My Only One

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My Only One Page 6

by Goode, Ella

  “Hey, you shouldn't be lifting me!” I snip at him.

  This man is the worst at following doctor’s orders. My eyes immediately go to where I know he’s hurt. I try to lift his shirt but he stops me. My head snaps up to meet his eyes. I can tell from the sheepish look on his face he’s trying to hide something. I bet he overdid it last night and he’s hurting today. I’m about to push the issue but he interrupts me.

  “Food, darling.” He kisses me. For a moment I get lost in it. I know what he’s doing but I allow it for now. He thinks he’s so slick with his distractions. I give in, knowing that I have all day to see exactly how his body is doing after all of that exertion last night.

  “I’m starving,” I say as I begin to scoot down from the sink. I give him a quick kiss and head for the kitchen. “Are you coming or are you going to stare at my ass all day?”

  He smiles big and wide. “I’m going to be coming as soon as I get you fed. You’re lucky I still have some sense left with you prancing around in my shirt.” I shake my head at him and add a little extra sway to my hips.

  I moan as I take the last bite of the frittata that Mack made from scratch. I’m so full that I feel sleepy but I know I need to make sure that he’s okay. “How much are you hurting today?” I watch as he thinks about his answer carefully.

  “I’m fine.” I don’t believe him so I get up and motion for him to lift his shirt. He reluctantly does it. “They don’t hurt,” he says as my eyes land on his angry-looking incisions. I immediately feel bad because I shouldn’t have let him get so physical last night, but we got wrapped up in the moment.

  “We’re taking it easy today.” Mack sighs before he grabs me by my waist and pulls me into his lap. I let him because I crave the intimacy with him. He kisses me slowly, calming me down.

  “Fine. We’ll take it easy today,” he concedes as he plays with a lock of my hair. “Since I’m hurt, you can ride my cock all day while I watch.” He’s so pleased with his solution that it makes me smile.

  Chapter 16


  The doorbell rings before Dally and I can get our clothes off.

  “Let’s ignore it,” I whisper against her mouth.

  But it rings again and then again. She pushes me off. “Go get rid of whoever is there.”

  “Fine. Fine,” I grumble as I plod toward the door. I check out the security cam and see a person wearing a bunny suit carrying an Easter egg basket. “Uh, did you order a singing telegram?”

  “No. Why?” Dally comes over to join me in the entry.

  I point to the camera as the person waves.

  “Is that...who I think it is?” Dally sputters.

  With a heavy sigh, I wrench open the door. “Mom. Really?”

  My cat mewls in dismay at the giant furry bunny in my door. Dally reaches down to pick her up.

  “How can you tell it’s me?” Mom’s voice is muffled by the giant rabbit head.

  “I didn’t. It was Dally.” I reach over and pull the head off.

  Mom shakes her long hair out and frowns. “I’m in a rabbit suit and only Dally and your cat recognize me? I’m disappointed.” She waves her mittened hand toward the drive, where I see my dad’s black Maybach idling.

  I guess we aren’t having any morning sex. I back out of the doorframe so my mom can enter. “Do you want some coffee?”

  “I would love some.” She leans forward and kisses Dally’s cheek. “How are you, darling?”

  “Good. It’s great to see you, Luna. You look fabulous in your rabbit costume.”

  “Thank you. Mack’s father said—”

  “Mom, please, no stories about what Dad thinks of you in that getup.” I shudder. My erections will die forever under the weight of that image.

  “You’re such a prude, my dear. Please tell me he isn’t so shy with you, darling.”

  Dally flushes. “Um...I...ah.”

  “Luna, sweetheart, you’re embarrassing the child,” announces Dad. He walks in and, unfortunately, I catch him patting my mom’s bunny-clad ass before I can turn away.

  “I thought nightmares only happened while you were sleeping,” I mutter under my breath as I walk into the kitchen.

  At my side, Dally giggles. “It could be worse. We could’ve been undressed.”

  “I wouldn’t have answered the door.”

  Dally rubs my shoulder. “It’s fine. I love your parents. They’re always so cute together.”

  I glance over to see the two of them sitting down at the table with my mom perched on my dad’s lap. As a kid, I found it slightly cringey how they were always all over one another but I guess it could be worse. They could hate each other and be fighting all the time. I carry the cups of coffee over and set them on the table.

  “Sit down. Sit down.” Mom motions for us to join them. She leans over and in a low, serious voice says, “I have some interesting news—”

  “Your mom has been investigating—” my dad interrupts.

  “I’ve been looking into things as any concerned mother would,” she finishes.

  “Oh, Mom,” I sigh.

  “I’m looking out for you. You’re my baby.”

  “I was born five minutes after Star.”

  “Like I said, my baby.” She tries to lift her coffee mug but her paws are too big and cumbersome so my dad does it for her, holding the cup steady while she takes a sip.

  I glance toward my dad, who is looking at Mom as if she’s the most beautiful being in the room, like the light starts and ends with her. Is that how I look at Dally? I turn to see her staring at my parents, too, before her eyes slide over to meet mine. Her cheeks turn pink. Yeah, she’s thinking the same thing. Under the table, my hand finds hers. Someday we’re going to have kids and we’ll still be disgustingly infatuated with one another and I fucking love that. I squeeze her hand hard before threading my fingers through hers. Turning back to Mom, I say, “I’m all ears.”

