Rocky Trail

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Rocky Trail Page 11

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Johnny, after taking his turn at digging, looked around the area. The red desert and surrounding area with high mesas was simply lovely. He’d been so busy he had failed to notice the lovely geography. Yes, the desert could be dry, desolate, but never looked threatening. What was amazing to most visitors was the fact that humans had lived and prospered here for hundreds, if not thousands of years. The proof was the cliff dwellers of the Four Corner area: The Anasazi or the ancient Navaho people.

  Now Johnny and Junior took a little walk around the area to share some quiet time. Soon they would be among others waiting for the assassins to make their move. What he couldn’t decide was whether or not he enjoyed this kind of thing or would he rather be back home in Montana raising his dogs.

  He and Kay talked about it last night and both decided that even though danger was just around the corner, life sure was exciting. Both had decided they really liked working with David and Janice. However, all good things must come to an end sooner or later. After this case was over, both he and Kay wondered what would happen next. Well, as the white man says, ‘cross that bridge when you come to it.’

  When Johnny returned all was ready to go. Both dead men buried; Mosi’s friend would stay with the third guy and make contact by phone later today. Food and water was brought along and with a wave good bye they drove off.


  The two US Marshalls had no trouble finding Sam’s Investigation Service. Behind the class door sat a stunning redhead secretary. Upon entering she looked up flashing a smile outlined in orange lip stick. The older of the two showed her his ID and at the same time asked to see Sam. Gloria Gabbins, according to her name on the front of the desk said, “Just a moment please.” Both men stared at her backside as she twitched her slightly overweight butt to the office down the hall.

  Aaron Spalding and his partner Gail Preblin had flown in from Washington specifically to ask Sam a few pointed questions. After two minutes Aaron started to get a little nervous thinking Sam might have smelled a rat and ducked out the back. However, to his relief, Gloria came back and said to follow her. Aaron noticed the big smile was gone and Gloria was all business now.

  Sam Starch was standing up when Aaron and Gail came in. Gloria had shut the door and Sam with a serious face asked, “What can I do for you gentleman and lady?”

  Sam pointed at two chairs and after sitting down Aaron said, after handing him three names on a piece of paper, “We want to know who hired you to murder two of our federal Marshalls.”

  Sam’s face turned white after reading the names and hearing the question. To bluff these two guys was stupid and he knew better. To call his lawyer would only result in charges filled against him. To come clean --- well, that might be the smart move. He decided on the last one.

  Sam said, “What kind of a deal can we make here?”

  Aaron said, “If you’ll give me permission to record this interview and we find it useful, then I’m sure we can work something out. But let’s hear what you have to say first. Let’s cut to the chase Sam. We want to know if we can tie Allied Power to the letting of the contract killing?”

  Sam’s chubby face broke out into a gleaming white smile. He said, “That I can do gentlemen. However, I’m at risk here. You must provide me with protection. This guy is not without connections.”

  “Give me a name and some documentation to prove Allied was involved.”

  “I can do better than that. I’ve a video and voice recording of his visit here to hire me. You’ll see the cash change hands. I’ve not touched the envelope or the cash as I like to play it safe. I’m positive you will find his fingerprints on the envelope, but not sure of the cash inside.”

  Aaron said, “Let’s see the video and the name of the person in the video. Meanwhile send your girl home and lock the door.”

  An hour later with evidence in hand, Allied person identified, they left for the airport with Sam.

  Chapter XV

  David looked at his watch and saw it was just little after four pm. The sun was still struggling to produce some warmth in the late April afternoon. All four motor homes were parked and leveled for an extended stay. The holograph folks were still a bit jet lagged, but doing their job. It had taken quite a while to position the RV’s so when the holograph was displayed, it would point at the rocky overhang where they decided the shooters would select as the best place.


  AJ, Jake, Alex and Carol were enjoying a fine dinner when the news came in by fax. Carol with good ears heard the fax and as she was about finished with her dinner, left to see what came in.

  Alex had gone to the kitchen to fetch the dessert. Jake sat back rubbing his tummy and said, “Damn AJ, I’m going gain weight if I keep this up. I don’t seem to control myself. Alex is one fine cook.”

