Secrets of Scarlett Hall Box Set: A Clean & Sweet Regency Historical Romance Collection

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Secrets of Scarlett Hall Box Set: A Clean & Sweet Regency Historical Romance Collection Page 61

by Jennifer Monroe

  “Then, what worries you?”

  He glanced around for a moment before turning his attention back to her and saying, “I worry about us, if I’m honest. The time we spend together…”

  “I told you my mother is not going to see us,” Juliet interrupted. She reached over and took his hand. “You need not worry about that.” She glanced down and noticed how his large calloused hand completely engulfed hers, and she felt protected by it.

  “Not just today,” Daniel said. “I said before; you’re a lady and I’m just a stable boy.”

  Juliet jutted her chin defiantly. “And I told you, I do not care.”

  He shook his head. “My dream is to own a bit of land one day. Finding the money’ll be challenging. I also want to have my own business so I’m keeping the money that’s being made. That’s not going to be easy, either. Your mother has her own dreams for you, and I’m sure they don’t include me.”

  “This is not about what my mother wants,” Juliet said in frustration. “It is about what I want.”

  “And what do you want?”

  The question was honest and forthcoming, and Juliet knew the answer immediately. “To be with you.”

  “That’s nice of you to say, and I’d like nothing more than for you to be with me. But this path we’re taking will end up hurting us both in the end.”

  Juliet placed a hand on his stubbled cheek. “Do not worry. You must trust that I will make it all work. Do you trust me?”

  The way he looked into her eyes made her heat, but she waited with as much patience as she could for him to respond. “I do, I suppose.”

  “Good,” she replied. “For I am already investing in a business.”

  Daniel raised his brows in surprise. “Who with?”

  “The new cobbler in Rumsbury,” Juliet replied. She explained how the arrangement came to be, and Daniel listened, giving nods as she spoke. “Do you not see? In time, I will own my own shops and be able to secure my own income.”

  What she had expected was Daniel to congratulate her on her business prowess, but instead, he asked, “How long have you known this man?”

  “A couple of months,” she replied. “However, he is kind, like you.”

  Daniel did not look pleased. “Be careful,” he said. “Those who seek money from you may not have the best intentions.”

  Juliet snorted. “You are kind to be concerned,” she said as if speaking to a child. The man was clearly jealous! “However, I am much too intelligent to be fooled by the likes of him.” She reached into the basket and removed the glasses and a bottle of brandy. “Now, let us have a drink in celebration.”

  “What are we celebrating?” Daniel asked. “This business you’re in?”

  “No.” She handed him one of the glasses and poured her own. “We are celebrating you and I courting.”

  “Courting?” Daniel asked in surprise. “Courting is for gentlemen and ladies. You might be a lady, but I’m definitely no gentleman. What do I know about courting?”

  Juliet giggled at his naivety. “It is simple, really,” she replied. “You ask if I would like to court, and I give you my answer.”

  Daniel smiled. “I suppose I can do that,” he said. He sat up a bit straighter. “Juliet, I’d like to court you. Will you say yes?”

  She sighed with a slow shake of her head. “A lady must be told how important she is, or she will refuse the offer. In such a situation, I would reject you outright, but for you I shall make an exception.” She said the last with a wink, which only broadened his smile.

  “I see.” He raised his brows. “Maybe I don’t want to ask.”

  For a moment, her breath caught in her throat. Had she gone too far? She had worked too hard to bring them together to lose now!

  Just as she made to apologize, however, he winked at her. “I was only teasing,” he said.

  Juliet playfully slapped his arm. “You!” she said with a laugh. Inside she sighed with relief. This was why she enjoyed their time together.

  “Forgive me,” he said. “I’ll try again.”

  She smoothed her skirts. “Thank you.”

  “Miss Juliet, there are many things in life I’ve wished for, and many of them have come true. But to be able to court a lady such as yourself would be the greatest wish ever granted. So, will you allow me to court you?”

