by Mia Madison
“I… think so?” I nodded, hopeful that I really was okay. “But I have to know for sure. Can you please bring me the bloodwine?”
Her face went pale, but she nodded, scurrying off the bed and out of the room, only to appear a few minutes later carrying a full wine glass in front of her with both hands.
Without a word, she handed me the glass, watching wide-eyed as I brought it to my lips.
The smell turned my stomach—a good sign, a sensation I hadn’t experienced in centuries—but I had to be sure.
I took a sip and held it in my mouth for a moment, then spit it back out, retching as she took the glass from me.
“Pierre?” Her voice was full of worry as she set the glass on the bedside table and took my face into both of her hands. “Are you okay? What happened?”
It took me a few moments to get over the churning in my stomach and focus on her beautiful face again, but then I couldn’t help but smile. “I think it worked,” I whispered, almost afraid to say the words too loudly. “I think… I’m mortal again.”
“Oh my God,” she gasped, then smiled, then laughed, throwing her arms around my neck as she showered my face with kisses. “Oh my God, oh my God…” She leaned back for a moment and shook her head. “I can’t believe it actually worked. And now…”
“Now you can be with me,” I finished for her, pulling her on top of me as I rolled over onto my back. “Now we can be together, my love, if you’ll have me.”
She straddled my body and sat up, placing her hands on my chest as she looked into my eyes and nodded. “Yes,” she said, simply. “Yes, yes… I love you, Pierre. And I’ll have you for as long as I live.”
I couldn’t stop smiling, even though my cheeks were starting to hurt. It didn’t matter, though. My Adéle said she loved me, and nothing else in the world mattered.
“I need to be with you, my love,” I said, finally. “I need to be inside you.”
“Oh my God,” she gasped, already shrugging out of her shirt and squirming to take off her jeans. “Yes, yes, please.” Then she hesitated, a crease appearing in her forehead. “But are you sure you’re ready? You’re okay?”
“I’ve never been more ready,” I said, throwing aside the blankets and quickly taking off my own clothes. “And as long as I’ve got you here, I’m better than okay.”
And then she was naked and straddling me again, leaning in to kiss me again as I reached up to touch her, to feel the heavy, delicious weight of her breasts in my hands.
“Oh God, I’ve missed this,” she moaned. “Your hands, your kisses…” She reached back and guided my cock until it was pressed against her, lined up with the entrance of her sweet, tight pussy. “I’ve missed all of you… inside me.”
She rocked her hips back and I moaned as my cock slid inside, the warm velvety walls gripping me, pulling me deeper as she slowly moved up and down along my shaft.
“Fuck,” I groaned. “Oh holy fuck, baby. I’ve missed you—and this, all of this—so much, too. I didn’t think I’d ever get the chance again—”
“No, don’t say that,” she interrupted with a finger against my lips. “You don’t have to ever say that again. I’m here now.” She tossed her head back and moaned as my fingers found her sensitive nipples and gave a playful twist. “I’m yours. Always.”
I smiled up at her and moved my hands down to her hips, pulling her down and pushing her back up again as my cock slammed into her over and over.
“That’s right,” she said, panting out short little breaths with each thrust. “Just like that. Keep going, babe. I’m almost there…”
There was nothing I’d deny her, especially not when she looked like this—naked and exquisite, with a slight sheen on her body in the morning light as she bounced up and down on my cock.
“Come with me, my love,” I said, huffing out the words in rapid bursts as I thrust harder, deeper into her perfect pussy. “Come, baby… now.”
Her hips bucked wildly and her hair fell into her face as she rocked back and forth against me, coating my cock with her juices as my own orgasm tore through me, erupting inside her as I pulled her down on top of me, burying my face in her neck and inhaling that sweet scent that I couldn’t ever get enough of.
After several long moments she raised up a little and looked into my eyes. “Is the curse really gone, Pierre?”
I nodded. “It really is, beautiful. It really is.”
“And we can really be together now?”
I nodded again, smiling as I stroked her cheek with my hand. “Forever.”
It was all I’d ever wanted, and now it had happened.
My dream had come true—the woman of my dreams was really here with me. She wasn’t going to leave again.
Everything was perfect.
It had been a full day since the ritual, and even though Pierre seemed to be feeling better—better enough to make love to me, at least—he was still too weak to move around much.
My grandmother was still recovering in the guest room, though not as quickly as Pierre seemed to be. Still, she was conscious and in good spirits, and that was all I could really ask for.
I was making lunch for both of them in the kitchen when I heard the unmistakable sound of the front door knocker as it echoed through the downstairs rooms.
For a moment, I hesitated, unsure if I should answer Pierre’s door. I didn’t know any of his friends, or if he even had family in the area. And it wasn’t like I could give out any information if someone should ask.
