The Alpha (The Pack Book 3)

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The Alpha (The Pack Book 3) Page 15

by Kristin Coley

  “I don’t believe that,” I answered swiftly. “You aren’t your father, Caleb.”

  “No, but I also feel like I’m living someone else’s life,” he confessed. “One I don’t want, but I don’t know how to change it.” He glanced up at me. “Don’t get me wrong. I’ll fight for my Pack, die for them, do anything I can to keep them safe, but it feels hollow, you know?”

  I shook my head mutely. I didn’t know. So far nothing about being an Alpha had caused me to feel hollow, in fact it was the opposite. Sometimes, the emotion and pressure were too much, rising out of me in a wave that I worried would drown me.

  “It feels like I’m going through the motions,” Caleb continued quietly. “Doing what’s expected, but it’s not real,” he muttered, shaking his head. “I spent my whole life being groomed for this role and now –” He inhaled shakily. “And now, I just want out.”

  “Caleb,” I said worriedly before stopping as I realized I didn’t have an answer for him. What could I tell him that would make this okay? Give up being Alpha? Leave his Pack? Neither of those were acceptable to a shifter, especially not one raised to do the right thing, even if it killed him.

  “It’s alright,” Caleb tried to reassure me, but the words rang empty. “I’m not unhappy,” he continued and I noticed the distinction. He wasn’t happy either.

  “You boys look mighty serious over here,” Thomas called out, his hands in his pockets as he strolled closer, studying us carefully.

  “Jess told you to keep an eye on us?” I asked in amused admiration. There weren’t many shifters who would attempt to act as referee between two Alphas, much less a human. The only other person I knew was my own father and that was strictly because of his size.

  He shrugged, not bothering to answer the obvious. “Trying to solve the world’s problems? Otherwise, I don’t know what could cause young men to be so unhappy.”

  “I’m not unhappy,” I rushed to assure him, not wanting him to think my concern had anything to do with Jess.

  “Then it must be Caleb who’s carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders,” Thomas surmised, rocking on his heels as he waited for one of us to confirm his theory. I glanced at Caleb and he finally nodded jerkily.

  “Want to tell me about it?” Thomas asked easily, hands still stuffed in his pockets as he gave us space.

  “Not really,” Caleb admitted, glancing up at him. “Sir,” he tacked on hastily and Thomas smiled.

  “That’s fine, so long as you talk to someone,” he told him. “Don’t carry your burdens alone. They’ll wear you down a little at a time, turn you into someone you don’t recognize, someone you don’t respect.”

  “An Alpha’s path is to walk alone,” Caleb argued, shaking his head. “My Dad told me that.”

  “And you want to be just like him?” Thomas asked, not waiting for an answer as Caleb gave him a startled glance. “Last time I checked, a wolf pack is called a pack for a reason. They support one another, and care for one another. Don’t set yourself apart from them, Caleb.”

  I glanced over at Caleb and saw he wore a thoughtful expression. It bothered me that I hadn’t known he felt this way. I could see how easily it could happen though. An Alpha was ultimately in charge of his Pack’s fate and without the support of a loving mate and strong Beta, it could become a lonely burden.

  “I know its not the same, Caleb, but you’re not alone. I may not always be a member of the Navarre Pack, but I’ll always support you as an Alpha,” I promised, hoping he felt my sincerity.

  “Alpha to Alpha?” Caleb asked, smiling slightly.

  “Alpha to Alpha,” I repeated, my tension easing as Caleb accepted my new role. “I owe you an apology,” I continued, not noticing as Thomas slipped away. “I should have told you a long time ago about Trent, and then Liam. You shouldn’t have had to figure it out on your own.”

  “I was angry at you when I realized,” Caleb replied, glancing at me sideways. “Dad had just died, everything was confusing and the Pack wanted you as Alpha. I wondered why you didn’t just take it, to be honest.” I winced at the pain I heard in his voice, feeling about two inches tall. “I felt betrayed,” he continued, “And it wasn’t because you had your own Pack, but because you never told me.” He glanced away. “It made me wonder what else you didn’t tell me. If you thought I shouldn’t be Alpha.”

