Lookin' for Trouble (Honky Tonk Angels Book 6)
Page 85
The ride to the hotel seemed to take forever. Cooper had to force himself to keep his hands off Hannah, other than to hold her hand, or kiss it occasionally. When they arrived, neither of them spoke as they crossed the lobby or during the elevator ride.
Hannah unlocked her door when they reached her room. The moment Cooper stepped inside, he reached for her, pulling her into his arms.
Their lips met and all his intentions to seduce her with prolonged, maddening foreplay fled his mind. All he could think about was being inside her.
As her arms wound around his neck, he waltzed her backwards until they reached the dining room table. His hands worked beneath her dress. When he found her bare and wet, lust raged through him. He lifted her up and sat her on the table.
Her fingers worked at his belt and pants as their lips remained locked, the kiss one of hunger and need. When she pushed his pants down around his legs, he gave no thought to protection—he simply pulled her forward and let her guide him inside her.
That was when all thought fled. Reality consisted only of this moment, and this woman. Nothing else mattered.
Pressley woke to the ring of her phone. With eyes laden by sleep, she groped around the night stand. The light from the face of the phone made her wince. It was Wes. Alarm brought her fully to consciousness.
“What’s wrong?” she answered.
“Have you talked with my mother the last couple of days?”
“No, why?”
“Hoping she might have said something to you about where my father is.”
“What? You’re waking me in the middle of the night about where your dad is?”
“Well, first, it’s not the middle of the night and second, I wouldn’t if it wasn’t important. I just got a call from a contact in Dallas. Lucas Quinlan checked into The Four Seasons in Dallas yesterday afternoon.”
“So, my father left today and all I can find out is that he took a flight to Dallas.”
Pressley sat up in bed. “There’s no way Uncle Herbert would meet with Quinlan. They’ve been enemies for forty years or better.”
“Well you know what they say—the enemy of my enemy.”
“He’s not your enemy, Wes. Just your business rival.”
“Are you so sure?”
Pressley considered it. Her Uncle Herbert was not just a shrewd man, but a vain one. Being bested by Wes and Cooper had to have struck a hard blow. It had taken until just recently for him to even speak to Wes, and no one believed his amiability to be genuine, not even Aunt Mary.
But why would he meet with Quinlan? She knew a way to find out. She still had contacts in the Railroad Commission. “I’ll make some calls on Monday and see if I can find out anything, but it doesn’t make sense, Wes. Why would he meet with Quinlan?”
“I don’t know, but I’ve got a bad feeling about this. You know we haven’t secured all of the rights we hoped to get. If they—”
“No. Stop. He’d never get in bed with Quinlan. This is crazy. Go back to bed. I’ll make the calls on Monday and let you know if I find out anything.”
“Okay, sorry to wake you.”
“Talk to you later, Wes.” Pressley ended the call and flopped back down.
The trouble was, now she was wide awake and her mind swirling. Wes had to be wrong in his suspicions. He just had to be, because if he was right nothing good would come of it.
At least not for the Cotton Creek Energy Corporation.
Hannah was momentarily disoriented when she woke, thinking herself to be in a dream. Then it hit her. This was real. The warm firm body spooned up to her was real.
Her lips curved in a smile. Last night would live in her memory as one of the most erotic, satisfying and memorable of her life. She considered rolling over to wake Cooper, but decided against it. Let him sleep. What he’d given her last night had convinced her that he was indeed the man for her.
Careful not to wake him, she slid out of bed and headed for the bathroom. She spotted her purse on the chair by the door and grabbed it. After relieving herself and brushing her teeth, she pulled her phone from her purse. There was a text from Cody, asking Hannah to call. There was a voicemail with the same message. The words were nothing to cause alarm. The tone with which they were spoken gave Hannah a stab of concern.
Taking care to be quiet, she left the bathroom, crossed through the bedroom and pulled the door closed behind her. She walked to the far side of the suite before calling Cody.
Cody answered before the second ring ended. “Thank god. Where are you?”
“In my suite in San Antonio. I told you I’d call when—”
“Is Cooper with you?”
“Yes. Well, he’s asleep but— “
“Cody, what’s wrong?”
There was a long pause. “You need to get out of there, Hannah Jean. And now.”
Hannah felt nausea bubble in her stomach. “Why?”
Her legs felt weak as she listened to Cody and she took a seat, gripping the arm of the chair tightly. This couldn’t be happening.
“Cody are…are you sure?”
“I am.”
“Oh god. I—Cody I…”
“It’s not on you, Hannah. Don’t you even go there. You didn’t know.”
“I think I may throw up.”
“Then go do it on him. I’m here if you need me.”
“I…thanks. I have to go.”
Hannah ended the call and sat there for a long time, considering what Cody had told her. One thing Cody was not was a person who jumped the gun. She’d told Hannah only what she’d been told so if there were any lies being spoken, Hannah knew it was not from Cody.
She felt so silly, so much like a small town girl with a crush on the big-city boy. It embarrassed her, then it angered her. How dare he lie to her that way, play her? The more she thought about it, the madder she became.
