Instalove Island: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 82)

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Instalove Island: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 82) Page 7

by Flora Ferrari

  I pause trying to size up everything he’s saying. I think back to those devilish smiles he would give me just before the outlandish challenges.

  “You really think I was going to let the entire world see my sister naked? Okay, it would be censored for television, but still. No freaking way! And I knew you felt just as strongly so I set up the challenge and it played out exactly as I thought.”

  “What about that wave. I could have died.”

  “Very unlikely. Injury was probably greater than fifty percent but you’re a huge guy who has surfed before. Your body can sustain some impact, although I definitely was hoping that wouldn’t happen. And your prior surf experience was the wildcard that I was hoping would make the whole thing successful. And did you ever pull it off. I should thank you in advance for the ratings that’s going to bring in by the way.”

  “So you did it for the ratings?”

  “I did it for the two of you. I could have had contestants eat weird stuff like they used to on Fear Factor. That gets ratings, but we’ll be able to spin a lot of the stuff you did into some real fear marketing which should do almost as good.”

  “Great so I was just a pawn in your game.”

  “You were a pawn in your own game and you needed to get out of your own way and become your king…and make my sister your queen in the process. By the way, the one hundred thousand was my wedding gift to you. You’re welcome.”

  “Wedding gift?”

  “Come on, man. You think I don’t know you after all these years? You two will be engaged by the time you land back in L.A. I bet you’ve got it planned for tonight.”

  I pause not wanting him to read into my body language. He’s already said enough because he already knows enough.

  “Not my business and I don’t want to know actually. All I’ve got to say is congratulations and good luck. When we get back to L.A. we’ll sit down, have a beer, and laugh about all this. But until then I’m staying out of your way and my sister’s way. Have fun the last couple days here. You two have earned it…most importantly with each other.”

  He stands and doesn’t offer me his hand, but pats me on the shoulder instead and just walks off.

  Damn. I guess you don’t become a producer on a top TV show without reading between the lines of human nature more than a little.

  And he read the two of us like open books and then played us like fiddles.

  But I can’t be mad because he did it for the benefit of both of us. He basically gave us what we both want, which was obvious to everyone apparently.

  “You okay,” Isabella says as I feel her arms wrap around my waist.

  “Yeah, I think so,” I say.

  “My brother just walked by and he said, ‘Congratulations, and have fun.’ It sounded odd and out of place. Do you have any idea what he’s talking about?”

  “I do now.” I pause and try not to smile at the elaborate game he set up for us to win each other in the end. “I do now.”



  Isaiah takes my hand and walks me down to the beach where we rode the horses. I can’t say it’s as amazing as under the moonlight on the back of a white horse, but it is pretty incredible.

  We continue walking along for another thirty minutes or so as I ask him a few times, “Where are you taking me?” in anticipation and excitement.

  But he won’t say.

  Until finally we round a corner and I see it.

  “No?” I say.

  “Oh yes,” he says.

  Not twenty minutes later I’m watching fish swim directly below me in the glass bottom floor of our over-water bungalow at the Sofitel Moorea Ia Ora Beach Resort.

  “I don’t even want to ask how much this cost,” I say as I wiggle my feet against the glass and watch the fish swim towards them from below.

  “To rent it cost pieces of paper, or in this case numbers in a computer at a bank somewhere. But to experience it with the only woman that matters? That’s priceless.”

  I pull my chair up to him and give him a big hug right when we hear a knock on the door.

  “Your Hinanos,” the staff member says.

  Not a minute later we’ve got our feet up on the deck as we clink bottles as we watch the sun begin its descent into the waterline off in the distance.

  The crystal clear lagoon with the white sand beaches and the jagged green mountains reaching into the clouds sits behind us…while our entire future lies in front of us.

  Being here is to experience the ultimate in French elegance and Polynesian comfort.

  I know somewhere in the hotel there is a infinity edged pool, but right now the only pool is the one forming in the corner of my eye.

  “Are you okay?” Isaiah says putting his arm around me.

  I get up out of my chair and get in his, curling up in his lap.

  “Yeah, perfect actually,” I say in-between a couple of sniffs.

  “You’re not acting perfect.”

  I laugh. “I’m just so overwhelmed by everything…by this…by us. It’s literally a dream come true. My dream come true.”

  “Well, are you ready to get overwhelmed a little more?” Isaiah says as he stands up and carefully sets me back down in the chair.

