The Last Ritual

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The Last Ritual Page 20

by S K Smith

  ‘All at once Princess – you can do it!’ Nhima encouraged. The effort was immense. Never had she realised how much concentration it took to do everything at once. It was hard to see, feel, hear and smell something that didn’t exist. Harder still to force her mind to believe it. Then she realised. Her mind was her limit. If her mind did not believe it, how on earth could it ever be! Pushing her magic out, the heat wrapped around her, she soaked up the warmth, willing her every bone to believe in its presence. She kept her eyes closed, she found it easier to visualise with her eyes closed. The crackle of the fire and smell of burning wood reached her senses. Believe it, believe it, she willed herself. Distantly, outside of herself she heard clapping and laughter. Forgetting herself, she opened her eyes to see what the fuss was about. Flames! A fire was roaring ferociously before her. Her friends had joined into witness and were laughing and celebrating her success. She felt a smile spread across her lips. She did it! Elle found herself bouncing up and down with the other’s in excitement. Her eagerness soon ebbed away as Nhima told her she now had to extinguish it. Elle didn’t understand, how could she do that.

  ‘Let me show you.’ Nhima offered. Elle stood transfixed as she watched. Nhima’s power poured from within her. The magic surrounded the fire. Brielle watched as the lights changed form and created a clear veil around the fire. Slowly, the fire dimmed down, gradually receding to embers.

  ‘How did you -?’ Elle asked, she hadn’t understood.

  ‘The easiest way to put out a fire, is to eliminate what it needs most. Usually air.’ Byran explained. It clicked. Nhima had created a veil of power around the fire to smother it and starve it of air. Excitement rose within her. She could do that! Elle practised the same drill throughout the day. Lighting the fire and then extinguishing it. She started off slow, with her eyes closed, and sweat pouring from her as she plunged the deep depths of concentration. Eventually, it became more comfortable, and soon, it took mere seconds for a fire to spring into life and die. By the end of the day she was exhausted and relieved to crawl into her bed. Excitement and pride coursed through her veins; she did not believe she could ever drift off to sleep as each triumphant rekindling sparked into her mind clear as day. Eventually she drifted off, her dreams filled with her family and the magic she longed to perform to save them.

  17 – NIALL

  The day had come. He was leaving. His body was aching from tossing and turning most of the night, unsure whether he was doing the right thing. He stared up at the ceiling, listening to the thunderous snores from one of the other two beds in the room. Karl was soundly sleeping, excited at the prospect of returning home, at last. The Fiends would be waiting for him, and Martha, and he was looking forward to his home comforts, he could almost taste the ale, and the plentiful food waiting for him at the Bridge Inn. He had every reason to be excited, it had been a long time since he had seen his comrades and he missed the brotherhood. Niall had promised the Elven Princesses his protection, but now he was no longer needed. It had taken longer than he anticipated, and they had been through more trials than he expected, but it had been worth it, for he believed that they were the key to whatever story was unfolding. He shoved off the covers from the bed, giving up on any hope of getting the last bit of shut eye and rose out of bed. It was going to be a long journey home and even though they had been sleeping in warm beds for the last few days, he felt no better rested. Shaking the sleepless frustration from his face, grabbed his now clean clothes and began changing into his travelling gear.

  ‘We leaving?’ Theo asked quietly, from where he was rested in bed. Theo face was etched with excitement, he didn’t get much sleep either it would seem.

  ‘After breakfast. The Scholar has offered up some rations for the journey,’ Niall replied.

  Theo didn’t need encouraging, he leapt out of bed faster than necessary and began to climb into his gear.

  ‘Oi, Karl, wake up!’ He urged, throwing Karl’s gear on top of him. The large man grunted out of his snoring slumber, dazed he rubbed his eyes. Niall hadn’t noticed the way Karl’s feet hung from the end of the bed; he was too tall.

  ‘It will take us a while to get home.’ Theo continued, pulling on his shirt.

  ‘Yep, no rest for the wicked.’ Niall replied sombrely.

  ‘You sure you want to go?’ Theo stopped, and regarded his friend. Niall had not hidden his emotions well enough. He cursed silently. He hated people guessing his thoughts, he used to be the cocky one who had no cares, why couldn’t he go back to that?

  ‘There’s no reason for us to stay.’

  ‘There is, you know there is.’ Theo replied.

  ‘I want to know the truth,’ Niall snapped back, ‘If what we have learned is true then our people should have magic, if these Elves’ Elders are stopping their magic, then what’s happened to ours? What do you think happens to us, once the Elves have their magic returned?’

  ‘How do you plan on finding out?’ Karl asked sleepily, pushing himself up.

  ‘The Capital.’ Karl groaned audibly. The journey to Oakwood Town was long enough, but the Capital was even further. The City was massive in comparison to any settlement they had seen on their journey, but it was also overcrowded. Most of the humans had moved into the Capital over the years, and there were but a handful of towns and villages surrounding it, Oakwood Town being the furthest away.

