The Last Ritual

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The Last Ritual Page 11

by S K Smith

  ‘Elle, the girl that spoke to you in the Ritual – what did she sound like? Did you recognise her?’ Ayda asked urgently. Her heart dropped when Elle looked up and shook her head.

  ‘Do you think she could help us if we could find her?’ Syren asked, bringing fresh clothes over to Elle.

  ‘She’s the only one that we think knows magic other than the Elders.’ Ayda asked.

  ‘But we don’t even know where to start finding her. What about the Temple of Scholars?’

  ‘It’s too dangerous.’ Ayda said firmly.

  ‘They have thousand-year-old records, they must know something of magic.’ Syren coerced.

  ‘But they are in the pocket of the Elders. They are their scholars.’

  Syren nodded, agreeing, ‘So how do we find this girl? We don’t know her name or what she looks like.’ Ayda had not figured that out yet, it was a big world and they didn’t have any leads. She looked at her companions and felt a bitter spread of guilt. Niall, Theo and Karl were stood, unsure, at a loss themselves. They didn’t need to be here, Ayda thought, they had helped her from the beginning. She would not have got far without them. Theo was sporting a damaged leg that he not once complained of. They were risking their lives for her and Elle and she didn’t know what to do. It was likely they would be killed, and it seemed this was more and more likely to be an accident. She looked at her small sister who finally had the courage to stand and begin to dress amidst her sobs and shakes. How would her sister feel if she accidentally killed someone?

  ‘You should leave us.’ Ayda said unfeelingly to her companions. They all looked at her in shock, except for Niall.

  ‘I knew you were going to say that.’ Niall said sadly, shaking his head.

  ‘She’s right Niall, we are no help in the trials to come.’ Karl said, he looked thrilled at the prospect of going home.

  ‘Why?’ Theo asked weakly, he had decided to lean against a nearby rock, his face was hurt as he looked between the two Princesses.

  ‘You have done us a great service, but I don’t know how much more help you can be without getting in the way.’ Ayda replied, not looking them in the eye.

  ‘What are you going to do?’ Niall asked.

  ‘We’ll figure something out.’

  ‘That’s your plan?’ Niall said in disbelief, ‘We’ve come all this way, and you’re just going to kill yourself out of pity?’

  ‘It’s not pity.’ Ayda replied stubbornly.

  ‘What is it then? You want us to go because we can’t help you, but without us you wouldn’t even be here!’ Niall’s voice was rising. Ayda did not want to express her fear about Elle’s magic, she knew how upset her sister would be, Brielle would take it to heart.

  ‘Yes, we are fighting against the odds! Yes, we are most likely going to die one way or another.’ Niall continued firmly, staring her hard in the face. ‘I want to fight for something that is worth my life, and your sister, Princess Elle is capable of great things, with or without her magic, and I WILL be there for her when she needs me!’

  ‘You can’t! If she can’t protect herself what are we going to do!? She’s stronger than us!’ Ayda snapped.

  ‘There are other types of magic! There is friendship. There is love. That’s what she needs from us. She is still a child.’ Niall finished with a deep breath.

  ‘How is that supposed to help her?’ Ayda said timidly, he was right, she thought, but she wasn’t ready to admit it.

  ‘When her world fills with darkness and her magic can’t save her. We’ll be the light that she needs.’ With that, Niall moved forwards to the trembling Princess. She greeted him a hug as he crouched down to her height. Ayda was defeated, she knew he was right. She had wanted to protect them from risk and save her sister from herself, but her sister needed her friends, and they were so short on them right now.

  ‘I am staying with the Princesses. Karl, Theo, I will not hold it against you if you choose to leave.’

  ‘I don’t know why you ask, we’re always with you brother.’ Theo nodded. Karl grunted his agreement, but disapproval was written on his face. His heart was torn between his home, and the small girl-elf in front of him. They moved on as quickly as possible, Ayda was sure the bellowing steam rising high into the sky was sure to attract the wrong attention. She did not want to be caught out. They had decided it was clear enough to move through the night, they were keen to put distance between themselves and the lake. In her exhaustion Elle had fallen asleep in front of Ayda as they rode through the night, the moon lighting their path. The countryside was quiet, an occasional rustle signalled the presence of a rabbit or fox fleeing their steps. The sounds of hunters going about their business resounded through the air after each kill. Niall and Karl were leading the way, in deep discussion. Ayda heard snippets that confirmed her theory, Karl was unhappy.