  “I never thought that,” I swore. “I worried about you. Losing your dad, taking the position of Alpha, those are heavy burdens for anyone much less a seventeen year old.”

  Caleb nodded. “I know that now. You never wavered from defending me, not even when I hit on Jess. You had my back and you taught me what it means to be Alpha. That sometimes we have to make sacrifices for the greater good.”

  “Caleb,” I paused as I took a deep breath. “I’m proud of you, but I don’t want you to sacrifice your own happiness. Do you understand? You are entitled to be happy, to live your life not only as an Alpha, but as a man.” I squeezed his shoulder. “Even your father knew that. He defied everyone when he married Payne’s mother but she made him happy and with that a better Alpha.”

  “Until she died,” Caleb said dryly. “Then he turned into a bitter asshole.”

  “There is that,” I admitted, unable to disagree with his statement. “But that doesn’t mean you’ll have the same fate.” I considered my next words carefully before speaking. “If you wanted to be with someone like Leah, the Pack would support you.”

  Caleb gave me a confused look. “Leah?”

  “Yeah, Leah,” I reiterated, confused now myself. “Haven’t you been checking on her?” Understanding dawned on Caleb with my question.

  “I have, but it’s not because I want to date her,” he explained. “I feel responsible for her. I’m the reason she’s part of this world and it didn’t seem right to leave her unprotected. She saved my leg and kept our secrets, the least I could do is keep an eye on her.”

  “You’re a good man and a great Alpha,” I responded, proud of him. He ducked his head, denying my words. “You are,” I stressed. “You have a good heart and its in the right place. I’ve always known that.”

  “It means a lot to me that you think that,” Caleb answered, his shoulders easing. He looked more relaxed than I’d seen him in weeks and again, guilt punched though me for not having the conversation sooner.

  A distracted look came over his face as he communicated with someone in the Pack. His expression was grim as he glanced at me and said, “Zeke Daniels shifted.”

  “He wasn’t initiated,” I stated, knowing it was true as Caleb shook his head.

  “I didn’t have time,” he hesitated, not wanting to give the reason why, but I knew.

  “Because Jess was taken,” I finished and he nodded. “I’ll help you search,” I declared, standing up with him.

  “Anna and Trent are searching,” Caleb replied and I couldn’t hide my surprise. “I know. I thought it was strange too, but apparently Zeke’s mom called Anna and she was with Trent? He didn’t want her going alone. They’ve been searching out from Zeke’s house but so far they haven’t found him.”

  “So now we need to establish a wider perimeter,” I concluded. “Do we know where he was when he shifted?”

  “No, honestly, we’re not sure he shifted. He just hasn’t been heard from in several hours. Apparently, the junior high had a scrimmage football game this morning and he never came home after it. His mom started to get worried, thinking he may have shifted.”

  “She’s right to be concerned,” I agreed, my priorities torn. If Trent was with Anna that meant Jess only had Liam, and while the bond link told me she was okay, my anxiety didn’t ease. “I need to make sure Jess gets home safely, then I’ll join the search,” I told him, careful to remember I was speaking to him Alpha to Alpha and not as his Beta.

  He nodded in acceptance as he said, “I’m going to go meet up with Trent and Anna for now and see if we can catch any scent of him.” He headed to the forest as I jogged ba
ck to the motel to get my Jeep, unable to shake the need to see Jess and make sure she was okay.

  When I got to the parking lot I met up with Thomas and Monster. “I’m going to get Jess,” I told them, my anxiety increasing with every passing second. “Trent had to leave with Anna and I need to see her.” Thomas gave me a concerned glance, probably worried about me, because I sounded like a crazy stalker.

  “Jess needs you,” Monster piped up and we both looked down at him. “Something’s wrong.”

  Fear suddenly jolted across the bond link, coming from both Liam and Jess, and I had the impression of a wall of trees and her panic as I heard, We’re going to hit the trees, and then both links went silent. I tossed my keys to Thomas, “Go down the highway toward town, there’s been a car accident,” I shouted, clothes ripping as I shifted, knowing I could get there faster in wolf form. I didn’t wait to see if they followed my instructions as I surged forward, praying she was okay.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I blinked back to consciousness as pure fear flooded through me. It took me a second to realize it was Dom’s fear for me but before I could reassure him that I was okay, the door next to me was yanked open.

