Cupid's Heart: Western Contemporary Small Town Romance (Return to Cupid Book 6)

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Cupid's Heart: Western Contemporary Small Town Romance (Return to Cupid Book 6) Page 8

by Sylvia McDaniel

  She handed him the souvenir flowers and picked up her glass of champagne, taking a big gulp. "Next time I attend any of your family weddings, would you please remind me of how your sister and sisters-in-law can be so determined. Honestly, Drew, I was trying to downplay our relationship, not draw attention to us."

  A grin spread across his face. Both of them were dealing with the anxiety of being seen in public as a couple. "Well, my toast last night didn't help, but maybe it's for the best. Now at least everyone knows we're seeing each other."

  They could stop guessing who the first woman was he met after dancing around the fountain. And those blue-haired grannies would see that he was the right man for Chloe, at this moment.

  "Why should that matter?" she asked.

  "Because being with you makes me a better man. What I don't understand is why you like to be with me?" he said, wondering what besides her belief in the superstition kept her seeing him.

  The sweet upturn of her lips into a teasing smile sent tremors through him. "Well, certainly not your looks. Every woman in town is after them. I want something more."

  "Like what?" he asked, smiling at her response.

  "Your brilliant mind," she said and leaned over and kissed him. For some reason her words made him want to scoop her into his arms and carry her to the nearest bed, but that wouldn't happen.

  "Hey, you two, save it for the wedding night," Jim said to them in front of everyone, making Drew groan. Why did his brother have to ruin a perfectly great kiss?

  "I'm about to toss the garter."

  Releasing his lips, Chloe smiled at him, sending ripples of awareness straight to his groin, her blue eyes warm. "Your turn to be humiliated."

  Two days later, Drew sat with Cody at Valentino's bar, sipping a cold one. Today, Drew was stunned to receive a message from Chloe - 'Got a call from Austin, be back in a couple days.'

  Was this how it felt when he dumped a woman? Why would she openly admit she went to see Austin after they’d decided to date?

  Cody stared at him. "Man, I was surprised as hell to hear you come out and tell everyone you and Chloe were dating. Last I heard, you weren't ever going to get serious."

  Even his friends didn't want him to reform. They all thought he lived a wonderful life. What they didn't think about was the loneliness, the fear of disease, and the awkwardness of getting naked with a stranger. Really, being promiscuous wasn't a glamorous life like they envisioned.

  "I'm trying to change. We agreed to see each other, and today, I receive a cryptic voicemail saying she was going to visit Austin."

  "No way. Not Austin, the associate pastor at her father's church? She caught him cheating during a marital counseling session with a married woman," Cody said, shocked. "That congregation just about ran him out of town. No way, man."

  Drew turned. If his friend new about Austin, then the whole town knew the man cheated. "Why would Chloe go back to him?"

  This was the first time she gave any inclination that she might have that crazy woman gene. The one so many of his clients seemed to have, where they took back the rotten husband after he'd stolen their savings to go off with another woman.

  Cody turned to him and shook his head. "Are you certain you understood right? Something is off. Are you guys exclusive? He's the last man on earth I'd think she'd go back to. This doesn't seem right. But you know Karma is a bitch. How many times did you do this to other women?"

  "We're not talking about my past. We're talking about how I'm changing."

  How long would it take before people realized he turned a new leaf?

  "Doesn't feel good when it happens to you, does it?" Cody said.

  Drew glanced at his friend. "You've been zero, squat, kind of help here tonight. I hoped you would help me understand why she would go back to a man like Austin, when I'm here."

  Picking up his beer, Cody grinned at Drew. "You do realize you're falling hard. Cupid aimed for your heart and his arrow has struck. You're acting like a man bitten by love. You're acting like a jealous lover."

  Drew cringed inside. If this was love, he didn't like the feeling. The thought of Chloe possibly sleeping with Austin made him sick to his stomach. For a moment, he considered jumping in his car and going after her.

  "Maybe I should go after her."