  ‘So, we’re not going home?’ Karl grumbled.

  ‘Yes, my friend, we’re going home. Then I go to the Capital, you don’t have to join me.’

  They dressed and gathered their belongings in silence. Niall fixed his sword to his waist and slid into his jacket as Theo slid his twin blades into to their sheaths. With a final check of the room to make sure they left nothing behind they vacated. Quietly, careful not to wake anyone, they tiptoed up the corridor towards the pantry in the dome. Scholar Byran was waiting for them with a linen package.

  He held it out to Niall who thanked him.

  ‘It’s not much, I have to be careful not to draw attention, our supplies are monitored.’ He said apologetically.

  ‘I understand, thank you.’ Niall nodded.

  ‘We can hunt on the road, don’t you worry,’ Theo added. They all sat down at the table and ate their porridge in silence. Niall was torn. He felt he had to leave, for his people. He had found a scrap of history and a slice of truth and he needed to find out what happened to magic amongst humans. If he could find a Mage, he could help Elle. She was so young to face the burden alone. The Elders feared her, that was the truth, but why, none of them knew. She could see magic, but how could that help her? He desperately wanted to find someone to share her burden, there had to be another Mage out there, there had to be magic in the Human bloodline somewhere, he had to find it. The Princess was pure and kind, but he wondered how long that would last. Then there was Ayda, he didn’t want to leave. He hated saying goodbye last time, this time was worse. Before, they had been children, the path not yet theirs to choose, now they were free, they found themselves even less in control. Things had changed between them. Their relationship had warmed slowly over the journey, her bias towards Humanity had almost disappeared, and he found himself enjoying her presence. Yet now, he knew, she no longer wanted him here.

  ‘Will you say goodbye for us?’ Niall asked quietly.

  ‘What? We’re not saying goodbye?’ Theo spluttered.

  ‘I think it’s for the best.’ Niall responded, not meeting his eye.

  ‘So, you can’t change your mind you mean?’

  ‘That’s not –’

  ‘You’re running away from her, aren’t you?’ Theo scoffed.

  ‘No-’ Niall blushed. Shit. That’s embarrassing he thought. He hadn’t told them of his feelings for Ayda, he had kept them locked away for years, denying it to himself most of the time. How could he deny them now? When even he had to accept how he felt for her, and how much she hurt him that night?

  ‘You have to stop feeling sorry for yourself,’ Theo continued

  ‘It’s quite pathetic.’ Karl nodded. Niall was surprised at his contribution. Karl was usually the silent one in awkward conversations.

  ‘Either tell her, or don’t tell her, but stop lying to yourself.’ Theo finished, playing with his porridge.

  ‘I know!’ Niall had had enough. Was this a tag match? Niall shook his head. Since when were his friends so concerned with his love life? It had felt good to hate her, hating her was much easier. He had spent so much time thinking about her and doing everything he could for her, with no appreciation that it had felt good to sever that connection.

  ‘Well if you’re happy to walk away and never see them again then fine. Whatever.’ Theo finished, finishing his porridge. In an awkward silence, they finished their breakfast and headed to the chamber doors. Thanking the old Scholar once more, they moved. Niall hoped the feeling in the trio would change, he didn’t fancy the journey in complete silence. Checking they had what they needed, Theo grumbled something about his knife, and headed back to the room alone. Niall hoped he was quick, he wanted to get away. About ten seconds later, he reappeared, looking slightly aghast. Ayda had followed him, closely tailed by Elle. They both looked hurt, Elle had tears in her eyes. Damn it, Niall thought.

  ‘You were leaving without saying goodbye?’ Elle said. The tone of her voice cut him like ice through the heart, he had hurt her deeply. He bent down to her.

  ‘I thought it would be for the best, Princess,’ He replied, honestly. Elle wrapped her arms around him and squeezed.

  ‘You must miss your home,’ She whispered in his ear.

  ‘I do, but that’s not why I’m leaving,’ Niall replied, ‘you have opened my eyes, and now I need to find the truth of my people,’ Elle pulled away and cocked her head to side curiously, her eyes wide. He meant it, he was going to hunt another Mage, and bring them back to her, to share the burden alone. There had to be magic amongst the humans, there had to be.

  ‘If Elves have magic again, Humans must have too.’ He continued. He hoped this was true. The Elder’s had been stealing the Elves’ Magic, so what had been happening to the humans? Was it gone? Dead to the race, or lost? He had to find out. The Elves were on the verge of dawn, if they managed to defeat the Elders, then Magic would be awakened, and the humans would be vulnerable. There had to be magic in their veins, and if he found it in time, then he could save Ayda and Elle from the battles before them. He wished for that more than anything. He looked Ayda in the eye for the last time, there was deep hurt there, and a secret, her gaze flicked away and then back to him. They held the same sorrow he remembered when they were children, a sorrow that had nearly melted away. He hoped his eyes portrayed his apology because in that moment, he couldn’t find a voice to whisper his pain, as he turned away from them and headed home.