  “You don’t have to tell me Jake. I gained ten pounds and had to go on a diet. Alex never smiled for a month until I lost the weight. Now I just take smaller portions. I smelled the dessert and if I’m not mistaken, it’s a lemon pudding.”

  Alex came in at the same time Carol did. He said, “I heard that gentlemen about my cooking being too rich. Moderation my friends is the key. Now this dessert is sweetened with Splenda and not so many calories. However, that doesn’t mean to eat three bowls full.”

  After the laughter subsided, Carol handed AJ the fax that had just come in. While AJ read the document, the others wolfed down the tasty lemon pudding. Alex noticed a smile cross AJ’s face and waited for his report. Jake was more interested in the dessert than what was being read by AJ. Carol, on the other hand, had already read the document and was content to delicately spoon the lemon pudding into her large mouth.

  AJ sat the document down and said, “We may have just hit the jackpot my friends. This fax comes from the Marshalls office telling us the private investigator gladly gave up Allied for a witness protection program. The man on the ground that does Allied’s bidding is Vince Blake. According to what we know Vince is the number five man of the unnamed elite of five. Also he is the direct contact with the guy we videoed. That would give us two witnesses to upset Allied’s plans. What was that guy’s name anyway?”

  “Clyde Hyster,” replied Alex. “AJ, does it say what this guy looks like? I’d like to put an image in my mind. Why, I have no idea, but the greed of these people makes me wonder what they look like.”

  “Carol, would you get some pictures or descriptions of both Clyde and Vince to make Alex happy?”

  “Give me twenty minutes and we should have a fairly good idea who these guys are and what they look like.” She answered AJ’s query.

  Jake said, “I’ve a meeting in Washington tomorrow with the attorney general. I’ve no doubt that she will start proceedings very shortly. I’d think by now Allied knows shit hit the fan. I for one would love to be in that conference room when those five guys receive the report from whomever brings forth the tidings.”


  On the high desert, a BBQ was in process. A small camp fire was burning with the group sitting around the fire on camp stools. Johnny had jokingly told them the difference between a white man fire and an Indian fire. Simply put, an Indian fire conserves wood and a white man fire is too hot to get close to. On a more serious note he said, “Your enemies have a harder time seeing you if there’s only a small fire burning.”

  “Well, right now I’m cold enough for a white man fire,” said David.

  “Burgers are ready, “announced Janice. A table had been set up with condiments and drinks. Paper plates and such things for clean up were utilized. No one wanted the drudgery of clean up.

  After dinner Johnny asked David, “What do you think will happen next?”

  “I think tomorrow morning early a single engine aircraft is going to fly over and take some pictures of us. If I’m not mistaken it will make a return trip about thirty minutes later. I expect the shooters to be on site tomorrow night some time. If I’m right then we must be fully ready by dark tomorrow. Johnny and I
must be buried by the time the sun goes home.”

  Both Janice and Kate were listening and not liking it much that both their men would be at risk tomorrow night. Janice said to Kate, “I think we all are at risk here Kate. Not too sure how we go this job, but I for one am thinking of resigning.”

  Kate said, “I’m with you Janice. The stress and worry is not worth it. I’d sure like to see Johnny and I happily married with a couple kids running around chasing the dogs. How would I tell the story to our kids that we buried their father in the desert to rise up and kill some assassin?”

  Janice bent over laughing and soon both Kate and she drew the attention of the camp fire crew. Janice said, “Never mind us it’s a joke between us girls.”

  The tension was high, but all were focused on the job at hand. David felt confident and looking around the campfire was satisfied with what he saw. He thought about what it might be like buried underground with a breathing tube for at least eight plus hours. Johnny had told him of an Indian tribe from Oregon that would submerge them under water in a lake. They breathed through a reed rising only to capture fowl or to surprise an enemy. He flashed back to when he read about snipers in Vietnam who would for hours lay silent on the ground not moving while bugs of various kinds feasted on his body. If they could do it so could he. The only danger might be a rattle snake, but he felt that was remote. Mentally, could he handle being buried breathing through a tube? Time will tell, he thought.