  ‘He doesn’t like us, does he?’ Ayda asked Theo. Theo had always been kind to her and Elle, even though he did all he could to avoid Syren. She couldn’t blame him, Syren was filled with hatred for humans. She had lost her entire family in one attack by them many years ago and had devoted her life to protecting her people from their malice. Syren was distantly behind them, watching the landscape for followers.

  ‘He isn’t keen on this. He doesn’t understand what’s to gain. But, considering Syren’s loathing of him and your indifference, can you blame him?’ Theo soothed. Ayda guessed not. Ayda knew she had a long way to go before she accepted humans. She could not forgive them for her friend’s death and the death of so many people. She could talk to Theo, she found herself growing slowly to like him and appreciate him. Niall and Karl, however, she wasn’t sure she could. Niall was so infuriating, he pranced around like he was King, as if no one would dare threaten him. He was so confident and so boy-like she found him irksome. Karl, only spoke to offer dissuasion, she guessed he was the practical one of the three, the father figure somewhat, since he rarely joined in on their games and was always so alert and calculating.

  ‘Why does Niall insist on joining us?’ Ayda asked.

  ‘He has grown to care for your sister, she is truly special, even Karl has developed a soft spot I believe. But more than that, we have learned of magic, and this fight could spread to our race.” Theo offered kindly, riding beside her.

  ‘He’s a thief. He only came for the horses, he cares not for history lessons.’ Ayda said scornfully. She wasn’t truly sure that was how she felt, but she was happy for Theo to believe it.

  ‘He certainly doesn’t show his feelings well, but they are there. Surely you see his love for your sister and his interest in her path?’ Theo asked, Ayda ignored the question. Of course, she saw his love for Elle, he was here for her. To protect her and guide her. He had hugged her and played games with her just to make her smile. He had done nothing of the sort for Ayda. Just left her, as she liked it.

  ‘Why do you and Karl follow him so loyally?’

  ‘We are brothers. Niall would do anything for his friends and we have been through a lot together. I would gladly give my life for him.’ Theo said with such confidence. Ayda grunted, was he that great a person but she just could not see it?

  ‘Look, you two have hardly spoken, maybe you should start by asking him how he knew where that tunnel was?’ Ayda glanced at him, what did he mean by that? She had been wondering how he knew, but recent events had distracted her. The way Theo was looking at her was unnerving, it was like he knew a secret about her, that she didn’t know. It bothered her.

  ‘I am a bit shocked that you two are so, well, odd, towards each other,’ Theo continued, ‘after all you have been through.’ Ayda had guessed that they knew about her, they knew the story. How Niall had stolen her away but left him behind and then refused to help her get her friend back. Thankfully, Theo left it at that, seeing the look on Ayda’s face and moved away to join his friends at the front. Syren took the opportunity to catch up.

  ‘What did he want?’ She demanded spitefully, gesturing at Theo.

nbsp; ‘Just talking.’ Ayda mumbled.

  ‘You never told me how you know him.’ Syren said. By him Ayda thought she must mean Niall, there was a special place in Syren’s heart for him, full of loathing and contempt.

  ‘I don’t really know him. Just bumped into him when we were children.’ Ayda waved a hand. She did not want to add fuel to the fire by telling Syren that story. She was doing all she could to forget it. Syren’s face screwed up, she didn’t believe Ayda at all, but Ayda was grateful when she chose not to pursue the topic.

  ‘What are we going to do about Princess Brielle?’ Syren asked, ‘If she can’t control her magic, we already have too many enemies.’

  ‘I don’t know. I want to find someone to teach her,’ Ayda said, checking that Elle was still soundly sleeping. Elle had hardly spoken since her outburst, her magic had drained and weakened her, leaving her exhausted. Ayda didn’t know how long she’d been asleep.

  ‘We have to flee from our pursuers and somehow get Elle some help. This is becoming impossible.’ Syren sighed.

  ‘It’s why we need all the help we can get.’ Ayda said pointedly. Syren groaned.

