The Kiss of a Rogue

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The Kiss of a Rogue Page 29

by Bethany M. Sefchick

"Shhh." He placed a finger to her lips before falling to one knee before her. "I had this all rehearsed you know. Even spent the afternoon practicing with Underhill and Enwright."

  She laughed. "That is something I would have liked to see."

  "No, you would not have. Trust me. Underhill makes a poor lady." Adam shook his head. "But now I am mucking it up. Again. Just as I do everything."

  "You are not." Abigail took his hands in hers. "You are simply being yourself. And that is the man I fell in love with. Not some perfect and pretentious duke, but one who strips naked in a garden and has a bit of a spotty reputation. That is the Adam Reynolds I love and no other."

  Reaching up, Adam pulled her to the ground beside him. He didn't know why. It simply seemed like the thing to do. "And that is the Abigail Northrup I fell in love with. The woman who can see the good in me, who sees more than the dastardly duke who uses women and cares for no one."

  "We all make mistakes," she whispered. "No one is perfect."

  "Ah, but you, my darling, are perfect for me." He reached into the pocket of his waistcoat and drew out a large ruby and diamond betrothal ring. "Which is why I want you to become my duchess." Abigail wanted to respond immediately but he rushed on before she could. "The ring was my grandmother's. My mother never wore it. Said it held bad memories for her, whatever that means. But she has always carried it with her since I came of age in the hopes that I might one day meet a woman who would see not just the duke but the man beneath. That woman is you, Abigail. Please say yes."

  There was, of course, only one thing Abigail could say. "Yes, Adam! Of course I will marry you! You did not even have to ask after all that we have been through."

  Adam shook his head as he slid the ring onto Abigail's finger. "Ah, but I did, my love. Because I have not always been very clear when dealing with women in the past. I did not say what I truly meant, often times to my detriment." She knew he was thinking of the disaster with Lady Diana. "I refuse to allow that to be the case with you. For I will always be clear with you, pet. And if you do not understand me, then just ask. For I want nothing to come between us. Ever."

  "Nor do I." Abigail reached up and kissed him lightly, her lips brushing across his so faintly that it was barely a whisper. She would have liked more, but there was something she needed to say as well. "And I will never doubt your heart, Adam. For I know you, and I know that you are more than your reputation. You are a living, breathing man, and one that I will be proud to call my husband.

  This time when she kissed him, it wasn't simply a light brush of affection. It was a kiss filled with passion and promise and everything that she was feeling but could not put into words. This man was her future. Her life. Her love. And she never wished to be parted from him again.

  Adam's blood raced in his veins at Abigail's words. She loved him! She had agreed to be his wife! Everything that he had never thought to have was now in his grasp. Love and family. A life that was truly his and not dictated by a reputation that had haunted him for so long.

  There was, however, one more obstacle standing in the way of their happiness. Her family. And what would happen tomorrow when the house party ended. Suddenly, it was imperative that nothing keep him from Abigail ever again.

  "Run away with me," Adam urged as he pulled back from her sweet kisses.

  "Tonight?" Abigail seemed surprised but she should not have been, for they had already touched upon the issue the night before.

  He nodded. "Now. I can have my carriage brought around and we can be off for Scotland before anyone at the ball realizes that we are gone. We can make it there in a few days and be back well in time to speak with you family. Once we are wed, there is little they can do but welcome me into the family." He hoped.

  "Yes." Once more, there was no other answer she could give. For when the sun rose again, Miss Cutwright would likely attempt to pack Abigail off to Plymouth and back to her family. She would be torn away from Adam for who knew how long. No, that was unacceptable. This was the only way. It was also what she wanted.

  Abigail had wasted enough of her life sitting on the sidelines, waiting to be seen for more than just her fortune. Adam had given her that. And more. No other man ever could or ever would.

  "Just to be clear, you are saying yes to Gretna?" Adam asked. "We can have a proper wedding when we return, you know. Whatever you like. It is just that I cannot..."

  "You do not have to say the words. I know." And Abigail would not have it any other way, either.

  Adam rose to his feet, pulling her with him. "Let us be off then." He turned and began to walk away.

  "Adam." Abigail still stood next to the garden bench.


  "Just this. I love you. Never forget that." Then she launched herself at him and kissed him.

  For a moment, Adam allowed himself to deepen the kiss, his lips tracing the seam of her lips. When she opened for him, he thrust his tongue inside and stoked her intimately. Just as he would do with other parts of her body soon enough. Once they were wed.

  When he pulled back, he was delighted to find that her eyes were glazed with passion. "And I love you, Abby. And I always will."

  This time, when Adam took Abigail's hand, she allowed him to lead her off into the depths of the night toward the stables. And on towards the rest of her life. Together.


  Late July 1820

  Seldon Park


  The sun rose early at this time of the year and the birds still twittered maddeningly in the trees even before the dawn broke. However thankfully this morning there were no ravenous hedgehogs about. Or at least none that Adam could see anyway. Rather, his view was taken up by a far lovelier sight - his bride of a few mere weeks sleeping peacefully by his side.

