Cupid's Heart: Western Contemporary Small Town Romance (Return to Cupid Book 6)

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Cupid's Heart: Western Contemporary Small Town Romance (Return to Cupid Book 6) Page 11

by Sylvia McDaniel

  Shaking his head, Drew smiled. "Did you know our father bumped into our mother running around the Cupid statue?"

  Their eyes grew large as they stared at each other. "What? They never said anything. Why wouldn't they tell us," Kyle asked.

  "Because Dad didn't want us kids to do anything outrageous like that silly Cupid superstition," Jim said. "I remember him telling me not to call him if I got caught dancing naked at that statue. He never said a word about him and Mom doing it."

  "Why didn't she tell us?" Kyle said, throwing his hands up in the air. "Mom was always open with us."

  "Mother promised him she would never tell any children they had about how they bumped into each other at the Cupid dance."

  The brothers sat in silence for a moment. "When you're done, I want to read that diary," Jim said.

  "Me, too," Kyle admitted. "Back to Drew. How does this affect you and your lady?"

  Drew steepled his hands. "Our father resisted marrying our mother. She gave up on him and walked away determined to get over Dad, but at the eleventh hour, he came running back. We almost weren't born, gentleman."

  "And you are resisting marrying Chloe," Jim asked.

  "Yes," Drew said. "Yes, and to make things more complicated, her father's days are numbered and he would like to live long enough to see her marry."

  For over a week, he had gone back and forth thinking of his options, deciding what he should do. Drew loved Chloe, but would she accept an engagement? Clarity came to him, and the answer before he asked the question.

  Time to go all in or be kicked to the curb.

  More than anything, this time alone had proven he loved Chloe. Even Anna, standing in front of him in her mini skirt and heels, told him he was a fool for not manning up and putting a ring on that girl’s finger. At dinner, she said he needed to grow a set of balls, which not only shocked, but insulted him.

  "What are you going to do?" Jim asked.

  "Before you respond to that question. Do you love her?" Kyle asked.

  "Madly," Drew said. "She's mad as hell at me and I can't blame her, but I'm going after her. I've been trying to think of a way that would prove to her I love her. It has to be something big, guys."

  "Oh, we got this," Kyle said.

  "Oh, yeah, we'll get you all fixed up."

  Chloe was working on a new house. Redoing Drew's grandmother's house had gotten her two new clients and already she was in the demolition stage on one house. And it felt good to smash cabinets from the wall. The men in her crew stood way back when she swung the sledgehammer, putting all her body weight into knocking down walls.

  With each blow, an exhilaration went through her.

  "Chloe," she heard her foreman yell her name.

  "What?" she asked really not wanting to be disturbed.

  "Someone is here to see you," he said.

  Whirling around, there stood Anna, Drew's girlfriend in the doorway. All work ceased as every eye stared at Anna's long legs, short skirt, and makeup fitting an actress.

  "What do you want?" Right now, she didn't want to talk to the seductress who lured Drew away. The Devil take him, she could have him.

  Liar, her heart immediately responded.

  "A few minutes of your time, please," Anna said. "Outside where we can speak in private."

  Dropping the hammer, everyone watched as she followed Anna out the door, wondering what the woman wanted.

  When they stepped far enough away from the house, Anna stopped and turned to face her.

  "Look, I realize you and Drew had been dating and somehow you think the two of us got re-entangled with each other, but that's not true. I'm a lawyer and Drew has been helping me on a divorce case in the next county over.

  “Nothing romantically is happening between us and not from my lack of trying either. Girl, I don't know what you've done to that man, but he is steadfast in his devotion to you."

  "The other morning you were in his office."

  "Yes, we were on our way to Parker county courthouse to negotiate one of the largest divorce settlements in the state of Texas. That woman is now richer than God, thanks to our teamwork," she said with a coo.

  Chloe stood back, staring, considering what the woman was saying, not ready to admit everything was fine once again. Her world hadn't been right since the night her father told her of his illness.

