Haley's Bay 01 - The Billionaire's Nanny

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Haley's Bay 01 - The Billionaire's Nanny Page 6

by Melissa McClone

  Emma kept smiling. “I’m AJ’s—”

  “Girlfriend,” AJ interrupted, realizing stupid or not, he had no other choice. “Emma is my girlfriend.”

  One beat. Two. He waited for God to strike him down for lying. Nothing. The Big Man must understand. Desperate times, desperate measures. He stole a glance at Emma.

  She looked pained but held her smile in place. Atta girl. Team AJ all the way.

  His gaze pleaded, begged her to play along. “Emma is a fan of lighthouses. This trip is the perfect opportunity for her to check them out and meet the family.”

  He hoped she remembered the code word. If not...

  “AJ’s girlfriend!” His grandmother hugged Emma. “I’m sorry I assumed you were his assistant. How long have you been dating?”

  He bit the inside of his mouth. “I...”

  “Not long,” Emma finished for him. The way a helpful personal assistant would. Or a girlfriend. “But it feels like—”

  “Forever,” AJ said.

  Even Madison sighed.

  The lines on Grandma’s forehead deepened. “Why didn’t you introduce us when I visited last month?”

  “I live in Portland,” Emma said, thankfully keeping the charade going.

  He nodded. “A long-distance relationship.”

  “Well, this is simply wonderful.” Grandma clapped, then pointed to the cat carrier. “I must admit I didn’t know what to think when AJ said there’d be a cat coming, but I figured it was none of my business. What’s your cat’s name, Emma?”

  Emma’s smile was more saccharine than sugar. “Blossom. She’s a foster cat, but if everything works out as we hope, she’ll soon belong to AJ.”

  What? The scheming, quick-thinking minx. Blackmail. Unbelievable.

  He would adopt that pathetic feline over his dead body. But if Emma didn’t play along with this charade, he might find himself in an early grave. He was a firm believer in quid pro quo. He pasted on an aspartame smile. “That’s right.”

  Grandma’s gaze narrowed. She eyed him suspiciously. “But you don’t like cats.”

  Damn. He took a quick breath, hoping for the right words to say. “I didn’t. But that’s before I started dating a crazy cat lady.”

  Emma stiffened then moved closer. Wrapped her hand around his arm. Pinched him.


  She waved her fingers. “That would be me. Crazy about cats and lighthouses.”

  Risa and Madison sized up and glared at Emma. If looks could kill, the two sisters would be behind bars and he’d be hitting up a temp agency to find a new assistant. Time to put an end to Madison’s flirting.

  AJ removed himself from Emma’s hand, then placed his arm around her. Her muscles tensed beneath his palm. But he was more interested in her thin waist and the curve of her hips hidden by her clothes. His pulse kicked up. His temperature spiked. “And I’m crazy about you.”

  More likely just crazy. All he could think about doing was pulling her closer and kissing her hard on the lips.

  Don’t make me go all Supernanny or Nanny McPhee on you.

  AJ had a feeling kissing Emma might be worth whatever trouble he got into and any punishment she might dish out. Even taking away his electronics.

  Chapter Four

  Forget the code word. AJ had lost his mind. Eccentric or certifiably insane? That was the question Emma needed to answer before this crazy idea of his went any further. Well, once they were alone. Until then she would act like a dutiful employee. Make that, um, girlfriend.

  She followed Mrs. Cole—AJ’s grandmother—up the stately Victorian’s wide staircase trying not to burst out laughing. Emma Markwell the girlfriend of a hot internet billionaire? Yeah, right. No way could they pull this off. Okay, maybe he could, but not her.

  Agreeing to be in a fake relationship with her temporary boss was not going to end well. The logistics of staying in the same house with him were bad enough, but Libby’s reaction when she found out about the charade... That would not be pretty.

  Emma expected yelling, followed by the silent treatment. Her insides twisted. She loved Libby like a sister. Upsetting her best friend was not an option. Keeping quiet about the situation was key.

