Seducing Sora

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Seducing Sora Page 22

by C L Walker

  His tongue slid into my mouth at the same time he began to grind his hips into mine slowly, the combination was enough to unravel me. I clung to him and ran my fingers through his hair and pulled gently.

  I felt frantic in my need for him.

  When he leaned more on his side to kiss and bite my neck, I slipped a hand between us and beneath the band of his boxer briefs slowly.

  He raised his head and looked into my eyes as my fingers lightly skimmed over his sensitive, hard flesh.

  When I finally wrapped my hand around his cock his eyes closed, and he sighed right before he kissed me harshly as he rocked his hips into my hand.

  And then, my phone rang… at seven o’clock in the morning no less and at the most inconvenient of time.

  He pulled up and looked down with a frown, so I pulled my hand out of his underwear in defeat as it was probably my mom calling.

  I looked at the screen and saw that it was her so I said, “I guess I should go back home then.” With my words he raised himself off me completely and scooted off the bed.

  He put shorts on, and I followed him downstairs with a sinking feeling in my gut.

  I picked up my pillow and wrapped it around my body before I made my way to his backdoor where he waited for me.

  I put my head down and reached for the door because I didn’t feel like arguing with him and I didn’t know what to say when reality loomed before us.

  “Wow. You’re just going to leave like that?” he asked, and he grabbed my arm and turned me back around.

  I looked at him wearily and tried to measure his mood to figure out how he was feeling. “I thought you were retreating inside your shell because of reality and all that,” I said calmly.

  “From what? You?” I nodded my head. “No. But I am going to make one thing clear Kyla, don’t regret pushing this on me,” he said with a sly smile.


  How exciting.

  “What’s that supposed to mean? And pushed? I didn’t realize I was forcing your hand here.”

  “You know damn well you forced my hand but I’m not saying I don’t want it,” he offered to diffuse the growing situation.

  Maybe I did enjoy fighting with him to an unhealthy degree.

  I peered up at him while I shuffled back and forth and asked, “Want what?”

  I wanted him to say it, I wanted him to look me in the eyes and tell me that he wanted me.

  His eyebrows rose and he threw his hands up in the air. “Have I not been clear enough?” He knew well what I was asking.

  “No, actually you have been anything but. So, what do you want? Or can you not say it because then it would be committing to something you still plan on trying to deny?”

  He opened his mouth to speak and then thought better of it and closed it again.

  “I’m not playing games with you anymore.” I opened the door and stepped out and he grabbed the door before I could slam it shut behind me.

  I kept walking anyways and when I got to the fence, he yelled at me.

  “I’m trying here woman!”

  Maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t.

  Maybe I was being immature again.

  Either way no one likes being into someone who is wishy washy, and it was hard to know if it was because of his job or if he was playing me.

  We didn’t talk all weekend despite his attempts at sending me text messages because they didn’t say what I wanted them to.

  So, I ignored him, and instead I spent my weekend doing homework, cleaning, and driving my mom nuts to keep him off my mind.

  Monday, I woke up early for school to do my hair that I had braided the night before, so it was wavy. I chose soft pink lipstick, my cut off leather jacket and pink flats to wear.

  When I got to school, I went in search of either Amber or Philip and found both in the lunchroom sitting at a table eating bagels.

  “Hey, hoes,” I said, announcing my arrival as I took my seat beside Amber and noted immediately they both had stupid grins on their faces as they greeted me.

  “Well… that was fast. So, are you guys an item now or what?”

  Amber smacked my arm and giggled but she put too much force into it.

  “Ow! Who are you?” I asked, as I rubbed my arm where she had hit it.

  She rolled her eyes at me and said, “Don’t be dramatic Ky.”

  I scooted away from her before I repeated my question. “Item or no? Aka: is this going to be awkward or no? Because you were making out last time, I saw you.”

  I looked between them and realized the silence was answer enough, they hadn’t discussed what they were yet. “Cool. Awkward it is. Well, I’m out, see you later loves.”

  I got up and walked away even though they both called out to me because I wasn’t about to sit through that when I was already in a bad mood.

  To make matters worse when I turned out of the cafeteria I ran right into Rachel.

  “Watch where you’re going,” she said, as she reached for her book that fell to the floor. When she finally looked up at me her face fell.

  “Me?” I asked incredulously.

  “Kyla,” she said in surprise, and with a lot less bitch in her tone.

  She feared me and the sick part of me really enjoyed it. If I was a lesser person, I’d use it to my advantage because I was feeling that angry and in need of a release.

  I glanced behind her to see Sora walk by without glancing our way even though there was no way he hadn’t seen me.

  My anger was immediately redirected to him, so I walked away from her without a word and followed the source of my frustration.

  Except once we got to his classroom, I decided not to follow him, and I went to my first period because that was the smart thing to do.

  When I got to my class I sat down and pulled my phone out of my backpack to see I had a text.

  Sora: You look beautiful today. I like your hair like that, you look like something from out of this world. Ethereal. Maybe that’s why I’m so drawn to you, I am a nerd for fantasy after all ;)

  Well, that had been unexpected. ‘Ethereal,’ It was almost better than being called beautiful.

