The American Story

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The American Story Page 42

by David M. Rubenstein

personal life of, 161–67, 177–79, 183–84

  physical appearance of, 160, 162–64, 169, 171, 173, 177, 183

  politics of, 161, 164–66, 179–80, 190

  popularity and fame of, 160–66, 176–78, 181–82

  Roosevelt and, 161, 166, 180–81

  and son’s kidnapping and murder, 161, 163–65, 179

  transatlantic flight of, 160–63, 165, 167, 169–77, 179, 183

  writing of, 174–75, 178

  Lindbergh, Reeve, 179

  Long, Breckinridge, 202–3

  Louisiana, 52, 62, 119

  MacArthur, Douglas, 181, 207, 213–14, 222, 227–28

  McCarthy, Joe, 208, 211, 238

  McClellan, George, 151–53

  McCloy, John J., 202, 224–25

  McCullough, David, xv on Adams, 26–44, 115

  on history, 26–27, 30, 35, 37

  McNamara, Robert, 245, 295

  Madison, Dolley, 46, 89, 117–18 Jefferson and, 63, 118, 130, 133

  physical appearance of, 125–27, 131–32

  Madison, James, 7, 46, 68, 82, 119, 261 and Articles of Confederation, 12–13, 18

  Constitution and, 12–13, 79–80

  Franklin and, 91, 114

  Hamilton and, 71, 77–78, 83–84, 89

  personal life of, 55, 118, 131, 133

  presidency and, 15, 52, 131, 133

  Magna Carta, xii–xiii

  Mansfield, Mike, 284–85

  March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, 246–47, 251–52, 264–66

  Marshall, George C., 191, 207–8, 214–16, 218–20

  Marshall, John, 41, 55, 63, 208

  Marshall, Thurgood, 161, 262, 308, 357

  Master of the Senate (Caro), 273–74, 278, 283, 294

  Meacham, John, 45–66 on Jefferson, xiv, 45–59, 61–66, 104

  Means of Ascent (Caro), 273–74, 278, 294

  Miranda, Lin–Manuel, 68–70

  Monroe, James, 52, 63, 71, 119, 127

  Monticello, xiii, 20, 46, 53, 66

  Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 201–2, 205

  Morgenthau, Robert, 292

  Morris, Edmund, 319–21

  Morris, Robert, 75, 80

  Moses, Robert, 273–74, 277–78

  Mount Vernon, xiii, 60 Rubenstein’s visits to, 1–2

  slaves at, 23, 126

  Washingtons and, 1–4, 6, 10–11, 13, 21–23, 86, 118, 125, 128–30

  Napoleon I, Emperor of France, 11, 41, 49

  National Archives, x, xiii, 59–60, 120

  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 257–59, 262

  National Book Festival, x, xiv

  New York Times, 26, 60, 265–66, 294, 298, 302, 304

  9/11 attacks, 310–11

  1944 (Winik), 185–87, 195, 204–5

  Nixon, Richard M, 20, 247 Eisenhower and, 208–9, 223–24, 226–28

  executive power and, 297, 303

  final days of, 305–6, 313–14

  Kennedy and, 237, 240–42, 304–5

  pardon of, 306–7, 314

  physical appearance of, 240–41, 297, 303, 313

  presidency and, 143, 227–28, 234, 240–41, 263, 297–99, 303–6, 309–10, 312–14, 331

