A Stranger's Affection

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A Stranger's Affection Page 22

by Charlene Namdhari

  He nodded. “I had to make sure. The attackers hit me a little too hard, and I passed out. When I came to, you were gone. They told me you were dead and that they got rid of your body. Threw it in some deep hole, I didn’t want to climb down when they took me there to show me.”

  “Passed out? Guess you’re just as pathetic as your father, right? If I hadn’t arrived to kill you, you would’ve probably followed in his footsteps.” Then she glanced around. “Perhaps you’ve already become him. If your freaky living habits are anything to go by.” Nishani pointed to the whips and chains on the walls and the bruised girl sitting on the bed. “I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

  “Fuck you, bitch,” Liam yelled.

  Before she could react, Liam’s neck cracked sideways. Blood sprayed from his lips as Colton’s fist connected with Liam’s jaw. “I don’t care what you’ve done in the past, but you will respect the woman I love,” Colton seethed.

  Startled by the words, Nishani turned, and for the first time since he entered the room, she looked at Colton. The affection she read in his gaze, felt in every nerve cell, weakened her knees. Its force annihilated Liam’s existence, her past, her hurt with a knockout punch she had no idea was possible. “Love?”

  Colton closed the gap between them. He cupped her chin, breathing hard. “I know you don’t believe in love, sweetheart, but give me a chance—give us a chance, and you’ll never have to look back again,” with each word he uttered, her breathing quickened.

  “Aww, how fucking romantic,” Liam spluttered between coughs. “Who would’ve thought it was possible. Rajah’s bitch is falling in love.”

  Wrath crested the pinnacle. The fine layer finally intensified into an uncontrollable force. She breathed hard, struggling to hold on—she couldn’t. Coupled with Liam’s betrayal, that name bashed the very essence of thought, touch, and feeling with a cynical reminder of the helpless cowering girl she’d fought desperately to leave behind. Even in death, the man tortured her soul with his hold on her sanity. Unable to control the leash of anger that sparked every vein in her body, Nishani pushed an unsuspecting Colton aside and rammed the nose of her gun inside Liam’s mouth.

  “What the fuck, did you say,” she screamed.

  Liam’s eyes grew large. Fear replaced the smirk. The more he tried to jerk his head back and away from the gun, the harder Nishani shoved. Tears rolled down his cheeks. His moans muffled by the rigid metal.

  “I’m nobody’s bitch. You fucked up piece of shit. “Any last words?”

  Chapter Twenty Nine

  “NISHI?” EVEN THOUGH anger filled his heart, Colton tried to bring Nishi back to the space he’d had her a moment ago. Everything stuck in a void except for him and her. He couldn’t understand her pain, and he never would, but Colton had to try and make her forget. “Please, baby, look at me,” He stepped closer, hoping she’d yield.

  He’d seen fury before. He’d killed in rage too, but her anger resembled the dark pits of hell. Evil. Ominous. Raging. It would be easy to walk away and let her kill the bastard. Colton knew better. “Give me the gun, sweetheart.”

  “No!” she fumed then turned to look at him.

  Her body trembled, yet it was her expression that stalled his breath. Among the toxic tentacles of madness, a conflict of pain, terror, and hurt raced across her features. Something only a person with a little insight into her temperament would notice. Her eyes glazed with a glossy layer of tears. She blinked, and they dripped from her lashes and slid down her cheeks. Sadness, heartfelt, and profound filled his body. Colton acknowledged Nishi had endured a world dominated by agony, distrust, and bloodlust. Her pleasure lay tightly within the claws of revenge. It was the only way she knew how to live—how to survive. His gaze searched her face, and one thing stood out. He wanted her hands cleansed of death—stripped bare of its dirty hold on her sanity. She needed a change—she needed love. She needed him.

  He swallowed hard on the last thought and took another step closer. “It’s okay, Nishi. You don’t have to do this.”

  As though she sensed Colton’s observation into her mind, she shifted her gaze back to Liam. “Scum like him don’t deserve to live.” She kicked his wounded leg, and Liam grunted in pain.

