Rocky Trail

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Rocky Trail Page 7

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Helen Backster, with a smile, but not so obvious that it was an acceptance of company, said, “I’m Helen and I just got in from New York. I’m a bit tired and hungry. I try to limit myself to two drinks before dinner. I’ll accept your offer Clyde of a drink.”

  When Clyde heard her voice and her scent that drifted to his nose he almost fell off his stool. Then he saw all of her at once that when he finally recovered, he would tell a friend, her eyes were violet, mouth so sensuous he felt his throat go dry. He tried not to stare at her chest but the front of her sweater was about to burst forth from the two full mounds straining for release. What he wouldn’t tell his friend is that he fell hook line and sinker under her spell.

  Meanwhile, inside of her motel room Vince Storm was installing a video camera that would record a compromising film of Clyde Hyster. His room was next door so he used a brace and bit to make a hole into his room for the wiring. The whole job took less than thirty minutes.

  Having finished her allotment of two drinks, Helen and Clyde sat in the restaurant having dinner. He was enjoying her conversation, but most of all his thoughts were of her naked in bed with him riding her cowboy style into the sunset.

  As their after dinner drinks were consumed, Helen said, “I’m going to be in town for a few days Clyde. So how about we give tonight a rest and tomorrow night lets make a time of it.”

  Clyde was both disappointed and thrilled that tonight he would be alone, but tomorrow night he would be the man in her life. He said, “Yes, me too. I’ve a lot of work tomorrow, but I’ll hurry and finish early. I’ll meet you here in the bar for happy hour?”

  “Yes, that will be perfect Clyde. Now I’ve a few phone calls to make so I’ll see you tomorrow. Thanks for a lovely dinner Clyde. Tomorrow is my turn,” as she stood up making sure her chest was a feast for his eyes.


  Ironically, in the same motel were the two hired assassins Dennis and Ann. The difference between Clyde and Helen were discretion. Inside their room, maps were spread out on the spare bed. Dennis said, “Ann, we must not fail this time out. Even though we have a lot of money in the bank, it’s not enough to see us through the long years ahead of us. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about this intended hit. Where the targets are going is a very windy area where Allied is planning on erecting their windmills. A sniper shot is out of the question. Have you any ideas to suggest?”

  “How about we blow them up with a bomb in the road?”

  “I wonder then what the news reports would be and what Allied would say about blowing up a SUV in the middle of a desert. No, we must be creative and come up with something subtle, but final. What we need to do is get a lay of the land. First a fly over then a road trip might turn up some ideas.


  By joint agreement from all parties, including Chicago, Kayenta, Arizona would be where the trap would be set to catch the assassins. David and Janice, the next morning, woke up as cold as their old mountain cabin. One might think that a hotel in a modern city like Flagstaff would have some heat for the guests. Nights were cold at this high elevation at night in the desert. Lucky for them a pile of wool blankets kept the chill off, but facing the cold air after exiting the bed was another story.

  Janice quietly slid out of bed and ran to the bathroom. She'd noticed the night before two heat lamps were used to heat the bathroom. Wrapping a bath towel around her she turned on the hot water in the shower. After completing her toilette she ran back to bed and snuggled up to her still warm sleeping man.

  David was having a nice dream when he felt Janice snuggle up to him. She felt nice and warm. He took a deep breath and gave off a sigh of contentment rolling onto his back placing his arm under her head. Slowly he pulled her closer and Janice swung a leg up and over his. He whispered, “I love you Pine Queen.”

  Janice murmured some words he didn’t understand, but the message was clear as she snuggled closer. Then he said, “Do I hear water running?”

  “Yes, Kemosabe. It’s so damn cold in here and I turned the hot water on to warm up the bathroom. What say we get squeaky clean before we ditch this place?”

  “I’m with you. Give me a few minutes in the bathroom and then I’ll be ready for you. After that let’s give Johnny a call and have him meet us in Kayenta. From there we can on up to Monument Valley.”

