Let Him In (Let Him Trilogy)

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Let Him In (Let Him Trilogy) Page 20

by Davis, Sharon

  But not anymore.

  Not with Lacey.

  Zane growled low in his throat. He should be in her bed right now with his stiff cock buried deep inside her pussy, which would be raw and bleeding by the time he was finished with her.

  He doubted she would be so goddamn mouthy and disobedient then.

  Barbie parted her teeth. The handcuffs landed between her opened legs. She arched a brow as she ran her hands up her inner thighs, over her stomach, to her large breasts. She lifted one to her mouth, flicked her tongue over its hard, dark nipple. Lacey’s had been smaller, but equally hard. Zane imagined them to be the same delicate shade of pink as her lips, which would look exquisite stretched wide around the thick head of his cock.

  Zane peeled his shirt from his tense upper body, his abdomen feeling like it was being speared. The urge to skip the tedious mating ritual and just sink his fangs into Barbie’s neck was growing stronger by the second. It would not be so boresome with Lacey, he thought, and then, as his stomach rumbled loudly: I should have had a few more shots.

  With a teasing grin Barbie parted the folds of her cunt, thrusting her hips forward to offer Zane a better view. “Is Master hungry for his Pet?”

  “You have no idea,” Zane growled, kicking off his shoes. He shoved his slacks down over his hips and his cock sprang out.

  Barbie’s breath hitched. “You are so fucking unbelievable.”

  Imagining those words coming out of Lacey’s mouth, Zane moved to stand next to the bed. “Lay down,” he ordered.

  Barbie eagerly obeyed, stretching her arms up and out as he straddled her. He slapped a handcuff around each wrist, then secured the other ends to the bed posts. Her wide gaze was locked on his cock as he slid the blindfold down over her eyes. “Please, Master...make it hurt.”

  “It will be my pleasure,” he snarled, shoving the ball gag into her mouth. “Pet.”

  Zane positioned himself between Barbie’s splayed legs. She stopped breathing, her body tensing in expectation as he placed the head of his cock at the opening of her glistening cunt.

  He fantasized it was Lacey’s as he rammed into it.

  Stretched so wide so suddenly, Barbie screamed and instinctively tried to close her legs. Zane’s fingers sunk into the tanned flesh of her inner thighs as he held them down and apart. Not giving her time to adjust to his massive girth, he began slamming into her, Lacey’s face becoming clearer in his mind with each fast, hard thrust.

  Barbie’s muffled cries of pain turned to pleasure as she quickly neared orgasm. Grabbing a handful of her hair, Zane jerked her head to the side, having to wait only a few seconds more before she arched her back and stiffened as the first spasm seized control of her body. He stopped moving as he sunk his fangs into Barbie’s shoulder. With a squeal she hooked her legs around his back, thrusting her hips up to take every inch of him into her greedy cunt.

  Closing his eyes, Zane pretended that it was Lacey underneath him, screaming his name over and over again...

  He shuddered as Barbie’s body went limp. Reluctantly, Zane simultaneously pulled his fangs and cock out of her body and was rewarded with a gasp of surprise and pain. He licked the blood from his lips before removing the gag and blindfold.

  Barbie stared up at him with heavy-hooded eyes, her breaths coming in short pants. “That...was...amazing.”

  His thirst nowhere near satiated, Zane released her from the handcuffs and then rolled onto his back with a grunt, not looking forward to spending the entire night just so he could feed a few more times. Barbie snored. Loudly. And the annoying sound followed him no matter where he was inside the goddamn condo.

  “Ooh,” she said, sucking air between her teeth as she rolled onto her side and then propped herself up on one elbow. “It stings.” She grinned as Zane met her lazy gaze with one of boredom. “I think you tore me again.”

  You are lucky that is all I did, he thought as her eyes drifted to his cock. “Yep, you’re all bloody.” She frowned. “And still hard.”

  “Do not remind me,” he growled, the muscles of his abdomen bunching as another hunger pang hit him.

  Barbie thrust her bottom lip out. “You’re the only guy I know who stays hard even after...” Her brows furrowed. “You did come, right? I mean I felt you shudder...”