  “I know, and he’ll get what’s coming to him. Give me the gun, sweetheart, let me take care of him.” Silently, Colton prayed, begged for her acceptance.

  “I married the bastard. I almost had sex with him. I fell for his lies. How idiotic am I?” she mumbled, her gaze fixed on Liam’s stricken features. “I’ve become someone I hate. I don’t deserve to live. No one needs me.”

  “You’re not stupid, Nishi.” Colton stepped behind her and slipped an arm around her waist. He breathed a sigh of relief when she didn’t resist. “You wanted to live, sweetheart. Nothing wrong with that. Liam took advantage of you. Of your pain. You were a victim, baby,” as he whispered the calming words against her hair, Colton slid his other hand along her arm until his fingers closed around her hand that held the gun. “You deserve to live, Nishi. No one will hurt you again, ever. It’s a promise. One I’ll give my life to keep. Let go, baby. I’m here for you. I need you. Rex needs you. Your family needs you, sweetheart.”

  With a soft sound, Colton recognized as sobbing; Nishi sagged against him. Sensing her need, he eased the gun out of her loosened grip then nodded to Brody over his shoulder. When his bodyguard approached and took the weapon, Colton turned her around and held her tight. She cried, and he let her. Words were not needed. Colton scooped her up in his arms, and Nishi instantly buried her face against his chest. He tilted his head at Brody, walked out the room, and down the passage, then descended the stairs to the living room. When he was sure Nishi would relax in his arms, he took a seat with her in his lap. Only, she was coiled tighter than a rattlesnake. He stroked her spine, willing her to relax. Several minutes passed until she eased her head onto his shoulder. Gradually, her entire body settled against his. Colton felt the first layer of tension ebb away. Leaning back, he closed his eyes and hoped Nishi would accept his comfort. As though she sensed his thoughts, her arm curled across his chest, and with a soft sigh, the tension completely slackened.

  Brody came down with Liam’s body slung over his shoulder, followed by Liam’s girlfriend. His bodyguard gestured to the door with his hand. After Colton nodded, Brody left the house with the woman. Colton smiled, knowing Liam would end up in some deep hole, not even the rats were likely to find him.

  When Nishi’s crying muted to soft sob, Colton caressed her back. “You okay, sweetheart?” he asked with his chin against her brow.

  She wiped her eyes and leaned back against the armrest to look at him. “Why did you come?”

  Startled by her question, he took a moment to find the right answer. “It’s sad how darkness holds power to keep someone so beautiful, perfect, and strong locked within its cruel grasp. Bitterness is normal when you believe the world had turned against you when you needed them most.” She opened her mouth to say something. Colton put a finger to her lip and shook his head. “You’re adept at hiding your broken soul, and talking isn’t an easy option for you.” He leaned back against the seat, his gaze never leaving hers. “But, like any storm, whether it’s a hurricane, a tornado, or just a typical rainy day, the sun still shines on the other side. You, baby, have been through a life filled with pure evil, thunderstorms, and hatred. Yet, you are the toughest woman I’ve ever come across. You fought it for a long time and chose to let the sun glow in all its glory. And I, Nishi, want to be one of those rays of happiness in your life. Whether you accept me or not, want me or not, no one can take away a sun’s rays. Saying I love you holds no value if I cannot say and mean the words ‘I. Will. Never. Leave. You.’”

  Nishi stared at him. Her eyes glistened before the tears fell once more. “And all this time I thought you were a dick who knew nothing about love,” she finally whispered when her attempt to wipe away the tears failed.

  “There’s the woman
I fell in love with.” Colton grinned. “Honestly, though, my dick fell in love with you first. Like you, I didn’t believe in love, but you changed all that.”

  Through the tears, her lips curved in a smile. One so genuinely full of emotion, it indeed reminded him of the sun that forced its way out from behind a storm cloud. He leaned down and kissed her—a slow, seductive merging of two strangers that became unlikely lovers and a whole lot more. When Colton lifted his head, he was breathing hard.

  “What about Liam?”

  “He’s not your worry anymore.” He cupped her chin. “From now on, only one person will rid our family of enemies.”

  Her gaze widened. “Family?”

  He smiled. “Yes. You’re about to become my wife and take care of my kids.”

