The Last Ritual

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The Last Ritual Page 9

by S K Smith

  ‘Did she tell you anything?’ Niall asked quietly after Ayda came back from settling Elle down for the night. Ayda started to answer when they heard a distinct crack of a twig. The four of them jumped up quickly, weapons drawn, Ayda’s eyes were straining to see ahead of them in the dark. Slowly and quietly they moved towards sleeping Elle.

  ‘Who’s there?’ Niall asked loudly, even though he was trying his best to sound confident she could hear the nervous waiver in his voice.

  ‘Stand down it’s only me.’ Replied a familiar voice. Syren had re-joined them. Ayda breathed a silent sigh of relief. She was back. She was safe. Well safer.

  ‘How did you know where we were?’ Niall spat, cursing her for making him jump.

  ‘I didn’t, I’ve been wandering this hilltop for a while, it was only when I heard you that I knew where you were.’ Syren said quietly.

  ‘Did anyone follow you?’ Karl asked gruffly.

  ‘No and I’m fine thank you for asking.’ Syren said impatiently. Ayda clapped her on the shoulder.

  ‘Good to see you,’ Ayda said gently, ‘Any news?’ The five of them sat down again not far from Elle. Syren started rummaging around in a bag and pulled out a loaf of bread, some fruit and cold meats. The others groaned thanks as they tucked in to the meal. Ayda had only just noticed the ache of hunger in the pit of her stomach and went to give Elle some of the food before returning to the small but merry feast. They hadn’t eaten much all day, just occasional fruit they picked going through the fields.

  ‘I took the liberty of getting some food for the journey, but we’ll have to ration it, I couldn’t take too much without arousing suspicion.’ Syren said through a mouthful of hard bread. They ate in silence, each relishing every mouthful until the food in front of them was devoured.

  ‘The Stone City has fallen.’ Syren said bitterly. Ayda looked at her and waited for her to continue. ‘The attack on the Stone City is the talk of the village. It is rumoured that the Legion have pulled out everyone from their homes looking for Elle. There are also scouts searching for you.’

  ‘What of my people?’ Ayda asked. She remembered the times when her family would go on progress through Myrliar, her people were always so happy to see them, they would throw flowers and sing songs of love and peace, she had forgotten that in this struggle for power, everyone would be affected.

  ‘The Legion have turned people out on the streets and forbidden anyone to aid you. Some have come out to support you and have been flayed for it. Young girls have been taken from their parents and examined to make sure they’re not your sister. Families that resist or hinder any search are killed on the spot.’ Syren said all this quickly as if to rid herself of the taste of it on her tongue. Ayda could not bear to think of the families being torn apart and all the blood shed on the white stone floors of her City.

  ‘Who oversees Myrliar now?’ Ayda asked with a heavy heart.

  ‘The Captain of the Legion apparently.’ Syren replied.

  ‘Why have they done this? Why have they overturned my family, ours was a reign of peace!’ Ayda fumed, her blood boiling, the injustice and terror of everything that had happened to her family and country were too much to bear, and she was still no closer to getting any answers.

  ‘The Legion are controlled by the Elders you say?’ Niall asked quietly.

  ‘Yes, they are sworn guardians of the Elders.’ Ayda nodded.

  ‘And the Ritual connects you Elves with the Elders?’ He asked. Ayda nodded again, curious.

  ‘So, if Elle was scared after the Ritual, maybe she saw something she wasn’t meant to?’ Niall suggested, palms open in offering.

  ‘And the girl telling Elle to get out?’ Ayda asked hopefully. Syren’s confused face looked between them, and Ayda brought her up to speed on what Elle had shared.

  ‘The girl warned her, she knew the Elders would find out?’ Niall said, unsure of his own thoughts. Ayda had come to the same theory in her mind. The secret seemed to lay with Elle, but she was sure her sister had now told her everything.

  ‘How on earth did someone communicate with Elle telepathically?’ Syren asked, bewildered.

  Ayda had been asking herself the same question. She had heard of this skill before, but no one had the power to do it for centuries.

  ‘Magic.’ Came a quiet voice, Elle had woken and sat next to them without anyone realising.