  resignation of, 298–99, 304–6, 314, 332

  speeches of, 128, 224, 305

  tapes of, 143, 297, 303–4

  vice presidency and, 208–9, 223–24, 226–27

  Watergate and, 298–99, 301, 304, 307, 313

  Woodward on, 297–99, 301–7, 309–10, 312–14

  No Ordinary Time (Goodwin), 137–38, 158

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 220–22

  Obama, Barack, xv, 298, 310–11, 316

  O’Connor, Sandra Day, 343, 351, 353, 355

  O’Reilly, Bill, 339

  Orteig, Raymond, 168–70

  Paine, Thomas, 10, 56

  Paris, Treaty of, 40, 75, 77, 92, 110, 112, 114

  Parting the Waters (Branch), 249–50, 253, 255

  Passage to Power, The (Caro), 273–74, 278, 294

  Path to Power, The (Caro), 273–74, 278, 294

  Patton, George, 203–4, 207, 215

  Pearl Harbor, 141, 166, 179–80, 186, 191, 214, 280

  Pershing, John J., 213

  Pierce, Franklin and Jane, 133–34

  Pillar of Fire (Branch), 249–50, 253, 255

  Plan of Attack (Woodward), 298, 311

  Poor Richard’s Almanac, 93, 100, 109

  Powell, Colin, 309

  Power Broker, The (Caro), 273–74, 277–78

  Presidency of George Washington, The (Warren), 1–2

  President Kennedy (Reeves), 229–30, 232, 234, 236

  Profiles in Courage (Kennedy), 237–38

  Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania, 104

  Ray, James Earl, 251, 272

  Rayburn, Sam, 274, 279–80, 282, 288

  Reagan, Nancy, 319, 322–23, 326–27, 336–37, 340

  Reagan, Ronald: acting career of, 317, 321–23, 325–29, 339

  assassination attempt on, 338–39

  Brands on, 317–41

  childhood and adolescence of, 319, 324–28

  debates of, 334–35, 339–40

  finances and, 325, 329, 337

  GE employment of, 329–30

  governorship of, 317–18, 322–23, 327–28, 330, 334

  injuries and death of, 338–40

  personality and demeanor of, 317–20, 326–27, 332–37, 340

  personal life of, 318, 322, 324–27, 339–41

  physical appearance of, 317, 322, 325, 330, 336, 339, 341

  politics of, 317–19, 321, 324, 328–30, 333–35, 337, 335–36

  presidency and, 65, 234, 309, 315, 317–24, 330–40, 349

  radio career of, 325, 328

  Roosevelt and, 317, 328–29

  SAG presidency of, 327–29

  speeches of, 321–24, 330–31, 335

  vice presidency and, 332–34

  Woodward on, 309, 315

  writing of, 325–27

  Reeves, Richard, 229–48

  Rehnquist, William H.: death of, 343, 352–53

  Roberts and, 342–43, 348–49, 352–53, 360

  Residence Act, 15–17

  Revolutionary War, 51, 129, 132, 140, 261 Adams and, 27, 32, 36, 38, 85, 110, 124

  duration of, 32–33

  end of, 40, 75, 77, 110

  finances and supplies in, 77, 80–81, 84

  Founding Mothers and, 117–20, 124–26, 128, 134

  Franklin and, 38, 93, 109–10, 136

  Hamilton and, 7, 18–19, 68, 72–77, 80, 84–85, 90

  Jefferson and, 7, 18–19, 30, 38

  letter writing in, 73–74

  Washington and, xvi, 1–11, 18–19, 23–24, 40, 59, 68–69, 73–77, 118, 125–26, 134

  Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, The (Morris), 320–21

  Roberts, Cokie, xv, 116–36

  Roberts, John G., Jr.: in arguing before Supreme Court, 343, 349–50

  clerkships of, 342–43, 347–49, 364

  on compensation for judges, 361–62

  early judicial career of, 343, 350–51

  as lawyer, 342–44, 349

  personality and demeanor of, 343–44, 364

  on Supreme Court, xv, 342–64

  Supreme Court nominations of, 343, 351–54

  Roe v. Wade, 308–9

  Rommel, Erwin, 192–93

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 137–38, 141, 144, 158

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., xvi, 156 Churchill and, 141, 195–97

  death of, 186, 197

  Eisenhower and, 207, 210, 215–16

  and extermination of Jews, 186, 200–204

  fireside chats of, 166, 190, 201

  Goodwin on, 137–42, 144, 158

  illnesses of, 186–87, 194–97, 202

  Johnson and, 274, 279–81

  Lindbergh and, 161, 166, 180–81

  Meacham on, 46, 49–50

  personality and demean
or of, 190, 194, 204, 328

  physical appearance of, 185, 195–96, 281

  presidency and, 35, 65, 161, 166, 180–81, 185–86, 190–92, 195–97, 201, 204, 207, 210, 215–16, 274, 284, 317, 324, 328

  Reagan and, 317, 328–29

  Winik on, 185–87, 190–92, 194–97, 200–204

  World War II and, 139, 141, 144, 161, 166, 180–81, 185–86, 190–92, 195–97, 204, 207, 214–16

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 194, 318, 320–21 Goodwin on, 137–39, 150

