Bride-to-be Tries Other Men (First Cuckolding Book 9)

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Bride-to-be Tries Other Men (First Cuckolding Book 9) Page 2

by Matt Coolomon

  When they arrived at the airport, her mother pulled her aside. “Do you have something in your carry bag to change into? Do you have underwear in there?”

  “No, Mother, I don’t.”

  Celia walked ahead, pulling her little roller along behind, attracting looks from men and boys but not returning them. She had on three inch heels and her dress was quite short. Her legs always drew looks, even in a longer skirt or dress.

  Some of the other wedding guests had taken earlier flights, others would be travelling on the next one in a couple of hours. The only other of their party traveling on this flight would be Maxwell. He was waiting at the boarding gate. His eyes were on Celia’s breasts as she approached him.

  “Hi, Max,” she said gaily.

  “Hey, Celia.” He was grinning. His eyes flashed down again, making Celia blush deeper. “Nice dress,” he said.

  “Thanks,” she returned sincerely. He may have been ogling but at least his response was positive.

  She stayed close to Max while they waited for the boarding call. They chatted about plans for the next few days in paradise. He was looking forward to doing a bit of wind-surfing.

  “Well, I’m not interested in anything my parents or aunties, or Phillip or anyone else wants of me - I’m just going to relax, read and work on my tan,” Celia told him.

  “And good for you. It’s your last days of freedom, so you enjoy them the way you want.”

  She raked her hair back. His gaze lowered to her breasts again. She met his eyes as he looked up from them that time. “I know…. I’m trying a new style…. Mum’s freaking out.”

  “It suits you,” he said, glancing down again. “That’s a good look for you. It’s nothing unusual at the fashion shows we do for some of our clothing lines.”

  Max’s family owned a string of clothing boutiques. He was in the administrative side of business but Celia had seen him at plenty of fashion parades. It’s where she got the idea for her new style. She had shopped in their boutique for some of her new clothing.

  Celia avoided her mother on the flight as well. It was a small aircraft with two seats either side of a narrow aisle. They had three sets of seats on one side. When Maxwell took a seat by the window she squeezed past her brother and sat next to him. Peter just shook his head and moved on to sit next to Aunt Aileen. Mother and Aunt Athena sat in front of them.

  Celia’s next admirer was a skinny older man in the seat across the aisle from her. He had been stealing glances but when Maxwell dosed off to sleep, he became bolder. He edged around in his seat so that he was almost facing her. He had a newspaper but was constantly peering over the top of it and above his glasses. She tried not to acknowledge him, keeping her head turned away or her eyes lowered.

  Her nipples had relaxed and softened but as he stared at her breasts for an extended period of time they firmed again. She tugged at the bottom of her dress. His eyes had moved to her legs. Peter turned his head and looked at her, his gaze lowering to her breasts before he shook his head slowly in disgust again. She didn’t challenge him that time – merely blushed a bit deeper.


  Norm Anton was pushing sixty and had been alone for nearly twenty years. He always found himself noticing the pretty girls. He had no hope of ever getting hold of one without paying but he liked to look and dream. The one sitting across the aisle of the plane was particularly pretty, and she was wearing his favourite kind of top.

  He liked the way the fabric moulded to her shape perfectly. He could see that her tits were nicely rounded beneath. They sat perky and had a slight bulge beneath the nipple, which had firmed again and was visible as a darkened little circle in the bright light from the window.

  She glanced and then looked again with her eyes holding Norm’s. He checked the guy beside her and the one sitting in front who he had seen looking at her a few times. He then looked at her little tits again while she watched his face. She looked at his tattoo. He grinned and tugged his sleeve up to show her the snake and dagger he had gotten done when he was about her age.

  “Do you like that?” he asked her. It was a narrow aisle. He was close enough to speak low with no one else hearing.

  “I don’t know – maybe,” she said, chewing her lip.

  “I like your little dress.”