  Nishi’s jaw dropped. “Wife? Kids?” Then she laughed. “The Black Lord is just as subtle as ever, I see.” She cocked her head to one side. “I can’t even take care of a lost soul like mine. You want me to take care of kids.” Despite the dismal words, she smiled.

  “You might not see it, sweetheart, but you’ve done a heck of a job taking care of you.” Colton kissed her lightly, then placed his hand on her tummy. “Anyway, you probably have a few months to squeeze in some practice. You can take care of me in the meanwhile.”

  Her brow shot up. “Getting ahead of yourself, aren’t you? Babies don’t just come flying out of a woman because a man demands it.”

  Colton shrugged. “Seeing as you wormed your way into my life without my permission, I had to demand some payment.” He winked. “And this little guy is the perfect—”

  “Wormed my way? Payment?” Her gaze narrowed. “You’re so full of shit...” She moved to slide off his lap, then stopped. “Wait. What little guy.”

  “The one you’re keeping safe—”

  “Colton Black?” she warned, her tone impatient.

  Laughing, Colton slipped his arms around her waist. He pulled her tight and forced his lips over hers, kissing her hard to stop her squirm. “You’re carrying my baby, sweetheart,” he breathed against her lips.

  “What?” she pushed at his chest. “Colton, please. What are you talking about?”

  He panicked. Her response stalled his excitement. “When I brought you back from DeLuca’s home, Rob performed a full scan on your body to check for other injuries. Concerned, he didn’t want to miss anything—”

  “How’s that possible?” She looked confused.

  “We did have sex without a condom.” He scratched his chin and sighed. “Nishi, if it's not what you want...” Colton trailed off. He couldn’t say the words.

  “Are you sure?”

  Her reaction depressed him. He’d hoped the news would make her happy. “Rob suggested you go for a full—”

  “That’s not what I meant.” She cupped his face in her palms. “Are you sure you want me as the mother of your kids. I don’t have the maternal—”

  “Don’t say it.” Colton’s insides tightened. “You’re perfect, sweetheart. I could have never asked for a better mother. For the simple reason that you would protect your children against hurt, sexual predators, and you’d lavish them with the love you missed in your life. More importantly. You, complete me, Nishi. You make me happy. Something I’ve missed in my life too.”

  “Oh, God, Colton.” Her hands slipped around his neck, and her lips met him—in a sexy kiss, he could only call the quintessence of love.

  “Clarify one thing for me,” she whispered when they broke apart.


  “I lack knowledge on the whole pregnancy thing but is it not too early for a scan to pick up a baby. The first time we had sex without a condom was in the elevator, and that happened...” Her brow furrowed in remembrance. “About five weeks ago. Give or take?”

  Colton swallowed. He knew this was coming. “Longer than that.” He grinned sheepishly. “The condom broke that evening I took you on the dining room table.”

  “W-what?” Her eyes grew large and resembled glittering sapphire marbles. “And you kept quiet all this time?”

  “Call it optimism.” He chuckled.

  “Colton,” she scolded.

  “When I discovered the tear, it stumped me. I had no idea how to tell you.”

  “Being that you were such an arrogant ass, right?”

  He threw back his head laughed. “It was better to avoid you and hope like hell nothing happened.”

  “And then in the elevator, you took me without one. Why?”

  Another guilty grin followed. “I figured if I didn’t get it right the first time, I’d try again.”

  “What?” She punched his chest. “You wanted to get me pregnant?”

  “Ouch.” Colton rubbed his chest, then laughed. “No. You just felt better without a condom.”

  “Liar.” She punched him once more.

  Pinning her arms to her sides, Colton nipped her neck until she wriggled with laughter. When she couldn’t take anymore, he kissed her softly. “Whatever happened, I’m glad it ended this way. Condom or not, I would’ve made you mine.”

  She grinned. “Seeing as you’re tactless, is that a proposal?”

  “Yes, Nishani Scott Callahan.” At her astonishment, he smiled. “I had the pleasure of meeting your sister. She almost whacked the shit out of me when I mistook her for you.”

