Be My Sailor: A Single Dad and Virgin Romance

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Be My Sailor: A Single Dad and Virgin Romance Page 38

by Lauren Wood

  Chapter 3

  The door opened and he was assaulted with flashbulbs from those camera hungry bastards that were looking to feed their 15 minutes of fame. He feigned surprise, but everybody knew that he was a whore when it came to standing in front of the camera.

  He was making his way toward the front lobby when he saw a vision in loveliness. She had a beautiful body and flowing hair that made her look like a starlet. The red dress had him wondering what it would look like on the floor of his apartment upstairs.

  Natasha had seen him out of the corner of her eye. She had managed to get inside the main lobby by bribing those at the receiving dock in the basement. She didn’t want to wait with those of the public that were here to get that book autographed. She’d always been under the belief that if there’s a will there’s a way. She could tell that he was anxious to meet her and he was coming ever closer to standing within her private space. “I know that I have him. He may think that he has the power, but he’s mistaken. I know what makes a man turn into a gibbering idiot. I can see that his pants are untucked and that could only come from one way. It appears that he has already gotten one out of the chamber and getting his attention is not going to be easy after something like that. I do have to say that I pride myself on my sexuality being at the forefront of any man’s fantasies.”

  “If you would excuse me for a moment, I do believe that one of my loyal fans is calling me.” Ethan felt like he had everything going for him and this girl was just one in a million that he would soon find himself hammering into the mattress. He could tell that this girl was different and that something was driving her more than the others. The only thing that mattered to him was if he could scratch her name into the book that had become synonymous with those of the press.

  The doors were still locked and the fans were plastered up against the glass peering inside to get a glimpse of their hero. He waved to them and sent them into hysterics with them pounding so hard that it was a wonder that they didn’t crack the glass.

  He stepped up behind the woman in red and could smell her perfume like her own personal aphrodisiac. He took a whiff and was transported to a tropical getaway from one of the many islands that he had spent his time on during the off-season. He was never one to settle down in one place. He had a penthouse in this building, but everything else was bought on the spur of the moment.

  “I have to say that you are a sight for sore eyes. That dress really does become you. I think that you wear that with the express purpose of getting a man’s attention. I’m guessing that you know who I am.” He got a nod of confirmation and decided to parlay that into something more physical. “I have to say that you do make some of the girls that I’ve been with seem like they are a dismal comparison to what I’m really after.” He grabbed her ass from behind and could feel the meat on her bones. She had the kind of darkened complexion that made him want to strip her to see all the differences between the both of them.

  Natasha was not going to play this easy and was going to make him work for it. Her libido was still overcharged and felt like she was in the process of some hot flash. Her body was burning up and then suddenly her stomach turned and she launched the contents of her stomach at his shoes. She felt another round coming and she ran towards the bathroom with him cursing underneath his breath. “I don’t know what has come over me. I must be coming down with something and I certainly do have a fever.” She ran into the bathroom and hovered over the sink dry heaving for the next 5 minutes. This was not the way that she wanted this to go and that was the kind of first impression that would stay with a guy.

  She finally got a hold of herself and whatever that was had now subsided for the moment. She had to find a way to break the ice that no doubt turned into a chilly reception. This was not the first time that she had felt this kind of sickness. She was meaning to go to her Dr. and get a complete physical, but life had a funny way of fighting back at the most inopportune time.

  She came out to see Ethan standing there with the doors opened and people were now clamoring for his undivided penmanship. He sat down and she moved to intervene, but security had been ordered to keep everybody in an orderly manner.

  “I’m afraid that you’re going to have to go to the back of the line, miss. I’m going to have to insist that you cooperate.” The security guard was being paid enough money, but his official title was that of personal security.

  Natasha was in no mood and raised her hand to get his hand off of her arm. There’s no reason to act all macho with me. I know that you have a job to do and I would never try to get in your way of doing it.” She had a moment where she made eye contact with Ethan. She could tell that he was not at all happy with how things had gone between them. “I want him to see me better than that. That did not endear me to him and most likely would not afford me the opportunity to sit down with him on a one and one basis.” Natasha was that spunky black woman that believed that anybody regardless of race or gender had to work very hard to get to where they were in life. She never considered herself to have a handicap and never allowed anybody to tell her that she couldn’t do something.

  She went out beyond the doors and stood there contemplating what to do. Wearing this dress normally calmed her nerves, but this time it was doing anything but. She could still feel his hands on her ass through the dress. It was imprinted on her skin and his fingers did take the liberty of squeezing both cheeks to get a good feel. She could only hope that the brief contact was enough for him to want to continue working his magic. She was never comfortable around white guys and always felt that they were judging her or salaciously looking at her like she was the entrée. “I have no choice but to back off for the moment. I’m going to have to find another way to ambush him. I have a few sources that might be able to help, but it’s not going to be without its price.”