  She checked on the guy in front then turned back to face Norm. She glanced down at herself. “Thanks.”

  He grinned. “Do you mind me looking at you?”

  She shook her head.

  He looked at her tits again. She watched him. He tilted his head then quickly checked around before leaning down to rub an ankle and look up her dress. Her slender young thighs were together but there was a nice gap between them and it wasn’t deep enough to be darkened. He couldn’t quite see but imagined her panties were light in colour. He leaned a bit further but she tugged the edges of her dress, stretching it down a bit. He smiled as he met her eyes and blush.

  Norm sat back up. He flickered his eyebrows, playfully. She giggled.

  “Where are you headed, sweetie?”

  “The cape.”

  “Oh…. Nice…. Half your luck. I’m on business in Wilmont this evening and flying home to Linville tonight…. Are you vacationing?”

  “I’m getting married,” the girl said. “On Saturday.”

  “Well congratulations,” Norm offered a little loudly. An ugly woman turned from the seat in front of the girl and scowled at her. To her credit she returned a pretty good glare. The woman glanced at Norm then looked the girl up and down shaking her head.

  The girl whispered behind her hand, “My mother.”

  “Oh!” Norm said, rolling his eyes and making her giggle again by pulling a funny horror face.

  The stewardess came along with the drinks trolley. The girl’s companion woke so Norm edged back around to face forward, only glancing occasionally throughout the rest of the hour flight. Her nipples had softened again but her cute little tits still held his attention, as did her legs – especially when they moved and he would check to see if her dress hiked up at all.

  When they landed, he made a point of being behind her in the crowded aisle. She glanced back and smiled through a blush. There were people up ahead getting their carry-on bags from the overhead compartment.

  Norm leaned close and took in the girl’s lovely cent from her shoulder. She glanced again, holding his gaze that time. He touched her side, just above her hip. He stroked up and down, only lightly. The aisle was full of people. The exit door was not open yet. She had an arm folded across her front. He touched her fingers. They moved, feeling his. He inched his hand upward and cupped her tit, thumbing over the firm nipple as her soft fingers rested against the back of his hand.

  “Yeah, that’s nice,” he breathed into her pretty blond hair.

  She kept her eyes averted and just blushed a bit deeper. She stroked the back of his hand so he squeezed her tit more firmly.

  Norm pressed his erection against her bottom but the door opened and the line started moving.

  She clutched his wrist and held it while he groped her little tit for another few seconds, then she squirmed away and squeezed past the guy in front of her, peering back once as she was walking down the stairs to the tarmac. She then rushed off ahead, and he lost sight of her when she entered the terminal.

  Norm used the bathroom and strolled around looking for the girl again but couldn’t find her, and it was getting late. He needed to get to his meeting.


  Celia sat quietly in the back of the taxi with her mother. She kept her arms folded, as if it would be visibly marked where she had been felt up. Perhaps her mother was right about not going out in public dressed the way she was, but it didn’t matter. She was more excited than ever now. She had let the guy do it. She had wanted him to. It was the first time anyone other than Phillip had touched her like that since high school. It was the first time a man with a tattoo ever had.

  It had been one thing challenging her mother, and not
a lot more daunting facing Phillip, it was a whole other thing greeting his extended family. When they arrived at their hotel, Celia chickened out and changed into a long skirt and top, using one of her bras for modesty. She thought she still looked a little less stuck-up than usual. It was just a lace trim tank top and peasant skirt.

  Her uncles had arrived and her dad was there in the function room when she went down. She got a big hug from him. Phillip was there and so was his Uncle Bruce. It shouldn’t have been a surprise, but Celia and Phillip never saw much of Bruce. He lived there at The Cape, or nearby at least. He owned show jumping horses and had a property in the hinterland. Celia had done a lot of show jumping through her childhood and teens. It had been a couple of years but she had maintained an interest in the sport. She wondered if she might be able to arrange an afternoon riding.