  Janice was in heaven as David massaged her back with his big strong hands. The hot water flowed softly over both of them. Nothing is forever, she thought, but I’m going to totally enjoy these moments for my old age memories. She laughed and David asked, “What you laughing at Pine Queen?”

  “I was thinking about how it might be thirty years from now flashing back on these memories of today. I think we could find a nice place around here and enjoy the dry desert sunshine as we rock in our rockers.”

  “What happened to the tropics Pine Queen,” as he soaped her legs one at a time as she leaned on the shower wall with both hands stabilizing herself.

  “I’m keeping all options open,” as she swam in the goodness of his hands. “I can’t wait any longer Kemosabe,” as she dropped one hand and arm reaching behind her to guide him in.

  A final rinse and a towel dry set the tone for a hearty breakfast. “I’m not sure I can keep this pace up my Queen. I’m worn to a frazzle. I need at least a ten hour break,” he said, while poking her in the ribs making her flinch.

  “Okay, I’m about to start my period anyway. Let’s make good use of the time to set a trap for those two shit heads.”

  “Let’s run up to Tuba City for breakfast. It’s not far from here. We’ll make it known we are going to Monument Valley. Also we need to check in with AJ and see what’s happening with the Hyster gig.”

  Driving up highway 88 to Tuba City Janice called AJ. David was in deep thought about how to set a trap and what to use for bait. He realized they needed something unique and relatively simple. But nothing came to his mind. Something will pop up once we drive the road. Meanwhile, he thought about what a lucky guy he was to happen upon Janice. And for that matter, Dr. Jones should be included in that special few that made up his life. Janice broke his thoughts banging on his arm handing the phone to him.

  “How are you holding up David,” asked Dr. Jones.

  “So far so good AJ. We’re moving up to a small town called Kayenta to meet up with Johnny. After that we’ll go to Monument Valley and set up a situation for our assassins. I’m thinking we will advertise the fact we are meeting the Navaho Tribal Council in Monument for a pow wow. That should put the fear of God into Allied. Well, at least it should force their hand. I’m totally open for suggestions AJ.”

  “You’re the one on location David. I’ve no doubt we can turn Clyde Hyster as the evidence will be gathered tonight. As you well know the best of plans can go to ruin in a hurry. They’re a major player and not without a lot of power and influence. However, if we can make them look dirty, the stockholders will do the real damage.”

  “Okay AJ, is there anything else we need to know?”

  “Yes, there is. Just remember we’re here to help and support. Just name what you might need and it’s done. I’ve already contacted and chartered a four place plane that is waiting for you at the Kayenta Airport. She’ll be available starting today after lunch is what I’m told.”

  “Thanks AJ. And one more thing, tell Alex to send some coffee to the motel we’re staying at. He spoiled us with his nice brew. I’ll send the address by email later on today.”

  On Main Street in Tuba City sat a family restaurant. Perfect, David thought for a nice breakfast. It looked like a place where both locals and tourists would stop and eat. Judging by the amount of cars parked in the parking lot and nearby, this was the local hotspot.

  Janice commented on the nice Navaho motif as they sat down at a table with plenty of elbow room. The restaurant felt comfortable and service was good. Surprising the fry bread came with a jar of strawberry jam. David said, “The more I’m around the Native Americans the be
tter I like it. How do you feel about them?

  “I’m with you Kemosabe,” as a short stack of cakes arrived. “People like Sue, Johnny, Delores and I’m sure we will meet many more before we close this case, are real down to earth folks. They’re very unpretentious and carrying about family and friends. I like that.”

  David could hardly keep his eyes off Janice. He thought, she is so beautiful and her beauty goes beyond skin deep. She said, “Kemosabe, you’re mouth is hanging open and people are starring at you.”

  Janice knew what he was thinking and started to blush a little. Both were saved by a beep of their cell phone denoting a text message had arrived. She quickly read the message and texted back saying they were in Tuba City at the local family restaurant. She said, “That was Johnny and his girlfriend saying they were just outside of Tuba City and would stop here for something to eat.”