  No one outside of Haley’s Bay and the Cole family could know about the so-called dating. Now or after the fact. If, and it was a big if, Emma didn’t put a stop to the entire thing before someone else called them on the relationship farce. No one, including Libby, would ever believe AJ Cole would date a boring, quiet nanny, let alone take her home to meet his estranged family.

  Emma’s stomach hurt with an icky, sinking feeling. Not even the scent of lemons and wood polish eased her discomfort. The pewter-framed family photographs covering the walls pressed home all the ways she didn’t belong here.

  She recognized AJ in several of the pictures. A younger AJ, bearded and happy. He was going to be upset when this lie exploded in his face. Of course it was his fault, but she sympathized with the guy over his sister-in-law’s not-so-subtle matchmaking. The fix-up vibe had been strong out on the porch. AJ must be deluged with desiring women.

  That would make her unusual in his world. The antithesis to a woman like Madison. Though the pretty woman earned points for being able to walk in such high heels. No way Emma could wear those without ending up face-first on the ground.

  Mrs. Cole’s thin, veined hand ran along the carved mahogany banister. She glanced over her shoulder at Emma. “How did you meet my grandson?”

  “Through Libby.” The muscles around Emma’s mouth hurt from forcing a smile, but she assumed a girlfriend would look happy while on vacation with her boyfriend. Her stomach churned. She was a horrible liar, something AJ would have known if he had mentioned his idea to her first rather than telling her at the same time as everyone one else. She touched her tummy, trying to calm the nausea. “She’s been my best friend since freshman year of high school.”

  That much was true. Emma didn’t want to think about pertinent details such as the fact that she and AJ had met only a couple hours ago and he was paying her for her services and...

  “Bet Libby gets a big bonus from my grandson for introducing you,” Mrs. Cole said.

  “Let’s hope so.” Unless Emma screwed this up. Highly likely. She’d dated, but never seriously and never a rich and powerful man such as AJ Cole. Playing make-believe with children was one thing. She could be a princess, queen, fairy godmother, pirate and ninja with the best of them. Being a pretend girlfriend would take acting abilities she didn’t possess. Since this had been AJ’s idea, maybe he wouldn’t hold her failures against Libby. Emma crossed her fingers. “Libby works hard every day. She deserves a bonus and a raise.”

  “My employees are well-compensated,” AJ said behind Emma. “A happy, satisfied staff makes for a more productive work environment.”

  If that was his goal, he was failing. Big-time. Emma was not happy or satisfied. She was peeved at being put into the position of lying to his family and friends. She glanced over her shoulder.

  AJ’s lips pressed together in a thin line. His dark brows furrowed, yet gratitude shone in his eyes. He mouthed the words thank you, surprising her.

  “I was going to put you in bedrooms down the hall from each other, but that was before I knew you were dating.” Mrs. Cole stood on the landing. “There’s no reason you can’t share a room.”

  “You don’t have to do that.” The words rushed from Emma’s mouth, matching the panic coursing through her. Her gaze bounced between AJ and his grandmother. “I mean... This is your house. Separate bedrooms are fine.”

  Preferred. Emma rubbed her hands together, her blood pressure spiraling with each passing second. Sharing a bedroom was not an option. She clenched her teeth and glared at AJ, trying to signal that they were fighting and not getting along. A couple on the outs wouldn’t be forced to stay in the same room.

  He gave her a smoldering look, as though he was so hot for her his clothes were singed.

  Darn the man. H
e was having fun with this. Her temper rose. How dare he get her into this situation and now make it worse? If he thought this was a great way to get her into bed he had another think coming. She pursed her lips and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Now, now.” Mrs. Cole’s blue eyes twinkled. She winked, a mischievous grin on her face. “I may be old, but I remember being young once. You only have five days together. Enjoy your vacation and each other.”

  So. Not. Good. Emma inhaled but she couldn’t get enough oxygen to fill her lungs. Any minute she was going to hyperventilate. Her gaze implored AJ to do something.

  “That’s generous and sweet of you,” AJ said to his grandmother. “But Emma and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

  Finally! Emma nodded, hoping she didn’t look like a battery-operated bobblehead. But that was what she felt like trying to get her agreement across to his grandmother.