  “Hello, Bruce,” she said, sidling up beside him watching tropical fish in a huge tank.

  “Ha – there she is! The beautiful bride-to-be.”

  “Yeah, blah, blah,” Celia tossed back at him. “I don’t even want to think about that until Friday. I’ve got all week as a free, single girl first.”

  “Ah yes – last chance to enjoy your freedom, eh?”

  “Um – little bit,” Celia smiled. “Do you still have your horses? Are you still show jumping?”

  “Sure! Of course! I’ve just bought a new thoroughbred mare. She’s magnificent. You should come meet her and have a ride while you’re here.”

  “Great! I was hoping I might be able to come visit….”

  “How about Tuesday?” Bruce offered.

  “Okay – perfect. I’ll tell Phillip. He can hire a car.”

  They were being called to be seated for the meal to begin. Celia and Phillip were at a table with their parents. As soon as the meal ended her dad took her for a dance. There was a small floor with a pianist playing slow music. She was passed on to an uncle and to a few of the men from Phillip’s family. Phillip’s father held her close and kept her for a second number. He then passed her to his much younger brother, and she was held close by him too. He was a very strong man – muscular. His big hand was pressed to her side, his fingers stroking a little with the music.

  The music ended. A few other couples left the floor. “Would you like to stay for another?” he asked her.

  “Okay,” Celia uttered, peering up at him.

  He took her with his arm again. His hand pressed to her back, stroking upward then down as he guided her close and gripped her side again. “I guess there’ll be no more of these dances for us other men after Saturday.”

  “Hmm – I guess…. You can have as many as you want tonight though, Mister Ericson.”

  “And I won’t be Mister anymore either. I’ll be good old Uncle Bob,” he chuckled. He wasn’t that old – late thirties.

  The music picked up. He spun her out and pulled her back. He was a good dancer. After another twirl he dipped her and made her laugh.

  “You’ll be able to have more of these dances anytime you want. I won’t care what my husband thinks…. But you’re not old enough to be called Uncle – Bob!”

  “He chuckled.” The music slowed and he pulled her close again. “Is this alright?”


  His hand was moving upon her side. “It’s too bad you got changed for dinner. That was a pretty dress you had on before.”

  Celia blushed into his shoulder. “You saw?”

  “I was in the lobby when you were checking in…. I hope you’re going to wear it again for us some time.” His fingertips stroked higher, brushing the side of her breast. “Are you going to ENJOY your last days of freedom, are you?”

  “Yes, I am….”

  There were three other couples. He had danced them to a corner of the floor where there was no one seated nearby. His fingers extended further, rubbing her breast more deliberately. “Is this still alright?” he asked.

  “Uh huh,” Celia uttered “Just a little bit though – while no one’s watching.”

  He chuckled. “Excellent! How the hell did that nephew of mine land a hot little honey like you? I could never figure that out.”

  “I’m not hot,” Celia said. “I’m trying to be now, but so far I’m the one lucky to have kept a boyfriend at all.”

  “You could come out with me one night – have some fun before the big commitment.”

  “Do you know any dance clubs around here?”

  “Sure! You going to wear that dress?”

  “I have others like it,” Celia answered. “I have a silver one that’s open at the sides all the way to my waist.” He continued stroking the side of her breast. She let him for a short time longer before asking, “So, when will you take me to a real dance club? Tomorrow night?”

  “How about tonight?” he smiled. And he turned her out, spinning her back in and dipping her again, to the applause of the table of elderly relatives they had ended up beside.

  “Tonight – how can I?” She wanted to.

  His big hand beneath her arm was holding her firmly again. His thumb extended upward and stroked her, almost touching her nipple through her top and bra. Both garments were only soft fabric – the bra was a flimsy little lace thing. It was from the naughty lingerie shop.

