by Eric Warren
Claxia Prime – Claxian Homeworld
D’jattan – Old mining asteroid turned into a trading depot
Starbase Eight – Coalition stronghold and first line of defense against Sargan incursions
Kathora – geocrystalline world used to mine cyclax. Deadly to humans without protection
Omicron Terminus – Trinary Star System including two gas supergiants far outside Coalition space
Excel Nebula – stellar nursery deep within Coalition space
Cypaxia – planet often used for relaxation. The planet is lush with flora, the dominant fauna having been killed off thousands of years ago when the Coalition first settled
Sissk – border world just inside Coalition space. Unique as it has twelve sentient species who evolved at the same time
Norcon – a system fifty-four light-years from the Excel Nebula
Senoj’A – planet unofficially annexed by the Sargan Commonwealth, sits in non-aligned space
Naraka – a system close to the Excel Nebula
Human – one of the founding members of the Coalition and central to its operation. Humans can be found on any of a hundred different worlds in the Coalition and often hold high positions of power within the organization. Worked with the Claxians to be the founding members.
Claxian – Founding members of the Coalition and pacifists with advanced technology. Lived as isolationists until first contact by the humans over two thousand years ago. Helped form the Coalition to spread peace through the galaxy.
Untuburu – Early members of the Coalition. Highly religious to their god Kor. Untuburu are the only Coalition members not required to wear uniforms as their religion requires the sacred blue robes be the only garments worn off world. Wear metal exoskeletons to help them integrate with Coalition society.
Yax-Inax – Early members of the Coalition. Studious, have perfect memory and can retain huge amounts of information. Often integrate themselves into other cultures to learn as much as possible. Easily identified by their six eyes and four arms.
Sargans – Generally human but can also pertain to other species who have joined the Sargan Commonwealth. Sargans are humans who want to be lawless, or at least out from under the thumb of the Coalition.
Sil – Unknown species of great power. The Coalition has reached a tentative treaty with the Sil not to violate their borders under any circumstances. Their empire is large. Sil seem to share symbiotic relationships with their ships but not much is known about this phenomenon at this time.
Derandar – tri-pedal and tall, with very dense skeletons and muscular systems. Can breathe almost any atmosphere and usually stand two or more meters tall. Relatively new to the Coalition.
Dorsai – same height as humans with gray skin and large, glowing green eyes. Where ears would be on a human, antennae reside there instead. Excellent at spatial theory.
Scorb – a heavy-type of brewed drink
Firebrand – liquor much like whiskey
Tooth Melter – a sweet, sugary alcoholic drink
Rank – a drink brewed from the hops of Caldonia
Galvanium – a type of metal used in ship construction
Cyclax – a type of metal used in ship reinforcement, mined by the Coalition
Alchuriam ore – an obsolete type of metal
Clastus Orb – a unique piece of magnetized glass forged into a sphere. They are meant to bring good luck on long journeys and it is often said those who give them are friends for life
Calorcium – a medical material filled with nanobots, injectable into wounds in order to repair/rebuild
Yaarn – a mammalian by-product grown for consumption
Grande-Grande – a spaceborne creature
Author’s Note
If you’ve reached this point in the book I feel I must apologize for the emotional rollercoaster I just put you through. Trust me, I didn’t want things to end up the way they did and if it had been up to me, they wouldn’t have. When I went into this book I had a completely different plan as to how the story would go.
But sometimes things don’t always go the way they’re supposed to. And we have to keep moving forward. The ending of this book surprised me as much as it did you, I’m sure.
On that note, I just want to take a minute to thank all the people who helped make this book a reality. First, to my ARC and beta readers who have become completely indispensable to me: Kay, Meenaz, Mandy, Katie, Lori and Barrie, thank you. You caught all my mistakes and made this book print-ready. You guys are awesome and I couldn’t do this without you.
To Dan Van Oss, my cover designer: I am blown away at the quality of covers you keep coming up with. Each is better than the last in some magical way. Thanks for working with me and making this series beautiful.
To Tiffany, my editor: your notes do nothing but improve the quality of my work. You make my words flow and get rid of all the unnecessary stuff. You’ve made me write tighter and better with each book. Thanks for always being there and always being consistent.
To you, the reader: you are the reason I write. I have always believed that you come first and my job is to keep you entertained. I hope you find me worthy to continue on this lofty goal long after you’ve put this particular book down.
Finally, to my wife. Thank you for being you and supporting me through this journey. I couldn’t do it without you.
Sincerely and with a full heart,
Eric Warren
About the Author
I’ve always been an author, but I haven’t always known it. It took a few tragic events in my life and a lot of time for me to figure it out.
But I’ve never had a problem creating stories. Or creating in general. I wasn’t the creative person in any of my classes in school, I was always the kid who never spoke but always listened. I was the one who would take an assignment and pour my heart into it, as long as it meant I could do something original.
I didn’t start writing professionally until 2014 when I tackled the idea of finishing a novel-length book. Before then I had always written in some capacity, even as far back as elementary school where I wrote pages of stories about creatures under the earth.
It took a few tries and a few novels under my belt before I figured out what I was doing, and I’ve now finished my first series and am hard at work on my second (which you hold in your hands now!). I am thrilled to be doing this and couldn’t imagine doing anything else with my life.
I hope you enjoy the fruits of my labor. May they bring you as much joy as they bring me.
Having lived in both Virginia and California in the past, I currently reside in Charlotte, NC with my very supportive wife and two small pugs.
Visit me at my website