  "Whatever happened between the two of you devastated the man. Drew is suffering, and frankly, I think this mess is all one big misunderstanding. He needs you."

  While it was good news, she still had questions.

  "He's not been sleeping around again?"

  Anna started laughing. "The man doesn't even glance at women anymore. At first, it was kind of sad, but now I understand the reason. I've always thought he needed to settle down some, but he turned off the tap water and hasn't gone in for a swim in a long time."

  Chloe considered the woman for a moment. "You're not just covering for him."

  Why would an ex-girlfriend cover for him, especially when she'd been trying to lure him back into her bed.

  "Oh, honey, he doesn't have a clue I'm here and would probably be mad as hell if he found out. Whatever happened between the two of you was beautiful, but you need to bring it back and quick. He's meaner than a hornet's nest at an orgy."

  A feeling of relief spread through Chloe. "Thank you for coming and telling me. Let's keep this our little secret. Let me think about it."

  Anna reached out and hugged her. "For the sake of his clients, please make it hasty. You two are such a cute couple. You'll have beautiful babies."

  "Before we start talking children, Drew and I need to see if there is a chance of us being a couple again."

  Chapter 11

  After church on Sunday, Chloe had planned on spending the afternoon doing laundry and relaxing. The last few weeks had been emotionally draining, and well, she needed some rest - a chance to recharge her batteries for the upcoming months.

  She had also been spending a lot of time with her father. Needing to soak up as much of him as possible before he left her.

  After lunch, her father said, "Let's take a stroll. I'd like to walk in the town square and then we can head home."

  "Sounds nice," she said.

  Placing her hand in the crook of his elbow, they walked along the tree-lined avenue.

  "Sometimes parents get so wrapped up in their children, they forget to stop and think whether this is good for the child or not. Here, you are, a grown woman and I've been trying to find you a husband. You were right. It's none of my business. I'll do better at staying out of your affairs."

  With a glance at her father, she smiled. "Agreed. But you also knew you were sick and you wanted to see me walk down the aisle. Unfortunately, I don't think that's going to happen."

  "Oh, I'm still sending up prayers. I ask very little from God, so I think he could give this old man this last request. We'll just have to be patient and wait and see."

  Chloe laughed. "Ever the optimist, Dad. Why aren't you praying for your recovery?"

  "Maybe because I know my time is at hand and I'm okay with that."

  A sigh escaped from Chloe. He thought it was his time, but she wasn't ready to let him go. So far, she had yet to find the time or the right words to say to Drew. The inspiration had not come to her.

  The clatter of hooves sounded on the pavement and they both glanced up to see a beautiful white carriage - one that looked to belong in a Cinderella movie - coming toward them.

  "Will you look at that," her father said.

  A man in a black tuxedo handled the horses and another man sat in the back.

  "Someone must be getting married today and this is their transportation to the wedding."

  Her father laughed. "Maybe."

  Suddenly the carriage halted right in front of them. Chloe's mouth fell open as she recognized Drew in the back wearing a white tuxedo. Funny, she'd seen him at church probably only an hour before. At that time, it seemed he avoided her and
now here he was all dressed in white, top hat, tails, the complete outfit.

  Oh my! A tremor of nerves went through her.

  He stepped out of the vehicle and it was then she realized Jim, his brother, controlled the reins. She glanced up and down the street and saw his sister Kelsey, Shadow, and Tempe standing on the steps of the boutique watching. People from the congregation lined the sidewalks and she clasped her hand over her heart.

  She turned to her father who stood by her side.

  Drew moved to her father, a serious expression on his face. "Mr. Kilian, I know we spoke earlier, but I would like for you to tell Chloe, that I came to you and asked for her hand in marriage. That you did not ask me to marry her, but I willingly came and told you I loved your daughter and would be honored if you would accept me into your family as her husband."

  "Yes, son, you did. After we prayed, I gave you my blessing."