  ‘We don’t need them here Ayda!’

  ‘As much as I hate to admit it, Niall’s right. She needs all her friends and family.’

  ‘And you think they’re her friends? Humans are not friends to Elves!’

  ‘This resentment you hold must stop! For her sake!’ Ayda commanded firmly.

  ‘I lost my whole family Ayda! At least you still have your sister!’ Syren spat angrily.

  ‘They did not kill your family,’ Ayda said calmly, ‘I’m truly sorry for your loss, I am, but we need to be stronger! These are the only friends we have!’

  Silence followed. Everyone had stopped to watch them. Ayda had not realised how loud their voices had become. They had probably been heard. Niall had a thoughtful look on his face, he could not seem to take his eyes off her. She felt herself growing nervous, had she said something wrong? He moved forward towards her and Syren.

  ‘Ayda is right, this must stop. If you feel you cannot work as part of the team, then maybe you should go.’ He said to Syren his voice thick with ice.

  ‘How dare you?!’ Syren hissed, Ayda had never seen her so angry.

  ‘The same goes for all of us. We must be strong. We have our differences, but it is what share that we fight for.’ Ayda spoke clearly and confidently. Finally, she and Niall agreed on something. She hated how much stronger she felt when she knew he had her back.

  ‘Spoken like a true Queen.’ Theo smiled at her.

  ‘Ayda, you know I’m with you. But, I can’t be with them!’ Syren pleaded. Ayda could see this was the end of the road for her friend.

  ‘You don’t have to like them. Just put the past where it belongs. In the past.’ Ayda whispered to her dear friend. It broke her heart to demand she make this choice, but the bickering and the mistrust could not go on. The team was facing such trials and such odds, there was no room for weakness that could lead to betrayal. Syren’s face was full of anger, Ayda knew she was longing to attack them. The anger was seeping from her friend like water through a gauze. They walked on, leaving Syren to make her choice. Miles down the road, Syren had not reappeared. She had made her choice. Ayda struggled to hold back her tears. Syren was her last friend, and she had pushed her away. Syren had chosen her hatred of humans over loyalty. Now, Ayda found herself alone, putting her trust in those she had been brought up to hate. Humans.

  10 – NIALL

  She was heartbroken. Her eyes were glassy and her lips trembling. Her face was paler than ever. He thought she was beautiful still. He shook the thought from his head. What was the point in harbouring such thoughts and feelings? She despised him, it felt like he was walking on egg shells around her, always having to be careful what to say or do. It annoyed him. She was so much like the girl he remembered, ferocious, loyal and caring. But she was so serious. He guessed that anybody would be serious if they had been through what they had. She had lost everything, after all. Niall never shared with anyone his concerns. They continued to plod further north, everyone knowing there was nothing for them north, but equally no one knowing what else to do. The aim was to keep moving and get the Legion off their trail, until someone had a better plan. He sighed, he was pretty sure this light bulb moment was further in the distance than they had time for. It had been days since they had left Syren behind. Ayda had hardly spoken to anyone except for Elle, who seemed equally distraught at Syren’s abandonment. It must be terrible for them, he thought, knowing that their own Protectors, their own people had all turned on them, and now finally, their very last elven friend had left them too. He felt partly responsible, if they had left, Syren would still be with her. But he could not leave them. Ayda had always been with him from the moment he took her in, his mind had always been with her, and now she was here, he felt he had purpose again. Then there was Elle, like a little sister to him, she was so special, so sweet and pure, he could not leave her. He felt as though the world could change with these two. Together they were so strong, so fearless, he felt a surge of pride as he thought that after all they had been through and were yet to go through they were standing together, as surely as ever. Alone in their mourning, alone in their fear. It reminded him very much of the companionship he had with his brothers. The five of them were so lucky that in the face of it all they had such strength in their relationship they were the toughest of allies. It was just a shame that Syren could not see it.

