Be My Sailor: A Single Dad and Virgin Romance

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Be My Sailor: A Single Dad and Virgin Romance Page 34

by Lauren Wood



  Chapter 1

  “You have fought long and hard to get this company off the ground and now you want to take on the responsibility of a child. I don’t know that you have fully understood what that kind of responsibility can entail. I’m here to tell you that it’s not easy and everything that you do revolves around them. You don’t have time for yourself and you don’t have time for a social life. This idea that you have of doing this in this way is a little unorthodox, but not unheard of.” Joan Anderson was only trying to be devil’s advocate and hopefully give her best friend the benefit of her experience.

  “You can say anything you want, but I know that the love of your children is unconditional. You complain about them, but I can see the love in your eyes every time that you are around your family. They drive you crazy, but they are yours. I’ve wanted a family for a long time and each relationship that I’ve gotten myself into has led to nothing but heartbreak.” Samantha Mallett had seen her friends grow up before her eyes. She was determined not to fall into that trap of marriage and family until she had made it as an interior decorator.” “I only want what everybody else has. I don’t think that’s too much to ask for. If I can’t have it with a man that I love, then why shouldn't I go for it regardless of opinions? This company has been my baby from the moment that I envisioned it. It has exceeded my expectations and I’m hoping that this new journey that I take will only complement it.”

  This was the final time before she was going to go under the procedure to fertilize her eggs with that of the semen of a donor. It wasn’t like she was lacking companionship and growing up had afforded her the opportunity to sample the wares of those guys that had taken an interest in her.

  “I look at you and I see that you have your whole life ahead of you. You’re right and I do have the family that I want, but can you say the same thing if you go through with this?” Joan was the prim and proper socialite with her hair in just the right angle to show off her sensuous neck. The designer clothes came from the money that her husband had brought along with him into the marriage. They had worked together to make their mortgage company the one that everybody was going to for the best deal when it came to picking a mortgage for their new home. “You obviously called me to give you the bare facts without sugarcoating anything.” Joan was 5’5, 120 pounds and she had always been the one that people went to for motherly advice.

  Samantha knew that subconsciously that she was having second thoughts. She wanted to believe that what she was doing was right and needed somebody to give her that necessary push to go through with it. She had chosen her donor, a blue eyed athlete that according to his portfolio had no addictions or anything that would make him undesirable. His photo made her think of a Norman Rockwell painting.

  Samantha was the kind of girl that knew that her prospects were slim and that guys were pretty much after only one thing. The good ones were either married or gay. She had thought that it was an old wives’ tale, but her perception of things had changed lately. One bad date after another confirmed her theory that guys were pigs. There were obviously exceptions to the rule, but so far she had not found them. She was that willowy blonde that liked to wear her heart on your sleeve. She was taller than Joan by a couple of inches and had little bit more weight at 150 pounds. Her best feature was her breasts and they were all natural without the need to go under the surgical knife.

  “I was hoping that you would tell me that I was doing the right thing. I understand that this is not for everybody, but for me it might be the only way that I will have the family that I want. There are advantages to doing it this way. The likelihood of the child getting some kind of communicable disease or a trait that would cripple him in his informative years is slim to none. They vet everybody that goes through those doors and that sperm rank is superior in every way to any other one that I’ve been to.” “The administrator was very kind and she led me through the process with a guiding hand. I have no qualms about where I want to do this, but going through with it is another matter altogether. I’ve been thinking about this for so long that it has become something of an obsession for me. My last somewhat serious relationship with a callous football player had turned into a matter of trying to keep his octopus hands off of me through high school. I did like him and I could see myself marrying him like all women do when they meet a perspective suitor. It was just that his attitude was deplorable and I really didn’t want to be around him any more than necessary.”

  “I don’t think that your mother would approve. I know that that doesn’t matter to you, but maybe you should take that into consideration. Have you thought about what you’re going to tell them when you finally break the big news? It’s not like you can tell them the truth, unless of course you want them to have a heart attack right in front of you.” Joan could see that Samantha was a bit of a Bohemian and had a flair for the dramatic with the kind of clothes that were a little bit too tight for her frame. She did admire the way that she had pulled herself up to make something out of herself.

  “My mother is the last person that should be giving advice. She was hardly ever there when I was growing up and most often that not was in some kind of rehabilitation center for months on end. My stepfather was a damn drunk and I had to literally dance around him to prevent him from getting his paws on me. There was one night that I had to get exceptionally violent. Let’s just say that he won’t be trying anything like that again.” “I know that I am the spitting image of my mother when she was my age. It’s the only reason why he had designs on getting his hands on me. It was a good thing that he wasn’t really my father and he had died a long time ago a couple of years after my birth. My stepfather was not exactly shy with his affections and touching me inappropriately had turned into a game of wills. The last time was the final straw and left him with a concussion and a gash over his eye. I haven’t seen him in a long time and I don’t have any plans to see him anytime soon. Living on my own has become my reality from the moment that I was 16. I did manage to stay with Joan and her family until I was old enough to strike out on my own.”

