Rocky Trail

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Rocky Trail Page 9

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  David, with Janice hot on his backside ran for the door. Mosi a little slower on the uptake was not far behind. Kate not used to an emergency sat for a few seconds before she too walked quickly to the outside.

  Before storming through the front door, David and Janice, guns drawn, looked out the glass door. Seeing nothing, David nodded to Janice and threw open the door crouching down moving alongside of the wall looking for darkness. Janice remained behind waiting for his signal. David, on his haunches, back against the wall, waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness searching for signs of Johnny or BT.

  The hotel staff was all frozen in place lying on the floor. One girl at the desk asked, “I heard shots. Do you think, Ms Cockrun we are safe in here?”

  Janice replied, “Yes, but stay down and if you can, turn out the outside and inside lights.”

  David made a run for the parking lot where the motor home was located. Crouched alongside a car he saw something lying on the parking lot just behind the motor home. It didn’t look like a full size man like Johnny, but took on the shape of bundle. It was then he saw Johnny walking quickly towards what lie on the ground. David guessed right that the area was probably safe now or Johnny would not have his back to the highway.

  David scanned the area once more and listened to any sounds out of the ordinary. Seeing and hearing nothing he called to Johnny. Johnny said, “All clear David, but BT is dead. It was a guy on a dirt bike with an air rifle.” David walked over to where Johnny was squatted down over his dog. Now wasn’t the time to ask questions, but Johnny, being the consummate professional said, “Perp got away on the bike. I got off three shots, but he was zigzagging down the road laughing.

  Janice hollered that she was coming out and David turned and said, “Coast is clear. BT is down.” Janice, followed by Mosi and Kate walked slowly up to the motor home. Kate squatted down and rubbed BT’s head and back. He was still warm, but not moving. Kate started crying, but Johnny was frozen in place just starring at his best friend.

  After what seemed a long time, but was only a few minutes, Johnny reached down and picked BT up in his arms. Then he nodded to Kate and walked out into the dark desert. The parking lot lights were still on and Janice would never forget the sight of Johnny carrying his friend, and those awful shadows that followed along side reminding Janice of a ghost keeping them company.

  David put his arm around Janice and then Kate came over to lean on Janice. Mosi seemed a bit flustered then quickly took out his cell phone and called in the shooting.

  Kate stayed with David and Janice after asking for a roll-a-way brought in. Kate had told them Johnny would not return until tomorrow. It took a long time for a Native American to say good bye to family or a friend.


  On highway 160 Dennis rode up on his dirt bike to a parked Hertz moving van with a hydraulic lift on the back. Ann quickly activated the lift and soon the bike was tired down against the side of the van.

  Ann driving they drove back to Tuba City where they had a motel room. Dennis had seen Janet watching them and then he smiled knowing the targets would be looking for a pickup truck and not a small moving van. Ann asked, “How it go?”

  “I got that fucking dog. Killing that dog will hurt them more than a human life. That makes up for that mountain miss. Now we watch and wait. They are the prey; we are the hunters. All of this action makes me both hungry and horny. Let’s make a night of it.”

  “Next time is my time. I want to waste the curly hair broad that I missed the first time. Yes, me too. I’m hungry for both steak and hot dog.”

  Chapter XIII

  The dog is an amazing and unique animal as concerns mankind. So much has been said and written about man’s best friend. Once a dog has accepted you as its master, come hell or high water that animal will stay with you forever. We as humans should learn more about relationships between all animals. However, there was one man who had the ultimate respect for dogs and he was currently digging a deep grave for his best friend in the desert. And to borrow a time honored opening sentence from the ultimate source, “Buck didn’t read newspapers, or he would have known trouble was brewing…….”

  As Johnny prepared BT for a long sleep, he silently vowed to take revenge for his loss. The assassins could read and should have known better than to take a man’s best friend away from him.

  The next morning dawned clear, cold and without any wind to speak of. David quietly made his way to the bathroom and then just as quietly dressed to see if he could find Johnny.

  As luck would have it, as David left the hotel, but first making sure no bad guys were around, he saw Johnny walking back to the parking lot. He nodded to David and then they shook hands. Nothing really needed saying between them and Johnny said, “I’m going to rest for a couple hours and then I’ll be ready by the time you’re leaving for the airport at ten.”

  David said, “Yes Johnny, take a rest. We are in no hurry. I’m going to stay out here and enjoy the sun rising in a few minutes. Kay is fine and she spent the night with us. I’ll see you later.” David slowly walked off looking east as the sky was turning purple and soon the ball of fire would raise its roundness over the land of the Navaho.

  David thought back on last night as he and Janice whispered to each other in bed. He told her that only just a short few months ago he would have been so angry over the senseless killing of an animal he would have not slept until the killer was dead and gone. But now, since meeting up with Dr. Jones and revealing his love for her, he used his brain instead of his aggression and strength.

  She replied, “Kemosabe, we both have grown up and are much wiser now. As we mature we need to use our brains to catch the bad guys. What’s difficult is pitting our strength against a powerhouse like Allied Power.”

