The Mountain Man's Baby

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The Mountain Man's Baby Page 18

by Alice Moore

  So many businesses could get their start in these new, cheap buildings; most of the structural integrity hadn’t been compromised, so it was basically a glorified clean-up job.

  “Risha… we’re here.” Carefully pulling my key out of the ignition, I mumbled absently before glancing down. Risha had passed out completely, and she didn’t react in any way to my announcement. Sighing heavily, I popped open the driver’s side door to stick one leg out into the cold.

  A navy blue Sedan sat in the driveway, and I held Risha’s firm body tightly to glance around. 117*2 was plastered in thick, bronze numbers on her front door, and my lips pursed together before I decided to knock rather than use her keys.

  “-he delivery guy better not have interrupted my s-“ The door flung open, revealing a scantily clad Cynthia wearing nothing more than lacy underwear and red cheeks. My eyes widened as her jaw dropped, drawing my gaze to her flat, scarred chest. Right before me big hands covered those marks, and I shook my head wildly before clearing my throat.

  “You must be Cynthia… I’m-“

  “I know who you are. Why are you here?” Furrowing my brows in question, I watched Cynthia pull a face as Martin Callucci rested his dimpled chin on her crown. “I mean, obviously Risha drank too much- she can’t handle her wine too well. Isn’t the gentlemanly thing to do to bring her back to your place, wait till she sobers up, and confess how sexually attracted you are to her before you make hot, passionate love on the couch?”

  My mouth dried at such a detailed description, and I coughed roughly as discomfort slithered around in my lungs. Goosebumps rose on my arms, but before I could even open my mouth Martin spoke up. He and I were friends, no matter how loosely, and my gaze flickered to him to narrow.

  “You have to break up with that woman, first, right? From what I’ve heard, Marishka can turn any man into a cheater.” A hard elbow to his side shut Martin up, and he grunted as I watched the exchange in silence. “Not me, baby. Her ass is too small, and her tits are too big.”

  “Actually…” Cutting into the conversation, I took a small step forward in an attempt to get into Risha’s home. “I’d rather not discuss it with either of you. So, if I can just set her somewhere, I’ll be on my way.”

  “No need to be pushy. Her room is on the left up the stairs, second door. But watch out…” Grinning wickedly at me as she stepped aside, Cynthia stuck out her tongue to hiss quietly. “She’s got lizards.”


  “Does Anna you’re seeing another woman? You should just break up with that woman, you know. She’s ghastly.” Scowling at Nash, I stabbed my lasagna even as he leaned back in his chair, his hands raised in surrender. “I’m just sayin’… she’s got a gold eye. And she’s not even that attractive in the sense… like- what does she even do? She’s never cooked for you, never handmade you a present- nothing.”

  “First of all, I’m not seeing another woman. And secondly…” Trailing off, I stared down at my plateful through narrowed eyes. Natalie had spent hours in the kitchen, and I could taste her excitement in the food. This was the first time Nash, Frank, and I were having our holiday dinner together.

  Because we were all usually so miserably single that we had to spend a night together a month before Christmas. Luca and Julia were supposed to be here, but he was still on bad terms with his brother.

  “You do realize Anna is literally everything you’ve ever hated in a woman, right? I mean, the glitz and glam of being in a relationship for the first time in 10 years has to be wearing off by now, Will.” Clenching my jaw, I jerked my head in a nod. Nash’s ability to read people was becoming an annoyance, but he didn’t stop with that sharp jab. “I mean, I get that you don’t want to come to the seminars anymore and whatever. It gets boring. But you shouldn’t have to deal with someone you’re not compatible with just because you can say ‘I’ve got a girlfriend’.”

  “I agree.” Glancing over at Frank, I took in his permanently dark expression as he roughly swallowed his mouthful. Tapping his fork on his plate, he grimaced across the table. “Take out and restaurants get boring. A woman that can cook shouldn’t be taken with a grain of salt- especially if she likes it.”