The knocking continued, though, and since I didn’t want the noise to disturb either Pierre or my grandmother, I really had no choice.
I quickly moved through the dining room and out into the foyer. I tried to peek through the narrow windows on either side of the door, but I couldn’t get a clear view. When the knocking sounded for a third time, I finally swung one of the huge doors open.
I wasn’t prepared to see the person standing on the other side, though.
“Where is he?” Angelique swept past me and into the house before my brain even registered what was happening. When she moved toward the stairs, though, I sprang into action, cutting her off and blocking her from going up to the second floor.
“Pierre is sleeping,” I said, hoping that I sounded as imperious as she did. “He can’t be disturbed right now.” I wanted to throw her out—by her hair, preferably—but I didn’t want to upset Pierre, and didn’t want to fight on his stairs. “You’ll have to come back another time if you want to talk to him.”
“No, I don’t think I will.” She moved to get past me, but I blocked her again. “Let me go up there, you little whore,” she hissed. “You’re a fool to even be here.”
I was too shocked to stop her again when she pushed past me, and it wasn’t until I heard a voice boom out from the top of the stairs that I even turned to look after her.
“Stop right there, Angelique.” Pierre was standing there, somehow fully dressed and looking as strong and sexy as ever. “And you’ll apologize to Adéle. Now.”
“I won’t,” she shook her head. “I’ll never apologize for telling the truth.”
He moved toward her and clenched his fists, and for a moment I thought he might actually lay his hands on her, but he stopped short and gripped the banister instead, pointing at the door with his free hand. “Get out. You’re not welcome here.”
It was her turn to look shocked, and she raised a hand to her chest as her mouth fell open. “After everything I’ve done for you? I’ve been here for years, Pierre, and you’re just going to throw me out onto the street? You really are a monster.”
“Fine.” He pulled out a money clip that was thick with bills and handed it to her. “Here. Take this. It’ll be more than enough to keep you off the streets. If you’re smart, you’ll use it to buy a one-way ticket out of New Orleans.” His voice went low and the look in his eyes went from dangerous to deadly. “But Angelique, I promise you this—if you come back to this house and
disrespect Adéle, you’ll regret it. Now go, while I’m still feeling generous.”
Without another word, she took the money and swept past me again, walking out through the open door and slamming it behind her with a force that rattled the walls.
“Are you okay?” he asked, suddenly at my side and holding me.
My whole body had started to tremble, but I let him put his arms around me, trusting that he would make everything better—just like he always did.
“I’ll be okay,” I answered, then looked up at him and sighed. “You were too nice to her. She didn’t deserve anything from you.”
“I know.” He shrugged. “But it was a small price to pay to have her out of our lives.” He took my hand and led me into the parlor. “And anyway, it doesn’t matter anymore.”
“What do you mean?” I searched his eyes for a hint, but still had no idea. “Why doesn’t it matter?”
“Because,” he said, fishing in his pocket and pulling out a small box. “We have more important things to discuss.”
I gasped as he opened the box and pulled out a delicate gold band that was topped with the biggest diamond I’d ever seen. “Oh my God, Pierre. It’s beautiful.”
“You’re beautiful,” he said, dropping down to one knee as he took my hand and looked up at me. “And you’ve brought beauty into my life—a life that was cold and dark and lonely before I met you. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to thank you enough for what you’ve done, Adéle, but what I can offer you is my love and my life—unconditionally and forever.” He slipped the ring onto my finger and raised his eyebrows, giving me a look that was hopeful and happy and so innocently sexy that I almost didn’t hear what came next.
“Adéle, my love… will you marry me?”
“Yes,” I pulled him to his feet, tears of happiness already streaming down my cheeks. “Yes, a thousand times yes. You’ve made me happier than I’ve ever been in my life, Pierre. There’s nobody else I’d rather spend the rest of my life with—to live and love and grow old with.”
“That sounds like heaven to me,” he said, smiling against my lips as he kissed me gently.
And that’s exactly what it was.
Pierre’s Epilogue
I’d waited for this day for over two hundred years, and I’d traveled over four thousand miles with Adéle and her grandmother to experience this perfect day in the perfect place, but even in my wildest dreams I never imagined it would be this good.
As I looked into Adéle’s eyes and held her hands in mine with the ocean waves lapping at our feet, I couldn’t imagine it any other way.
“We’re gathered today to celebrate the love of Adéle and Pierre,” the woman said, smiling at us warmly before looking over at Adéle’s grandmother. “Ma’am, do you have the rings?”
The older woman nodded, her eyes bright with emotion as she handed the wedding bands over to the officiant. The woman spoke again, holding the rings out to us. “I understand the two of you have written your own vows? Would you like to say them now?”