  “True enough. However, we have AJ, Jake and Alex which is no small thing. And apparently they have friends in Washington too.”

  David found a rock to sit on and watch the sun slowly spread its warmth across the landscape. A new day was coming, but unfortunately BT would not be there to appreciate it. Such a senseless waste, he thought. There’s suppose to be good come out of a tragic event, but what could possibly be beneficial out of BT being ruthlessly murdered? The really sad thing, he again thought, is after this is all said and done, who will remember a brave dog that died protecting its master.

  His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice saying, “Hey Kemosabe, it’s just me so don’t panic and shoot your new wife.”

  He had his back to the hotel and raised his hand in greeting without turning around. Janice walked up behind him, placed her hands on his shoulders, which felt really good to David. He asked, “How’s Kay this morning?”

  “Well, I’m not sure but she went out to the motor home. It’s nice to see that the Indians have a way of knowing what the others are doing or feeling. We could learn a lot from them big fella.”

  “No doubt about it. Ever since I came out here two tribal police rigs have come by. It’s kind of like shutting the barn door and horse thing, but it’s comforting to know they are around. I feel really bad about Johnny losing his dog. I wish there was something we could say or do to help out but not sure what to do. How about you Pine Queen, do you have any ideas?”

  “Kay told me Johnny would be fine after spending the night with his friend. Then she said, ‘A new day dawns and so does new life.’”

  “If I’m not mistaken, I think our video of Hyster is about to arrive,” as David saw a car driving up to the parking lot.

  Vince got out and gave them a big wave and smile. David and Janice walked to meet him in front of the hotel entrance. After the greeting David suggested breakfast. Vince seconded the notion and off they went. After their order was taken Vince said, “All went well. Nancy is flying back to Chicago and here is the CD. I wrote his room number on the cover. He thinks Nancy will meet him again at five pm for drinks in the bar. I’m sure he won’t be late.”

  Janice caught the sarcasm and smile
d back at him. Vince was not being crude, but telling them Nancy had done her job very well. David said, “What’s your plan now Vince?”

  “Well, AJ said for me to see if there was a need for me here and to help in anyway I can,” he answered with a pleading look of ‘I want to help if need be.’

  “Yes, Janice and Kay are meeting the rep from the UK and you should tag along. I’m sure you could be a big help to us. Also, while you’re in Flagstaff, rent a motor home for a month. We’re going camping very soon.”

  After breakfast David and Janice started back to their room. David told Vince to pick up his card at the desk as he was already checked in. Janice told him they would be ready to leave for Flagstaff around ten. While at the desk, a message from Mosi said he was with the tribal police and would meet them at the airport at ten.

  After a hot shower and a call to AJ telling him the video was in hand and later tonight David would report the meeting with Clyde Hyster as to his reaction to the video, they talked to each other about what Johnny might do now without BT.

  Janice said, “Kay told me he would probably have another shepherd brought down to replace BT. The how and when is an unknown at this point, but I’m sure Johnny feels a bit naked without one of his dogs around.”

  “I’ll tell him to have his cousin meet someone at the airport and they can fly a new dog down here. Johnny should have a new friend by dark at the latest.”

  “You’re my hero Kemosabe. Well, now I must get ready to go to Flagstaff. Here check this list to see if it’s complete. I’ll use Vince like we did Bloom. Have a good flight.

  Johnny was waiting outside a few minutes before ten. Kay and Janice had already left with Vince. David was at a loss for words and both got in the armor SUV and left for the airport. As they were about to park at the airport, Johnny said, “Janice told me about flying another dog down to us. I appreciate it David. I’m fine now. I called my cousin and told him to send BTs son. He’s still a little young, but carries the good genes of his father and mother. I don’t like to carry a grudge, but any person that shoots a man’s dog is lower than any animal on earth. Either you or me will send that guy to hell David. Now, let’s go find a place to bushwhack these assassins.

  A four place helicopter waited silently for David and team to board. The pilot’s name was Ed Banes from Flagstaff. Mosi had been waiting for them and he had informed Ed what they were looking for. When David and Johnny arrived they were sitting at a wooden picnic type table looking at a map. After the introductions and David having told the pilot what they were looking for, they took off for Monument Valley and the surrounding area. What David was looking for was a place to park the motor homes and to give the assassins access to a site where a sniper could do their job from. David knew he couldn’t be an obvious site or a set up would be smelled from the beginning. Accessible yes, but not easily arrived at. An entrance and exit to make the shooters comfortable, along with a confidence factor to seal the deal.

  The last time they flew over this part of the desert, it didn’t seem so large. Now as the helicopter slowly flew over the area, it seemed much more spacious and lonely. As far as the eye could see, no living thing was evident. However, anyone familiar with a desert knows life exists in its own habitat not always evident to a neophytes eye.

  They put down at Fords Point. A place where many old western movies were filmed. The irony might be that in real life an ambush would take place with death being the probable outcome. The ‘Duke’ might even be proud of them, David thought.

  As the helicopter quieted down, the four men gazed at the surrounding landscape. Distance was hard to determine. Mosi seemed to see the questioning look in David’s eye, said, “Ed here and all of us tribal police have patrolled this area and other areas so we are familiar with the distance between objects being the hard thing to determine.”