  Shock shimmered through her as tears welled up in her eyes and her father slid into the background, leaving just the two of them.

  Drew turned to Chloe. "We've had an unusual courtship. You've taught me a lot about myself. Because of you, I'm a changed man, a better man. Sometimes I'm a bit slow, but I love you, Chloe. I've loved you for weeks, months, in fact. I've been waiting for you to come into my life for years and then I almost screwed it up. There will never be anyone but you."

  His hand got stuck in his pocket and finally he pulled out the box and knelt on one knee. "Will you marry me and make me the luckiest man in the world?"

  Chloe couldn't believe her eyes. There in front of her was the man no one believed could be caught. There was her man, her love. "I just want to tell you, I've always known you were a great man. I love you, Drew. Yes, I'll marry you and love you for the rest of my days on earth."

  Standing, he hauled her into his arms, while the crowd around them and lining the streets cheered. "I'm sorry, Drew, for not believing in you and for not giving you the time you needed. Everything came down on me at once and my time with my father was slipping away."

  "Shhh...this is our happy moment. Our time to celebrate. Besides, after reading that diary you left me, you are correct. I'm my father's procrastinating son."

  "And I'm my father's daughter. Love me till the end of time."

  His lips came down on hers and he sealed their promise with a kiss.

  Drew couldn't believe how quickly everyone had come together for this wedding. His sister and sisters-in-law had each taken on part of the tasks and three weeks after he proposed to Chloe, they were getting married. Her father was getting his wish, Chloe was having her church wedding and Drew was marrying the woman of his dreams.

  After his initial bout of nerves, he felt more confident than ever. No doubts remained about Chloe or their love.

  The music started and he turned to his father-in-law who he'd grown to love.

  "I'm putting my little girl in your care from this day forward. Treat her right."

  "Yes, sir. I'll look after her."

  "Mainly love her," her father said with a tear in his eye.

  "Always," Drew promised.

  "Come on, son, the bride is waiting."

  Drew walked out the door and stood watching while her father went to the bride’s room. A sense of peace overcame him as the scent of his mother's perfume filled the room. He realized her spirit looked down from heaven and probably even his father. Everyone they loved was here, including Chloe's mother. He didn't know how, but he knew and sensed their presence.

  Chloe had insisted this be a family event and his sister and his brothers were all in the wedding party. Standing at the altar, he watched his brothers escort their wives down the aisle and Cody his sister. The day couldn't be any more special with his siblings standing up beside them as they took their vows.

  The music grew louder and Chloe and her father started walking toward him. At the sight of his beautiful bride in her satin wedding dress and lacy veil, he feared his heart would explode from the love he had for this woman.

  If someone told him he'd soon be happily wedded after dancing naked around a Cupid statue, he would have laughed out loud at them. Now, he felt grateful to Cody and Kelsey for being the reason he was forced to do the Cupid Stupid dance.

  And that group of church ladies who wanted to take the Cupid statue down would have a fight on their hands. Too many people, including his parents, had found love because of that piece of rock.

  But the whole town thought no one would capture Drew's heart. No one but Chloe. Only the preacher's daughter had faith and tamed the bad boy. Tonight, for the first time, he would make her his and he could hardly wait to show her how much he loved her.

  Kissing her on the cheek, her father placed her hand in his and she smiled, her eyes brimming with love. Their first night together, he hoped and prayed they made a child, so her father would hopefully live long enough to see his grandchild. More than anything, he looked forward to sharing his love with her and claiming his bride.

  Her father cleared his throat. "Bow your heads and pray for God's blessing on this couple."

  And now their life together began.

  Thank You For Reading!

  Dear Reader,

  Oh my goodness, this book was one of the most difficult to write in the series. Why? I loved the hero, but I wanted you, the reader to like him. This couple quickly became one of my favorite couples. Hope you enjoyed them.

  As always, if you’re inclined, please go to your favorite retailer and let others know what you think. Whether or not you loved the book or hated, it-I’d enjoy your feedback.