  Rowe, James H., 280

  Rubenstein, David M.: awards and honors of, 2, 68

  background of, xii–xiii, 46, 229–31, 250, 298, 314, 318

  Berg interviewed by, xv, 161–84

  Branch interviewed by, xv, 250–72

  Brands interview by, 318–41

  Caro interviewed by, xv, 274–96

  Chernow interviewed by, xv, 68–90

  Congressional Dialogues and, xiii–xiv

  C. Roberts interviewed by, xv, 117–36

  Goodwin interviewed by, xv, 138–59

  on history, xi–xiii, xvii

  Isaacson interviewed by, xv, 92, 94–115

  J.G. Roberts interviewed by, xv, 343–64

  McCullough interviewed by, xv, 27–44

  Meacham interviewed by, xiv, 45–66

  Mount Vernon visits of, 1–2

  patriotic philanthropy of, x, xiii

  Reeves interviewed by, 230–48

  Smith interviewed by, 207–28

  Warren interviewed by, 2–25

  Winik interviewed by, 186–205

  Woodward interviewed by, xv, 298–316

  Russell, Richard, 274, 282–84, 293–94

  Scalia, Antonin, 353, 355, 362–63

  Screen Actors Guild (SAG), 327–29

  Seward, William H., 144–45, 148–49, 153, 156–57

  Shadow (Woodward), 297, 306

  Shannon, Claude, 97

  Shriver, Sargent, 180, 245, 263

  Silence Dogood essays (Franklin), 99

  slaves, slavery, 16, 58, 126, 131 abolitionism and, 33, 51–52, 113, 146–48

  Adams and, 33, 56

  Civil War and, 53, 64, 153–54

  Constitution and, 52, 138, 146–47, 152

  freeing of, 1, 3, 23–24, 52–55, 65, 113, 146–47, 152–54, 157, 204, 255

  Jefferson and, xvi, 46–47, 51–56, 64–65

  Lincoln and, xvii, 145–47, 152–54, 157, 204

  Washington and, 1, 3, 23–24

  Smith, Jean Edward, 206–28

  Smith, Truman, 165

  Sorensen, Ted, 230, 238, 241

  Soviet Union, 95, 233, 272, 313, 323 Eisenhower and, 210, 226

  Kennedy and, 231, 242–45

  Reagan and, 315, 319, 349

  World War II and, 180, 186, 189–91, 193, 197–98, 203

  Spielberg, Steven, 138, 158–59

  Spirit of St. Louis (airplane), 160, 169–76

  Spirit of St. Louis, The (Lindbergh), 174–75, 177

  Stalin, Joseph, 185–86, 195–97, 210, 216

  Stanton, Edwin, 148–49, 157

  Stevens, Ned and Thomas, 71–72

  Stevenson, Adlai, 224, 237

  Stevenson, Margaret, 106

  Stewart, Potter, 180, 308

  Stone, William, 60

  Stuart, Gilbert, 15, 132

  Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, 262–63

  Suez Crisis, 210, 226

  Summary View of the Rights of British America, A (Jefferson), 56

  Summersby, Kay, 208, 218–19

  Sumner, Charles, 147

  Supreme Court, U.S., 88, 208, 223, 293 on abortion, 308–9

  Ali case and, 307–8

  briefs read by, 354–55

  cases argued before, 343, 349–50, 354–57

  cases discussed by, 354–55, 357–60

  civil rights and, 211, 250–51, 256, 258–59, 268, 293, 357

  clerks of, 342–43, 348–49, 360–61

  in deciding which cases to hear, 353–55, 357

  duties of chief justice of, 343, 358

  Roberts on, xv, 342–64

  Roberts’s nominations to, 343, 351–54

  Woodward on, 297, 307–9

  writing opinions of, 358–60

  Taft, Robert, 222–24, 284–85, 329

  Taft, William Howard, 137–39

  Talmadge, Herman, 283

  Team of Rivals (Goodwin), 137–39, 143–44, 158

  Tehran Conference, 195–96, 215–16

  Travell, Janet, 236

  Treasury building fire, 42

  Truman, Harry S., 26, 31, 210, 284, 328 Adams and, 28, 30, 35, 44

  Eisenhower and, 35, 218, 220–21

  Trump, Donald, 297–98, 316

  U-2 spy planes, 225–26, 244

  Valley Forge, 8, 59, 125–26

  Vienna Summit, 236, 242–43, 245

  Vietnam, Vietnam War, 33, 95, 179, 300, 304, 336 Johnson and, 142, 247, 275, 294–95

  Kennedy and, 232, 247

  opposition to, 142, 207, 250, 271

  voting rights, 53, 142, 156, 250, 255, 267–69, 275

  Vrba, Rudi, 200–201

  Wallace, George, 245, 268–69

  War of 1812, 59, 125, 131–32

  Warren, Earl, 293–94, 359

  Warren, Jack D., Jr.: on Revolutionary War, 2–11, 18–19, 23–24

  on Washington, 1–25

  Warren, Mercy Otis, 124, 136

  Washington, D.C., ix, 2, 59, 63, 88, 90, 141, 232, 237, 243, 306, 344 Adams and, 27, 29, 42