Suddenly, without considering her actions, she sprang to her feet and stomped into the bedroom. “Wake up!” She gathered Cooper’s clothes as she shouted. “Cooper wake up!
He sat up, looking sleepy and confused. Hannah shoved his clothes at him. When he took them, she grabbed is arm and pulled. Cooper got off the bed. “What’s going on? What’s wrong? What are you doing?”
Hannah shoved him over and again, each time moving him closer to the door. “Get out.”
“Out? Hannah what’s…?”
“Out!” She pushed him through the bedroom door and pointed to the suite’s exit. “Now!”
“I said out!”
“Can I at least get dressed?”
Hannah screamed, turned and marched back into the bedroom. She slammed the door as hard as she could and leaned against it. No matter what Cody said, she felt like a fool. He’d played her, made her think he was interested and all the while he had a fiancée. A pregnant one at that.
Her hands went to her face, putting one hand over her mouth as a sob erupted. She couldn’t hold it back. Sinking to the floor, she covered her face and cried.
Cody looked up at the lightening sky. It’d be dawn in a few minutes. Already fingers of light were creeping up from the horizon and the air was losing that last hint of cool. Her horse snorted, then dropped his head to graze at the sparse grass. She eased up on the reins, letting him have his head.
She told herself to not lose the moment, the sight of the land and sky, the feel of the wind on her skin. Don’t give in to the mad and let it rob you of the now. She tried to live her life that way, but at times it was damn hard.
She’d learned a long time ago that hanging onto hurt or anger didn’t do anything good for your life. It made you mean and bitter and robbed you of moments of beauty and happiness.
But someone had screwed her sister and Cody couldn’t seem to rein in the anger that simmered in her gut over that. She’d thought Cooper Quinlan was a decent man. To
have walked out on a pregnant fiancée and be carrying on with Hannah was unforgivable. Hannah deserved better—much better than that.
The woman, Devina? Cody didn’t know if she deserved what Cooper had done or not. All she knew was that either Devina didn’t give one fat shit about the child she carried or was lying about being pregnant. There was no other was to explain a pregnant woman drinking the way Devina had at the Honky Tonk.
But Devina wasn’t Cody’s concern. Hannah was. Cody knew that Hannah had feelings for Cooper, and she’d thought Cooper just might be the one. This would hurt Hannah and that made Cody want to cry.
Or hit something or someone. Hard.
A sound had her turning to look toward the road. She reined in her horse and watched the motorcycle move down the dirt road, kicking up a rooster-tail of dust behind it. Who would be out riding this early?
As the rider drew closer, she recognized him. It surprised and annoyed her just a little at the way her heart rate quickened and her palms grew damp. He saw her, slowed and pulled to the side of the road.
The morning seemed unnaturally quiet when he turned off the bike and sat there looking at her. For a minute, Cody stayed where she was, watching him. Then she nudged her horse into motion.
Riggs was looking at her as she rode up to him. She saw the slight smile that curved his lips. “Fancy meeting you here,” he said.
“Not really. It’s my land.”
“Oh, is that so?”
“It is. What are you doing out this way?”
“Felt like taking a ride before starting the day. How about you? Do you ride every morning?”
He nodded. “So how are you?”
“Good. And you? You like your job?”
“I’m doing well and yeah, it’s fine. A job.”
“Yeah, I guess so. Well, I better head back. Have a good day.”
“You too.”
Cody hesitated for a second, but he said no more so she turned her horse and headed back the way she’d come. She’d started this ride in a bad mood and her encounter with Riggs had made it worse. Now she really wanted to hit something.
Damn him. Here she’d gone to Riley and said all that about how she was going to sleep with Riggs and Riggs hadn’t so much as said he’d be seeing her or stopping in at the bar.
She felt like a chump. She’d shot off her mouth not just to Riley, but to Riggs. She’d thought he was interested. She was sure he was, she’d felt the chemistry that night at the bar.
But now… now she wondered if she’d just imagined it because she’d wanted it to be so. She felt like such a fool. Tears stung her eyes, but she blinked them away. Feeling hurt and crying wasn’t her way and she couldn’t let herself be hurt by another man. No, it was easier to just be mad, so that was what she’d do. She’d not shed a tear over Jaxon Riggs. If he wasn’t interested that was just fine with her. Riley and Hannah were probably right. He was too old for her anyway.
She should find a man closer to her own age. Someone with as much energy as she had, someone with as much fire.
Yes, that was exactly what she’d do. She’d keep her eyes open and the next hot guy who asked her out, she’d say yes. Let Jaxon Riggs chew on that.
Chapter Eleven
“Good morning,” Cooper greeted Pressley as he entered the Cotton Creek Energy office.
She gave him a look that clearly said eat shit and die, turned and marched into her office. The door slammed shut hard enough to rattle the walls.
Damn, what the heck was going on? First Hannah tossed him out of her suite like yesterday’s trash and now Pressley had a case of something against him.
Cooper sat at his desk and considered it. There was only one way to find out what was going on. He stood back up and headed outside to his car. Half an hour later, he was pulling up in front of the house where his sister Liz lived with Kyle Stadler.
By the time he was getting out of the car, Liz was coming out of the front door. “What’s wrong?”