  “I know that your mother and you don’t see eye to eye, but maybe you should talk to her. She might have some insights.” Joan knew that she was barking up the wrong tree for the sake of trying to prevent this from happening. She had already stalled the proceedings a couple of times and it was becoming an effort in futility to come up with any reasonable excuse. “I would never judge you for what you are about to do. I could never say that my children aren’t my life, because that would be a damn lie.” Joan watched as Samantha chewed on her recent manicure in a nervous habit.

  Samantha had already made up her mind and stood tall and walked with confidence up those stairs. She looked back one last time to see Joan shaking your head in disbelief, but her opinion didn’t amount to much. She had her own mind and own body and she could dam will do whatever she wanted with it. She’d gone through the necessary counseling mandated by this company to make sure that there were not any underlying psychological reasons for her to do this. “My baby is well on its way to becoming a fortune 500 company. I have several employees and I could easily take a step back and let them do the lion’s share of the work. This is my company and I am the president and I worked tirelessly to make a name for myself. The Mallet name has become synonymous with buildings and residential owners alike that have come to me for my expertise.

  She opened the door and went inside to meet with the administrator who was there personally to oversee every tiny detail. Tabitha had a bond with Samantha that went beyond just a client relationship. They actually found themselves to be friends and this led to the main reason why this company was going to get her business.

  “I was beginning to think that you might have cold feet. If you’re ready, the doctor is prepared for you. It won’t take too long and you will be well on your way to being a mother. I’ll be in there with you every step of the way.” Tabitha took her by th
e hand and helped her to get into a customary green gown that was opened in the back. Samantha walked in on her own power and climbed up on the table where everybody was waiting to begin. Time was money and that was no more evident than the way that the Dr. was constantly looking at his watch to determine if he was going to make is Tee time.

  Dr. Stevens was the best in the business, but he was in it for the almighty dollar. He didn’t even bother to look at the sample and had assumed that everything was in order. He mistakenly took the wrong sample from the refrigerated unit and implanted the seamen without even realizing his mistake until it was too late. He felt embarrassed and decided to keep quiet, until such time that he was called on the carpet for his actions.

  The procedure was over with fairly quickly and Tabitha was a woman of her word. She stayed with her all the way and being distracted by keeping her calm was the only reason why something like this could happen.

  A week later and things didn’t exactly go as planned. Tabitha was a stickler for details and went over every little move that everybody made during the procedure. She could see that Dr. Stevens was shaking and she had mistakenly thought that he was under the influence of some sort of pharmaceutical aid. A routine drug test proved otherwise “I need to see you in my office. Don’t even think about leaving here until you see me and security will be well informed that you’re not to leave the premises.” She could see the way that he was wringing his hands and looking around nervously while biting his bottom lip.

  She went to her office and sat there and was waiting for the other shoe to drop. Her friend that decorated her condo was now recovering. She got this bad feeling in the pit of her stomach and it made her dread the very appearance of Dr. Stevens at her door. She decided to do some paperwork, but even that was not even near enough to keep her occupied.

  Dr. Stevens came in and sat down with a heavy heart and a burden that he was about to relay with some trepidation. He was the youngest at 25 with millions of dollars tied up into this company as an investment in his future. This was many different business practices that he had dipped his toe into lately to secure a retirement at a very early age.

  “I don’t know what happened, but you’re not leaving here until you tell me.” That awkward silence hung in the air. She placed her hands on the desk in front of her and stared at him like he was going to burst into flames.

  “It wasn’t my fault.” He told his story from beginning to end and then sat back with a sigh of contentment for getting it off his chest. He would have gladly taken it to his grave with the ulcers to go along with it.

  Tabitha excused him and told them that there would be a necessary review of his actions. She was not looking forward to telling her new friend the mistake that was made. This was the first of its kind and not something that she was proud of.

  Samantha came in and was appalled and rightfully so. After some time, she decided the best thing to do was to move forward. “I sank a lot of money into this procedure. What has been done can not be rectified. Who exactly did I get besides the one that I had chosen?” The answer that she heard was not what she was expecting.

  Jack Von was in for a rude awakening. She couldn’t believe that her baby daddy was going to be the one man that had made her swear off men entirely. How could it be possible that the man that was all hands would be implanted in her womb? It was a question that was left to linger in the air. She had it all planned. They say that if you want to make god laugh then you made a plan.

  Chapter 2

  Jack had his hands full and it wasn’t with the pigskin on the field of battle. He loved the roar of the crowd and the adulation of the fans as they clamored to get a piece of him one way or the other. These two girls were blonde identical twins and getting them into bed took very little effort on his part.

  They were both hard body gymnasts and could move their limbs like contortionists. He had one sitting on his face while the other was spread eagle over top of his groin with her tight pussy taking the brunt of his manly instrument.