  ‘Impossible.’ Ayda said rather too quickly, slightly concerned that the young girl had gotten to them without any of them hearing anything.

  Niall laughed, ‘Magic? Are you serious?’

  ‘You humans have never had magic?’ Syren asked curiously.

  ‘No, never.’ Theo snorted, unsure whether it was a joke.

  ‘Elves and Humans possessed powerful magic thousands of years ago, but through blood lines over time, it dwindled out, no one has ever seen, possessed or practised magic in centuries,’ Ayda told them, ‘We were brought up on history over the years, mages were present on both sides in the Great War that engulfed our people.’

  ‘The Ritual is believed to be a chance for Elves to regain their magic and knowledge through communing with the Elders.’ Elle added, Syren was shaking her head at Ayda, she still didn’t trust the humans with the secrets of Myrliar. In the distance a howl could be heard, ghost like and clear as the stars above. It didn’t sound very close, so the companions took it as a cue to get some rest, with Karl on first watch. Ayda curled up once again around her sister, ready for fitful sleep.

  ‘Ayda, Ayda...’

  Ayda shrugged off the hands that were annoying her, she couldn’t have been asleep that long. Just a little longer, there was another day of travelling ahead and she was still aching from the day before.

  She drifted back off to sleep. A sharp pain in the leg woke her and she cried out loud as she awoke.

  ‘What the hell –’ She began to shout, but someone put a hand over her mouth, she struggled against them, not being completely awake she panicked, until she saw Elle just in front of her urging her to quiet down.

  ‘Will you shut up?’ Niall spat in her ear. She nodded furiously, and he let her go.

  ‘The howling is closer, we think the wolves are near our campsite.’ Syren explained coolly. Ayda sighed, there goes their night’s rest.

  ‘Elle get up a tree, will you?’ Ayda said to her sister pointing at the closest one.

  ‘Good idea. Princess, go on.’ Theo pushed her gently. With some help from the other’s Elle managed to shimmy up the tree and behind the leaves, out of sight. Ayda relaxed a little, the wolves would never get her up there, shame they weren’t built for more people. The howling sent goosebumps up her back. The hairs all over her body stood tall and alert. She was very aware of the sudden drop in temperature, as her lungs filled with ice and her breath caught in her chest. Ayda saw the others in front of her, circling her with their weapons raised. Karl with his broadsword stood like a giant over the others, Theo and Syren with their twin swords poised and Niall with his sword loosely at his side. Ayda unsheathed her own sword, she had taken down wolves before on Patrol, this shouldn’t be too difficult she reasoned calming herself. Unless there’s too many. The howling grew closer, they were nearly upon them. Something didn’t feel right, Ayda thought, the other’s in front were nervously looking around, their breath fogging in the moonlight. They had all encountered wolves before, but the growl of these wolves was, ghostly. A gritty, rough growling sounded all around them, glass twinkling through the dark.

  They were here. Ayda prepared her sword, and held it outstretched in front of her as the wolves ripped through the undergrowth. Several of her allies cursed loudly as they saw what was tearing towards them. A flash of silver fur and red eyes approached as wolves the size of lions hurtled towards them, growling in anticipation. Ayda watched in horror as one of the monsters leapt at her red-haired friend, who neatly rolled over to slice its underbelly as it flew overhead. Ayda had to admire her friend’s skill. The wolf, though hurt, did not
stop there, it flew at her snapping at her as Syren pummelled it repeatedly with her blades. These were not normal wolves Ayda realised. Their silver fur was glowing in the moonlight and their red eyes were filled with an all-consuming bloodlust. Ayda jumped in to stab the monster repeatedly, together Ayda and Syren finished it off, just as another appeared growling. Ayda turned and saw four wolves attacking the humans. Niall, Theo and Karl were impressive, each one fluent in their dance, each of them understanding the other, when one struck, the other defended. As Karl landed a killing blow across the throat of a monster, Niall smacked another in the head to block its attack. The wolves were strong, and had razor sharp teeth and claws, but they were slow, they had to use this to their advantage. On and on they fought together, the five of them huddled as close together as possible, their resolve frightening, as they roared louder than the wolves. More and more wolves approached.