  Sign up for my newsletter if you’d like to learn about my new releases before everyone else. Join the readers group on Facebook. Thanks for venturing into my world and I hope to see you here again soon.. And remember, I do not condone dancing naked around a Cupid statue!!


  Sylvia McDaniel

  [email protected]

  The Unlucky Bride

  Coming September 2017

  Running from her wedding in Cupid, Texas, she lands in Bride, Texas only to learn she has to share a cabin with the man who broke her teenage heart.

  Chapter One

  Cupid, Texas

  "Valentine's Day. Today is the cheating snake's wedding day," Taylor Braxton said, flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder before taking a sip of wine. Her third glass of the evening. "I'd like to propose a toast to his new wife. May she never find him in her bed with someone else, like I found her in mine."

  The three women clinked glasses.

  "Maybe it was for the best. After all, lawmen are known for being serial cheaters," Meghan, one of Taylor's best friends, said in her quiet librarian voice. She gave a shake of auburn hair, her emerald eyes filled with sympathy.

  Still the same after all these years, Taylor wondered if Meghan ever raised her voice even during a climax. Did she scream with passion, or just say oh? And Taylor never wanted to know the answer to that question.

  Yes, lawmen cheated, but many men were sleazebags who thought infidelity was nothing.

  Kelsey, Taylor's other best friend leaned in close. "Well, if you hadn't found him locked in the arms of another woman, you wouldn't have come back to Cupid."

  "True," Taylor agreed.

  Pushing her dark brunette hair back over her shoulder, Kelsey smiled. "I can't believe we're all here together again. Just like the old days when we were young and naive and so vulnerable. Now, we're all grown up and--"

  "Still single," Meghan said with a sigh.

  "Yep, no eligible man on my radar," Kelsey admitted. "Who would want to date a woman with three pain in the ass brothers watching over her?"

  Kelsey's announcement surprised Taylor. Of the three of them, Kelsey was who she thought would walk down the aisle first. Instead, not one of them was wearing a ring, and frankly, she found it odd she'd come the closest to a honeymoon.

  "I don't want a man. I'm giving up. I'm g
oing to remain single the rest of my life," Taylor announced.

  After her last attempt at love, the time to step away had arrived in the form of a revealed booty call. Now, her focus on the family business was the most important thing in her life.

  "Oh yeah, that's the life I want," Meghan replied, sarcasm dripping in her tone. "Always the third wheel when you're around couples. Every holiday your relatives asking if there is something wrong with you or have you tried online dating. Blind dates with your next-door neighbor’s son, who is so kind that he still lives with his mother." She shivered. "No, thanks."

  Meghan's appearance fitted the sweet, innocent librarian image, but her tongue was sharp and precise. Sometimes even Taylor was shocked at what came out of her smart mouth.

  Setting her wine glass down on the table Kelsey leaned forward. "Or your brothers’ glancing at every man you bring home like he's a terrorist, and should they learn he's sleeping with their sister, he would wake up six feet under." Kelsey giggled. "They don't know, but I lost my virginity the first semester of college during pledge week."

  "Ohh...with someone you cared about?" Taylor asked.

  She sighed. "Not really. We were two virgins who wanted to rid ourselves of the stigma. A fumbling, truly awful, awkward experience. After that horrible first time, I concentrated on my studies and not on men."

  "What about you, Taylor? When did you lose your virginity?" Meghan asked.

  "Prom night," she said, shaking her head. "Billy Ray Smith."

  "Oh my gosh, he's married and living one town over."

  "Thank God. He was mistake number one. I was young and foolish." And oh, so stupid, she thought.

  That night he'd convinced her everyone was doing the nasty and if she didn't give it up, she would be the only virgin left in school. Curious about the forbidden fruit and wanting to fit in, she listened to him.

  Meghan laughed. "Well, we certainly know who popped my cherry. Max Vandenberg, football superstar jerk.”


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