  “You don’t have to worry, dears.” Mrs. Cole patted AJ’s arm. “This is better than you sneaking around at night. Trust me, you won’t be fooling anyone. Especially your old grandma. Besides, it’s about time this house saw some action.”

  Heat flooded Emma’s face. She wanted the floor to open up so she could disappear. “Please, Mrs. Cole—”

  “Lilah. Mrs. Cole was my mother-in-law. Nothing I did was good enough for that woman.” She gave Emma’s shoulder a squeeze, but the touch did nothing to calm her tap-dancing nerves. “Technology makes keeping in touch easier these days, but long-distance relationships are still difficult. Make the most of your time together.”

  The woman emphasized the last word.

  Together. So not happening. Emma bit her lip.

  “This is your room.” Lilah stepped through a doorway. She motioned to the wood-paned windows on the opposite wall. “I love the view of the harbor. I used to stand there and watch for AJ’s grandfather’s boat to come in.”

  “That’s sweet.” Or would be if Emma would see past the queen-size four-poster bed covered with a white comforter and fluffy lace trimmed pillows. A romantic bed. A bed for lovers. Not a boss and his employee. The pillow-sized lump in her throat threatened to choke her.

  “The room has its own bathroom,” Lilah said. “I took the liberty of putting a litter box in there for the cat.”

  “Thank you.” A real smile tugged at the corners of Emma’s mouth. She wished she had a grandmother like Lilah. Emma didn’t remember hers. “Blossom and I appreciate that.”

  Lilah peered through the grate. “The cat must be cramped after being stuck in the crate so long.”

  AJ placed the carrier on the floor, then opened the gate. Blossom dashed out. The ball of orange disappeared under the bed.

  “Blossom needs time to adjust to her new surroundings. That’s how cats are. Let me show you the room.” Lilah pointed out the bathroom, a closet with built-in dresser and fireplace. “You should be comfortable here.”

  Maybe if on a honeymoon. Goose bumps covered Emma’s skin. She rubbed her hands over her arms. The bedroom was oh so romantic, the kind you might find in a quaint B and B. Not the place she wanted to spend the night with AJ. A total stranger.

  Emma forced the word thanks from her dry mouth. She didn’t dare say anything directly to AJ’s grandmother and appear rude. The woman had been gracious, kind and...um, progressive.

  “We’ll be very comfortable, thank you, Grandma.” AJ escorted Lilah toward the door. “Charlie will bring up our luggage. We’ll get settled, then see you downstairs.”

  Mischief danced in his grandmother’s eyes. She sashayed out the doorway with the grace of a chorus-line dancer. “Don’t rush on my part.”

  The innuendo was clear. The older woman had given them the thumbs-up to have sex before lunch.

  Emma bit back a groan. She wanted to be anywhere but here. Her cheeks warmed. Who was she kidding? Her skinned burned like glowing barbecue charcoals.

  AJ closed the door. “I—”

  “I quit.”

  His mouth dropped open. He pressed his lips together, then adjusted the cuff of his dress shirt. “You promised Libby you’d take her place.”

  “As your assistant. Not your...” Emma couldn’t say the word aloud. She squeezed the back of her tight neck. “I realize you got caught in some bizarre matchmaking situation out on the porch, and I went along because of Libby, but this is ridiculous. You’re a grown man. A billionaire, for goodness’ sake. You should be able to handle a scheming woman without resorting to an impossible charade. I don’t like lying to your grandmother. I don’t see how you can, either. She’s so sweet and really cares about you.”

  “I’m doing this for my grandmother,” he said. “If we’re not dating, I’m going to have to reject Madison and call Risa on her misguided matchmaking attempt. That’s going to make for an awkward time and ruin my grandmother’s birthday party.”

  “No.” Emma held up her hands, palms facing him. “This is way beyond what I was asked to do as your personal assistant. Fix it with your family or I walk.”

  “You don’t have to walk. Everything will be okay.”

  “How so?” Her voice cracked. She didn’t appreciate that his voice remained calm. “Your grandmother thinks we’re about to make mad passionate love.”

  “She’s...romantic. Indulge her.”

  Every muscle tightened. Emma glared. “No way. Not going to happen.”