  “You’re so right,” said David. “What we need is that distance scope we have in the SUV. However, I’ll rely on you. What do you think of this area for a set up?” David was pointing to a parking area that faced to the south west were the prevailing winds came from.

  Johnny had been scanning the area and drifted off a few meters to look down a slope that ran under this flat rim rock. After a walk down and then a walk back to the road he came back and said, “Under this rim rock, a shelf projects out whereby a shooter could set up having a direct shot down to that parking area.”

  “Yes, and they could come from the road unseen and unheard. We might have something here. Let’s see what Mosi says. He seems to have a good lay of the land.” Mosi and Ed were walking back up the road having gone down to the parking lot and pacing off the distance for a rough estimate.

  “By the way Johnny, we really appreciate your help here.”

  “No, it’s the reverse David. We appreciate what you’re doing for us Native Americans. It would seem that no matter what we do or try to do, the white man takes the lion’s share of wealth leaving us the scraps. No matter how hard they try to assimilate us into a culture that is foreign to us, we never totally succumb to white man ways. The Navaho have their own language as do we Flatheads. Even though I stand here speaking English, I feel that English is really a foreign language to me. Sometimes I have dreams and the language spoken is not understandable to me. Anyway, here comes Mosi and let’s see what they have determined for distance.”

  After the walk up the incline, Mosi was breathing rather hard. David thought he wasn’t in the best of shape, but that was his own business. Mosi said, while wiping the sweat off his brown, “I’d estimate it’s about one thousand yards from here to the parking area. From what I understand that in today’s world of sniper rifles and such things, that distance is not out of range.”

  “No, it isn’t,” said David. “With the prevailing wind into the shooters face, that adjustment is easy to make. Now what say we look around some more before lunch time? If we don’t discover a better location, then let’s come back and detail it out.”


  It wasn’t hard to spot the UK team at the Flagstaff Airport. But just in case, Vince had a piece of cardboard with their company name written on it: VPS Inc. As this was a domestic flight from Phoenix there wasn’t the need to wait until immigration had their time with international travelers. However, there was a wait until the bags were off loaded. Janice had Vince turn in the car for a van to accommodate the equipment and luggage that came with the holograph company.

  Also, while they were waiting for the flight, Vince rented a motor home that after his shopping he would drive to the hotel later that afternoon.

  When the VPS team recognized their new customers a big smile crossed everyone’s face. Jim Floss was the first one to stick out his long arm with a large hand on the end of it. The length of his arm coincided with the rest of his body: tall and razor thin. His colleague Linda Holmes was more typical as she appeared about thirty with short brown hair and pleasant to look at.

  In no time they were on their way to Kayenta. They denied being hungry so it was agreed lunch would be at the hotel. Vince would stay behind to do the shopping and then drive up later with the motor home.

  There was lots of chatter going up the road. The VPS folks were trying hard in layman’s terms to explain how the holograph worked. It appeared that Kay had a better understanding than did Janice. However, the music to her ears was they could project David and her and not physically be there.


  In Houston a round table discussion was in progress. The topic was two fold. One was either to cease the wind power project, as the heat from Washington was increasing. The other was to cancel the hit contract and wash their hands of the whole mess. A vote was taken and by a narrow margin, the wind power project on the Navaho/Hopi reservations were put on hold. A message was to be sent to Clyde Hyster to sit tight and wait for instructions. A coded email was sent to the hired assassin to cease and he would be paid half of the original fee.

  The upshot was when Dennis and Ann receive
d the email to cancel the assassinations, they laughed and wanted revenge. Dennis said, while Ann read the mail, “Half is good enough for me. We’re already here and once those Indian lovers set up camp and start testing, we will play cowboy and Indian with a sneak attack.”

  Ann replied, “Honey, maybe we should take the money and run. Why take the risk? Those guys are pissed we killed that damn dog. However, you’re right in thinking they’re safe in the wide open desert country. Well, hell, let’s get it over with. I’m still burning from that curly haired bitch dodging my bullet.”

  “We’ll fly over the area tomorrow and see if they are camped out. We can ride in on the bike. No doubt we can find a place to hide it and then afterwards we can ride it to the tourist entrance to change rides. I think we need to go shopping for some desert camo clothes. I’ve a fairly good idea where they will set up camp and the late afternoon wind should be down allowing us to take the shot. Hopefully we can in and out quickly. With a formal announcement coming that Allied Power is backing off, those idiots will think they’re home free and relax their guard.”


  In Chicago four people were holding their own meeting discussing what was forthcoming with Allied Power withdrawing their wind power proposal. Jake said, “I’m not sure what this all means AJ. What do you think?”

  AJ rubbed his jaw, whipped the corners of his mouth in case of drool seeping out unfelt or unseen, he said, “Allied is expecting the government to back off their investigation, but in reality it means Allied is running scared. If nothing else we need to keep the pressure on. As you know, at around six pm our time David meets with Allied’s rep Hyster. I’m guessing we’ll have some fodder for our team to feast on.”


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