His Command

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His Command Page 13

by Sophie H. Morgan

  “I know you said I’m a client,” he was saying as her eyes moved over the tempting words. “And I’m granting you a wish so technically it’s business on my end, too. But it’s two separate things.”

  “I know.”

  He hesitated before his voice evened out. “Okay. That’s cool. I’ll, ah, have my assistant drop around with the questions if that’ll be better for you.”

  Do or die, Lawson.

  A lifetime of responsibility or a few weeks swimming in the waters of recklessness?

  She was too much of a good girl to run and dive bomb in. So maybe she could dip her toes first.

  Hailey gripped the phone. “Just the first part? Not the . . . other bit.”

  Her heart crashed against her ribs as Ryder suddenly appeared in front of her.

  Eyes lazy, phone to his ear still, he smiled. “Let’s have some fun, Hales.”


  “So,” Hailey said, stealing a look at Ryder, basking as he was in sunshine. They walked side by side through the park Ryder had told her was named Villa Borghese. “We’re in Rome.”

  “Yep.” Unfazed by the fact he’d flashed her over four thousand miles, Ryder tilted his head and enjoyed the late afternoon sun. It streamed over his face, highlighting his good looks like some kind of Roman god.

  Hailey veered away from that dangerous territory before it pushed her over the edge.

  A couple passed them, talking with their hands and in delicious Italian accents. The day was warm enough not to need the sweater she’d worn to work, so she’d shed it and carried it as she and Ryder played tourist and wandered Rome’s most famous park.

  Slyly, she pinched herself.

  Nope. Still in Rome.

  Freaking. Rome.

  Ryder hadn’t let her in on their destination, had simply told her to grab her purse. When she’d argued she couldn’t leave work at 9:03 on a weekday, he’d given her a look.

  She’d grabbed her purse.

  And now here she was, the Eternal City at four in the afternoon, Italian time. They’d nipped by the Trevi Fountain and thrown in a coin—despite Ryder’s laughing protestation she was already earning herself a wish—and bought gelato at Ryder’s favorite parlor. A battle since ice cream was a no-no for Hailey, especially in light of the two-pound weight gain.

  Ryder, however, was not good at taking no for an answer.

  He’d backed her up against the sun-warmed brick, his taller, muscular body crowding her as he waved the sugary treat under her nose. When she’d weakened and licked, his eyes had brightened, the brown lost to sparkling amber lights.

  But he hadn’t kissed her. You say when.

  When he’d suggested the park, she’d leapt at it before she did anything ridiculous like ask him how you say Do me in Italian.

  It might be a great idea.

  It might not.

  And until she’d decided either way, best to stick to part one of the proposal and enjoy the feeling of blowing off work, walking in a romantic, exciting city with a gorgeous man at her side, who also happened to be a Genie.

  She wouldn’t be at all surprised if she suddenly got hauled off by men in white coats, because this, her life, was surreal at the moment.

  “I like Rome,” was all Hailey said with a smile at Ryder. “It’s different from New York. Lazier.”

  “Well, don’t get too lazy.” Ryder held a hand up and greeted someone waiting in the center of a grassy circle. “We’re about to have some fun.”

  “I already was.” Hailey glanced between the man waiting and Ryder. “You know him?”

  “Uh-huh.” Not saying another word, Ryder grabbed her hand and half dragged her toward the Italian.

  She about swallowed her tongue as she neared. Her steps definitely stalled.

  Holy Mamma Mia.

  Ryder was gorgeous, but this man was . . . edible. Muscles upon muscles were displayed in a tight white tee and jean shorts. Golden skin contrasted with short black hair that swept across his eyes.

  His piercing green eyes hovered on her face for a minute before they moved to Ryder. And within the green danced bronze lights.

  “Ciao, Ryder,” he greeted in a velvety voice that would melt any woman’s knees. “Come stai?”

  “Molte bene, grazie, Nic.” The most luscious music spilled out of Ryder’s mouth as he responded to his friend’s greeting. He glanced at her face—probably slack-jawed with good ol’ fashioned lust. “Hailey, this is my friend, Niccolo. Nic, this is Hailey.”