  Me: Uh huh. Ass kisser. So, what part do I play in your fantasy?

  Sora: The carefree sprite that’s forbidden to me. But the most important part is where we break all the rules, the part where you end up in my bed. It’s where I want you, sooner rather than later, because I want you.

  Oh shit. There goes my anger.

  Me: It’s about time.

  Our conversation ended with my text and I didn’t push it further because he was working.

  He had said the words I had been waiting for, so it was hard to resist the urge to go to him because of it.

  Later when I finally made eye contact with him in the lunchroom as I sat down at my table, I felt like I was going to combust.

  It was over too quickly when he looked the other way, but I still felt the heat and my stomach flipped as if he had touched me.

  I practically ran to his class before the first bell rang, and he hadn’t even unlocked the door and walked inside yet.

  “Hey, Nilsen aren’t you unusually eager to learn today,” he said, as he walked up to the door and unlocked it and let me in first.

  Once the door shut behind us, I swung around to face him. “So, what does this mean?” I asked eagerly.

  The door opened as soon as the words were out of my mouth, and the first bell followed.

  I felt like screaming at the intruder until several more filed in and I realized they probably always arrived to class that early, I was the only one who was always late.

  “I can’t really say for sure without reading your paper, you’ll have to wait until I’ve finished going over the drafts,” he said, before he turned and walked to his desk.

  “Right, sorry,” I mumbled, and took my seat.

  My phone dinged thirty seconds later.

  Sora: It means I’m going to fuck you. I’m not sure about the rest, let’s
let it play out naturally, eh?

  Me: HOLY SHIT SORA! You cannot say something like that to me in the middle of SCHOOL after denying me 6373673 times.

  Sora: To be fair you just said you wanted me, you didn’t specify what you wanted either, and this is me, this is me wanting you. You want honesty, it's yours baby.

  Sora: Also, stop biting your lip like that, it’s distracting as all hell.

  Me: Thank you...

  Sora: For?

  Me: You said I’m ethereal. I didn’t say anything about it earlier but even if it makes me a fool, your words alone could win me over.

  Sora: We are all fools. Don’t thank me for saying what should be said. It’s the truth. I’ve always thought you were beautiful; I knew that night I had dinner at your house that I needed to stay away from you because you were so damn enchanting. It was torture trying not to follow the line of every curve of your body in that red dress. I felt like a creep; I knew you had to be almost eighteen given that you are a senior, but it still felt wrong. It still does.

  Me: Can you not make me blush right now. So, I’ve heard, but it’s not wrong and it will all be okay. Shouldn’t you teach the class?

  The second bell rang, and he got up immediately and handed out worksheets and told us that was all we were doing for the day.

  I figured he would let me do my work, so I was surprised when he kept texting me instead.

  Sora: But the truth is, I want you right now more than I want to push you away forever and so I’m going to do whatever I want to. More specifically, what I really want is to fuck you while you wear that uniform, I’ve thought about it countless times. Especially after you stripped for me…

  I looked at my phone in shock and sunk low in my seat as I glanced around the room expecting someone to see right through me, to know exactly what was going on between us.

  But the room was silent as everyone worked on their assignments.

  We had created our own world that no one else knew about, no one could feel the tension or see the longing in our gazes. Because no one expected it.

  I looked up at him and he was seemingly focused on his computer, but I knew it was an act as he had been waiting for my reply.

  It was exhilarating.

  Me: You can’t do this right now. You can’t embarrass me when I’m in the classroom! This is not exactly what I was pushing for. I’m dying here.

  Sora: I warned you. Don’t regret it now baby girl.

  Me: Don’t be bad!

  Sora: Are you into dirty talk? How do you feel about this? Right now, I’m imagining bending you over that desk…I’d slowly slide your panties down and lick you slowly until you’re dripping wet with need…

  Me: What. The. Hell.

  Sora: Do you want it yet? Just the image is enough to make me hard for you.

  Me: No, I don’t want it. Stop teasing me.

  Sora: Next I’m going to slide my cock in between your legs, but I’m not going to go inside of you yet. I’m going to rub myself against your clit, and with every soft glide you’re going to get closer…

  He was being reckless, wild, and sexy sitting at his desk sucking on his bottom lip, affecting an innocence that was beyond him. I could tell by the way his dimple was slightly showing that he was on the verge of smiling.

  So, this is what he was holding back. This was Sora.

  Me: I can’t believe what’s happening right now. You do realize you come off a little crazy when you go from one extreme to the next?

  Sora: I don’t fucking care anymore. You know what comes next? I’ll show you tonight, as you know there is no school tomorrow so stay with me tonight, be at my house when I get home. I put a key under the planter next to my back door this morning. If you would have answered me yesterday, I would have fucked you already. I’m done playing. Don’t change out of your uniform.

  The bell rang and I sat there, with my legs clenched together, staring at my text messages and the class cleared without my notice.

  I suddenly wasn’t so sure I could handle a man as I was shaking with need and he hadn’t even touched me yet.

  I was going to fall apart when he got his hands on me.