  Were it up to him, he would have allowed her to continue sleeping, but, well, the entirety of the house party - or at the very least Candlewood's servants - would be rousing soon to clean up the lawn from the celebration the night before, if they were not already. And given that Adam and Abigail had spent the night in the Bloody Duke's surprisingly comfortable Italian-style floral gardens, there was a very good chance that they would be discovered. Not that it mattered this morning, of course, since they were already wed. However, it would be a bit embarrassing.

  Or not. After all, someone was likely to discover Frost and his new wife sprawled on Candlewood's front lawn before anyone even thought to check the flower gardens for wayward guests.

  "Abby," Adam said with a sigh as he shook her awake. "It is time to wake up, love. Need to find a way back into the house before we're seen." Then, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a waddling patch of brown and white. Damn it all, anyway! What was it with him and hedgehogs?

  Thankfully, Abigail chose that moment to roll over onto her back, sending the little creature scurrying back under a bush. It also made the slight bulge in her stomach more visible and once more Adam wondered if she would give birth to a son or a daughter. He didn't care really, though he would like a son, as he would need an heir in time. Still, just the fact that he had managed to wed this incredible creature and that she was willing to give him a child was beyond anything he could have imagined two mere months ago.

  For a moment, Adam wondered about the wisdom about sleeping out of doors on the ground and whether or not that was good for the child, but then he reasoned that one night shouldn't hurt. After all, men and women had been sleeping under the stars for generations. Especially after a little too much merry-making the previous night. Also, it was still bloody, blasted hot in the south of England. Little chance of catching a chill last night at any rate.

  "Abby. Wake up." Adam tried again when she did nothing more than attempt to roll back over. This time, he poked her shoulder which snared her attention rather effectively. When she opened her eyes long enough to glare at him, he grinned back at her. "Worried I was a hedgehog about to take a nibble? There was one here a moment ago you know. But I chased him off as any good hus
band would do."

  "Rogue," she mumbled but managed to sit up sleepily. "Keeping the creatures away from me is the least you can do after all I have done for you."

  Adam knew Abigail was teasing but her words went directly to his heart. She had done so much for him, especially in the days after they had returned to Willowby Hill after their hurried Scottish marriage only to find that Sophia had once more landed herself in very deep trouble and was all but ruined. Without Abigail's calming influence and guiding hand, Adam didn't think he could have dealt with the situation nearly as well as he had. While it was still not completely resolved, Sophia's mistake had been dealt with - for now anyway. He dreaded what was to come during the Little Season, but with Abigail by his side, he truly believed that he could handle anything.

  More than that, however, Abigail had given Adam back his life. She had given him purpose, or at the very least, allowed him to find the purpose within himself. He wanted to be a better man and a better duke - for her and for all those that depended upon him for their lives. She had helped him to become the man he had been so long ago, leaving all traces of the Dastardly Duke far behind.

  "I would do anything for you, love," Adam replied as he rolled towards her, heedless of the fact that both of them were utterly naked. Though he did think that he spied his trousers caught in a nearby rosebush. "You know that, do you not?"

  Abigail reached out to stroke her husband's cheek. "I do."

  In fact, after the night of his daring rescue of her, Abigail never once doubted Adam's love for her again. He had proven that love time and time again, especially when he had dealt so effectively with her family when they returned from Scotland. Adam's own family life had been an utter mess, but he had stood strong and faced down her father who was still reeling from the news that his business partner Mr. Burleigh was not at all the man he seemed to be and would have kidnapped and raped Abigail if given the chance.

  There had been some recriminations, of course. After all Abigail had defied her parents' wishes, but she had married a duke and much was forgiven because of it. The fact that Adam refused her dowry and instead offered to put Henry Northrup in contact with several of his friends who were looking for a reputable shipping company to deal with cargo from their sugar plantations in the Caribbean also did not hurt his cause either.

  The truth was, once her parents discovered that Abigail had never been happier, all was forgiven and her world was set to rights again. Not to mention that Adam's once slightly tarnished reputation in Society had been repaired rather nicely. Abigail had suspected that it would be, especially since rescuing damsels in distress and sending questionable French counts off to America went a very long way to get one back into the ton's good graces. However when the invitation to attend Lord Candlewood's house party to celebrate his wedding to the former Lady Eliza Deaver had arrived by special courier, Abigail knew without question that Adam had been fully accepted by his peers once more.

  Adam hadn't wanted to come to Seldon Park at first, thinking that it was best they stayed away, but Abigail had disagreed. Now, she could tell from the smile on his face that he was pleased that had made the trip to Sussex before settling in for the summer at Willowby Hill.

  "Happy?" Abigail asked him, even though she already knew the answer.

  "Very." This time when Adam reached out to touch her, he stroked her slightly rounded stomach. Abigail hadn't thought she would begin to show quite so early, and when she was clothed it was still impossible to tell that she was with child. But she knew. And Adam knew. And he was over the moon about her condition. "I have everything that I ever wished for and never thought I would have right here. Soon, we will have a family. What more could I need?"