  “You don’t know how many times we have tried to get with you without success. Sherri and I have always wanted to put you on that list. We are your biggest fans and we were the ones that set up the web site, so that everybody could be notified of anything new that was going on in your life.” Mary had an exchange with her twin sister Sherri that was more than any words could say. This was not the first time that they had tag teamed a guy. Being twins, they were perfectly comfortable being around each other naked. They enjoyed the shocked expression of their next victim as they realized just what kind of luck and curse that they stepped into.

  “Mary’s not just saying that and it’s true. We’ve been watching you from the moment that you started your career in high school. To see you blossom into the player that you are today has been a privilege and honor to witness. This is… Fucking even better than I thought it was going to be. You are bigger and believe me we are not complaining in the very least.” Mary slammed down repeatedly on top of him doing her best to leave her mark; so that there was no doubt that she had been here.

  They could’ve gone back to his place, but instead they had gone back to theirs and home field advantage.

  Jack could tell that both girls were into him and buying them a drink was the only real thing that he had to do to convince them that a night of passion was in their future. Jack had just won a very pivotal game and the scouts were out in force to make their picks to go up to the big time. He had heard from his manager his mother that there were at least three teams vying for his John Hancock on a multiyear deal. They were going to field those offers and discuss them in private, but his preference would have been for the Miami dolphins. It wasn’t necessarily for the team itself, but the party atmosphere of Miami nightlife would have been right up his alley.

  “I love the way that you squeeze down on me like that, Sherri or is it Mary.” It really didn’t matter and both girls were identical, except for a small mole underneath Sherri’s nose that had not been excised. She wore it because she wanted to be different than her sister, but they were notoriously linked at the hip whenever they went out together. Guys were left like skid marks on the side of the road after they were done with them. Athletes and regular men alike were not immune to their sensuous charm.

  “I think that you’ll find that my sister has that same talent. We like to consider ourselves to be identical in every way. I will say that we’re not completely the same in what we like to do. My claim to fame is taking it up the ass. She’s not exactly into that type of play, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy a few moments together and alone after everything is all said and done.” Her ass was already taking him deep without him even knowing it was happening.

  He had no idea which one had said this, but the idea of sinking into the velvet snugness of her ass had certainly made him rage like a machine.

  He was lifting his ass off the mattress and the tiny girl of less than 100 pounds was now riding him like a bucking bronco. His tongue was outstretched and he was deep inside this woman’s cunt. Her body was responsive and he could see the way that her skin trembled and how her eyes would roll back into the back of her head. They had been inseparable for the last couple of hours and he had already unloaded two deposits into one’s mouth and all over the ass of the other. They were still wearing his jism like a badge of honor.

  “You girls are insatiable. I didn’t even know that I could cum this many times in one night. Every time that I think that I’m down and out; you find a way to bring me back to life. You do your gender proud and I have to say that I’m a little in awe and believe me, I don’t say that about many that I have gone to bed with.” His long dark hair had been shorn to stubble as he had noticed that there was a bit of a thinning problem on one side. This would mask any need for hair transplant surgery. He actually found it easier to maintain and gave his shoulders the emphasis that he was looking for.

  “We…do everything to make sure that our men are satisfied beyo
nd words. Fuck me…oh my god…that’s it…make sure that you don’t leave me wanting.” He still had no idea which one was saying that and their voices rang out in the exact same way. He had heard their sound of pleasure a few times tonight and there didn’t seem to be an end to their thirst for more.

  “You’re going to wear me out, but you don’t see me complaining.” His father was notorious for being a bit of a ladies’ man and he had taken up that mantle of responsibility with the mentality of being more than just a 5 minute wonder. He actually made it a part of his daily regiment to put his hips into high gear. He wanted to be ready for these occasions and these two girls had certainly driven him to his breaking point.

  “I think that he’s going to cum again.” Both girls converged at the same time and were now skimming their lips on either side of his well fucked shaft. They watched the head as it showed signs that things were going to progress quickly. They waited and the hot white lava that spurted into the air landed all over their hair. Their blond locks were going to be in major need of scrubbing.

  “Yes… Yes… Yes.” It was a litany of affirmation that they had done the impossible and made him cum four times in less than 3 hours. “I can’t believe that I haven’t had the privilege of being with either one of you at least once. I don’t know where you have been hiding yourself, but don’t be a stranger. Holy fuck…you really don’t give a guy a breather. Is there no end to your depravity?” He was breathing heavy and their lips had now moved onto the head where they knew that he was extra sensitive after something like that. They made sure to get every drop by squeezing from the bottom to the top. They fought to see who was going to get that last drop and it turned out to be both of them at the same time.

  They both lay down beside him on either side, touching his exposed chest and moving their fingers in unison around each of his nipples. “It’s almost like you both know exactly what the other is thinking. Don’t tell me that you have telepathy and that is just going to blow my mind.” Jack looked at his reflection from the body sized mirror over the bed. They were definitely freaks and he had just been turned out like some sort of man whore. He had to smile knowing that the hours in the gym had paid off big time for not only had he gotten the stamina to become one of the most sought after quarterbacks in college football history, but it also gave him a physique that had girls draping over him every single night.


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