  "Maybe you should sit back and learn why she's gone to Austin. It could be innocent."

  "This doesn't seem innocent. Feels like my girl is two-timing me."

  Cody laughed so hard, he had tears in his eyes. Finally, he stopped took a swig of his beer. "Like I said, Karma, she's a bitch and Cupid is about to slam you hard."

  Chapter 7

  Chloe had been shocked to receive the call asking her to interview for a remodeling job in Austin, Texas. It wasn't often you were given the opportunity to talk to the historical association about how you would remodel an older home.

  There were many presenters and she didn't know if she impressed the organization enough to earn the position, but showing her designs had been an honor. She couldn't wait to tell Drew about the old house and the stuffed shirts in the historical society.

  Now back in Cupid, she was amazed at how much work her crew finished on the Perkins homestead. The rewiring was complete, the plumbing almost done, and some of the walls were taped and floated. The painter left a sample book and the tile guy was ready to pick flooring. The old house was starting to come together.

  On the way home from Austin, she called Drew and he sounded odd. Arriving at any moment, she felt excited to share her news and see him.

  When he walked in the door, she hurried over to greet him, giving him a quick kiss and a hug. Stiffening in her arms, she pulled back and glanced at him. "Oh my goodness, I missed you."

  Stepping out of her embrace he glared at her. What happened while she was away? In the matter of just forty-eight hours, he'd gone from suitor to withdrawing from her.

  "Miss me? I think there is someone else you want more."

  "What are you talking about," she said, confusion rippling through her.

  "Why did you visit Austin?"

  Relief flooded through her like a waterfall. For a moment, she feared he would break up with her. The thought that one of his lady loves convinced him to return and she lost him forever.

  "Why did you leave me to go to Austin."

  "The historical society wanted to see my vision for this house" she said confused.

  His face relaxed and he sighed. Then it dawned on her. Did he think she went back to Austin, the pastoral assistant? Like a slow burn, outrage rippled through her and the tension gripped her hands, causing them to clench.

  "You think I would go back to that two-timing, low-life worthless piece of garbage who I caught having sex?" she said, her voice rising. "Are you crazy?"

  "You said Austin," he said, his voice tense as he ran his hand through his hair. "All I could think was that you went back to him, not the city."

  How could anyone think she would take back that man. The hurt, the humiliation, the sight of seeing him plunging into that woman she could never forget. No, she would die a shriveled up old maid before Austin came back into her life. What if he feared she would do to him, what he had done to some of his girlfriends?

  "That's about as lame as an excuse as I've ever heard. Could it be you assumed I was doing what you've done to other women."

  "No," he denied, but the guilty look on his face confirmed her suspicions.

  "Your face tells me otherwise."

  Sighing he shook his head. "Cody said the same thing last night."

  "How in the world are you a successful lawyer if you can't school your expressions when you lie?"

  "I'm a fine attorney capable of schooling my expressions, except around you," he said softly.

  That admission blew all the frustration and anger building inside Chloe right out the window. A warmth filled her, leaving her glowing with happiness.

  A grin spread across her face and she laughed. "Good, I'll always re
cognize when you're lying."

  "Yes, I know," he said, smiling at her.

  Walking up to him, she poked her finger in his chest. "I'll make you this promise. Never will you have to worry about me cheating on you. Until the day we either part ways amicably or death separates us, I will not cheat on you. Erase that concern. On the other hand, you are the one I have misgivings about."

  He took her in his arms. "I'll make you the same promise. Never worry about me cheating on you. Until the day we either part amicably or death parts us, I will be faithful to you."

  It seemed, they just made their first vows to one another and it left her feeling giddy inside. Already she could feel herself falling for Drew and that both frightened and exhilarated her.

  Maybe something good had come out of this misunderstanding.

  "Now, it's time for you to get laid," she said, whispering in his ear.

  Jerking back, eyes wide, he stared at her and she smiled. "Your tile that is."