  He moves the chair, with me still in it, over the top of the glass bottom.

  “What are you doing?”

  “The way the last light from the setting sun is reflecting off the water and up through this glass illuminates you perfectly as you should always be. As an angel. My angel.”

  I don’t even have the words to describe how incredible he’s making me feel right now.

  And then he takes me higher when he lowers himself to a knee.

  He removes a small, black velvet box from his pocket and opens it to display an absolutely gorgeous pearl ring.

  “I know engagement rings are normally diamonds, but I also know you are absolutely one of a kind…and you deserve a one of a kind ring that always reminds us of this island where our life first started…together. And what better way than the pearls that have made French Polynesia famous?” he begins.

  “Isabella…my bella…this has been the best time of my life because of you. But it’s just the beginning. I want to sip wine under the Tuscan sun with you. I want to pop champagne at the top of the Eiffel Tower with you. I want to bathe with you in tide pools from Fraser Island to Cardiff, California. And then do it all over again when we have a home full of sons and daughters of our own. And the first step towards those dreams start with this dream…you being my wife. I promise to love and cherish you more than any man ever loved a woman in the history of the world, if you will promise to be mine. Will you marry me?”

  I thought I got the tears stopped, but darn it if he didn’t make them come right back.

  I nod. “Yes,” I say softly and he takes my hand and slides the ring on my finger.

  A perfect fit.

  I reach for his face and pull it towards me as we kiss as the sun sets in the distance and our beers sit beside us.

  The air will get cooler now and the beers warmer, but none of that matters.

  All that matters is each other as he scoops me up and carries me to the bed to the sound of the creaking boards beneath our feet as the waves wash in under us and waves of love wash over us.

  And now that they’re married we both know that those waves of passion, respect, and love will do exactly that…forever.



  The lights from Tahiti are just starting to twinkle off in the distance as are the lights from the stars above our bungalow.

  But none shine as bright as the ones in her eyes.

  And to know I’m the one that put them there makes my chest swell with pride.

  This secluded setting is perfect for us. The front desk told us that this “leaf” of their accommodations was entirely empty for tonight…except for us.

  It’s an extremely rare occurrence and it’s occurred more than once to me that
means we can do everything we want to do, completely uninhibited, until the sun comes up at a minimum.

  I lay her down on the white sheets feeling that same hunger with which I claimed her the other night in such a romantic and passionate way as I stood in the ocean.

  But this is our first time as a couple engaged to be married and I want to make love to her and show her everything she means to me. I want to take my time and explore every inch of her body, and I know I will.

  The only question is can I hold out and do it the first time through because right now I’m so damn hard for her I could come just thinking about how bad I want to get inside of her.

  “So much for eating first,” she says.

  I stand over the foot of the bed staring at her. My woman. “Oh I’m going to eat all right. Why don’t you take your clothes off and spread those beautiful legs of yours open and let me show you just how hungry I am.”

  Her eyes light up and open wider as she quickly slides out of her bottoms and tugs her top up over her head as I slide out of my shorts and underwear and have my T-shirt off in record time, never taking my eyes off her delicious body…the one I’m ready to feast on like a hungry wolf.

  She unhooks her bra and quickly tosses it to the side, freeing her breasts. I can see a tiny mark from the material on her and I’m already jealous of the fabric. I’m the only one who should mark her.

  Her face, neck and body with my kisses.

  Her globes with a firm smack.

  And her womb with my seed.

  I’m going to run my lips all over her and watch as her body reddens from the heat of my touch and the scruffiness of my facial hair as it drags along her skin, reminding her of my masculinity…not that she’s ever going to forget for the rest of her days.

  I’m going to make her feel as feminine as the little flower, the butterfly, that she is…always.

  And when she slides out of those pristine white panties my thoughts of planting my seed inside my flower and watching it grow inside her for nine months until she makes me a father overwhelm me.

  I dive head first onto the bed my mouth finding her opening and I kiss her cunt hard.

  She moans and her hands immediately come down hard on the top of my skull, grabbing my hair and guiding me into her hole as I twist and twirl my tongue inside her before flicking it up against the bottom of her nub just before my mouth moves over the top of it. I cover her clit with my lips and suck it in like the real pearl that it is before releasing it from my mouth, but keeping it covered by my lips.

  I blow my hot breath against it and then suck in hard, feeling it move towards me which causes me to flick it again and again and again with the tip of my tongue.

  I place one finger at her opening and slowly slide it inside, her pussy just as tight as before as I work myself inside.