  “That you did,” Zane confirmed. Only it had nothing to do with you, Career Slut Barbie. He rolled over, facing away from her. “Now I suggest you take a short nap as I am feeling especially insatiable tonight.”

  “Yes, Master,” Barbie replied, leaning over him. Zane gritted his teeth as she cooed in his ear, “I love it when you stay over...it’s the only time I can get to sleep without a pill.”

  After Barbie had moved out of his peripheral vision Zane closed his eyes, shifting his thoughts from the gnawing in his stomach to ones of sex with Lacey. Could he even have an orgasm with her? And if so, would it be the long, painful process his father had described? He did not believe so...

  And was going to do everything in his power to find out.

  Chapter 27

  Lacey held her breath as she entered the cafeteria. Now that she’d decided not to move, she had to save every penny. She hoped Clint would go away every weekend and give her forty dollars each time; one-hundred sixty dollars a month right there. And if she got hired at Burger King and worked at least twenty-five hours a week, she would be able to save up around six-hundred dollars a month. Come February she’d have a nice sum with which to start her new life...

  All by herself.

  Lacey glanced at the jock and cheerleader tables as she passed by. Once again, when their eyes met, Brooke and Kimberly quickly averted their gazes. Even though she was glad they weren’t hounding her anymore, she was curious to learn their reason behind their sudden change in behavior. One minute they were acting like she was their new bestie, the next like they’d be tarred and feathered if caught looking at her.

  Focusing on the double doors leading to the outdoor picnic table area—and not the saucy lasagna calling to her growling stomach—Lacey slipped outside. As she scanned the crowd she realized she was in the holding pen for every student not athletically inclined, and not only were they all staring at her, they were also grinning.

  “We all think you rock,” Ghost Boy said as he strolled over with his thumbs in the front pockets of his black skinny jeans.

  Lacey’s stomach flip-flopped at his words. “You’re all nuts.”

  He chuckled. “Wanna talk crazy, do ya? Then I think smarting off to Ken and Barbie and dining in the forbidden land qualifies you as our leader.”

  Lacey blinked at that. And Clark accused her of having huge balls. “Am I supposed to know what you’re babbling about?”

  “Sorry—I forgot you’re a newbie. Clark Sullivan and Heather Blair. The forbidden land is the cafeteria—if you ain’t carrying a pom pom or wearing a jock strap, you’re not allowed in there.”

  Lacey’s eyebrows shot up. “Says who?”

  He shrugged. “It’s like an unwritten rule or something.”

  “I’m not much on following rules.”

  “So we noticed,” he replied with a grin.

  “But no one’s noticed that there are three times as many of you as there are of them?”

  “They’re bigger.”

  “The bigger they are, the harder they—”

  “—punch,” he finished with a snort.

  Lacey rolled her eyes as she pulled two one-dollar bills from her jeans pocket. “I just wanted to pay you back for yesterday.”

  “Oh no, that’s—”

  She narrowed her eyes at him.

  “—wonderful,” he said, grabbing the money. “Thanks.”

  “Don’t mention it,” Lacey said, spinning around to leave.

  Ghost Boy was in front of her before she could take a step. “I saved a table for you, right in the back.”

  And so it begins.

  “Sorry, not much of a people person.”

  “Me either, but
this is school and they’re kinda hard to avoid here, so...”

  “Look, S—”

  No, don’t say his name! He’ll probably take it as some kind of a sign because you remembered it.

  “Sorry, what was your name again?”

  “Sammy,” he said, bowing theatrically. “At your service.”

  Oh, brother.

  “Look, Sammy, I’m not interested in—”

  “Sugar cookies?”

  Lacey’s stomach growled. “I beg your pardon?”

  “I get a little bake happy sometimes and made enough to feed every man, woman and child in the county but—” he indicated the students around them with a wave of his hand “—everyone is sick to death of them.”

  “You bake?”

  “You don’t?”

  She glared at him. “Is that some type of sexist remark?”

  “Paranoid much?” he said, his eyebrows shooting up.

  “As a matter of fact, yes.”