  She lifted her hand and did a little wave that qualified her as dork of the year. “Hi. I mean, ah, ciao.”

  The Italian Genie took her hand and brushed a kiss across her knuckles. “Bella,” he murmured, staring into her eyes.


  Ryder broke their hands by tugging her closer to him. “All right, Nic. Rein in the charm. We’re not here for that.”

  Nic’s face lapsed into an easy grin as he lifted a shoulder in a very European shrug. “The charm, it comes free, my friend.”

  “Uh-huh. Are you all set up?”

  “It will take mere minutes.” Nic winked at Hailey. “You are ready to get physical, si?”

  Her jaw dropped.

  Ryder closed it with a finger. “Easy. Not that kind of physical.”

  Okay, good, ’cause for a moment there . . .

  Well. Let’s say her imagination got a great workout.

  Two Genies and one Hailey.

  Cheeks flushed, Hailey fanned herself. She cleared her throat. “So, what’re we doing?”

  “Ryder says you want adventure, si?” Nic held out his hand and a sword—a freaking sword—appeared. The sun glinted on the very genuine-looking blade as he twirled it.

  She kept her eyes on the sharp blade. “Ryder?”

  “Yes, Hailey?”

  “Did you bring me here to kill me?”

  He laughed. “No.”

  “Then can you please explain the man with the sword?”

  “Sure.” Ryder rocked onto his heels. “Before Nic became a Genie for the Roman WFY, he used to work part-time at the gladiator school here.”

  “Gladiator . . . school.” Her breath whistled through her teeth. She couldn’t drag her gaze away from the sword. The sunlight glinted off the blade into her eyes. “One question.”


  “Are you joking?”

  “C’mon. You said you wanted to try new things.”

  “I didn’t say I wanted to die.”

  “Hey.” He turned her toward him, cupping her face. His eyes laughed at her even as he faked a serious expression. “Do what I say, remember? It’ll be fun.”

  Chicken, his eyes mocked.

  And damn it, it worked.

  “Fine,” she spat. “But if you skewer me, I will be coming back to rattle your chains.”

  * * *

  Actually, it wasn’t that hard. While she’d pictured spurting blood and dismembered bodies, all Nic did was run them through the basics of sword fighting.

  Though when Hailey had protested the weight of her sword, sourly pointing out women were not gladiators, she got a five-minute lecture on the fact that there had been women gladiators and how they were often the most skilled fighters.

  In a strange way, she was enjoying the exercise in the Italian sun, the thrill of the sword in her hand, slashing at air. Not so much the people who wandered past, staring, but she figured it had more to do with the two muscled hunks swinging swords than her.

  Hell, if she wouldn’t get another lecture about concentration from Nic, she’d sit and gaze at Ryder herself.

  “It’s not your first time, is it?” she huffed as Nic ran them through another choreographed set. She dipped and brought the sword up, down, back in a diagonal. Her arms burned with the effort.

  Must go to the gym more.

  His lips curved as he swung through and back. “Nic and I occasionally cross swords. It’s good exercise.”

  No wonder he had such great arms.

>   “Hailey!” Nic snapped. His sword stopped an inch from her neck. “You see, you are dead now. You must concentrate. Or . . .” His eyes glimmered with humor. “Perhaps you have another physical activity in mind, si?”

  “No.” Hailey avoided Ryder’s interested gaze.

  “Then perhaps you are bored? You wish to see the moves in action?”

  Two fantastically good-looking Genies “crossing swords”?

  “Yeah. Mm-hmm.” Hailey hoped her nod wasn’t too eager. “That’d be great.”

  “Splendido!” Nic’s teeth flashed in a wide smile. “You fight each other now, then.”

  Maybe she’d misheard because of the accent.

  “I’m sorry, what now?”

  He was already striding off to the perimeter where he used his fingers to whistle. A stream of Italian poured out to the onlookers, his hands getting in on the action. The crowd grew bigger as he gestured.

  “Ryder?” Hailey dragged her gaze back to the Genie in question, nonchalantly standing with his sword across the back of his neck. “Why does he think we’re going to fight each other?”