  Several things, Abigail decided, including a sister who was settled and did not have the threat of scandal still hanging over her head. However Abigail did not say that. For that problem was for another time. Instead, she reached down to cup her husband's already swelling cock. It was still early yet, and she wished to enjoy the outdoors and fresh air just a little longer. And it was, in her opinion anyway, still too blasted hot for clothes.

  "Well," Abigail teased as she moved to straddle Adam, "I can think of a few things that I need."

  Then Abigail leaned down and whispered a few naughty suggestions in Adam's ear that made him wish they were completely and utterly alone. For he really did wish to try them all without being interrupted. Then again, this party lasted for a full fortnight, so there was always tomorrow. And, of course, the rest of their lives. After all, Adam was known to be something of a rogue, so if he was caught tumbling his utterly perfect wife in a formal garden. Well, who could blame him? No one. And so he did just that.

  Coming Soon

  Lord Brook Bexley, the current Earl of Raynecourt, is known by many names. To his mother, he is Brook, a name he rather wishes he might never hear again. To his friends, he is simply Rayne. And to the women of the ton, he is known as the Earl of Heartbreak for rather obvious reasons. However, there is one woman who also refers to him as nothing more than a friend. Unfortunately, she is also the only woman he has ever desired. Even though she is most decidedly off-limits to a man like him. After all, gentlemen do not even remotely consider touching a friend's sister. Especially a best friend's oldest sister.

  Lady Sarah Tillsbury has known the Earl of Raynecourt nearly all of her life - and believed him to be the most handsome man she has ever seen for about the same length of time. Except that even she knows that a man like Rayne is forbidden to her. Even if he was not more family to her than potential husband, he is also known for the trail of broken hearts he has left littered across much of polite society. Not even her rather forgiving family would tolerate that.

  However when a misguided letter sends Rayne chasing Sarah across the English countryside to Hallowby Grange, the Tillsbury family's country estate, neither of them can continue to deny what has been brewing between them for so long. Will Rayne finally come to terms with the fact that he gave away his heart long ago and will Sarah be brave enough to claim the love she has desired for so long?

  Find out in The Earl of Heartbreak, coming late Summer 2016!

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  Other Titles by the author

  Tales From Seldon Park

  One Christmas With The Earl (A Seldon Park Christmas Novella)

  On A Cold Christmas Eve (A Seldon Park Christmas Novella)

  To Catch A Duke (Tales From Seldon Park: Book 1)

  Far Beyond Scandalous (Tales From Seldon Park: Book 2)

  At The Stroke of Midnight (Tales From Seldon Park: Book 3)

  A Viscount of Mystery (Tales From Seldon Park: Book 4)

  The Earl Who Loved Me (A Seldon Park Christmas Novella)

  A Marquess Is Forever (Tales From Seldon Park: Book 5)

  The Secret Seduction of Lady Eliza (Tales From Seldon Park: Book 6)

  From The Viscount With Love (Tales From Seldon Park: Book 7)

  The Kiss of a Rogue (Tales From Seldon Park: Book 8)

  The Earl of Heartbreak (Tales From Seldon Park: Book 9 - coming Summer 2016)

  The Ghosts, Inc. series


  Ghosts Of Lovers Past (Ghosts, Inc.: Book 1)

  Heart of Shadows (Ghosts, Inc.: Book 2)

  Spellbound (Ghosts, Inc.: Book 3)

  Edge of Heaven (Ghosts, Inc.: Book 4)

  Time's Mirror (Ghosts, Inc.: Book 5)

  Forever Bound (Ghosts, Inc.: Book 6 - coming soon)

  Ghosts, Inc. Ghostly Shorts

  Ghostly Shorts Anthology,
Vol. 1

  Ghostly Shorts Anthology, Vol. 2

  And We Danced (A Thieves Market exclusive short story)

  Modern Magic

  Dream Date

  Bewitched, Bottled, and Bewildered (Coming 2016)

  The “Aphrodite’s Closet” series

  Aphrodite's Closet: The Anthology, Vol. 1

  (Nobody's Cinderella, Fairy Tale Theater, A Little Bit Of Magic)

  Aphrodite's Closet: The Anthology, Vol. 2

  (Stardust and Moonbeams, Belle of the Ball, The Enchanted Season)

  Finding Prince Charming: An Aphrodite's Closet novel (Coming Fall 2016)

  Also Available

  Santa Search And Rescue

  Christmas in Philipsburg

  The Magic of Christmas

  A Midsummer Night's Delusion

  Much Ado About Something - A Short Story

  Fairy Tale Lives (coming soon)

  The Clockwork Doll: A Steampunk Novella

  Crossed Hearts (A Modern Frame Tale of Romance)

  Under A Golden Moon (coming soon)

  About the author

  Making her home in the mountains of central Pennsylvania, Bethany Sefchick lives with her husband, Ed, and a plethora of Betta fish that she’s constantly finding new ways to entertain. In addition to writing, Bethany owns a jewelry company, Easily Distracted Designs.

  When not penning romance novels or creating sparkly treasures, she enjoys cooking, scrapbooking, and lavishing attention on any stray cats who happen to be hanging around. She always enjoys hearing from her fans at: [email protected]


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