  He laughed. “Look, talking don’t mean nothing, right? So let’s just go have a stinkin’ cookie.”

  Lacey took a deep breath, let it out slowly. As much as she hated to admit it, he did have a point...and besides, a sugar cookie—or five—really would hit the spot. “Fine, but no personal questions, kapeesh?”

  Sammy saluted her. “Ka-peesh.”

  Rolling her eyes, Lacey followed him to the picnic table at the back of the fenced enclosure. “So,” he said as they took seats opposite each other, “how do you like Hermit?”

  “I don’t.”

  “I use to not either,” he said, removing a large Zip-lock bag from a metal Pinocchio lunch box that glinted in the afternoon sun. “But it’s growing on me.”

  “Yeah, it’s growing on me, too—like a big, ugly wart.”

  “Maybe you should get some Dr. Scholl’s Freeze Away.”

  Narrowing her eyes, Lacey began drumming her fingers against the table. “Smart ass.”

  “I learned it from watching you.”

  “Flattery will get you nowhere with me, Sammy.”

  He smirked. “Exhibit A.”

  Lacey’s hand stopped moving. “Do you have multiple personalities or something?”

  He blinked at that. “No...why?”

  “Because you’re acting really strange.”

  Sammy’s boyish smile instantly vanished. “You think I’m strange?” he asked, a tiny crease appearing between his black eyebrows as they furrowed.

  Once again the sparkle in his eyes began to fade, once again she was responsible for it, and once again it turned her insides into a weighted mess. Lacey sighed, not bothering to hide her irritation—at him and herself. “I said you’re acting strange, not that you are.”

  Sammy’s smile returned in full force, as did the sparkle in his bright blue eyes. Contacts, Lacey thought, only then remembering the first time she saw him he was wearing glasses.

  She pointed at the plastic bag he was still holding. “Are you going to open that stupid thing or just tease me with it?”

  “Oh!” he gasped, eyebrows shooting up. “Yeah, sorry!”

  Sammy ripped open the bag and then placed it in front of her. Lacey snatched a cookie from it and was about to take a bite when she met his expectant gaze. “Are you going to watch me eat the damned thing, too?”

  When he slapped his hands over his eyes, she rolled hers and shoved the entire cookie into her mouth. Oh sweet sugary heaven.

  “Do you like them? Are they good? How do they taste?”

  After swallowing she replied, “No, horrible and like crap.”

  Sammy’s mouth dropped open. Parting his fingers, he sneaked a peek at her just as she shoved another cookie into her mouth. Grinning, he closed his fingers. “She likes poop cakes and yet calls me strange,” he murmured.

  Lacey snorted laughter, but her amusement was cut short when a large chunk of cookie momentarily lodged in her throat. She started coughing like a two-pack-a-day-for-forty-years smoker.

  “Oh my God!” Sliding over the top of the picnic table like a baseball player stealing home, Sammy flopped down beside her and started wailing on her back. “Arms up, arms up,” he said in between hard pats, “you’re supposed to put your arms up!”

  His words coupled with his dire expression made her start laughing again, which only aggravated the coughing and put her on a merry-go-round of unpleasant sound: Chuckle, cough, chuckle, hack, chuckle, gag, chuckle, something that sounded like a bark.

  Sammy shot behind her. “Stand up,” he ordered, tugging at her blouse, “I know CPR!”

  The laughter and coughs vanished almost instantaneously.

  Glancing over her shoulder, Lacey narrowed her eyes. “And I know how to turn a man into a woman with one quick jerk of the hand.”

  He gasped melodramatically and jumped backwards, eyes and mouth widening as he covered his crotch. “Where did you learn that?”

  “Okay, enough!” she said, suppressing more giggles as she wiped her watery eyes. “Now sit down!”

  He hesitated. “Are you sure you’re okay? You sounded like you were dying there for a second.”

  No such luck.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Do you want me to go get you something to drink?”

  “No,” Lacey said, ignoring her parched throat as she pointed to where Sammy had been sitting. “I want you to sit down.”

  Sammy took a seat and then pretended to be taking in the scenery as Lacey scarfed down three more cookies. When she finished eating she cleared her throat to get his attention. His answering grin made the Cheshire Cat’s pale in comparison. “So is Mount Jackson as boring as Hermit?”