  I breathe in deep, inhaling her sweetness from such close proximity for the first time. I feel beads of come covering my cock as I try to keep my body angled on the bed so my dick doesn’t touch her skin, knowing that just the simplest of skin to skin contact will have me exploding…because it’s her skin…and she is mine.

  As I move a finger in and out of her and lick her clit in circles she moans deeply and consistently and I know I’m in the right spot.

  But for me her whole body is the right spot. Every part of her gets me so fired up that I can barely contain myself.

  But this isn’t about me. This is about her.

  Until it becomes about me when she coats my lips with her sticky sweetness even more.

  I slide in a second finger finding her gushy spot and I give it the come hither it deserves, pulling an orgasm from her my ultimate goal.

  And damn am I close.

  The G-spot plus clitoral stimulation is the one two punch that’s going to get me the knockout that I’m after.

  I want her head spinning all the way down as she feels like she’s falling…and she is.

  More and more in love with me each second and she knows I’m always there to catch her. To keep her safe.

  I need to get her to the peak and bring her mind-blowing orgasms each and every time.

  When her torso comes flying up off the mattress I know that’s exactly what’s about to happen.

  Just as I feel her explode in my mouth her body falls back and her thighs lock onto my skull as her fingernails dig into my scalp as she twists and turns on the sheets, convulsing so hard we literally fall out of the bed.

  But her thighs are locked on me and as we slide across the floor, spinning and rolling until we finally still.

  Her thighs release as I drink up the last of her gift and pull my head back so I can breathe.

  I look straight down and see the ocean floor, wondering if I’m still alive or if something happened to us, I’m dreaming, or something beyond my ability of comprehension.

  Suddenly I hear her laugh. “Look where you are,” she says.

  I blink a few times and use the direction of her voice as a guide.

  I lift my head up and realize I was facing down into the ocean.

  “I was swimming inside you and then when you released me all I could see was another kind ocean.”

  “Did you just compare me to the beauty of the ocean?” she asks.

  “I would never do that as I wouldn’t want to make the ocean even more jealous of you.”

  Her hands tug at my head and I oblige, kissing her softly.

  “Well let’s give that ocean a front row seat into exactly what it’s missing,” she says.



  He scoops me up off the floor and carries me to the balcony.

  I reach up and grab a hold of the thatched roof made of coconut palms as I look out to the ocean.

  We have the farthest bungalow from the beach so no one can see us from either side.

  I feel his hands on my hips from behind before one comes off only for me to feel it again when he brings it down on my globe.

  My back arches and I press my ass into his hand, feeling his precome covered cock against my skin in the process.

  “I told myself I was going to make love to you first,” he says.

  “We’ve got all night for that. First I want you to take me,” I say.

  “Take you right here,” he says running two fingers through my folds.

  “Right there exactly,” I say just before I feel him pull the two fingers from my lips.

  “You know how crazy the taste of you drives me?”

  “As crazy as I feel when your mouth is on me.”

  He kisses the back of my neck and my eyes close.

  His hand reaches around and he grabs my breast, kneading it in-between his thick fingers while his other hand comes crashing down on my ass again.

  “Fuck me,” I say, not able to take this any more.

  I hear a hiss as he suck in air through clenched teeth.

  His hand comes off my ass and he grabs his shaft, lining the head of his rod up to my opening before running the tip through my folds.

  I come up on my tiptoes and then down trying to will his dick inside me, but his hips are too fast.

  “Your pussy is hungry for my cock. You need it like my cock needs your pussy.”

  “One taste and my pussy was addicted,” I say. “Now feed my addiction.”

  “Dinner is…served,” he says as his cock thrust inside me.

  My mouth opens wide as I wasn’t as ready for his girth as I first thought.

  But as he pulls out slowly and then works his way in even more slowly, my walls open for him, every nerve ending inside me feeling his size and strength.

  “Faster,” I say.

  His hips pick up their pace and soon I feel his pelvis slamming into my ass as he slaps the jiggle he creates each and every time until he palms my ass with one hand and holds it in place as he moves in and out of me.

  “Fuck, you feel so perfect. I want to feel you come on my cock again and again and again.”

  “Oh. Keep t
alking like that and you’re going to feel an explosion,” I say gripping the indigenous roofing tighter as he enters me deeper.

  His hand leaves my breast and knifes into my hair tugging it back slightly and exposing my neck, which he quickly kisses.


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