  “Do you know if this other woman can cook?” Turning to Natalie, I took in her probing slowly as I shoveled some salad into my mouth. She emanated a sense of self that was unparalleled, and even with her growing, unplanned bump she seemed like she had everything under control. Nash had told me several times about how he just knew she would fulfill his kink, and ‘the rest was history’.

  It hit disturbingly close to home when I thought back to that night at the bar with Risha.

  “According to her house mate, she does.” Admitting this small piece of information picked up the corners of my mouth, and Natalie grinned widely. “I wouldn’t call her the ‘other woman’ though. To be honest, I imagine it feels a lot like what happened between you two. I just- she makes me feel like I’m 28 again, but I’m still 42, you know? I can’t even remember the last time I used that tone.”

  My gaze flickered to Nash to watch him nod; he knew what I meant. Clenching and releasing my fists, I held back a sigh as my mind flew to that night. I’d found out so many things about Risha just from my brief journey into her bedroom- things I had to work at to know about Anna.

  And yet, there they were. Just out there for me to take in. When Cynthia said Risha had lizards, I didn’t know what to expect. But dinosaurs? She had a dozen stuffed animal dinosaurs, informative dinosaur posters on her walls, even little dinosaur figurines on her dressers.

  I didn’t even know what Anna’s favorite animal was.

  “She’s definitely right about Anna being a gold digger, Will.” Disgust laced Frank’s deep voice, pulling me out of my fond memories and back to the present. “You should dump the bitch before she asks you for something completely outrageous.”

  “Yeah- like the car wasn’t outrageous enough…” Snickering over his glass of whiskey, Nash shook his head as he rubbed Natalie’s baby bump absently with a smirk. “So, you should take the opportunity on tomorrow night. She’s making you go to an overly expensive ass restaurant that you don’t even like to meet someone she won’t tell you about. Just break up with her and leave her for the bill. If this girl is right, she’ll have the money to cover whatever she wants to eat. Alone.”

  “Speaking of eating alone, have either of you talked to Luca lately? He’s been dodging my calls.” Changing the subject, relief surged through me as the focus of the conversation shifted instantly. My heart ached for my friend, but everyone else at the table seemed to be resigned to the fact that he was going down in a ball of fire. Drawn faces all around, even Natalie wore a sad-slash-angry expression as Frank grunted loudly.

  “That idiot dick- Julia called me the other day saying he came back high on something. I had to go knock his ass out, tied him up in my apartment until he calmed down. He’s still there. I left him some cat food the old lady next door leaves out for the strays.” For a moment there was silent, shocked stares as Frank necked his beer, and I couldn’t stop the laughter that burst from my throat. Clutching my chest, my hand shook from the force of my mirth as I sprawled in my chair.

  “You- you did not! Frank! That’s illegal!” Speaking through harsh gasps, I set my fork down with a clatter as Natalie and Nash cracked up across from me. Frank only snorted, and I took deep, heaving breaths as I pictured Luca in my mind’s eye.

  “He fucked up. And it’s not illegal if no one knows about it. Duct taped his mouth shut. He’ll be fine. I’ve done this before.” Casting a nasty snarl across the table, Frank reached to support his head on his enormous arms. At 36 years old he shouldn’t have been so muscular- I certainly didn’t know anyone aside from him that looked such a way at the pique of their life. “Anyway, maybe some time to think about his actions will help him realize he’s an idiot.”

  A soft chime pulled my attention, and I fished my pocket for my cell phone to watch Anna’s name flash. My sm
ile dulled, thumb hesitant to swipe the button that would accept her call. Holding my breath, I shook my head before stuffing my phone back into my pocket.

  “See, that’s exactly why you should break up with her, Will.” The jibe only pulled a grunt from me, and Nash didn’t bother to say anything more. His point had been driven home, and I focused on my food instead of the implications of what I’d just done.

  Waking up the next morning on one of Nash’s many guest beds, I stared at the ceiling to reflect on the night before. Frank, Nash and I had gotten adequately drunk, but Natalie just watched on with a smile and snacks in her hands. It felt like college, and my lips quirked in a stupid smirk even as envy spread through my chest.