  Every year Chloe volunteered at the local father-daughter dance. One of the most enjoyable ways she gave back to the community and free advertising, since she was one of the sponsors. The organizer of the event placed her at the punch bowl alongside Kelsey.

  She would’ve asked Drew to spend the evening here with her so she had someone to talk to, but he had plans for the evening.

  "I'm shocked to see you here," Kelsey said.

  "You're here for the same reason I am. The publicity," she said, remembering the ad for Kelsey's shop in the program.

  Chloe liked Drew's sister. After learning about their Cupid experience, the woman accepted and treated her almost like family.

  "Yes, hopefully the fathers might find something nice for the mother of their child."

  Normally this wasn’t a fun evening. Now Chloe had someone to share the time with and she was looking forward to the evening even without Drew.

  "Or they might consider my company for their next remodel job," Chloe said. "But really, I enjoy watching the little girls and their dads."

  Standing behind the table, they handed out cups of sweet juice and cookies to the kids when they tired.

  Kelsey turned and gave her a strange glance. "Why didn't you tell me Drew's here. And he's dancing with that cute little black girl."

  "Because I didn't know he was here," Chloe responded bewildered. Why was Drew at the father-daughter dance? A trickle of alarm spiral down to her stomach. They'd made a vow to one another and already he'd broken it? "Who is the child's mother?"

  "No clue," Kelsey said.

  Watching the two made Chloe's heart race with fear. Being the dutiful date, Drew was attentive to the little girl, who looked up at him and smiled, her eyes lighting up with delight. Together the two twirled around the floor and her heart ached. Drew would be a wonderful father.

  "He doesn't have children, does he?" She couldn't help but ask his sister.

  "Not that I've been told," Kelsey said and turned to the volunteer on the other side of her. "What is the name of the child with my brother?"

  The woman said something to her and Chloe fought the urge to keep from shoving her way into the conversation. Finally, Kelsey turned back to her.

  "Did he ever mention Marissa?"

  "Never," Chloe said, racking her brain.

  "She's the daughter of Arial McFadden."

  "Do you know Arial? Has she ever dated Drew?" Chloe asked, knowing she sounded jealous, but she didn't care.

  "No, they were classmates in high school. I'd bet my boutique and all I love, this little girl is not Drew's."

  Observing Drew with the beautiful child who obviously knew him made Chloe nervous. Never had he mentioned a child or a child's mother or even what he was doing tonight. She assumed he was working on a case. Much to her surprise, he was here where fathers brought their daughters to their first dance.

  Just then, he strolled up to the table, his eyes widening at the sight of Kelsey and Chloe.

  "Ladies, I didn't expect to find you here."

  "We didn't plan on seeing you here, either," Chloe said, trying to keep the tension from her voice, but failing miserably.

  "I'd like you to meet my date. Marissa McFadden."

  "Hello, Marissa, you look very pretty," Chloe said.

  "Thanks, my mom helped me pick out this dress."

  Only five or six years old, Chloe wasn't about to put a child in the middle of something she didn't understand. Surely, he had an explanation.

  "Let's go dance again, Dad," Marissa said.

  "Sure," Drew said and glanced back over his shoulder mouthing the words to Chloe and his sister. "I can explain."

  Kelsey whispered, "Now I remember who she is."

  Chloe smiled at him the grin she reserved for the cheaters, losers, men she wanted out of her life. When he walked far enough away, she said. "You better be able to justify how this little girl calls you dad."

  Drew was in trouble. How could he turn down helping an innocent child, and if Chloe was still upset after his explanation, then they weren't meant to be together. In hindsight, he realized if he’d told her, she would have been prepared to see him with Marissa.

  This relationship thing was trickier than he expected. Book smart and people smart, but in relationships, he was dumber than a box of rocks.

  Driving up in front of the bed and breakfast, Chloe's car was parked in the drive, and she sat waiting on the hood for him. Reckoning time.

  "It's a sad day when I'm jealous of a six-year-old," she said as he crawled out of his car.

  Laughing at the idea of her being envious, he held up his hand. "Wait, I have a perfectly good reason."