  Nishi’s laugh filled the room, and Colton’s heart sang. “Ashni’s a badass cop who doesn’t give a crap about most things. She’s a skilled martial arts expert and has kicked criminals shitless. I’m glad you met her, though. Are you sure you can handle being married to me?” Nishi tweaked his nose.

  “Bring it, baby.” He stood with her in his arms. “Now. Let’s go home so I can fuck you until I can’t breathe. We’ll start in the jet.”

  “What about my family?”

  “All in good time. I have some serious time to make up before you go all hormonal on me.” He chuckled as he walked out the door.



  “Okay, Nishani, are you ready to see your baby.”

  Nishani looked up at the gynae with a smile. She’d waited patiently for this—their first full scan. Time had run away, and they hadn’t gotten to the essential aspects of the pregnancy yet. She was just happy a part of Colton grew inside her.

  Hardly believable that four months ago, she’d almost killed Liam and disappeared into Mateo’s world had Colton not come after her. Life had been a rollercoaster of emotions since then. From her pregnancy to reuniting with her family, to declaring Liam responsible for her death and culminating in her permanent move to Colton’s estate. Rex had fought a good case, and given Liam’s links to Jiten Rai, the judge had happily granted her divorce despite Liam’s absence in court. She was just grateful to have had the judge who’d presided over her first case and someone familiar with her past.

  Could she have asked for a better ending to her disruptive life? Never.

  Colton had not only changed her life but her status from newly divorced to ‘taken’ as he eloquently stated. Although he never told her about his relationship with Mateo and she hadn’t pushed, Colton had accompanied her on a visit with Mateo. The old man had not only complimented her on the choice of her future husband but surreptitiously asked Colton permission to attend the wedding. How Mateo intended to accomplish that, Nishani never asked. Yet, Mateo’s subtle hints that now Nishani no longer needed his care, he could focus on other matters about his business, hadn’t gone unnoticed by her and Colton. She had a feeling the old man was plotting his escape.

  The door opened. Nishani set aside her reflections in favor of the gorgeous man entering the room. He’d traveled on business for the last two days, and just the sight of him sparked flames of arousal she’d gotten used to every time he made an appearance. She loved the mushy feels he evoked.

  “Hi.” Colton stepped closer to the bed, dropped his head, and captured her lips in a smoldering kiss.

  The doctor cleared her throat. Wh
en he straightened, Nishani blushed. “I’m sorry.”

  “Never say you’re sorry for the affection a man lavishes on you, dear.” The doctor smiled.

  He chuckled. “So, it’s okay if I do that again?”

  Nishani swatted his hand off her chin, and the doctor laughed. “As much as I’d like to indulge you, you’re here to meet your baby, right?”

  “Right.” He winked, took a seat next to the bed, and reached for Nishani’s hand.

  The doctor squirted a liberal dose of gel on Nishani’s tummy. “That’s your baby’s heartbeat,” she said as a soft sound filled the room and gradually increased in tempo when the doctor glided the probe around the wet skin.

  Nishani’s vision immediately blurred. She looked at Colton; the joy on his face was overwhelming.

  “And this...” the doctor pointed to the screen. “Is your baby.”

  Nishani stared at the image on the screen. Her heart flip-flopped a thousand beats a minute in excitement. She, the woman who’d once given up on life, was now responsible for the life of a small person—something she never thought likely to happen.

  “You okay, sweetheart?” Colton’s soft words pulled her gaze. He reached forward and wiped the tears on her cheek that she hadn’t realized had fallen.

  “Active little one you have here.” The doctor smiled. A second later, her smile disappeared, and her brow creased.

  “What’s wrong, doctor.” Nishani’s excitement morphed into concern.

  “Is everything all right, doctor.” Colton’s tight squeeze on her hand told Nishani he was just as worried.

  Silently, the doctor moved the probe around several times then leaned closer to the screen. Her eyes squinted in uncertainty.

  “Doctor?” his tone escalated a notch—from worry to panic, and Nishani dug her nails into his palm.

  The doctor turned then and smiled. “There are two heartbeats. Listen.”

  “What?” Nishani and Colton said in unison. They glanced at each other then back at the doctor.


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