  Ethan saw her through the window and wasn’t even paying attention to what he was doing. Every signature was practically the same with no deviation. These people wanted some kind of human approach and not just somebody that was going through the motions.

  He was disappointing a lot of people not to mention his agent who was standing over to the side looking bored and slightly stressed that there was tension in the air.

  He took a break to get that required caffeine fix into his veins. He was about to go out and approach her. He wanted to tell her that the embarrassing moment was nothing to worry about. Unfortunately, she bolted across the street with her hand up to her mouth. It made him almost sick. It had always been the way. This was the way that he reacted when others were under the weather.

  He motioned for his agent to come near and he whispered to him so that nobody else could overhear. “I want you to go out there and find that woman in red. You’re not to come back without giving her that card. Tell her that I would like her to join me in my suite for dinner tonight. I know that you might think that this is just my lame attempt to get laid again, but I would really like to get to know her on a more than physical level.” He was hoping that his line would pay off and that his agent would see that his intentions were pure.

  Unfortunately, his agent had seen enough to know when he was being played for a fool. Ethan heard him say the only word that had ever gotten underneath his skin. He told him that he could take the card and shove it and that he wasn’t his own messenger service. Ethan knew that it was wrong of him to suggest that. He had enough money that he could convince just about anybody to do is bidding.

  The next girl in line was this redhead with the kind of bodacious body that would have him up all night screaming at the top of his lungs for anybody to hear. He didn’t see the tattoos or the way that she was licking her lips at him suggestively. He did not notice the way that her skirt had risen to show the top part of her red panties that were meant to tantalize. What he did see was a woman that was able to speak the same language as the one that got away.

  “I need you to do me a favor and in return, I will personally sign my autograph with some
thing special just for you. I will even do what I’ve never done for anyone and scratch my moniker on one of your breasts.” This seemed to get this girl’s attention. “I need you to find a woman in a red dress. She just ran across the street to the pharmacy. I haven’t seen her come out and if you are quick, you’ll be able to catch her before she leaves. I want you to tell her that I want her to be my guest of honor in my penthouse suite tonight for dinner. I’ll even sweeten the pot by giving you $300 for your time.” He was blind to the obvious signs that she wanted him.

  Tanya was one of his biggest fans and she had come a long way just to meet the man that had become a focal point for her fantasies in the last little while. She thought that he could be the one that could give her a baby. She wanted to take him for a fortune in palimony money. What she got instead was a guy that didn’t even see her as a sexual object. She tried every trick in the book including bending over and letting her nipples rub against her blue blouse with no underwear to get in the way.

  “I will say that I can use the money. Make it 500 and you have yourself a deal.” If she wasn’t going to get him into bed, then she needed to milk him for everything that she was able to get out of him. It did not surprise her to see five 100 dollar bills slapped down on the table. “I will find her and I will bring her to you this evening wrapped in chains if need be.” She went to grab the money, but he was too quick and snatched it away.

  “I think that it best that I keep this money with me, until you have done what I requested. Have her stand at the window and give me a confirmation that she is going to join me for dinner tonight. Once that has been accomplished, then you can come back in and I will gladly hand you the money for a job well done.” He could see that she was desperate for cash and the way that her eyes lit up at seeing those $100 bills had made him leery about playing fast and loose with his cash.

  Tanya walked outside and crossed the street to find the woman in red. She was going to get that money in her pocket even if she had to find any woman with a red dress.

  Natasha was in the bathroom staring at the stick in her hand and not believing that this could even happen to her. She knew exactly who the father was and there was no way that he could be a part of the child’s life. They had only one night about a month ago and then right after he was literally hit by a downtown bus. He was literally knocked out of his shoes. He had struggled between life and death for over three days, before he finally succumbed to his injuries. She was right there by his bedside and heard that last breath before the tears started to fall. Miles was one of her best friends and they had finally bit the bullet and tried to make it work as a couple. “I never thought it was possible to be in love with my best friend and I didn’t even get a chance to explore those feelings. He left me with this reminder and now I have a child that I never even wanted. I have to say that I do love him with all of my heart and I haven’t even met him yet.”

  It took her a few moments to let it sink in. She realized that she was never going to get rid of it. This was a part of him and Miles would live on through the first steps of that baby boy making his way into the world for the first time.

  She opened the door and found herself confronted by a woman. “I need you to take this card and then follow me across the street to stand in front of the window and tell Ethan that you will join him for dinner in his penthouse suite tonight. I’m not taking no for an answer. If you wanna fight, then you have come to the right place. I don’t want any reason for him to deny me that $500.” Tanya grabbed her by the elbow and pulled her by bodily force out onto the street.

  Natasha could tell that this girl meant business and that this money was more important than their sisterly bond. She tried to pull free, but she was like a boa constrictor that wouldn’t let go. It kinda hurt in a subtle way, but enough to let her know that this girl had a one track mind. “I would fight harder, but now that I am with child. I can’t afford to make the mistake of causing a miscarriage. My family has a history of those and I don’t want to be another statistic in a long line of unborn babies.” “There’s no reason to be this aggressive with me and it’s not like I am fighting you. I actually want an audience with him anyway and this is better than I planned.”

