the atrium again. “The double taupe and gold stair case is grand. Wow, this is where you grew up?”

  “Yeah, but it looks like my mother made some enhancements.” I smiled.

  The modern cream walls were covered with antique art. The sitting room was light and airy. “Dillon!” my mother shouted running into my arms.

  “I can never get enough of seeing you!” She stepped back, gazing into my eyes briefly.

  She turned her attention to Sierra. “You must be, Sierra!” She pulled her into her arms. My mother cupped her face. “You’re so beautiful!”

  Sierra’s bright smile lit up the room. “It is so good to meet you too, Mrs. Magarelli.”

  My mother fanned her hands toward Sierra. “Call me Francine. I’m going to be your mother-in-law soon.” Her face was filled with joy.

  Sierra’s smile wasn’t as bright, with my mother’s confirmation came a glimmer of doubt.

  I wrapped my arm around Sierra’s waist in an effort to calm her nerves.

  My mother grabbed Sierra’s hands. “Are you, all right? You look a little flush.”

  “She’s been very sick lately. Mom, you’re going to be a grandmother again.”

  “Congratulations, you two. Sierra, let’s get your legs elevated.”

  “Mrs…Francine, I can manage.”

  “Nonsense,” she said, leading Sierra by the hand toward the elegant gray couch.

  “Mom, have a seat. I will help Sierra.”

  I sat down next to Sierra pulling her feet into my lap, removing her shoes. Dressed in a three-piece suit, I rubbed my woman’s feet. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for Sierra.

  Sierra leaned in close. “Dillon, no.”

  “Baby, it’s all right my mother is used to it. My father treats her the same.”

  She smiled, sitting on the sofa opposite of us. “The Magarelli men spoil their women. That’s a good thing.”

  “Truthfully Francine, this new life is a little much for me.” Sierra glanced at me, then back at my mother.

  “I was supposed to marry Jeff. Now I’m marrying Dillon. I’m scared…I don’t want to lose him.”

  My mother leaned forward. “Sierra, I wholeheartedly understand. Dillon’s father was persistent. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. I was afraid of losing him too. I didn’t understand what this new life entailed. I didn’t learn my husband was the boss until...” She paused.

  “Mom, it’s ok Sierra knows everything.”

  Her eyebrows wrinkled. “Until the situation with Dillon arose years ago, Sierra, I can see how frightened you are. You will get adjusted. When is the big date?”

  Sierra and I glanced at each other. I smiled at my mother. “August 1st.”

  Sierra’s mouth dropped open. “Dillon, there’s so much to be done with the kids, schools, our home. We don’t have time to get married.”

  “Now you two will get married in the presence of family. When you are ready, Sierra,” my mother gleamed.

  “This is a beautiful day. Not only did I get my son back, I gain a beautiful daughter.”

  Teddy walked into the room carrying a tray of tea and water. He placed the tray on the glass coffee table between us.

  “May I get anyone anything else?”

  “No that will be all Teddy,” I stated.

  He bowed, then exited the room.

  I poured Sierra a cup of tea, placing the antique cream cup and saucer in her hand.

  “Mom, where is my sister?”

  “Oh, she’s taking riding lessons right now. Are you two ready to dance the night away tomorrow?”

  Sierra smiled over the brim of the c
up. “I am, Sierra,” blushed.

  I continued massaging Sierra’s feet.

  My mother and I share the same laugh lines around our eyes. Being in my mother’s presence, staring into her loving gray eyes feels good. I hate so much time has passed. However, I look forward to spending time with her.

  “Sierra, we have so much to talk about in the coming weeks. I will let Dillon give you a tour of the house. You can stay in Dillon’s old bedroom or pick another bedroom.” My mother rose to her feet.

  Sierra placed the cup and saucer on the coffee table. I helped Sierra to her feet. My mother’s bouncy curly long brown hair brushed against her crisp white collared blouse as she walked toward us. She brushed her hands against her knee length chiffon heather gray skirt before pulling Sierra into her arms. “I can’t wait to introduce you to all of our friends and family tomorrow night. Make sure you get some rest. The dress designers will be here in the morning to fit you for your dress.”

  “Sounds lovely.”