  “Before you get upset, know that I do this only because I love you.”

  I take a bracing gulp of my coffee. Dally tightens her fingers against mine.

  “I went over to the house of that man—the one who shot you and he’s—”

  “Dead. I know,” I say.

  “I told you he would go over there,” my dad says.

  “Oh. Why didn’t you call and let me know?” Mom sits back with a disappointed look on her face.

  “I didn’t think of it.”

  “I guess it’s a relief. You won’t have to go through the trial and all. Here—” She gestures for my dad. “You might as well have these.”

  Dad tosses a few digital photos out onto the table. They are of the front door of the widow’s house.

  “I’m surprised I didn’t catch you. I must’ve gone over after you left.”

  “You’re losing your touch.” I joke about how she was once a terrible private investigator. It’s how she met Dad.

  “That may be so. I wasn’t even able to access your medical records. They’re so strict now. And suspicious. I told them that I was your mother. I even showed them my driver’s license.” She makes a disgruntled face.

  “There, there. I’ll buy the hospital for you,” my dad consoles her.

  “I don’t think that would make it legal for Mom to read the medical records of patients.”

  Dad glares at me. “She’s only going to read yours and Star’s.”

  “Obviously,” Dally adds with a laugh.

  “Oh ho, so you’re going to gang up on me, too,” I tease.

  “I have to stand by your mother. Women’s solidarity.” She holds up her palm, which my mom promptly slaps.

  “Better get your mom some coffee cake,” Dad advises.

  “I don’t have any coffee cake.”

  “I brought some from your aunt’s. It’s in the car. Bring in the basket, too. It’s for Dally.”

  “How did you know that Dally was here—” I hold up a hand. My mom and dad literally met because she was stalking him so I shouldn’t
ask dumb questions. I know the answer already. “Wait. You don’t have to answer that.”

  I push away from the table and as I’m walking away, I hear my mom say, “So when’s the wedding? I was thinking we could have it at the estate. I’ve been wanting the grounds to be redone and this would be the perfect excuse. Mack’s father got a gift of swans the other day. Can you imagine? Who gives swans? Anyway, I was thinking—”

  I go out to the car with a smile on my face. I knew my family liked Dally but hearing them welcome her into the fold with open arms gives me a lot of pleasure. She’s loved—not just by me but my whole family. I grab the coffee cake and speed back inside. Now I just need to get rid of my parents so I can get to work on starting my own family. I need my own set of kids to annoy.

  Chapter 17


  “You getting excited about going to Paris?” I ask Maisie as I take a bite of my burger that I had delivered to my office. Maisie and the food arrived at the same time. I knew exactly what she would want without having to ask her. We were roommates for most of our college days. There isn’t a lot we don’t know about each other. We learned to lean on one another during those days. Our bond continued even into adulthood. Her family back then was basically absent from her life. All of that family drama changed once her wife Star entered the picture. There is nothing that she wouldn’t do for Maisie and I’m pretty sure she strong-armed her family somehow since they suddenly became more active in her life. The Castiles are more her family than anyone. I am lucky to be surrounded by good people. Maisie is one of those friends that you hold on to. She is always there through thick and thin. She is loyal and trustworthy. She’s pretty much the best.

  I'm happy with the friendships that I’ve made and kept over the years. The Castiles have become a part of that too. Through Maisie, I’ve found a makeshift family in them. Although Maisie’s family may not be around a ton, mine were missing in action. I can’t remember the last time my mom even bothered to call me. I don’t try and call her anymore. I always wind up disappointed so now I don’t even make the effort. It’s always the same story with her, one new number after another. I just wait for her to pop up randomly without a call. It’s been awhile so I’m sure she’ll pop up one of these days. I wish I had a mom like Luna. Someone that I could confide in and ask questions. Someone that could give me advice when it came to Mack. Don’t get me wrong, girlfriends are great but sometimes you need your mom.

  “Of course. I love it there.” Star goes at least once a year to put on an exhibit. She and Maisie always stay for a few weeks. Last time I think they ended up there for a month. I love that she gets to do that. Maisie was always adrift until Star came along. They are good together. I’ll never tell her this but I hate it when she’s gone for any length of time. It’s hard not seeing her for that long. She is the closest thing I have to family. We normally meet up at least once a week for lunch or dinner. It has been a few weeks since we’ve gotten a chance with everything that has gone down. Mack is still healing. He is pretty much a hundred percent now but he is milking it. He thinks he’s pulling the wool over my eyes but I’m on to him.

  “I thought we’d eat over at Mack’s for dinner tonight but lunch is fine,” she says. Her burger sits untouched as she wiggles in her seat. She’s fishing for information. I shrug, trying to play it cool. I want to spill everything about Mack and me but I’m not sure what to share. Is this still a fling? Do people say I love you during flings? Maybe we are the exception to the rule because we do love each other. We always have on some level before this even started. Above all else we are friends.