  "Start talking, buddy, or I'll get out my Chinese torture tools."

  "Oh no, not the tools," he said, walking up to her and kissing her on the lips. Lingering, he didn't want to stop there, but she waited to hear him explain why he took Marissa to the father-daughter dance.

  "A friend of mine in school, Ariel McFadden, and her partner Scarlet McFadden wanted to adopt a foster child. They asked me to be their attorney and I handled their adoption.

  “During the process, I became friends with the little girl. Scarlet travels a lot for her job, and they worried about the kids making fun of Marissa if one of them went with her. When Marissa asked me if I would go to the dance with her. I couldn't deny that sweetheart.

  “Abandoned by her opium addicted mother, with no record of who is her father, she's seen the worst and the best of humanity. With Ariel and Scarlet, she has a great home. This kid has come so far and didn't want to be bullied by kids. I--"

  Chloe's mouth covered his and she kissed him hard, her hands gripping his head and bringing his lips solidly against her own. He didn't resist. In fact, he laid her on the car top, covering her body with his, his mouth ravishing hers, taking control.

  Tonight, seeing her give out punch, he knew there would be questions, doubts, and yet she kissed him before they finished talking. With his last breath, he hoped this implied she understood, she accepted how he helped this little girl. His reputation was bad enough, decent women doubted him and he couldn't help but wonder if she did, too.

  Finally, they came up for air, her breathing harsh as she gazed at him in the moonlight.

  "My only request is I wish you had told me," she said. "If I had known, I would have approved and never been envious of a first grader."

  It wasn't the kind of defense he would be proud of, as she was right. Still, he never told anyone his whereabouts and taking a child to a dance didn't seem such a big deal. Lying on top of her, he longed to concentrate only on Chloe.

  "As soon as I spotted you,” Drew said, “I thought, you crazy fool, why didn't you tell her? In my exoneration, I'm not used to telling women what I'm doing or where I'm going. In the future, I will tell you my plans. I give you my word."

  Pulling his head down close to hers. "Please, tell me. That's all I ask, but frankly, what you did for that child was awesome. Every little girl wants to belong with the
other kids and sometimes circumstances make that impossible. What you did gave her the biggest smile. You're this little girl's hero."

  Her mouth covered his once again and she leaned into his kiss, her breasts smashed against his chest, sending heat spiraling through him as his penis hardened between the V of her legs.

  The taste of passion and desire and a tiny bit of sweetness oozed from her lips. Nothing could make him happier than to take her upstairs and bed her, but where he was staying was gossip central in Cupid. In fact, he wouldn't be a bit surprised Mabel had her nose crushed against the window watching.

  Though her father wouldn't be pleased, Drew was enjoying this moment.

  His hand came between them and he cupped her breast and she moaned deeply in her throat. The touch of her nipple beneath his hand left him heady with craving. Every day, he wanted her more. Every night he wanted it all, but her father...

  Releasing her flesh, he gave her a butterfly kiss, slowly letting his lips trail towards her ear. "Mabel is getting quite a show from us. Even now the phone lines are burning up with her blathering about how she watched us making out on your car."

  "The woman is probably asleep. Regardless, I need to get home."

  "Well, if Mabel isn't watching, maybe we should continue," he said, nipping at her neck, feeling her shudder at the feel of his mouth.

  "Maybe that would find us both in trouble," she said sighing.

  "I like trouble," he said, pressing into her.

  "I know you do," she replied. "Your kind of danger requires a ring."

  In her eyes, yes. Still, when he pulled in here and observed her waiting for him, he thought there would be a fight on his hands. Instead, they made out. The woman kept him guessing. "Always a stickler for details."

  "Absolutely," she said and softly kissed him on the lips as she pushed him off her. "Sleep well, Drew."

  "Damn woman, you know how to leave a man hurting."

  "Better aching, than trapped."

  With a sigh, he said, "So logical. One day, I'm going to make you realize how much you're missing."


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