  “Later will be fine. When everyone starts leaving and you can slip away,” he said, dancing her back into the corner, out of sight. He reached around her to feel her breast more fully, his thumb rubbing her nipple. She twisted a little bit that way to make it easier for him. He squeezed her small mound, his hand covering it easily. “You’ll be able to get away from Phillip, won’t you? They were saying you have separate rooms.”

  “Uh huh,” Celia uttered.

  “So you’re going to be making him wait and letting us other men enjoy you some, eh?”

  “A little bit…. Not to have sex with me, though. Just to look at me, and what you’re doing now is okay.”

  “What about between your legs? Are we allowed to have a feel of your pussy before wimpy Phillip gets at it on Saturday night?” Bob grinned.

  Celia giggled and blushed. “Um…. That’s an interesting idea.”

  “Yeah? How interesting?”

  “Well, it’s kind of strange with you being Phillip’s uncle, don’t you think?”

  “I don’t know – keeping it in the family and all…. And I wouldn’t tease him about it later. I wouldn’t tell him.”

  “You wouldn’t? I don’t think I would want him to find out.” His hand slipped back to her waist as they were joined by her parents. “It’s going to be exciting to have been touched by other men, though,” she whispered. “You’re the second one today.”

  “Who was the first?”

  “Some guy on the plane. He liked my dress too,” Celia giggled as she was spun out again.

  “Well, I think as one of your husband-to-be’s elders, I should be allowed a little feel of your pussy later tonight…. Is your dress short?”

  “Yes.” Celia blushed deeply at the thought of him touching her between the legs. She absolutely wanted him to.

  “So, I’ll take you to a dance club after this and watch you dancing in your new little dress – watching your legs and thinking all the while about what panties you have on – maybe getting a flash of them if I’m lucky. How does that sound?”

  Celia looked up and met his eyes. “Okay, Bob. I say yes to that – to everything you said.”

  The pianist called a break. Bob led her from the dance floor by the hand and took her to the bar. He ordered champagne for her and a beer for himself. She sat up on a stool. “I actually like what you said about being Phillip’s elder. I like the idea of you having some rights to me before my wedding.” Bob was just peering at her face. She fiddled with her drink for a moment then looked up to meet his focused expression.

  Bob placed a foot on a rung of a bar stool, shifting to make room for a bulge in his trousers. Celia looked up from it, grinning. He chuckled. “Oops.”

  She giggled t
oo. Arms encircled her from behind and she peered back to be kissed by Phillip. She blushed again, guiltily that time.

  “That was some fine dancing there, Uncle Bob.”

  “How did you go with your lessons, Phillip – all ready to waltz with your young bride-to-be here on her wedding day?”

  Celia snuggled back against Phillip while he chatted and laughed with his uncle. She was on fire inside – absolutely thrilled to be sitting there between the man she was going to marry and a man she was going to go out with that night. She found the notion of being sexy with Phillip’s elder to be very exciting. Phillip was not a very assertive man. He was a wimp as a matter of fact – she had to agree with his uncle in that. Bob was a bit of a rogue.

  This was what Celia really needed. In her moment of freedom between the rule of her mother and giving herself to a husband, she needed to have fun and feel sexy.

  “Pick you up in an hour?” Bob asked her. He was parting.

  “Okay – one hour,” Celia agreed. “Where?”

  “I’m going to go and get changed. I’ll come up to your room when I get back.”

  He left. Phillip took his seat at the bar beside Celia. “What was that all about, sweetheart?”

  “Bob’s taking me to a dance club tonight.”


  “Yes. It will be fun. You know you hate nite clubs.”

  “Yes, but it’s already nine o’clock. Isn’t it a bit late to be gallivanting around the city?”

  “No. I think the nite club scene doesn’t even start until after nine, Phillip.”

  “Oh, I see…. But don’t you have things to plan and prepare for Saturday? Aren’t there wedding arrangements you need to be tending to? You don’t want to be too tired tomorrow, do you?”


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