  The further north they progressed the colder it became. The luscious green pastures they had been travelling through had become hard and crisp, green grass had been replaced with white frost. There was no snow yet, but he felt sure that soon a thick, fluffy, sparkling blanket would settle around them. He could not deny it’s beauty, each morning, he would awaken, stiff and uncomfortable to see frozen droplets glittering from trees and a light mist floating in the distance. There was something magical about it. Theo’s leg had vastly improved and had managed to steal several warm winter cloaks that were left hanging outside people’s homes. They had passed several empty villages, all void of life, and managed to scrape together some essentials. Wrapped up as warm as they could with some supplies, they had continued. Ayda had been concerned about the villages, according to her, the only abandoned villages they would find would be at the Wastes. She was upset to find so many lifeless dwellings. It had made the group nervous. Had the people fled the winter, or were they forcibly removed? Was something circling them like a hawk circles its prey? They had no way of knowing.

  ‘Fire!’ Elle squeaked from the middle of the group. This time she was riding with Theo on his white stallion. Niall had suggested she sit with each of them in turn, to save any one horse from excess weight every day. Elle had agreed but had expressed her desire for her own horse to care for. So, Niall had promised that the first horse they could get for her, she would have. Niall looked where the young Princess was pointing, there was indeed smoke rising in the distance.

  ‘Could it be a village?’ Niall asked Ayda, who seemed to know this area quite well. She nodded, concern in her eyes.

  ‘It could be a trap.’ Karl said sternly.

  ‘I agree, we should avoid it.’ Niall nodded.

  ‘If it’s my people, I will help them,’ Ayda announced firmly.

  ‘And me!’ Piped up Elle.

  ‘Well, you’ll never know, because we’re going arou- where do you think you’re going!?’ Niall called, Ayda had galloped off in the direction of the fire.

  ‘God damn it! She wants us to protect her, but the only thing she needs protecting from is her stupidity,’ He cursed, they chased after her. It was a town, another white stone town. Elves were screaming and running in a frenzy from burning homes, the stone that held their town together was cracking and smashing as it was assaulted by blast upon blast by thrown explosives. Thankfully Ayda stopped as the group re-joined her just out of sight.

  ‘What’s going on?�
�� Niall hissed.

  ‘It’s the Legion, they’re attacking the town.’ Ayda whispered, her voice crushed as she watched her people brutally battered by the soldiers. Each soldier was clad head to toe in red, with black armour covering every inch of his body.

  ‘We need to leave!’ Karl growled, taking in the scene before him.

  ‘There aren’t many of them – we can take them!’ Ayda said defiantly.

  ‘You just said it’s the Legion, you know, the ones that want to kill you!’ Niall said, outraged. Here he was risking his neck to keep her and her sister alive and now she just wanted to hand herself over to the people who want her dead.

  ‘They’re our people Niall!’

  ‘We’re NOT going in there!’

  ‘If it was your people what would you do?’ Ayda demanded.

  ‘I thought you said the Legion had magic?’

  ‘Only the Captain, these are just soldiers!’

  ‘Oh, should be a piece of piss then, just a normal fight with trained swords and no magic!’ Niall replied sarcastically.

  ‘I’m going to save my people, do what you want!’ Ayda spat, bored of the argument. Pelting away from the group she ran full throttle into the town. Swearing loudly and shouting quick instructions to Theo to keep Elle away, he and Karl bolted after her. Niall watched, impressed, just as Ayda flew from her horse, and smashed a shocked soldier into the flames, rock fell, and he was crushed instantly. A second soldier died moments later, as Ayda pounced upon him and thrust her blade through the eye of his mask. Riding into the chaos, Niall smashed the hilt of his sword into the face of a passing soldier as Karl ran one through. As soon as they were close enough, they jumped from their horses and ran to Ayda’s side just as she had finished another soldier with a vicious slice to his throat. She kept crying out to the towns people, begging them to run. But with the sight of her something in the balance had changed. Several men picked up blades from the fallen and rushed to fight by her side. Soon, a small battalion had formed around her of Elves standing their ground slashing their way together through the soldiers. Many towns people fell, bleeding, they were not much use against the armour and training of the Legion’s Soldiers. Ayda felt her heart swell with pride, fighting beside her people. They had not all abandoned her. Ayda heard Niall laugh with relief as he finished the final soldier. The Elves before her cheered and celebrated their victory, then many turned to the wounded and dying, and the utter pain of defeat hit them. Niall stepped closer to Ayda has she was approached.


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