  ‘They have arrived,’

  ‘He was true to his word.’ The cave was cold and draughty, the roaring fire in the centre swayed violently in the gust. An occasional drop of water echoed through the white stone cavern, leaving a glittering trail down the walls in its wake. The cave was lit by several flickering candles in tall stands. The dancing flames were dazzling through cavern by the reflection from pristine golden armour. Elven Knights littered the large cavern, all muttering quietly between themselves, several were positioned watching over the entrance. Two grand, white-stone thrones were resting proudly at the head of the hollow, one throne was occupied by a woman with a stern face and scrawled with worry lines. Her long blonde hair was plaited tightly and was trailing down her chest. There were no jewels and no luxurious cloth on her body, instead she was sat in her own armour, her golden breastplate sporting the royal emblem, with a crown embossed into the detailing. Before her, was a soldier sporting his own golden armour, rested in the precious metal were rubies, seemingly alive with the glittering candlelight.

  ‘Your Majesty, our scouts have returned from the lowlands, more and more of our people are seeking refuge,’ Sir Morcei announced calmly and respectfully.

  ‘Yes, yes, but we are too few to offer valuable assistance, we must wait for the right moment.’ Queen Lorelei sighed.

  ‘The Legion are destroying whole towns in search of the Princess.’ Sir Morcei continued remorsefully. To his surprise, the Queen chuckled.

  ‘From previous reports, I would say one Captain seriously underestimated my Princess,’ She grinned proudly.

  ‘It will not take long for them to search the Temple for her, she cannot hide her magic.’ Sir Morcei pressed respectfully. Queen Lorelei ignored him, she had faith in her daughters, they were all that stood in the way of destruction.

  ‘The Legion control much of my Army, Sir Morcei. I am lucky that Sir Rakel and yourself have won around the few soldiers that we have but we do not have the numbers for an uprising.’ The Queen began,

  ‘I think that was more out of loyalty for your Majesties, than for us Protectors,’ Sir Morcei complimented,

  ‘Nevertheless, we could not hide hundreds of Elves climbing the footholds of this Mountain, and as we are the only line of defence in Myrliar, we need our secrecy,’

  ‘I understand, but the Humans…’ Sir Morcei continued to press. It was a mark of their understanding and respect for one another that the Queen allowed his persistent questioning. In truth, she was much indebted to him for bringing her to the bunker and raising her remaining soldiers to her defence, he had been a lifeline for her. The cave she found herself now residing had been created in secret within the Peal Mountains, a hideaway for the Royal Family in its darkest hours. Queen Lorelei had not known of it, Sir Rakel, as the King’s Chief Protector had located it and ensured the safe arrival of her and her loyal guard. The bunker as she liked to call it, had been designed for a family. Several basic, but private rooms had been carved into the stone, and yet, with a pang of the heart strings, she found herself quite alone. She had believed her family to be dead and had fallen into hopelessness, and yet when word got out that her daughters, Ayda and Elle had escaped she had been reborn. Sir Rakel had offered to guide them, keen to make up for failing to protect her beloved husband, and she had gladly accepted. She would have sent her entire battalion to them, but she knew, that they would serve little purpose and more of a hindrance in a Mages’ War. She had many regrets, many worries that kept her up at night, and left her brooding in the day. There were things she longed for the chance to say to her children, but now was not the time. They had arrived safely with the Scholar, and she had to fight the war alone for now, until they were ready to play their part.

  ‘The Humans are rallying, yes, I had expected as much.’ Lorelei conceded,

  ‘The smallest sign of weakness from Myrliar and they are over us like rodents.’ Sir Morcei said disgusted.

  ‘There has not been war between Elves and Humans in years, mere border disputes and raids, King Devan is the most peaceful King that ever lead the Humans. This was not his decision; someone else’s hand is at play here.’ The Queen replied thoughtfully.

  ‘Then who?’ Sir Morcei asked,

  ‘I believe we are pieces on a board, and soon, the players will be unveiled. But it is not yet time.’

  ‘Calumnia is preparing its humans to attack Myrliar, The Legion are blinded and destructive in their search for Princess Brielle, there is no one to protect what remains of our people who are scattered across the land, and we are vastly outnumbered…’

  ‘Yes, but soon, we will have a Mage…’ The Queen finished, hope singing through her voice.

  ‘The Legion have several Mages…’

  ‘My daughter has the power of her birth right, power that only one Mage has had before her.’

  ‘You will put your daughter on the front line?’

  ‘She is our only chance in the war to come, we have enemies all around us, and without her power we will fall.’

  ‘Then let us hope she masters her magic, but for one so young…’

  ‘She will do it. She must. She is the only one with
the power to do so. She just doesn’t know it yet.’





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