  Stomping lazily down the stairs, I followed the smell of bacon into the kitchen to stretch my arms high. Blinking away the discomfort of the bright sun, I swiped my hand through my beard with a tired groan.

  I’m too old to be partying until 2am… The thought twisted my face, and I dropped my tired body onto a kitchen chair to sprawl heavily.

  “You look like shit, William.” I couldn’t even summon the energy to respond, and Natalie placed a cup of coffee in front of me with a sigh. “I’m sorry you’re having such a tough go of it.”

  “It’s okay, Nat. I’m not going to stay, though. I have to get back home to look over the presentations for this expansion into industrial solutions.” Grabbing the cup, I downed the black brew in a few, scalding gulps. The heat sent a shock to my system, and I shook my head wildly. “Thanks for the coffee.”

  “No problem.”

  The day was cold but bright, and I took a deep breath of the crisp air to sigh heavily. Relaxation coursed through my muscles, and I slowly pulled my keys out of my jean pocket as I wandered down the driveway. It’d snowed lightly overnight, and I climbed into my car to let it heat up, sinking into the driver’s seat.

  “Risha…” Just mumbling her name stirred something in my chest, and I reached to cover my face with my arm. “Does breaking up with one woman specifically for another make me an asshole?”

  Last night’s dinner talk floated around in my mind, and I pursed my lips together. Damn. I need to get it together. My phone chimed, and my chest tightened as I pulled out the device with stiff fingers. Anna’s name flashed, and I ground my teeth together before swiping the ‘accept’ button.

  “Hey.” Foreboding swirled in my gut, and Anna’s overly sweet voice gyrated against my eardrums. “William, are you excited for tonight? I know I am.”

  It’s like too sweet cake frosting. There’s no way she’s real.

  “Yeah. 6:30p.m. right? I’ll be there.” Flat and void, my voice alone should’ve given Anna a hint if she bothered to listen close enough, and she laughed into the receiver.

  “I’m so happy. I’ve been anxious about it all week, and I know you had your guys’ night last night. So, don’t be late, and don’t forget to wear a tie. This is very important.”

  “Maybe I would acknowledge the importance if you told me what was going on, Anna.” Annoyance bled into my voice, and Anna was quiet as I flicked on my windshield wipers with a jerk. Being surprised was one thing, but my gut screamed that this was something else entirely. I didn’t particularly like surprises, anyway, and my lips twisted into a grimace as possibilities ran through my head.

  “You’ll see tonight, William. No need to be hasty, now. I have to go into work now- I was just calling to check on you. You didn’t answer all night… I got worried.” My mind turned to every other time Anna had changed the conversation from her to me. Even when I specifically told her I would be busy, she still called me. At first, it’d been flattering, but now it was just annoying.

  “I had fun last night. It’s been a while since all of the guys got together. It was a little weird without Luca, though.” Pulling on my seat belt, I ground my molars together as Anna laughed into her end of the line. The sound was almost condescending instead of light and airy, and I started to wonder if Nash was right.

  Maybe I had just dated Anna because it’d been half past forever.

  “Well, I have faith that he’ll pull himself together. Soon you’ll be friends again- I just know it… but I have to go. I’ll talk to you later, William.” What a vague answer. Hanging up before I had a chance to respond, Anna left me with a cold spreading through my chest. She’d never even met Luca, and she didn’t really know much about what he was going through.

  Drugs… drinking… partying… Our relationship is dying. With that thought at the forefront of my mind, I slowly backed out of the driveway. Luca was my oldest friend, and my heart ached for him- but I couldn’t condone what he was doing to himself. Anna didn’t understand that, though, because she had no close friends.

  Driving slowly down the road slicked with slush, I glanced at my phone as it rested on the center console. Risha was in there, and anxiety formed a tight ball in my gut. I had waited for a text that never came; even then I had a sneaking suspicion it wasn’t because she was avoiding me. She’d quit her job, I remembered; that promised a whirlwind of activity trying to find a new one.

  Heaving a sigh, I reached for the device to make my way to Risha’s contact information. Her housemate had given it to me, taking the precious moment away from her fooling around with Martin. My lips twitched at the memory, and I shook my head before securing my phone to my ear to listen to the ring.