  My mother walked with us toward the gold and taupe double staircase. “When will the children arrive?”

  “Our children should be here end of July.”

  “Sierra, how will your ex-handle you and the children moving to Newark?”

  “He will give me a hard time.”

  I halted my steps. “Then I’m going to give him a hard time. My father is working on paying the fines Tony and I were charged for faking our deaths. He is also handling the process which allows me to obtain full custody of Dillon and Lily. Lindsay will have visitation rights. If Jeremy gives you any problems, he will have problems with me,” I scuffed.

  “Dillon, you are taking her children away from her?”

  I turned to Sierra. “Remember the first day you came to my office?”


  “Lindsay had disappeared for two days. I couldn’t get in touch with her. She never tried to call. She was doing drugs and…” I was careful of my words around my mother.

  My jaw clenched. “…She was with Blake.”

  “Blake?” my mother asked. Her head turned slightly as her eyebrows scrounged together.

  “I ran my finger along the collar of my dark gray dress shirt. “Yes Mother, my wife’s lover over the years.”

  The irritation was building. Sierra opened my hand sliding hers inside. “No more getting upset about her anymore. She is taking unnecessary energy away from our family.”

  My eyes were fixated on the wall in my path. “Dillon, look at me.” Sierra pulled my bearded chin to meet her gaze.

  “Don’t be embarrassed about…” She glanced at my mother.

  “Excuse my language.” Her eyes fell back on me.

  “Her fucked up cheating ways. Remember, I understand how it feels to have someone cheat on you time and time again and promise to change.” She closed the gap between us, cupping my face, staring deep into my gray eyes.

  “We should have been together in the first place, right baby?” Her eyebrows rose.

  The corners of my mouth perked up. “Yes, Sierra.”

  I pulled her into my arms, I may have been crushing her, but she knows how to make me feel loved.

  My mother rubbed my arm. “Sounds like you are an amazing father.”

  Sierra stepped back, smiling. “The best!” She winked.

  My mother clapped her hands. “You two go about your day! I have a party to plan.” She danced toward the front door.

  Sierra burst into laughter.

  My mother grabbed her large purse off the cream and gold cushioned bench along the left staircase before disappearing out the front door.



  I whisked Sierra off her feet, up the stairs. She screeched.

  “We have the house to ourselves. You get the grand tour.” She wrapped her arms around my neck.

  Her exuberant eyes roamed my face. “I’m so in love with you.”

  My lips slowly took hers once we reached the top of the stairs. “You are my world, Sierra.”

  Sierra blushed. I placed her on her feet.

  Sierra slipped my jacket off my shoulders and down my arms.

  “Baby, what are you doing?”

  “Dillon, when it’s just us, you don’t have to wear a three-piece suit all the time. I love you in a suit… a lumberjack flannel.” She licked her lips.

  “A T-shirt, and of course no shirt at all.” She winked.

  I smacked her ass. “I bet you do.”

  Sierra draped my jacket over her arm as we began walking down the cream colored hall trimmed in custom crown molding. “If you behave on our tour, I will give you something that will make you sleep well while I go into a meeting in my father’s office.”

  Sierra hooked her free arm around mine, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Later, I’m taking you shopping, then a quite dinner for two at one of the best restaurants in Newark.”

  “I can’t wait.”


  My mother completely remodeled the house except for my bedroom. What was she thinking? Was it a shrine for her dead son, or did this room help her deal with my loss?

  Closing the door behind us, my eyes scanned the dark blue masculine bedroom. There was a gray and white camouflage comforter on my cherry wood sleigh bed. A cherry wood desk fit snug in the corner.

  Two red and blue game rocker chairs were positioned in the middle of the room in front of the large round denim couch. My old skateboards were still mounted to the wall caddy cornered from my dark wood bookshelf. I smirked as my hands grazed a newer gaming system. “I think my sister uses my room to play video games. “That’s cool,” I mumbled.

  “I love your bedroom. It’s perfect for a sixteen-year-old boy.”

  “I know, baby. We’ll sleep in here tonight. The kids can use this room to play video games until we find a house.” I plopped down in the gaming chair.

  Sierra laughed. “The kids would love that.”