  ‘We – can’t – keep this – going – forever!’ Syren screamed breathlessly as she slid her blade into the roof of a wolf’s mouth. ‘Aargh!’ She cried with pain, Ayda looked around and saw blood seeping from a fresh slice in her friend’s arm. The allies were all sporting their own cuts and wounds, they were slowly being ripped apart, and they would not last much longer before they tired from the onslaught of monsters. A thud on the ground shook her as she watched Theo fall backwards crying in pain, clutching his leg, Ayda saw a nasty bite mark shedding blood beneath his linens, he cursed loudly. Niall hacked off the wolf’s head with several blows, spilling blackened blood on the ground before returning with Karl to defend their brother. Time was running out, they were one down, Ayda was sure soon others would fall. Jumping aside Ayda timed a perfect hit as she slashed the side of a wolf. Too late, she realised she had pushed herself into the path of another that had thrown itself at her. Her chest felt as though it had been crushed under a pile of rock, claws were digging into her shoulders as the beast pressed her into the ground. Its teeth were mere inches from her skin gnashing together waiting for the taste of her blood. Using all her strength she pushed the wolf away from her, it was no use, it was too strong.

  ‘Ayda!’ Niall bellowed. She heard the shouts of her friends around her, daring a look she could see they would never get to her in time, they were still struggling with their own beasts. She pushed with all her remaining strength, struggling to keep the teeth from her throat, the wolf thrashing around snapping its jaws angrily. Struggling she realised she was losing. A high-pitched shriek sounded across the hill. The world around her flashed a brilliant red and yellow, as flames scorched the air, Ayda strained a look above her. What she saw stopped her heart. Elle had climbed down from the tree to aid them, her arms were stretched wide and strings of flames were firing from her hands, white hot and blazing, snaking their way around the wolves before her. One by one the wolves howled in pain. The smell of burning flesh reached Ayda as the flames burnt holes like snakes through their bodies. Some fled but did not get far before Elle’s flames torched them into ash. Ayda wept as she watched her little sister’s face, grim determination was sketched across every feature. Her eyes were black and strained. She looked older, so much older. The wolf bearing down on Ayda burned internally and collapsed onto Ayda, who with her last breath looked at Elle and realised with shock, her sister was a Mage.

  8 – ELLE

  The fire had roared through her very soul, fed by her fear and anger as she stood watching her sister flailing beneath the silver beast. The world had burnt away. She had focussed every grain of her power on finishing the creatures who threatened her friends. Her whole body was shaking as her power ebbed, and slowly she fell to her knees, weakened and exhausted. The fire dissipated as quickly as it was conjured. Brielle watched as Niall, Karl and Syren heaved the great silver beast off her sister and dragged her closer to the trees. Ayda was unconscious, Elle felt a shiver of cold sweep through as she crawled on her hands and knees to her side. Taking her sister’s hand, she pleaded weakly for her to come back to her. She could feel the other’s watching her, fearing her. Niall and Karl moved away to help Theo limp over to them, where they bandaged up the bite on his leg.

  ‘You could have blasted them before I got bitten you know,’ Theo laughed weakly, winking at her. He couldn’t hide his pain, he winced as Karl tightened the bandage around his wound. They sat in silence for a short while, each recovering from the fight and the display of power they had witnessed.

  ‘You were almost a waste of rations there my old friend!’ Niall laughed, patting Theo on the leg. Elle couldn’t take her eyes off Ayda. She was the only family she had left. Theo was right, she should have helped them earlier, but she was so afraid. She could hardly remember the last time she used magic, all she could remember was the darkness and pain. Would Ayda still love her if she knew this was all her fault?

  ‘You should’ve told me.’ Ayda said weakly. Elle’s heart skipped a beat as she saw her sister’s eyes open slowly, she jumped in and hugged her tight.

  ‘I’m sorry.’ Elle whimpered, crying into her sister’s clothes. Ayda sat up against the tree and surveyed the landscape, the sun was on its way. The wolves had disappeared.

  ‘I guess now we know why the Elders are after you.’ Niall said, sitting down next to Ayda. Ayda sighed, she was out of her depth, she had no idea how to deal with magic.