  “Good for them. I need the distraction,” he said with a gleam of mischief in his eyes. Janice kicked under the table. He gave off a yelp and hung his head as if to pout. She ignored him devouring the pancakes.

  As they came to the end of their breakfast, Johnny and his girlfriend walked in with a friend alongside Johnny. Janice saw them first as David had his back to the front door. She almost spat out her ice tea looking at the two very different men. While Johnny was tall and slim, his friend was short and stout. Both remembered Johnny had a Navaho friend in the Tribal Police Force. Janice quickly recovered and stood up to greet them. David followed suit.

  The young Indian waitress showed renewed interest as her own people had arrived. They moved to a bigger table that sat six. After introductions, Johnny’s friend Mosi, which means cat in Navaho, was very pleasant, they got down to business after the appropriate amount of time before serious talking came about. However, Mosi having been in the Army and around the world was not so staunch about following Navaho custom of family, clan and so on before discussing business.

  He jumped right in talking about Allied Power having made contact with the Navaho some time back. Mosi said, “We are aware of what went on up in Montana. We haven’t signed a contract with anyone yet. We have been doing a feasibility study since 2008. We’d hoped to have something producing by 2012. One reason we are being very careful is because of what happened to the Flathead tribe. We are going to demand that a substantial amount of cash be set aside in escrow before signing a contact. Also we want the installation of power poles or underground wiring so each and every tribal member can have power to their house. We realize it's not practical to route power miles and miles to one house, but when a group or family is located and has been living in one place for many years, we'll want power to those folks."

  David had been listening with a keen ear, but Janice and Kay Floats on Air had been studying each other across the table. Women have unknown to men qualities of observation of people. In this case, both Janice and Kay were educated and intelligent women with experience. Without any words spoken they both sensed a warm and friendly experience to come. Janice reached out and took Kay warm hand.

  Johnny spoke for the first time, “Me and Mosi have been talking about how to catch these bad guys. We’d like to take them alive. But we haven’t come up with a plan, have you David?”

  “No, we haven’t. The wide open desert hinders us from any sneak attack. We can lure them, but how to trap them is the big question. I was thinking about this idea. How about we use me for bait. We set up where this guy can take a shot from a selected spot. Very near the location we have two people buried in the dirt. Once they or he or she has shot, up comes our two to have the drop on the shooters.”

  “For example, it’s late afternoon. The sun is still throwing off lots of light. Janice and I are parked at a place where we can have a small fire. One camp chair is empty, mine, the other has a mannequin with a wig on with its back to the shooter. I’m standing there with a double vest of bullet protection. Well, what do you think?”

  Janice first thought he was mad and crazy to risk his life for anyone or anything. Then she realized she was still holding Kay’s hand, but now with a death grip on it. But Kay instead of pulling her hand away placed her other hand on top to show how much she sympathized with her feelings. Johnny first looked at Mosi and then back to David.

  Johnny said, “The impact of a high powered rifle will knock the shit out of you David.”

  “Yes, if hit in chest probably broken ribs, but I don’t think it will penetrate. What say we practice a time or two?”

  Milo said, “What if we used a man sized puppet. If we used a motor home with a fold out canopy, we could extend one side of it with a pole rigged up with fishing line. Is this idea too weird?”

  David laughed and shook his head saying no it’s not weird but is it workable, he wondered. Johnny said, “How about we research this contacting some real puppet operators?

  Janice said, “These assassins are professionals and do you really think we can fool them with this scheme?”

  David saw the doubtful look on her face, but let’s play this out and see what develops. He said, “I’m listening and nothing is foolish here.

  Kay said, “What we really need is a holograph. There’s a company in the UK that can do this for us. They can project both David and Janice at any point and in reality not actually being there.” She let that information float around the table.

  David said, “What was or is that techs name who is doing the video on Hyster?”