  “Part of the experience, Hales.” He waggled his eyebrows. “I command it.”

  “You said you do this all the time!”

  “All right, so I’ll fight with my left hand. But belly up to the bar, little girl, ’cause it’s on. It’ll be fun.”

  She glared. If she heard that phrase one more time . . .

  Beneath her makeup, sweat started to form.

  Mental note: when a Genie says he’s going to make you have fun, run far and fast in the opposite direction. And don’t agree to follow his orders.

  She glanced around, embarrassed. “Everybody’s watching.”

  “So?” He made a face.

  He was not self-conscious at all, she realized. No insecurities, no worries about what people might think. He was what he was and screw everyone else. Refreshing attitude until it bit her on the ass.

  He would take her home if she really refused. He was decent like that.

  But then she’d still be the same safe, responsible Hailey who never let loose and said “to hell with it.” Who still cared what people thought of her? Wasn’t the whole point of this to move past the voice in her head that knocked her down every time she tried to stand up?

  She inhaled and ran through the moves Nic had shown her. “Carpe diem, right?” She blew out and raised her sword.

  “There’s my girl.” He kissed her blade with his. “You sure you want to go up against a champ?”

  “I’m hearing a lot of talk.” She gripped the handle with sweaty hands and faked confidence with the experience of a wedding planner who’d lost her groom. “Bring it, Genie.”

  Nic clapped and shouted encouragement in the background. People from the crowd murmured, a kid laughing. All faded as she concentrated on Ryder.

  The sun was bright as Hailey and Ryder circled. The grass sprang beneath her feet as she kept her eyes on his. Even though this was a game, Hailey’s blood pumped thick, adrenaline zigzagging until every breath was short and fast.

  When he struck, she countered, her muscles reacting before her brain even saw the move coming. It would’ve been cool—if not for the shriek that fell out as she brought her blade up.

  His grin was quicksilver. “Nice.”

  Instead of answering, Hailey struck, throwing him off and swinging her sword with a wild, yet committed, blow.

  Blades rang as he parried, feet moving backward as he let her drive him back.

  Sweat slid down her face as she defended herself from a quick counterattack. She threw him off with a grunt.

  “Ready to quit?” he asked, the edges of his hair damp. Wild.

  She held her sword up. “Are you?”

  Nic’s voice rang out. “Go for the jewels, bella!”

  “Not helping, Nic,” Ryder called with a flicker of exasperation.

  “My friend, I’m not trying to help you.”

  Taking advantage of his split attention, Hailey decided to go for gold. Being a navy brat, after all, hadn’t meant a meek upbringing.

  While Ryder’s face was angled away, she knocked his blade away so it pointed to the grass. Then, before he could move, she spun in and thrust her elbow into his stomach. As he doubled, she chopped him on the back of his neck.

  He fell with a thump and a groan that wasn’t faked.

  She planted her feet and leaned on her sword like a cane. Her smile was extra sweet when he squinted up at her. “Now that,” she said with relish, “was fun.”

  * * *

  “I totally kicked your ass.”

  Ryder watched as Hailey danced ahead of him to the railing at Monte Mario, her head thrown back with delight. Her eyes gleamed green in the semidarkness.

  She was adorable.

  He wanted to kiss her so badly, he could taste her.

  Instead, he wrapped his hands around the railing. “I went easy on you.” Not to mention he hadn’t anticipated the kung fu moves she’d pulled on him. He’d imagined she’d fold after a few swings. There was clearly more to Hailey than he’d thought, and damn it, but that intrigued the hell out of him. A little soreness—which he’d eased with magic for the most part—was nothing to see her face brighten like it had when she’d beaten him.

  As long as it didn’t get back to Leo. His twin would never shut up about the fact that a mortal had beaten him.

  All in all, though, Ryder was beyond satisfied at how the day had gone. Only three hours and already her shoulders had softened, that constant sadness erased if only for the moment. A need to know about her ex, the one who’d so affected her confidence, almost overwhelmed him, but he shoved it back.

  Right now was all he needed to focus on. And he’d control himself if it killed him—the next move had to be hers.