  Juliet felt as weightless as a leaf floating on a current of air. “Yes,” she whispered. “I would like that very much.”

  He lifted his glass. “To us, then,” he said.

  Juliet raised hers, as well, and then took a sip of the brandy. A thought struck her—she was officially being courted! And by a simple stable boy, no less. No, there was nothing simple about Daniel, and she thought herself the luckiest woman in the world.

  For several minutes, they sat in silence, both looking at the ground between them; although, she caught him sneaking glances at her when she attempted to sneak a glance at him. Then, her thoughts went to him leaving.

  “When you mean to leave,” she said, “if I were to wish to join you, how would you respond?”

  He ran a finger around the rim of his glass. “I’d like that,” he said, but his tone did not match his words. “But I fear…”

  She had no desire to hear his doubts. “My mother, the ton, and everything I have been raised to know have nothing to do with what is on my heart. No one will stop that which I desire.”

  “If that’s true,” he said, “I’d want you with me. But you must understand that the life you have led? I can’t provide those things.” He looked down as if shamed by his words, and once again Juliet reached out and slipped her hand in his. Before she could respond, however, he continued. “The dresses, the servants; you’ve lived such a wonderful life of leisure. All of it would be gone. I’m worried you’d miss what you once had.”

  “Daniel,” she whispered, and he looked up at her. “I no longer care for those things; I only care for you. I once thought that the importance of a gentleman was what he could buy for me or the recognition I would receive.” She sighed. “Those days are past. I realize now that love is when a man loves a woman and provides her with what she needs for her heart as she does the same for him.”

  Daniel smiled. “For years, I cherished every moment I saw you. I was afraid every moment would be my last, because I knew a gentleman would take you away. Now, I want to be that man who cares for you.” He paused. “I do worry what your mother’ll say. I don’t want to see you hurt.”

  “I worry at times, as well,” she replied truthfully. “However, I believe she will understand. Come May, with or without her consent, we will leave Scarlett Hall and start a new life. Together.” Although he nodded, she did not miss the look of doubt etched in his features. “Remember, I am not like most women,” she added with a wide grin.

  He laughed and the doubtful look disappeared. “No, you’re not,” he said. “I should stop doubting you.”

  “That is very wise,” Juliet said with another wide grin just as the first sprinkles of rain fell upon them. She glanced up at the sky. “We had best leave.”

  She went to stand, but Daniel hurried to his feet and stretched out a hand to her. “I won’t have a lady I’m courting stand by herself.”

  Juliet smiled and allowed him to help her rise. “That is good,” she said. “You are learning quickly, but there are other rules you must learn, as well.”

  “Oh?” he asked. “What other rules?”

  “Stop your worrying,” she chastised. “I will tell you all of them in time.”


  Rain pelted against the drawing room window as Eleanor stood gazing out into the beginnings of a storm. Although the fireplace roared, she felt anything but warm. She replayed the events that led to this moment in time and wondered what had gone wrong.

  “The finest brandy,” Mr. Robert Mullens said from behind her as he smacked his lips together. “I am glad you have decided not to hold back by serving me anything less.”

leanor nodded but did not reply. It was the third time the man had come to her home, and she wished she knew a way to make it the last. Unfortunately, she had yet to devise a plan that did not leave her and her family open to ridicule and shame.

  “Do you believe yourself so much better than I that you will not respond?” he whispered in her ear.

  She choked down a gasp but could do little to stop herself from spinning around in surprise at his sneaking up behind her without her knowledge. Now she was trapped between him and the window, and she could do nothing to ease her pounding heart.

  “My apologies,” she said, although she felt no sorrow for her actions. “I tend to let my mind wander, and…” Her words were cut off when he took her hand. Her stomach rolled at his touch, and it took every ounce of strength she could muster to not pull it back.