  “I’m not asking you to have sex with me. Just pretend we’re together. We’ve committed to the ruse. I can’t do this without you.”

  “No one is going to believe we’re a couple.”

  “My grandmother believes. Risa and Madison, too.”

  Emma bit her lip, unconvinced.

  “I’ll find a way to make this work so you’re not horribly uncomfortable,” AJ added. “Please. I need your help.”

  He sounded sincere. He’d said please, emphasizing the word. But something held her back. Okay, a lot of things. “I don’t know. I feel really weird about this.”

  “Me, too.” He brushed his hand through his thick hair. “This goes way beyond what a person should ask of someone they met a couple hours ago, but think about Libby. She’s your best friend. I know you’d do anything for her or you wouldn’t be here now. By Sunday, you and I will be friends, too, and this won’t seem as weird then.”

  Emma eyed him warily. “You and me, friends?”

  AJ nodded. “You’re the only person who tells me exactly what they’re thinking.”

  “That’s not always a good thing.”

  “No, not always. It’s refreshing to be with someone so open and honest,” he admitted. “I’ll be honest with you. I panicked with Risa and Madison. I got us into this mess, but I need you to get me through it.”

  Emma felt trapped. No matter what she decided, she would have regrets. Sure, she could walk away, but she’d agreed to help Libby. Emma hadn’t spoken up when AJ introduced her as his girlfriend and led his family to believe they were dating. She bore some responsibility here. Not as much as AJ, but some. She took a breath, then another. “You’re used to getting what you want.”

  His easy smile curled her toes. She promptly uncurled them.

  “Pretty much.” He sounded amused. “I can afford most things, but I like to believe it’s because I want only rational things.”

  “My being your girlfriend is not rational.”

  “True. That’s more of a necessity.”

  “I’m a raft of cotton in your sea of cashmere.”

  “I like cotton. Practical and soft. Low maintenance. Perfect for everyday wear.”

  The slight change in his tone and way he leaned forward to get closer irritated Emma. She pursed her lips, hoping she looked haughty rather than pouty with duck lips. “Flattery will get you nowhere.”

  “Not flattery. Honesty.”

  She chewed the inside of her mouth, not wanting to buy his words, but having a difficult time not believing him. “If I do this favor for you, I expect a few things in return.”

bsp; “What?”

  “More vacation time for Libby. She’s so dedicated and devoted to you, she put her job ahead of her health. She needs more balance in her life, not working nonstop.”

  “I count on Libby.”

  “She’s not much good to you sick or dead.”

  A beat passed, then another. “Okay, Libby gets more vacation time.”

  “With no contact from you during that time. That includes texts.”

  His mouth twisted. “Fine. What else?”

  “I would like you to make a large donation to the Portland Paws Rescue Shelter. They need their plumbing replaced so they can reopen. They are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit so your donation will be tax-deductible.”

  “How much?”

  “Fifty thousand dollars.”

  “You think you’re worth that much.”

  “I have no idea, but you might think I’m worth that much or you wouldn’t have introduced me as your girlfriend because you were afraid of another woman.”

  A sheepish look crossed his face. “Not afraid. Concerned over the consequences of what might happen.”


  He opened his mouth, then closed it. “Fine. Contact my CPA today and tell him to have a check delivered.”

  “Just like that?”

  He nodded once.

  Billionaire, she remembered. Fifty thousand might seem like a lottery jackpot to her, but AJ lived in a different world. “There’s one more thing.”

  “Money for you?”

  “A home for Blossom. You know people. Find her a forever home.”

  A muscle ticked at his jaw. His lips drew tight. “That’s—”

  “The last thing I want.” She stared down her nose at him for emphasis, hoping with her glasses she didn’t look cross-eyed.

  He swore under his breath.

  Emma didn’t expect him to be happy, but now he knew what being trapped in an awkward position felt like. “If you’d rather not—”

  “I’ll find the damn cat a home.”

  “Not any home. A forever home. One that will love Blossom the way she deserves to be loved and take care of her.”

  “This is going to cost me another fifty grand.” He looked at the rumpled bed skirt where Blossom had disappeared. “Maybe more.”


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