  I pulled Sierra down into my lap. Her legs dropped to the side in her beautiful lavender dress with puffy shoulders. The waist tapered off in the shape of a pencil skirt. The dress accentuated her beautiful body.

  My large hand swooped around her neck, pulling her lips into mine. “As much as I love seeing you in this gorgeous dress, take it off. I want to feast on your breasts.” I helped Sierra to her feet.

  “Remove the shirt and tie, Dillon. I want my fingers to graze that big, sexy chest that makes my pussy wet.”

  My thick brown eyebrow raised. “Say no more, baby.”

  My eyes raked over her beautiful honey brown skin as she slipped out of the dress, pooling around her feet. Her fingers slipped within the waist band of her purple panties, dropping them to the floor. Sierra reached behind her back unhooking her purple bra tossing it on the couch.

  “Leave on the nude stilettos.” My fingers traced along her naked curves. Sierra stepped one leg over me, widening her stance. She stood tall, fists resting on her hips as her gray eyes stared into mine.

  “I’ll kill a man if he touches what’s mine.” I gripped her ass. My stern gaze held hers as my tongue slipped between her legs, sucking on her clit.

  “Damn, Dillon,” she murmured.

  Quickly, I shed the remaining of my clothes. Grabbing Sierra’s hand, I guided her into my lap. Her fingers slipped through my hair. “Thanks for keeping your curly brown hair long on top. I think I would have left you if you would have cut off your hair. It’s bad enough your beard is damn near nonexistent.”

  “Baby, don’t be so out cold.” I ran my hand along my low cut brown beard. “Sierra, don’t get mad but I’m cutting it off for the party tomorrow.”

  She tried leaping out of my arms. “Baby, relax. I’ve worn this beard since I was eighteen. I miss having a clean shaven face every now and then.” My tongue grazed her neck. “I promise I will grow it back.”

  Her fingers squeezed my pecks. “You promise?” Her
serious eyes stared into mine.

  My head dropped and my mouth engulfed her beautiful brown nipple. “Yes.”

  Sierra’s fingers slipped up and down my cock. “Dillon, fuck me so good right now.”

  “Not a problem, baby.”

  Gripping my shoulders, Sierra threw her head back as her tight pussy slid down my big cock. Rising off of her knees, she held her weight on her stilettos, squatting, slipping up and down my dick. She worked her pussy so good, she was going to end up putting me to sleep.

  “Two weeks not having you inside me made me a very horny woman.”

  “Baby, you have no idea, how bad I wanted to watch you ride my cock just like this.” My hands gripped her breasts. Sierra’s fingers were snug in my hair while she continued riding me until we came together.

  Sierra fell into me, our chests heaved in and out as we stared into each other’s eyes. “Dillon, that was so good.”

  “Yeah, your magic pussy makes me comatose every time.”

  I carried her across the hardwood floor over to the bed, laying her under the sheet. “I’m going to clean us up and take a short nap with you.”

  She smiled. “Ok.”

  Lying in my old bed was surreal. My beautiful fiancée snuggled into me. Holding Sierra in my arms gave me peace. I’m so grateful to have this amazing woman in my life.


  Sierra loved when I drove her around Portland. She’s a little bitter I won’t be able to drive that often in Newark. I grew up with a driver. Now that I’m the Don, I cannot go anywhere alone. I told Sierra I would drive us to dinner. My men will follow behind us. She’s not excited about the new entourage that comes with my new position.

  The Rolls Royce Wrath Black Badge is a beautiful car. The suicide doors open and close automatically. Sierra couldn’t get over the Goodwood, England, Constellation illuminated above our heads. The double black Rs were stitched into the head rests of the red and black butter leather interior. We whipped into the drive, parking in front of IL Capriccio’s Italian restaurant. Stepping out of the car, I buttoned the white blazer. The white slacks and olive green button down dress shirt with matching green Gucci aviator sunglasses completed my look. I dropped the keys to the car in the valet attendants hand. Walking around the car, I opened the suicide door for my stunning fiancée. Before leaving the house, she stepped down the stairs wearing a dress we bought earlier today. I wanted to rip it off her. The zipper V-neck sleeveless, white and red flowered, gold belted maxi dress with a long slit up the middle hugging her body perfectly.


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