  “Come and pour me another drink,” he said, guiding her toward the cart that held the liquor decanters. Once there, he set down his glass, and she took the decanter and poured. “More,” he commanded when she poured him only a measure that was appropriate for a gentleman.

  She had to get this man out of her house. “It is raining,” she said. “I am worried the girls will return home early. They cannot see us together.”

  The laugh Robert produced sent a shiver down her spine. “That is what worries you?” he asked. “Being seen with me?” He shook his head and abruptly stopped his chuckling. “Pour me more. I do not care what they see.”

  Eleanor did as the man bade and then handed him the glass. He wasted no time in taking a large gulp.

  “That is much better,” he said with an appeased sigh.

  Eleanor cringed as Robert’s eyes looked her up and down. “How beautiful you are, Eleanor,” he murmured as the back of his hand touched her face. “To think that a lady such as you and a simple man such as I share such an…” He paused as if attempting to find the right words, “intimate secret.”

  Repulsed, Eleanor took a small step back, and although her back touched the cold window, it allowed her even the tiniest amount of space between her and Robert. “I shall get your money,” she said, slipping past him and walking over to the small ornate box above the fireplace. She removed the required amount and handed it to Robert, who had returned to his place on the couch.

  He took it with quick hands, shoved it into his coat pocket, and sighed. He grabbed her hand, and she sat beside him, for she already knew he would demand it of her.

  “My new coat?” he said, sitting up straighter in his seat. “Do you like it?”

  “It is a nice coat,” she said. Why did this man insist on remaining where he was not wanted?

  “I worry, however, about its cost and what it has done to my funds. I am afraid that the next time I call, I will require more money.”

  Eleanor bit back a gasp. “How much more?”


  This time she did gasp. “I cannot pay that much,” she said with shock. “I realize that you do not believe me, but I assure you that the funds we have are low and will remain so until my new investments produce more income. This will still take some time.”

  Robert scowled and finished off the remainder of his drink. “Then we will find another way for you to pay me,” he said as he set his glass on the table. His gaze returned to her face. “I assume you have jewelry?”

  She shook her head although she had plenty. Yet, how would he know?”

  “Oh, very well,” he said with a heavy sigh. “I will make a note of the payments owed. You can pay me in full when the funds arrive in the future.”

  Worry and anger coursed through her. “How long do you require payment?” She attempted to keep the demand from her tone. “Another year?”

  “Oh, Eleanor,” he said as if speaking to a child for whom he was disappointed, “do you believe I would be so cruel?” He stood and walked over to the fireplace, put his hands out as if to warm them, his back to her. “I will stop asking once you have given me what I want.”

  Her heart pounded in her chest. “What is it you seek?” she asked, fearing what his answer would be. “I told you the funds I have…”

  “Do not exist,” he finished for her with a sigh. “Yes, I know this.” He turned and walked toward her so quickly, she feared he would knock her over in the process. “What I want is what I have desired for years. It is what I dreamed of while working at this home.”

  Eleanor attempted to look away, but he grabbed her chin and forced her to face him. “Your children are grown and are now leaving. This home is much too large for you to be alone in it.”

  “I will not marry you,” she said, her anger rising. “You have your money, now leave!” She reached up to pull his hand away, but he removed it before she could.

  “You forget,” he said in a low, threatening tone, “I know a secret, and unless you want me to reveal it, I suggest you start thinking of the future.”

  “You are mad!” she whispered as he reached up and brushed a thumb to her cheek. “You think that, by marrying me, I would…”

  “It does not matter what you believe I think,” he interrupted. “All that matters is what I want. And you as my wife is what I have always desired. Now I have the means to see it happen.” He leaned in and Eleanor quickly turned her face, his lips grazing her cheek. When she turned back to him, his face was red with anger.

  A noise in the hallway caught her attention. “The girls have returned,” she said, although it was more than likely the house settling. “Please, leave.”