  I glanced up when he made a noise with his throat to get my attention. “Class is over Miss Nilsen.” He walked over to the door and folded his arms across his chest and waited for me to get up.

  I didn’t say anything as I gathered my things and walked towards him hesitantly.

  There was five minutes until next class started and kids would start trickling in at any moment, so I was shocked when I reached the door and he grabbed me and pushed me against it. Thankfully, it swung into the class when it opened, otherwise we would be dead meat when the first student arrived.

  He hooked one arm around my waist and pushed the front of my body into the door, with his free hand he found his way under my skirt and I instinctively perked my ass up to make it easier for him.

  I moaned when he bypassed my panties and stuck two fingers inside me and wiggled them, hitting that one spot that will bring any woman to her knees.

  “You’ve lost your mind,” I hissed, as he slowly pulled his fingers out and let them glide across my sensitive skin.

  “Yeah, and you’re wet despite trying to deny me my fun.” He smirked as he took a step back from me, and I adjusted my skirt. “You should have played along.”

  I shook my head at him. “You may think it’s fine but that was risky as hell… honestly Sora what’s gotten into-” I lost my words as he stuck his fingers in his mouth and slowly pulled them out as he took another step and pushed me into the door once more.

  He kissed me once then stuck his tongue out in invitation and I licked it and tasted myself as he smiled wickedly at me.

  When I sighed, he turned abruptly and walked back to his desk and sat down and adjusted himself.

  I stood there and stared at him like he was the madman I feared he was becoming.

  When I realized he wasn’t going to look at me again I walked out of the classroom as someone was coming in and I excused myself for bumping into them and ran to the bathroom.

  The question was whether I should go to him or not? Did I let him pull me every which way? Would it end badly for me?


  Did I care?


  So, was I going to get pulled in?

  Yes, the answer was always yes. Hell yeah!

  I told my mom I wouldn’t be home, but I left my car there saying I was with Amber who already knew to cover for me. Then she dropped me off a street down from our houses at five o'clock. Thankfully, it was getting dark, so I was afforded the cover of night as I snuck into his backyard. The key was right where he said it’d be.

  I unlocked the door and crept inside.

  I didn’t turn on any lights and I headed straight upstairs to his room.

  Five minutes later I heard his footsteps on the stairs, and I panicked so I ran into his closet and shut the door halfway before he turned on the light and looked around the room.

  When he realized I wasn’t there he started laughing.

  A moment later I got a text from him.

  Sora: Look who doesn’t have the balls now…

  Me: Me. Duh. I have a vagina, pervert.

  Sora: Come to me baby

  Oh God!

  Why in the hell did I have to run into the closet? I’d look like an idiot once I decided to step out. Of all the embarrassing things I could do, why the one that makes me look like a scared child?

  I took a deep breath and I decided to push the door open and when I did, he jumped slightly when he saw me, as I immediately began talking. “Look, it’s weird to do what we were doing and then suddenly plan to have sex. Who does that?”

  I tried to act cool and ignore the fact that I was hiding in his closet as I backed towards his bedroom door.

  He stalked towards me and slammed his door shut and pinned me to it. “Who plans it? People who are forbidden to each other, that’s who.” H
e nuzzled my neck and I immediately lost my nerve as I giggled.

  “Are you sure you aren’t a virgin?” he asked, with a smile on his face that assured me he wasn’t making fun of me.

  I shook my head. “No, I’m not but by the way you were talking to me… uhm…if that’s what sex can be like then I think I might as well be one.”

  He bit me gently on my ear and tugged while his hands trailed up my sides slowly.

  He touched everywhere except my breasts, and he barely grazed the tender areas surrounding them because he liked to tease me.

  He kissed my mouth softly before he said, “Do you regret asking me to stop holding back?”

  As he looked at me with concern, I felt my courage renew, because I wanted him despite how nervous I felt, and I knew he was offering me an out if I needed it.

  “Not at all,” I said, as I didn’t want to regret anything, I wanted to live with the good and the bad. Live for the moment.

  He smiled at my answer and said, “I changed my mind again last night after you wouldn’t answer me all weekend. But when I saw you this morning, I realized how much of a bitch I was being, so I decided to throw caution to the wind.”

  “I’m glad you realized what a bitch you are,” I replied, and he laughed with me.

  Then his gaze grew serious again, and hungry.

  It felt like I was floating when he kissed me again, harder that time.

  He angled my head to give himself better access as he slipped his tongue in my mouth with ease.

  “I’m not going to be gentle with you Ky,” he said in between kisses.

  I wondered briefly if he was going to do what he said he would in his texts and if he had thought of me as often as he claimed but my thoughts and worries were being chased away with every kiss.

  His hands were everywhere as he seemed to be chasing something desperately, something that I was sure I was ready to give.

  He unbuttoned my shirt and left it on but finally ran his palms over my breasts and squeezed them. He dipped one hand beneath my bra and teased my nipple, all the while his mouth never left mine.

  He pulled his shirt off, stepped out of his jeans and pulled me over to his dresser that came to about my hips. It took me a minute to realize what he was doing when he made me bend over the dresser, and he slid my panties down and spread my legs before him.


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