  “‘fraid so.”

  She sighed heavily. “Looks like I will be tipping cows for fun.”

  “Just so you know, that’s strictly a weekend activity around these parts,” he deadpanned.

  Lacey almost burst out laughing again until it suddenly occurred to her that she was actually enjoying Sammy’s company.

  A lot.

  A wave of nausea rippled through her. Swallowing past the lump of bile that had shot up her throat, she barely resisted the urge to gag.

  “During the week everyone hangs out at the Sugar Shack—that’s an ice cream hut, by the way.” His eyebrows shot up, and Lacey could almost see the light bulb click on above his Mohawk, which he’d apparently decided to let grow out. “Do you like ice cream?”

  “Never touch the stuff,” she replied, swinging her legs around the bench.

  “Hey, where ya going? We still got a half-hour left.”

  Lacey sat for a few seconds with her back to him before springing to her feet. “Bathroom,” she replied, arching a brow as she glanced over her shoulder. “And no, I do not need or want an escort.”

  Practically beaming, he saluted her again. “Ka-peesh!”

  Lacey dashed off, resigning from that point on to keep as far away from Sammy as was possible. As much as she hated to admit it, if she wasn’t careful she may actually start to like the goofball.

  Shaking her head, Lacey yanked open the cafeteria doors. She stepped inside and spotted Clark all by himself at one of the two tables at the back of the room. He sat slumped over with his elbows propped on the table and his hands fisted in his hair, his unblinking gaze locked on the red cell phone in front of him.

  He looked like he hadn’t slept, eaten or bathed in days.

  Heather really did a number on him, she thought, hurrying into the hallway and to the nearest water fountain. Closing her eyes, Lacey guzzled the cold, refreshing liquid. And I bet Zane did, too. In her mind flashed a movie of him naked between Heather’s legs, his tight ass flexing as he pounded into her.

  Lacey strangled on the mouthful of water she’d just swallowed. Slapping her chest, she hacked like she was trying to cough up a lung. When she finally got her breath back she used it to whisper several curse words before swiping the back of her hand over the trickle of water on her chin.

  Probably has a little drool
mixed in there, too, huh?

  With an exasperated breath, Lacey leaned against the wall, deliberately smacking the back of her head against it twice before fixing her gaze on a dark spot on the white ceiling.

  She’d never before had the kind of thoughts she’d been having lately. After witnessing the disaster that had been her parent’s relationship, she’d had no desire whatsoever to be in one of any kind.

  Hell, she couldn’t even remember ever seeing a man in real life and thinking that he was good-looking, let alone been physically attracted to one.

  And now her brain and body had been commandeered by an arrogant jerk who probably went through women like she did towns.

  Why? Why, why, why?

  The bell rang, startling Lacey out of her daze. She shuffled to her next class, anxiety blooming inside her chest. Maybe hanging out with Sammy every now and then won’t be such a bad thing, she thought. Zane hadn’t popped into her mind once during the thirty minutes she’d spent with Sammy, and that goofball was safe—sure, he was funny and kind of cute, but she didn’t and would never like him in that way...

  And something told her that the feeling was mutual.

  Chapter 28

  When he saw the dusty black bicycle zip into the driveway, Zane’s heart rate tripled. But then he saw the smile on Samuel’s face and his heart stopped. He had never seen the boy look so goddamn happy...

  And he knew Lacey was responsible.

  Samuel jumped off the bike and then proceeded to skip across the side yard. Fucking skip. Zane leaned closer to the basement window, narrowed his eyes. And he was whistling. Fucking whistling.

  Zane took a deep breath, released it slowly, and then, after donning what he hoped looked like a genuine smile, yanked open the basement door. “Samuel,” he called in the most cheery voice he could muster.

  The boy’s head snapped up and his smile widened, which did not seem possible, as he sprinted over to Zane. “I had the best. Day. Ever!”

  Zane forced a chuckle as he clapped Samuel on the back. “And you can tell me all about it over dinner,” he said, ushering the boy into the basement.


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