  “I don’t live there,” I remind her. I thought lunch at the office would be best. I didn't have to worry about messing with any lines. I know technically she’s Mack’s sister-in-law but I just can’t invite people over to his house. I’m not sure why I’m even staying there still. He doesn’t need someone to take care of him anymore. In fact, tonight I’ll probably stay home. My stomach turns at the idea of not crawling into bed with him before I go to sleep. I’ve grown used to his cuddling. Sleeping will never be the same again.

  “You guys were awfully handsy at family dinner the other night.” This is true. Mack was all over me. He is starting to remind me of his father. I always laugh at how his parents are together. I think it’s adorable. I just never thought about being on the receiving end of something like that. I don’t think I’ve ever thought of myself being in any kind of relationship, to be honest. For years all of my fantasies have been about Mack. There wasn’t a drive to have sex with anyone else so I ignored it. I went about my life and focused all of my time and energy on starting my company.

  “He was only using me as a buffer so everyone would leave him alone.” Everyone is still on high alert. It was the first family dinner since everything went down. Every person at that table was asking questions and wanting to hug on Mack. He put me in his lap and didn't move, trying to use me as a shield against his own family. It is actually a little funny, now that I think back on it. No one looked shocked to see me in Mack’s lap. You would think that it’s a normal everyday occurrence. It’s almost as if they expected it. I’m going to say they were all still recovering from him being shot to think about why he was all over me.

  “When do you leave again?” I ask, changing the subject back to France.

  “Well.” She shifts in her seat. “We can’t stay as long as normal this time. We have to get back.” She wiggles in her seat more and I can see now she is almost bursting to tell me something. “We have been seeing a fertility specialist. When we get back we’re going to start trying for a baby.” I let out a small scream as I jump up from my chair to run over to give her a hug. She’s been hinting about babies here and there over the past year. Star will give Maisie anything she wants and if being a mom is something Maisie desires, Star is going to make sure it happens. Both of them are going to make excellent parents.

  “I’m so happy for you.” I pull back from the hug to see that she is smiling so big. Her eyes are filled with happy tears. “You’re going to make a wonderful mom.”

  “You’re going to make a kickass aunt.” She hugs me again. “Maybe a mom one day too.” Her small comment makes my stomach drop. Everything inside of me freezes. Sometimes for being such a smart person I can be really freaking stupid. I was on birth control. The key word being was. I’d forgotten all about it since I started staying at Mack’s. I haven't taken it in weeks. I have a sudden urge to smile yet cry simultaneously. My mind starts racing with the possibility of me being pregnant with Mack’s baby. I’m internally freaking out.

  “I could be pregnant,” I whisper. Maisie pulls back from the hug with her eyes wide and her mouth dropped open. Her face probably looks the same as mine right now. Then her expression turns into a smile.

  “What if we end up pregnant at the same time!” She starts to jump up and down. I drop back down into my chair. Of course she would be celebrating as I’m about to have an emotional breakdown. The only thing I can concentrate on are the what if’s. What if Mack doesn’t want a baby, what if this ruins our friendship and my greatest fear of all, what if he stays with me because of the baby and not because he loves me? I’m on the verge of tears but I hold them back, not wanting to ruin Maisie’s good news. It looks like living in the moment isn’t going to work anymore. I am going to have to face reality if it turns out that I am pregnant.

  Chapter 18


  Dally is real quiet when she gets into the car. I fiddle with the air conditioner. “This good for you?”

  She nods and then rests her head against the window as if the day has taken its toll on her.

  “Bad day?” I ask because her feeling blue and me not doing anything about it isn’t an option.

  “No. Not really.”

  That doesn’t sound very honest. “Heard you had lunch with Maisie. She tell you the good news?”


  I give her a worried look. “Should we g
o buy something for them? Like, I don’t know, booties or hats?” I don’t have a lot of interaction with babies but it seems like they’re always wrapped in a blanket with their heads covered or little footies on.

  “Sure. If you want,” comes the unenthusiastic response.

  I’m growing worried. “Do you need ice cream?”

  “Ice cream?”

  “Yeah. Doesn’t that make everyone feel better?” I mean, for me, sex would erase any bad mood, but as dumb as I am even I know that’s not the right response in this situation. “Nah, but seriously, you look unhappy and that doesn’t sit well with me. If I did something, let me know or if there’s someone I can beat up on your behalf, it’d be my pleasure. Final option, I can just shut up and drive.”

  “It’s none of those,” she says quietly.

  Silence falls again, tight and heavy in the car. I have a moment of indecision and then drive to the river. The valet at the car park opens the door for Dally, who looks confused.

  “Ice cream,” I say. “There’s that vendor down at the shore that serves the homemade stuff, remember?”

  “Oh, right.”

  I toss the keys to the valet. “Keep the engine warm,” I tell him. When I reach Dally’s side, I tuck her arm into my elbow and lead her down the concrete walkway. There’s a slight breeze that tickles the hair along Dally’s forehead. I reach over and brush the strands away from her face.

  “I was thinking about getting a new place,” I say.

  “What’s wrong with your house? Are you moving away?” There’s an edge of panic to her voice.


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