  “Hello?” Risha’s voice was husky and soft, and I held my breath for a heartbeat as I let it wash over me.

  “Risha? It’s William… I was wondering if you’re available?” Crackling and shuffling sounded in my ear, and I glanced at the clock with a frown. The neon green letters read 9:23a.m., and I couldn’t imagine she slept in.

  “Oh crap!” A loud squeal pulled me from my thoughts, and my car swerved dangerously when I jerked in surprise. “I’m so late! My interview! Crap- crap…”

  Groaning lowly into the receiver, Risha muttered something I couldn’t understand before a soft thump reached me.

  “I’m too late. I’m going to miss it… There’s no way I can make it for 10…” The dismay in her voice was potent, and I cleared my throat roughly to get her attention. My mind whirled a mile a minute, and the speaker crackled in expectation before I opened my mouth.

  “I’m actually in my car- I can give you a ride.” Smooth, William. Way to go… not.

  “Really? Thank you! Okay- I’ll be ready in, like, 15 minutes.” Just like that Risha hung up on me, but unlike with Anna a smile curved my lips. The difference was startling between the two, and I set my phone down to fiddle with the GPS.


  “Thank you so much for this, William. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do if I had to go back and beg Anthony’s forgiveness… I don’t think I could recover from that.” Sliding into William’s sleek, expensive car, I closed the door and set my purse on my lap before looking at him. His hair was ruffled, clothes somewhat wrinkled, but my eyes widened at the simple fact that he looked so relaxed and at ease. “You look… good? I mean- you look like you slept in your clothes, but you slept really good.”

  Heat suffused my cheeks at how stupid I sounded, and William laughed a hearty sound. Pulling off the curb, he glanced over at me with a grin.

  “I did sleep in my clothes. I spent the night with a few friends. It would’ve been a guys’ night, but Nash’s pregnant girlfriend cooked for us, got us new beers- stuff like that. He really got what he wanted with her.” Arching an eyebrow in question, my own smile was wide at how giddy William seemed, and he cleared his throat as we took the first of many turns. “They met at a BDSM informative seminar about four months ago. Nash’s brother is a good friend of mine- has been for nearly 30 years.”

  Surprise rippled through me, and I tore my eyes off William to stare out onto the wet, soggy world beyond the windshield. My mind flew back to that night at the bar, and my neck tingled from the memory of his warm, solid palm against my flesh. Holding my breath, pressure built against my ribs before
I let it out in a gust.

  “I- I’m sorry about that night at the bar, William. It’s just… it’s about Anna-“ Cut off by a familiar palm covering my mouth, I tensed as William shook his head.

  “Don’t. I don’t want to talk about Anna. I’m breaking up with her at this thing tonight.” Sitting rigid, my jaw would’ve dropped if William wasn’t holding my mouth closed, and only when I twisted to look at him did he release me. “It took me a while to realize I was just in a relationship with her because it felt good to say it. You really set it all in motion, but none of this is your fault, Risha.”

  “Is it because we kissed? Because of what happened at the bar…? And in your car?” Everything I was about to blurt out disappeared from my mind, and William nodded firmly. A volatile mix of shame and triumph clashed in my chest, and I reached to run my hand through my hair. The silence was deafening, but it disappeared after a few, long seconds when he spoke up.

  “Yes. I can’t put into words how idiotic I feel for not realizing Anna’s true intentions earlier. I mean, I’m 42 years old- I run a company that spans oceans, and yet I couldn’t accurately gauge someone. But meeting you really opened my eyes, and I’m grateful to you for that, Risha. I don’t regret kissing you or what else I did that night. I can’t even remember the last time I got that urge… so, thank you.”

  He’s younger than my mom by 4 years… that makes a little bit of sense. My brain burned trying to keep up with what William was telling me, and I sunk into my seat. The pulse points in my neck throbbed, a physical memory of how good it felt to be caressed. Taking a deep breath, air pushed away some of the shame I felt; I didn’t regret the kiss either.


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