  ‘But, we haven’t seen magic in centuries, surely the Elders would be glad to see it back?’ Syren said. Elle thought back to the attack at the Castle, painfully she remembered her Father using magic to the surprise of everyone else. She wasn’t the first to have magic, there must be others too. Something else bubbled to the surface of her memory.

  ‘The Legion said something about breaking rules and that no-one is allowed magic.’ Elle informed them, as the memory appeared clear in her mind.

  ‘I guess they’re not pleased then.’ Niall said gruffly, rubbing his temple.

  ‘Elle, I can’t believe you didn’t tell us this earlier, this changes things.’ Ayda repeated with slight annoyance in her tone. Brielle winced at the underlying tone. She had wanted to tell her sister. Desperately. But with everything else that had happened she didn’t know what to do. It felt like she was living in a nightmare, she found herself hoping that she would wake up soon and be looking forward to playing with her friends in the Castle Gardens. Every time she thought about the beautiful Castle and Gardens and her dear friends her heart clenched tightly. They were gone, it was all gone, she had destroyed it all. Not the Legion, not the Elders. Her. She had pleaded with her mind to forget her Father, Mother, Amie and her friends. But no matter how she locked them away in her mind, they were still forever heavy in her heart.

  ‘Princess, what exactly can you do with this power of yours?’ Theo asked kindly, placing his hand on her arm as he leaned over from his resting spot beside them. His leg was cleaned and wrapped firmly in bandages, she was relieved to see he seemed to be getting over the shock.

  ‘I - I don’t know,’ Elle answered shyly. ‘I have only done it twice, and I don’t ever remember deciding to. It just happens.’

  ‘Try something now.’ Theo urged enthusiastically. Ayda nodded. Brielle was unsure. She wasn’t confident it worked like that. Everything that had happened had just happened, she hadn’t been aware of releasing her magic, or forming it, it had just appeared. And destroyed. Elle was conscious that both times her magic had exploded, death and destruction blossomed. She had destroyed their home and killed most of its residents and she had almost set fire to this forest. Refusing their request, she took in the look of their faces. They were all dirty and tired, most now had skin hidden beneath cuts and grazes but beyond that, in each of them she saw a deep fear. They were afraid of her, she guessed. Before, they were protecting a little girl, a Princess, now they were travelling with a Mage of unknown strength and control. Something that none of them had even known possible.

  ‘What happened the first time Elle?’ Ayda asked gently, as if she knew this was the cause of the girl’s pain. Elle clo
sed her eyes, she had to tell them the truth, they were risking their lives by helping her, she owed it to them. She didn’t want to, she couldn’t bear it again. Taking a deep breath, she started her story. The words flowed easily once she started, it felt like a relief being able to share the weight of her anchor with her friends. They listened intently, when she revealed her Father’s use of magic, Ayda had lowered her head into her hands, but not before Elle saw sorrow exchange for anger. When she reached the end of the tale, a few long sighs were heard. They sat in silence for a long while, each contemplating what had just been said.

  ‘Niall, we’re in over our heads here,’ Karl stated firmly, ‘I can’t fight magic, if I hadn’t just seen it I would have laughed at the idea of it. We don’t need to be here.’

  ‘So, you’re just going to leave?’ Syren said hotly.

  ‘You have to understand, we have never even heard of magic before this, it’s a lot to take in.’ Theo soothed.

  ‘There were human Mages too, you know!’ Syren replied.

  ‘Not that we know of. How do you know?’

  ‘Do you know nothing of the history of our two people?’ Syren spat.

  ‘Well, a bit, we’ve been warring for centuries, heavy losses on both sides, because the Elves wanted our land.’ Theo said nervously, wavering under Syren’s glare.

  ‘That’s NOT what it was about! You Humans constantly crossed the Myr River into our lands and attacked, raped and pillaged our people!’ Syren spat, her eyes were growing redder and redder in anger. Theo raised his hands in defeat, in his weakened state he didn’t have much energy to argue. Elle looked to her sister to step in, but her head was still down, and Niall was watching something in the distance, apparently unaware of the war brewing in their camp.


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