  Janice answered, “His name is Vince Strom. You want I should call this dude and have him check this out?”

  David answered, “Let’s head on up the road and check into the motel. We can use a room to discuss further what we will do. That video tape is planned for tonight so let this rest for awhile. I understand we have a plane at our disposal and I for one would like to see a lay of the land.”

  Back on the road with Johnny following it didn’t take long to reach Kayenta. On the way up Janice called AJ to see what he, Jake and Alex thought of this plan. Janice was laughing when she closed up her cell phone. David glanced over at her and she said, “AJ said, ‘Damn if I know.’ Jake said, ‘Way too hi tech for me.’ And Alex said, ‘Go for it.’’’

  “We are on our own Kemosabe. I suggest we perform and watch from where the shooters might be. Let’s see how realistic it is. It sure beats the hell out of being shot at.”

  “I for one will keep an open mind. I’d rather not take the hit if at all possible. Also, Johnny told me Mosi will talk to the waitress about if any white men coming asking about us to tell them where we are. I’d guess they would stay here in Tuba City. But we must be ready for the unexpected. I’m anxious to get a fly over. We should also make it look like we are doing some scientific study with wind. Set up some equipment and such things. Make it look like we have reason to be camped out on the desert. I suppose we ought to rent a motor home? What do you think?”

  “If the holograph is a go then we would need probably two motor homes. One for the performance and one for us. Damn, I wish Bloom were here. And one more thing. You need to wear a hat to identify yourself to the shooter. However, Kemosabe, never stand still. Keep moving. By the way, did you notice how dry and dusty it is here in Navaho land? Makes me want to take a shower. I can’t wait to get to the motel. I think I’ll take a break Kemosabe while you fly around. I think Kay and I will get better acquainted.”

  “I’ll wait for a report when I come back,” he said sarcastically. “No doubt you women will roast us guys over the coals. Hey, you know what, seriously I like this married stuff. I feel so secure and haven’t felt a tinge of loneliness for a long, long time.”

  “Yes, me too,” As she reached over and squeezed his leg next to his knee. “Would you believe not so long ago we were in Chicago investigating homicides? Now, look at where we are, in a desert being game for the hunters.”

  As they pulled into the motel, which looked brand new, he said, “I know but I wouldn’t change it for the world. We have excitement every minute a
nd can wax it away with powerful lovemaking. I get a little weak at the knees Pine Queen when you get close to me.”

  David parked under the entrance and then said, “If you tell anyone I’ll deny, deny until the very end.” He yelped and realized she wasn’t any push over. That hit on the arm hurt. He jumped out to fetch the bags rubbing his shoulder.

  That’ll teach him, she thought as she saw Johnny park the motor home in the parking lot. She wandered over to ask Kay how she liked the motor home. Johnny and Mosi were walking to the motel and Kay hung back knowing what Janice was curious about. Kay said, “Come in and look around. It’s nice. There’s not a lot of room to walk around, but it’s cozy. BT was hanging around and Janice gave him a rub down. Unlike most dogs he never got in your way. He gave you space and most of the time was he looking around for bad guys.

  Kay gave Janice a tour and then showed her how well equipped the motor home was, thanks to Bloom. Janice noticed a laptop on the table and yellow legal pads next to it. Kay looked efficient, she thought. Later Janice would find out how efficient she really was. The contact with the UK holograph folks proved her worth.

  David booked three rooms for the night and a fourth one for the next night when Vince Strom would show up with the video from the Hyster performance. As the place was not so busy, as it was April and summer vacation was not here yet, they pretty much had the run of the place. David asked for the conference room and if they could have dinner in there tonight at eight pm.

  David gave Johnny and Mosi their key cards and suggested they drive over to the airport and take a plane ride before lunch. Actually Mosi was quite proud of his land and wanted to show both Johnny and David the wonderful site of the old Anasazi dwellings at Monument Valley. He told them the site was over fifteen hundred years old. The contemporary Navaho referred to them as the “Ancient Ones.”


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