  Tanya stood behind Natasha and pointed at her and then to Ethan who was now preoccupied with writing his name for the 1 millionth time. It felt that way to him and then he saw them standing there and for some reason it brought a smile to his face. He got this catch in his throat, but he attributed that to the cool air that was causing him to come down with something. He didn’t know that this girl had gotten a hold of him and that he couldn’t go more than a couple of minutes without thinking about her and that red dress.

  “I would say that you were lucky, but that’s pretty damn obvious. I had my designs on getting him into bed, but he appears to have only eyes for you.” Tanya pushed past those people and went directly to the front of the line with her hands on her hips. Ethan was happy to give her the money and she walked out knowing that there was no way that she was going to get what she came for.

  The red dress had found out another mark and the victim this time was Ethan. Natasha felt that this new development of having a child put a crimp in her plans. She was willing to sleep with him, but now she had to look out for the well being of something that couldn’t fight on its own. She was going to have to be this child’s advocate. She called her Dr. and told her the good news and asked if it was safe to have sex with the child still in the fetus. She was told that it was safe, but they should always take precautions and not do anything too strenuous.

  Ethan saw her talking on the phone and knew that it had to be something important. Her facial expression concerned him and for the first time in his life he was interested in somebody else’s feelings other than his own.

  Natasha decided to let him twist in the wind until their meeting at dinner tonight. She had plans and announcing this to her friends and family was not something that she was looking forward to. Travis would be a great godfather.

  Chapter 4

  Ethan was waiting patiently for her to arrive. He had a well known Italian restaurant down the street catering to his every whim. The table was set and the food was simmering on the stove. The chef had left everything ready to be served and had received a suitable payment for his services rendered. Ethan found himself anxious and was wearing a crisp white shirt with black pants and black shoes to match. His hair was just right with not one hair out of place.

  He heard that ding of the elevator and turned to see Natasha step into the room like she owned the place.

  Natasha saw the one lone rose on the table and went directly to it. She knew that this could be the romantic night that they would never forget. “You really didn’t have to go to all of this trouble, Ethan. I have to say that you know how to pull out all the stops to impress.” “I convinced myself before coming over here that I was not going to get caught up in the moment. I can’t help myself and his eyes are drawing me to him. He looks so damn good. I want to rip that suit off his body and make a night worshipping him. I do have to wonder if this is the hormones raging out of control. I don’t care and all I know is that somewhere in this apartment is where I am going to imprint my considerable ass.”

  “I have to admit that I did go a little overboard with the food. I wanted to make a good first impression and to tell you that I don’t have any hard feelings for what you did. I know what it’s like when somebody calls everybody out of the pool. I’ve had a few drunken binges, but those days are behind me. I’m trying to be a better man and a role model to the kids. I can’t do that by staying the same man that I was. I do admit that I slip into old habits from time to time.” Ethan took her jacket off of her and made an audible sigh of lust from seeing the buoyancy of her sweet ass. He had always been an ass man, but he was not immune to the charm of those balloons on her chest.

  “I’m not sure that I should be either scared or excited by the way that you’re looking at me. I do think t
hat we need to talk before we go any further.” She sat him down and told him about the baby and how she was going to keep it as a tribute to the father who had lost his life unexpectedly. “I hope that you can understand and that doesn’t put a damper on the evening.” What she got for the confession was a deep and longing kiss that took her breath away.

  Ethan was staring blankly after the kiss. He could still feel the phantom essence of her lips still planted on top of his. “I hope that answers your question. Families come in all shapes and sizes. I admire that you’re willing to do this alone.” He went to retrieve the food, serving both of them and placing it on the table for them to enjoy together. He lit the candle and let it burn in the wick with the wax now dripping down and setting off the aroma of cinnamon through the air.

  “I have to say that your reputation isn’t what I expected. You have always taken me for someone that was a little stuck on themselves. I watched your career. I’ve seen the numbers and the way that you hog the ball without any regard for your teammates. Fuck it… I can’t do this with a straight face after you have been so nice.” I see the look in his eyes and I can tell that he has no idea what’s coming. He’s not the only one that has to be better and I have to be the kind of woman that my child is going to look up to. “I had a bet with a friend that I could get the story behind the scandal of your rise to fame. It doesn’t seem all that important anymore, but for my own curiosity, I need to know that I’m not wasting my time”

  “I feel that for the first time I am at a loss for words. I don’t see any reason why you can’t win that bet. It’s about time the truth comes out.” He abruptly scattered the dishes onto the floor. He crawled over the top of the table until he was standing right in front of her. He felt her grab for his zipper and did nothing to stop her. His cock was soon being invited into her mouth and the bulge that he saw in her throat was nothing short of remarkable.


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