Adéle nodded and plucked the simple gold band from the woman’s hand. “Pierre, my love,” she placed the ring on my finger and smiled up at me, her eyes already brimming with what I knew were tears of joy. “Every day I spend with you is somehow better than the last. And even though I don’t know what the future holds for us, I know that with you by my side we can get through anything. We already know that much for sure.” She paused, and I wondered if she was thinking back—like I was—on everything we’d already overcome. “And now, as we get ready to start a new life—together—I look forward to every day that I get to wake up by your side as your wife. You’ve made me so happy, and I know it’s just the beginning.”
The tears were streaming freely down her cheeks, and I cradled her face in my hand as I caught one of the tears with my thumb and wiped it away.
“Pierre,” the officiant passed me the diamond ring that I’d picked out for Adéle. “Would you like to say the vows you’ve prepared?”
I nodded, suddenly finding it difficult to speak at all past the lump in my throat. I swallowed hard as I placed the ring on her finger and leaned in to kiss her forehead. When I looked into her eyes again, I spoke from my heart.
“My beautiful Adéle,” I smiled and squeezed her hand gently. “You’ve given me the life I’ve wanted for so long—a life that I never even thought would be possible. I’ve told you before that I’ll never be able to thank you enough, but I’m going to keep trying—every hour of every day I’ll tell you how much you mean to me, until you’re tired of hearing it.” She laughed and I stopped to catch another tear as it rolled down her cheek. “I swear here in front of everyone—in front of God—that I’ll spend every day for as long as we both live doing my very best to make you happy, to be deserving of the love and the life you’ve given me. I know that with you as my partner, as my wife that there’s nothing we can’t do.”
For several long seconds, we looked into each other’s eyes, until I’d almost forgotten that anyone else was even there. The officiant’s words broke through, with the happiest news of my life.
“I’m pleased to say that by the power vested in me by the state of Hawaii, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” She nodded at me. “Pierre, you may kiss your bride.”
It was all I’d needed to hear, and I pulled Adéle close as our lips met, her body melting against mine so fully and perfectly that I had to remind myself again that there were still people watching us.
I pulled away just enough to lean in and whisper into her ear. “I love you so much, and you make me so happy.”
“You make me happy,” she said, tugging me in for another quick kiss before adding, “And I can’t wait to share forever with you.”
I grinned, then laughed, then kissed her again.
Not so long ago, I thought of forever as a life sentence, something I was doomed to experience alone and lonely. A punishment.
Now, though, it was a promise. It was love and life and happiness. It had taken centuries to discover, but it had been worth the wait.
I had my Adéle—my love, my wife—and there was nothing else I wanted, nothing else I needed.
It was perfect. It was heaven.
It was fate.
About the Author
In the mood for something decadent, delicious, and provocative? Meet Mia Madison, purveyor of Forbidden Fantasies Romance. Come in, sit back, and relax. The candles are lit, and the dancing shadows on the wall promise sexy, seductive tales of spine-tingling love, leading to a pleasure-drenched happy-ever-after.
You'll discover young women eager for experience, who have scorching encounters with older men who know exactly what they're doing between the sheets. In Mia Madison's world, anything can—and does—happen. So leave your inhibitions at the door and come along for the ride.
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Want to read more stories by Mia?
Dad's Best Friend stories
Marcus Mine, Latin Spice, Forever My Lady, Zayum Zaddy, Dad’s Billionaire Buddy, A Day and Forever, Falling for the Star, His Shy Librarian, My Secret Crush, Dad’s Royal Buddy, Hot Single Dad, Major Dad, The Man Next Door, Hot Cop Next Door
Naughty Boss stories
My Dad’s Boss, Bossy Christmas Party, My Boss’s Boss, Business with Pleasure, Bossy Valentine, Bossy Billionaire, Dangerous Curves Ahead, Bossy Daddy, Forbidden Intern, The One and Only, Bossed by the Single Dad
Sexy Professor stories
What Happens In Vegas, Late Night Confessions
Other Older Man / Younger Woman stories
Bossy Billionaire, Weekend in Paradise, Head Over Heels, Temptation Next Door
Fireman series
My Filthy Fireman, Playing With Fire, Burning For You, On Fire, Babysitter Wanted, Caught by the Fireman, My First Time Fireman, Light My Fire
Adamo Family series
; Tempting Tonio, Kissing Kosta, Craving Carlo, Vexing Victor, Reaching Rico, Lone Wolf, Dreaming Dante, Baring Brando, Risking Romero
Love At First Sight series
Touch & Taste, Work & Play, Protect & Serve, Wants & Needs, Bend & Break, Past & Present
Foxworth Stud Ranch series
My Cocky Cowboy, The Blacksmith, The Cowboy’s Virgin Princess, The Polo Prince
Let Me Love You series
Let Me Love You, Let Me Taste You, Let Me Keep You, Let Me Kiss You