  Hailey sniggered and then sighed in contentment. “I love Rome.” She gazed at the glittering lights of the city laid out for them like a blanket of golden stars.

  He’d flashed them a couple miles out of the city to Monte Mario, his favorite place to come, which had the best view of Rome. It also happened to be incredibly romantic after sunset.

  “You had fun?” he asked, edging closer so her hand touched his. Even that slight contact had him buzzing.

  “I did.” She nudged him with her hip. “Even if I did think you were crazy at first.”

  “Most do.” He smiled. “Nic liked you.”

  His friend had described Hailey as a goddess of beauty and the fountain of bravery. Ryder had threatened him with a fireballing if Nic came near her “with his sword” again.

  Nic had just laughed. “The good ones, they all get caught.”

  Whatever that meant.

  The few people who had populated the lookout spot had finally left after hanging around in hopes of an autograph. They might not know who he was, but they knew what he was by his entrance, and any Genie’s autograph was cause for celebration.

  Normally he’d be happy to sign anything, but this was his private time with Hailey and he was loath to let the real world interrupt. So he’d avoided eye contact until—finally—they’d left.

  And they were alone.

  Hailey’s sigh was wistful. “I guess we should head back.”

  We could stay. Get a room. Drive each other wild.

  Ryder checked his watch. “It’s only half past one in New York. We’ve got time to have dinner.”

  “Wouldn’t that be nice?” Her smile turned dreamy.

  God. Her bottom lip was begging to be nipped.

  He’d started to lean in when she turned.

  He rubberbanded back.

  “Thanks for this, Ryder.” One side of her mouth curled up as the lights glimmered in her eyes. “I did feel like someone else for a while.”

  Confused, a frown touched his forehead. “Why would you want to feel like someone else?”

  Her head shook a little. “It’s nothing.”

  “It’s your dick of an ex, isn’t it?” He
nodded as he saw confirmation in her slack mouth. “I knew it. What did he say to you?”

  She stomped her foot. “How do you do that?” She wiped a hand across her face as if wiping away any trace of feeling. “Look, I’m actually having the nicest day I’ve had in months. Can we not talk about him or me being sad or anything like that right now?”

  Ryder opened his mouth to protest but hesitated. Why did he want to talk about her ex right now?

  So he nodded. “Okay.”

  Any tension drained out of her again. “Grazie,” she said on a sweet smile.

  He inhaled and touched her face. “Bella.”

  Her eyes grew huge as she froze.

  The air thickened, slowed. It was hard to draw breath as he focused on a spot where her pulse fluttered. A biteable spot.

  When she swallowed, it danced.

  A sheen of perspiration misted her collarbones, and one dewy drop edged its way to the neckline. Slipped beneath.

  Something hummed in his body as he struggled to control his desires. He might command her actions, but there were lines he’d never cross.

  It has to be from her.

  Her desire all but blasted from her eyes, her shaky breaths, the fact that—oh, God—her nipples were poking at her shirt, but she made no move toward him. Still in control. Still guarded behind those walls she put up, even if he could see the yearning to break them down.

  So he blew out a harsh breath. “Let’s grab dinner.”

  She blinked, moment broken. Her voice was shallow as she nodded. “Okay.”

  Disappointment crushed him that she didn’t protest, but he nodded back.

  A little devil voice poked up. If he had to suffer . . .

  An evil grin curled his lips up. “Hailey?”


  “Ever ridden on a Vespa?”

  By the time they got to the trattoria he had in mind, her desire pulsed like a neon sign. Not to mention the hard-on that’d throbbed in his pants every time she pressed tighter to him.

  If he’d meant to punish her, he’d only succeeded in punishing them both.


  So, she’d completely forgotten about asking Ryder for an introduction to Jax. In Hailey’s defense, it wasn’t like things hadn’t been happening.

  Things like glamorous trips to Rome in the blink of an eye, gladiator training, a candlelit meal with a charming Genie—which had all somehow been captured in photos and splashed across the Star’s social pages. In one respect, it helped keep the focus on their “affair,” like WFY wanted. On the other hand, thank God her parents didn’t read the Genie gossip paper or she’d have some more ’splaining to do.


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