  building of, 15–16, 82, 129

  Carter and, 314, 336

  Civil War and, 151, 153

  Congressional Dialogues and, xiii–xiv

  Eisenhower and, 213–14, 218, 225

  Founding Mothers and, 118, 125, 131–34

  G. Washington and, 4, 6, 15–16

  Home Rule and, 120–21

  Jefferson and, 56, 63

  Johnson and, 279–80, 282, 284–85, 292–93

  King and, 251, 271

  Lincoln’s secret trip to, 150–51

  Lindbergh and, 167, 177

  naming of, 17–18

  physical appearance of, 42–43, 129, 132

  Residence Act and, 15–17

  Roberts and, 343, 349–52, 363

  Rubenstein and, xii–xiv, 230

  and War of 1812, 125, 131–32

  Watergate and, 300, 303

  Washington, George, 67–69, 71, 179 Adams and, 14–15, 20–22, 27, 29, 33, 35, 40–41, 85–86

  ambitions of, 4–5, 12–14

  awards and honors of, x, xiii, 89, 115

  cabinet of, 18–20, 50, 62, 80–83

  childhood and adolescence of, 2, 4, 7, 12

  Constitutional Convention and, 2–3, 7, 12–13, 69, 78

  Constitution and, xvi, 7, 12–14, 40

  Continental Congress and, 5, 74

  death and funeral of, 1, 3, 22–23, 25, 129

  farewell address of, 20–21, 84

  finances and, 7–8, 337

  Franklin and, 7, 12, 91, 103, 114

  French threat and, 21–22, 85–86

  Hamilton and, xvi, 7, 18–22, 68–69, 73–78, 80, 84, 86, 89

  Jefferson and, 7, 18–20, 52, 63–65

  personality and demeanor of, 3, 5–6, 8, 12–14, 17, 25, 40, 91, 113

  personal life of, 118, 125–30

  physical appearance of, 1, 5–7, 11, 15, 24, 35, 64, 125, 131–32

  presidency and, xvi, 2–3, 13–15, 18–19, 27, 35, 40–41, 52, 62–65, 80–83, 127–28, 130, 337

  public opinion on, 4, 6, 8, 12, 17, 21–22, 40, 86

  retirements of, 3, 10–11, 21–22, 40–41, 86, 129

  Revolutionary War and, xvi, 1–11, 18–19, 23–24, 40, 59, 68–69, 73–77, 118, 125–26, 134

  slavery and, 1, 3, 23–24

  Warren on, 1–25

  Washington, D.C. and, 4, 6, 15–16

  will of, 3, 23–24

  as Your Excellency, 14–15

Martha, xvi on Hamilton, 76–77

  husband’s death and, 23, 129

  personal and public life of, 117–18, 125–30

  physical appearance of, 24, 125–27

  Revolutionary War and, 6, 118, 125–26

  slavery and, 23–24

  Washington Post, 265–66, 284, 298–302, 306

  Watergate: Nixon and, 298–99, 301, 304, 307, 313

  Woodward on, 297–304, 307, 315

  Wetzler, Fred, 200–201

  Wiesel, Elie, 202

  Wilkins, Roy, 262

  Winik, Jay, 185–205 on Hitler, 186–94, 197, 200

  on Roosevelt, 185–87, 190–92, 194–97, 200–204

  Wofford, Harris, 241, 246, 263

  Woodward, Bob, xv, 297–316 background of, 298–300

  on Carter, 314–15

  on Clinton, 315–16

  on executive power, 297–98, 303

  on G. H. W. Bush, 309, 315

  on G. W. Bush, 311–12, 316

  on 9/11 attacks, 310–11

  on Nixon, 297–99, 301–7, 309–10, 312–14

  on Obama, 298, 310–11, 316

  on Reagan, 309, 315

  on Supreme Court, 297, 307–9

  on Watergate, 297–304, 307, 315

  World War I, 168, 187, 190–91, 271, 293 Eisenhower and, 206–7, 213–14, 217, 225

  World War II, 137, 280 D-Day invasion in, 49, 186, 190–93, 206–7, 212, 214–17

  Eisenhower and, 191, 206–8, 210, 212, 214–21

  and extermination of Jews, 197–98, 200–204

  Hitler and, 186–87, 189, 191–94, 207, 217, 256

  Kennedy and, 235–37, 241

  Lindbergh and, 161, 164, 166, 179–81, 190

  North African Campaign in, 192, 215–19

  Reagan and, 326–27

  Roosevelt and, 139, 141, 144, 161, 166, 180–81, 185–86, 190–92, 195–97, 204, 207, 214–16

  Yalta Conference, 185–86, 197

  Years of Lyndon Johnson, The (Caro), 273–74, 278, 283, 288, 294

  Young, Whitney, Jr., 262

  Youngblood, Rufus W., 290


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