  I shrank back instinctively from the man who stood there, his eyes wild as he reached for me. The seatbelt I still wore prevented him from jerking me out of the car and his teeth gnashed in frustration. He tried to unbuckle the seatbelt and I fought him until he backhanded me, the blow stunning me long enough for him to get the seatbelt undone.

  He dragged me from the car as I struggled, frantically trying to reach Liam over the Pack bond, hoping he could help me, but the link was frighteningly silent. I kicked and punched wildly, adrenaline flooding through me, hiding the cuts and bruises I’d sustained from the wreck.

  “Who are you?” I screamed, twisting impotently in his grasp. “What do you want?”

  “You’re worth a lot of money to a lot of people,” the man grunted, tightening his hold as I fought. “I’ve been paid twice to kidnap you and luckily for me, my second client isn’t nearly as concerned about your wellbeing,” he muttered as his elbow came up to connect with my chin. I turned my head enough that it was only a glancing blow but as we got closer to his car, I fought harder, knowing I’d have less of a chance to escape in the car. “Goddamn it, you crazy bitch,” he yelled when I landed a blow to his crotch. “I’m going to enjoy giving you to them loony tree huggers.”

  His words made no sense to me, but just then something knocked him off his feet and I heard, Run!

  I scrambled to my feet, catching sight of Liam from the corner of my eye. He was limping and in human form, and I knew he must have been forced to shift due to his injuries. I headed for the forest, hoping to lose my wannabe kidnapper in the dense underbrush, knowing I wouldn’t be able to outrun him on the road.

  Jess? Dom’s anxious voice flooded over me and I almost cried in relief.

  I’m not okay, I cried as I charged into the forest. Guy ran us off the road and tried to take me. Liam helped me get away but he’s hurt. I don’t know if Leah is okay. I was gasping as I fought through the branches, desperate to get to the cleared path where I used to walk home with Dom and Caleb.

  Where are you at?

  The forest. I sent him an image of the cleared path, with the towering electrical transformers looming over it.

  I’m headed straight for you, he promised, giving me strength as I pushed on. Crashing behind me spurred me on further as I realized someone was pursing me. A nudge of my link to Liam didn’t produce anything and I wondered if the guy chasing me had hurt him.

  A loud popping sound caused me to duck automatically and a glance over my shoulder made me realize he had a gun.

  He has a gun, I shouted frantically over the bond link to Dom, my idea to run into an open clearing suddenly not sounding so great. He’s shooting at me.

  An angry snarl met my words as rage shot though me, the emotion didn’t belong to me but it gave me strength.

  Go to the path, Dom ordered, feeling my hesitation. Lure him out for me. Resolve filled me as I trusted Dom to have my back and I burst from the trees.

  The man was seconds behind me, breathing heavily as we stared at one another. “Where did you think you were going to go?” He shouted, waving his gun at me. “There’s no one here to save you.”

  I kept my eyes on him, not allowing my gaze to flicker to the monster sized shadow creeping up behind him as he laughed at me.

  “Stupid girl. You just pissed me off.”

  “You’re Bruce?” I called out, frantically hoping that I remembered the name correctly. I suspected from his earlier comments that he had been hired by my mom.

  He looked startled but nodded. “I am. You’re a popular girl.”

  “Yeah, I know,” I whispered, the words lost as Dom lunged with a ferocious snarl. He went for the arm holding the gun, and with a sickening crack snapped it from his body. The man wailed as blood spurted from the stump where his arm had been and Dom went for the kill. “Wait!” I called out. “I don’t know who hired him.” Dom nipped at the fool’s head a little but didn’t rip it off and I took that to mean I could question him.

  I came closer and looked down at the man. “You know, that’s the third time someone’s tried to kidnap me,” I told him conversationally. “It’s got to be a record.” I reached down for the gun still clutched in the hand of his severed arm and pulled it free.

  Bruce’s eyes were bugging out of his head and I realized he couldn’t speak with Dom’s jaws locked on him. “Can you let him go so he can answer?” I asked Dom politely and he released the man, giving him a threatening growl.

