Cupid's Heart: Western Contemporary Small Town Romance (Return to Cupid Book 6)

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Cupid's Heart: Western Contemporary Small Town Romance (Return to Cupid Book 6) Page 13

by Sylvia McDaniel

  "I walked to the club. Due to the nature of our celebration, I thought it would be best to walk in case I had too much to drink. I didn't want to get a DUI or hurt someone."

  Pulling in front of her house, she was quiet as he parked. Silence filled the automobile, even his radio had stopped crackling. Why did he feel like the boy in the diaper delivered him some good fortune? How did he go about asking a naked woman in the back seat of his patrol car for a date without looking like a real perv? He didn't.

  "Every year, I arrest or take home kids who have decided to test the Cupid Stupid superstition. Seldom do I detain grownups, but if I do, I take them to the pokey where they belong. You're receiving a break for several reasons. One, you didn't drink and drive, and two, you said your ex was married today. For those two reasons, I'm giving you a pass. If I ever catch you near that damn sculpture, nude again, you will be charged and incarcerated."

  Over the last year, he'd taken ten naked dumb kids home to their parents and only arrested one adult. And the reason the man had woken up incarcerated was because he'd been inebriated and waving his dick around peeing on the figure. City workers had to scrub the statue and drain the fountain while Ryan tried to convince the city council to knock down the God of Love.

  "Thank you," she said, relief evident in her voice. "Are you going to press charges against my friends?"

  "No, but you give them my warning. Any of you girls ever do this stunt again, I'll be waiting."

  Usually his threat was enough to make people regret their decision.

  "I'll remove the handcuffs and help you carry their stuff inside." He crawled out of the car.

  Going to the back, he opened the door. "Lean forward."

  As he unlocked the cuffs, his eyes feasted on her lovely rounded derrière.

  "You know, I've never been cuffed before, and I must say they're very uncomfortable."

  "They're supposed to be," he said and released her.

  Pulling her arms in front of her she rubbed her wrists, keeping the blanket firmly tucked around her. Reaching for her hand, he helped her from the car. She stood and they were face to face, staring at each other, and he had the craziest urge to kiss her. Her lips were so ripe and full that he wanted to pluck them with his own. That craving would have to wait for another night.

  "Thanks again, Ryan. I know what we did was crazy, but we didn't plan on getting caught."

  "Nobody ever does. They think they're going to get away with the silly antic."

  She stepped out of the way and he reached in and pulled out the stack of jeans, boots, and purses. "I'll drive around and see if I can find Meghan and Kelsey."

  "They won't come out for you."

  "It was nice of you to take the fall for them," he said, thinking not many women would do that for their friends.

  "I persuaded them we should do this. I'm the one at fault."

  "Yet, you don't want to marry?" he asked, shaking his head. "Seems kind of crazy."

  "We did it for fun. Meghan wants to get married, but I barely escaped the noose once. I'm not looking for another chance," she said.

  All he could think was, too bad. He'd been drawn to her in high school and now a mature woman, she was even better.

  Hurrying to her door, she dug in her handbag for her key, the blanket sliding down, exposing her shoulder. Once the portal opened, a red dachshund greeted them, barking and yelping his happiness at her being home, the dog’s nails sticking in the blanket and edging it down.

  "Zeus, down," she commanded.

  Ryan followed behind her, carrying in the stack of clothes and boots. Boxes sat on the floor. The townhouse had a homey atmosphere, but clearly she'd just moved back into town.

  Turning to face him with the cloth tucked carefully around her hiding all her girly parts, she gazed at him. "Why don't you come by the restaurant one day and I'll fix something special for you. Not one of the regular items, but a specialty I'm working on not on the menu yet."

  Now was not the time to ask her out; he knew dinner would be the perfect moment to ask.

  "I'll come by tomorrow," he said.

  "I'll have chicken picante waiting for you."

  "Looking forward to it."

  "Goodnight, Officer Ryan," she said and walked him to the door, shutting it behind him.

  Stepping out onto the porch, he glanced up at the stars shining brightly. In Afghanistan, the nighttime stars had been brilliant, almost like he could reach out and touch them. A trickle of unease scurried down his spine and he pushed the memories away.

  Maybe coming back to Cupid had been a good idea after all. Taylor Braxton had become a hot looking woman. All he had to do was convince her to go out with him. And he would, tomorrow.

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  Can Cupid Cure Not Only a Disease, But a Heart as Well?

  Can a rigid doctor with a famous past and a veterinarian with a gentle heart determined to save the cattle and the livelihood of his neighbors work together and in the process rescue each other?

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  Also By Sylvia McDaniel

  Contemporary Romance

  Return to Cupid, Texas

  Cupid Stupid

  Cupid Scores

  Cupid Dances

  Cupid Help Me!

  Cupid Cures

  Cupid’s Heart

  My Sister's Boyfriend

  The Wanted Bride

  The Reluctant Santa

  The Relationship Coach

  Secrets, Lies, & Online Dating

  Short Sexy Reads

  Racy Reunions Series

  Paying For the Past

  Her Christmas Lie

  Cupid’s Revenge

  Science/Fiction Paranormal

  The Magic Mirror Series

  Touch of Decadence

  Touch of Deceit

  Western Historicals

  A Hero’s Heart

  Ace’s Bride

  Second Chance Cowboy


  American Brides

  Katie: Bride of Virginia

  The Burnett Brides Series

  The Rancher Takes A Bride

  The Outlaw Takes A Bride

  The Marshal Takes A Bride

  The Christmas Bride

  Boxed Set

  Lipstick and Lead Series






  Deceived — Coming Soon!

  Scandalous Suffragettes of the West



  Callie – Coming Soon


  Mistletoe Scandal - October 2017

  Southern Historical Romance

  A Scarlet Bride

  The Cuvier Women




  Boxed Set

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  USA Today Best-selling author, Sylvia McDaniel is an award-winning author of over thirty western historical romance and contemporary romance novels. Known for her sweet, funny, family-oriented romances, Sylvia is the author of The Burnett Brides a historical western series, The Cuvier Widows, a Louisiana historical series, Lipstick and Lead, a western historical series and several short contemporary romances.

  Former President of the Dallas Area Romance Authors, a member of the Romance Writers of America®, and a member of Novelists Inc, her novel, A Hero’s Heart was a 1996 Golden Heart Finalist. Several other books have placed or won in the San Antonio Romance Authors Contest, LERA Contest, and she was a Golden Network Finalist.

  Married for over twenty years to her best friend, they have two dachshunds and a good-looking, grown son who thinks there’s no place like home. She loves gardening, hiking, shopping, knitting and football (Cowboys and Bronco’s fan).

  tern Contemporary Small Town Romance (Return to Cupid Book 6)




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