“Can’t I come by to see my sister without something being wrong?”
“No. What is it?”
Cooper smiled. He’d never been about to fool Liz about anything. “What’s up with Hannah and Pressley?”
Liz gestured. “Come on inside. I’ll fix you breakfast.”
“Where’s Kyle?”
“Working. Come on.”
Cooper followed her inside and took a seat at the kitchen table as she set about making him breakfast. “So?” he asked.
“One word.” She looked over her shoulder. “Devina.”
“Devina.” Liz turned her attention to cracking eggs on the skillet. “She showed up at the Honky Tonk and told Cody she was your fiancée. Your pregnant fiancée.”
The word pregnant echoed in Cooper’s mind like something shouted into a bottomless well, just as dismal, hollow, and disturbing. “She’s not my fiancée. You know that.”
“I do.”
“And she’s not pregnant.”
“You sure?” Liz cut him a look.
“Yes I’m—” He suddenly lost the ability to speak. He’d been in Cotton Creek how long? Three months? And he’d broken up with Devina about a month before that. If she was pregnant, wouldn’t she be showing?
“Did she look pregnant?”
Liz shrugged. “Not according to Cody. Actually, Cody wondered if Devina was telling the truth.”
“Because she apparently sucked down four Cosmopolitans.” Liz scooped up the eggs from the frying pan and put them on a plate. “Not something most pregnant women do.”
“She can’t be pregnant.” Cooper felt sick—physically ill.
“Can’t be as in, it’s impossible or please god don’t let it be true?” Liz put the plate on the table in front of Cooper.
He pushed the plate away. “The latter.”
“Then she could be.”
“No. If she were pregnant, I’d have heard about it before now.”
“Are you sure?”
“Why do you keep asking me that?” Cooper felt anger rising. He knew he had no right to direct it at Liz but he needed to lash out at something or someone.
“Because you need to be sure, Coop. If she is pregnant, then you need to force a DNA test to see if the child is yours. If it is—well, you’ll have to do the right thing and support the child whether you support Devina or not. If it’s not, then your problem is solved. You tell the witch to get back on her broom and head out of town.”
“And what do I tell Hannah in the meantime?”
“The truth.”
“Yeah, that’ll go over well.”
“It will, Coop. The truth is that you broke it off with Devina months ago, before you ever knew Cotton Creek existed. Hannah will understand that. But you need to be honest with her about all of it.”
He nodded. He knew she was right. What was nagging at him at the moment was another question. “So how did she know where to find me?”
Liz stared at him for a moment. “One of two ways. She either read about the new company or she was told.”
“Devina read a trade publication?” He scoffed. “Yeah, right. That didn’t happen. She had to have been told. But by who?”
“You’re not seriously asking that question are you brother? Who else?”
Cooper’s gaze locked with hers. “Dad. Son of a bitch. But why? What purpose would it serve?”
“It brings annoyance and complication to your life—it’s a distraction.”
“A distraction.” He felt the jolt. “He’s up to something.”
Liz nodded. “That’d be my guess.”
“But what?”
She shrugged. “I imagine we’ll find out soon enough, and right now you need to settle things with Hannah—and with Devina, so one thing at a time, Coop.”
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m going to try and talk to her. Today.”
“Good idea. Now, if you’re not gonna eat, g
et outta here. Kyle will be back in less than an hour and we have a new horse to get started with. I want to be ready when he gets here.”
Cooper smiled as he stood. “Thanks, sis.”
She rounded the table to give him a hug. “I love you, Coop. Now go take care of your stuff and call me later.”
“I will. Love you.”
He hurried out to his car, his mind already formulating the words he’d use to explain to Hannah that he wasn’t some asshole who’d cheat on a pregnant fiancée. He wasn’t just a guy who wanted to get in her pants.
Well, he’d started out being that guy, that he’d admit. But things had changed. He had changed. He had feelings for her and he wanted the chance to see where those feelings would take them.
So, maybe she’d kick him to the curb, he still had to try. He’d go to her and try to explain. With luck, she’d believe him and give him a second chance.
Cody heard the scream and the sound of shattering glass before she reached the door of the bar. She couldn’t tell what the words were but recognized the voice as Hannah’s. Fear had her breaking into a run and banging the door open into the wall when she raced into the bar.
Hannah was in motion. A cocktail glass sailed out of her hand from where she stood behind the bar. On the opposite side, Cooper Quinlan covered his head with his arms and ducked, yelling. “Would you please just let me explain?”
“You bastard!” Hannah reached for another glass.
Cody ran as fast as her legs would carry her and managed to grab Hannah’s arm before she threw the next glass. “Hannah, stop!”
Hannah jerked away from her, chest heaving and face flushed with fury. “How can you stop me? You know what he did!”
“All I know is what that woman said. I told you that. At least let the man have his say. If you don’t believe him when he’s done, then toss him out on his ass and be done with him.”
“I don’t care what he has to say. I’ll never believe another word that comes out of his mouth!” Hannah held up both hands as if to ward Cody off when Cody took a step toward her.
“Fine.” Cody held up both hands, palms out.