  Bruce’s screams stopped as he tried to staunch the blood. “Now, who hired you?” I asked, staring at him, the gun casually pointed at his stomach.

  “You’re going to kill me either way,” he muttered, panting from the pain, his gaze wild as he shrank back from Dom. “I’m not answering you. Go ahead and kill me.”

  I tilted my head as Dom growled in agreement and Bruce whimpered as he comprehended that Dom understood him.

  “I want answers,” I told Dom before turning my attention back to ol’ Bruce. I repositioned the gun, my aim a little lower. “You’re going to die,” I agreed. “It’s up to you if you do it with your dick still attached.” His gaze followed the aim of his gun. “It’d be a damn shame to have your dick blown off by your own gun and by a girl to boot.”

  I smiled, cocking the gun. “Now, who hired you?”

  “Hanley,” he stammered, his fear of Dom suddenly surpassed as he answered me. “Some crazy old guy named Hanley. Lives in a fucking compound in the woods.”

  I narrowed my eyes, “And my mother? Were you hired to kidnap her as well?” It was a farfetched idea, but I had to be sure. He shook his head frantically.

  “No, no. Just you. I haven’t seen or spoken to your mother since I handed you over.” Desperation came off him in waves and I wrinkled my nose as the acrid scent of urine filled the air. “Please, please believe me. Let me go. I swear I’ll never bother you ever again.”

  “No, I’m sure you won’t,” I agreed. “But you ran us off the road. I’m not sure if my friend is alive and Dom here,” I jerked my thumb at him. “He’s not a forgiving guy.”

  Bruce’s scream cut off into a gurgle as Dom snapped his neck, his claws shredding his chest. He backed away from the mangled body and I gave a little shiver at the gruesome sight. Blood covered Dom’s muzzle, blending into the black fur, as his yellow eyes glowed fiercely. I stroked my hand over his back, avoiding the matted fur around his mouth.

  Liam and Leah, I sent across the bond. I don’t know if they’re okay.

  Liam is alive, Dom reassured me. Come on, your Dad and Monster should be there.

  We hurried back through the forest, Dom leading the way, and it wasn’t long before flashing lights told me where to go. I broke out of the trees, running and sliding to the road where Dad met me, his hand cupping my ch
eek as he scanned me. “Bunny. are you okay?”

  I nodded, not noticing the scratches covering my face and arms or the deep bruises forming where the seatbelt had saved me. Monster hugged me from behind, his arms wrapped around my waist and I squeezed his shoulder. “Leah?” I asked, realizing it was an ambulance casting the blue and red lights.

  “Unconscious but alive. We don’t know the extent of her injuries,” Dad informed me, holding me up when my knees gave out. “Her side of the car took the brunt of the damage.” The ambulance drove off with a sharp wail of the siren and I saw Liam standing off to the side.

  “LIAM,” I shouted and relief washed over his face when he saw me. He started toward me, a noticeable limp slowing him down. Dad and Monster trailed behind me as I met him, throwing my arms around him as I said, “Thank you.”

  He placed his arms awkwardly around me, hugging me back carefully. “For what?” He muttered, his head downturned. “You were almost killed and Leah….” He waved his hand in the direction the ambulance had gone. “I don’t know if she’s okay.”

  “You did what you could. No one could have predicted the guy running us off the road. You gave me time to escape,” I reassured him and when he still acted doubtful, I gave him a shake. “You did what you could, more than,” I added, glancing at his leg. “What happened?”

  “The crash,” he mumbled, not meeting my gaze. “It broke some bones.”

  “And you shifted before it was set properly,” I guessed and he nodded. “Can we fix it?”

  Liam shrugged and finally shook his head no.

  “Thank you,” I said again, tears springing to my eyes at the price he’d paid to help me. “I mean it, Liam. I’m honored to know you’re a part of this Pack.” He swallowed hard, his head bobbing.

  You’ll forever have my gratitude, Dom added, something in his voice causing a chill to go through me and Liam straightened in shock. Your sacrifice on my mate’s behalf will never be forgotten. Liam shoved his palm to his eye, rubbing it hard, as he nodded in acknowledgement to Dom’s words.


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