  “Do not do that again,” he said with a hiss. He turned and headed to the door. “I want my money, Eleanor, and I want a life that I never had. You can give this to me and at the same time keep your secret hidden.” He then turned back to her. “I will be gone for nearly a month on business. When I return, have my money and your answer ready.”

  The moment he was gone, Eleanor clenched her fists. What was she to do?

  However, before she was able to give it thought, the front door closed, and she let out a sigh of relief. The man was most definitely mad. How dare he ask to marry her, for it was something to which she would never agree!

  Yet, he held knowledge of a secret so great, it would destroy her family.

  Her mind played over the possibilities of what she could do. Soon, payment of money would not be enough to appease the man, and her stomach twisted at what more he would demand. She had to find a way to stop him! Yet, how? Her eyes fell on the flames that roared in the fireplace, her mind going to her children. Robert was evil, and unless stopped, he would ruin them all.

  Unsure as to what to do, she made her way to the front door and stepped out onto the covered stoop just as Annabel and Juliet hurried toward her, laughing as the rain fell on them.

  Not only was Eleanor in danger, but these two were, as well, and she would do anything to protect them!



  Juliet shook the rain from her overcoat before pushing the front door open, glad to have escaped the rain. She went to ask Annabel a question when she heard the voice of a man coming from the drawing room. Holding a finger to her lips, she crept down the hallway, Annabel following behind just as quietly.

  Had a servant returned due to the inclement weather? The voice did not sound like that of Forbes, yet it did sound familiar, although Juliet could not place it.

  Placing an ear to the door, she waved for Annabel to do the same and strained to hear every word.

  “All that matters is what I want. And you as my wife is what I have always desired. Now I have the means to see it happen.”

  Juliet pulled back from the door, anger boiling inside her. Nodding toward the front door, she and Annabel hurried to it and outside, easing the door closed until she heard the familiar click.

  “That was Robert!” she declared as they huddled under the covering over the stoop. “Did you hear what he said?”

  Annabel nodded. “I did!”

  Juliet clenched her teeth. “I cannot believe that woman
! The man kissed her; he must have! Come with me.”

  They hurried through the rain to the stables, where Juliet stopped and turned to glare at the front of the house.

  “Why would she wish to see the cobbler,” Annabel asked.

  Juliet shook her head, still amazed at her mother. “I cannot believe what a hypocrite that woman is!” She gave a derisive sniff. “Robert was right about her!”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He told me she was jealous of me, and although I suspected it, I did not wish to believe it.” She gave her cousin a beseeching look. “Do you not see? Mother kept us away from him because she wants him for herself! She then had him come here where she could seduce him!”

  “Perhaps,” Annabel said with a shake to her head.

  Then a thought occurred to Juliet. “It all makes sense,” she whispered. “Robert had a position here at Scarlett Hall years ago. I wonder if this is the reason Mother has everyone leave the house on Tuesdays; she had been seeing Robert all those years ago.”

  “But why would she keep her Tuesday routine after the man left?”

  “Maybe there has been more than one man,” Juliet replied with a shrug. “And to think she has attempted to deter me from seeing Daniel! She told me that, because of his class, we could never have a future together, and yet, there she is in the drawing room alone with a cobbler sharing kisses! I would have never thought her capable of such a thing.”

  “Neither would have I,” Annabel said. “What will we do?”

  Juliet sighed and peeked out the opening of the door to the stables. Her friend and business partner walked away from their home, the man too poor to afford a horse or to rent a carriage. She was angry he had not informed her of the lurid affair he was having with her mother…

  Yet, had he not done so? Had he not been the one who had spoken of her mother’s jealousy of her? Perhaps he had not wished to hurt her. Furthermore, if her mother had lured the man into their home with promises of kisses, it was likely he was not in his right mind.

  “We will return to the house and act as if nothing has happened,” Juliet replied in response to the question Annabel had asked. “If Mother wishes to pursue this man, then she has every right to do so. However, she had best not make any comment when I tell her of Daniel and my plans.”


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