  Later that night David and Janice lay in bed talking about tomorrow’s events. David asked, “Do you have confidence in this holography stuff?”

  “I sure do. I saw more than one video and it’s amazing. You absolutely can’t tell the difference between real life and video. I’m confident that when it’s presented, the assassins will think it’s real.”

  “As soon as I hear shots, I’m up blazing away. If all goes well, I’d like us to somehow send this over the internet warning other assassins the danger of confronting us Marshalls.”

  “I like that idea Kemosabe. Let’s be careful not to publish our faces or IDs. I think after this operation I’ll get my hair straightened and wear fake glasses.”

  “How about a tit job too? He sarcastically asked.

  “Actually, I’d like that as mine are too big now. I get tired of guys staring at my chest all the time.”

  “I understand as I really get tired of women staring at my crotch. I always think my zipper is down or pants unbuttoned or something weird.”

  “Enough of this stuff Kemosabe. I want you to hold me and let’s get a good nights sleep.”

  Chapter XVI

  All, with the exception of the holograph folks, were up at the break of dawn. David felt good as he sucked in the cold clear air of the high desert. Janice was huddled around the camp fire with Kay talking about some domestic stuff. Mosi was up at the overhang making sure no one snuck in on them during the night.

  Johnny and Junior were walking the area. On any other occasion, an early morning stroll watching the sun rise over the desert would be a wonderful sight. And this morning was no exception as the sun crept over the horizon, turning what were just moments ago, a purple color into blackness. Then as the sun shed its light down across the landscape all the earth colors reflected back to the viewer’s eyes obliterating the blackness.

  Vince kept to himself trying not to get in the way. He’d been told to learn all he could about holography and he was sticking to the UK team like glue. This outdoor life was starting to grow on him. Born and raised in Chicago he had traveled very little. This was his first time west of the Mississippi and loved every minute of it. Yes, it was cold in the mornings and nights, but a different cold than Chicago. Here was dry without the biting moisture laden wind off Lake Michigan that seeped into your bones. Now he wondered how Carol was doing with her new job. Strangely he missed her not realizing his feeling went that deep.

  All thoughts went away as the UK team ventured forth stretching and taking deep breaths of a chilly morning. Vince put another arm load of wood on the fire to accommodate the new comers. Then he wandered off to gather some more firewood for evening.

  David was anxious to see the results of the holograph, but at the same time he needed patience. Janice had been watching him knowing full well what was going through his mind. She decided to walk over and give him her support. He saw her coming and has face she noticed, did a complete transformation from stern to happy seeing her come up and takes his arm in hers. She leaned into and whispered something into his ear that made him blush a little.

  Then he said, “Pine Queen, you sure know how to distract a man’s thinking. Why is it that you women are so smart and us men can’t see the forest from the trees?”

  “You men have a lot to learn and it would appear that there’s a mental block somewhere in your brain. Our emotions that we women possess that you men fear are not part and parcel of what we are made of. There’s no doubt we are emotional beings, but really, down deep you men have the same feelings. You hide it, we flaunt it. Now Kemosabe, how you going to handle being buried breathing through a tube of sorts?”

  “I’ll admit it sounded good, but in actual practice, shit, Pine Queen, I’m not so sure about the plan. If you have a better plan, let me know now cause we are running out of time. It’s the face I’m worried about, not the body so much. We need to make sure that no dirt gets into the ears or such places not being able to clean out with tied up hands. Also, the chest breathing in and out will have to be taken into consideration. We can’t have dirt moving for the shooters to see something weird is going on.”

  “I’ve seen the tube and or more appropriately a snorkel tube, looks quite efficient. We can put plastic over your guys and make sure all is well. Now I wonder if the mouthpiece gets too dry. Do you have an idea about that?”

  David answered, “Not a clue; how about you?”

  “I think it’s a problem we might think about. You’re underground for more than eight hours. If I remember right, we breathe about thirty times a minute. No matter what the math is it’s too much. How about Vaseline?”

  “You might have something there Pine Queen. I like that idea. The nose too. Actually a swimmers mask might be an idea. Hey, I think we’re onto something here. However, I don’t think we’ll need the flippers,” and laugher took away the stress of the moment.

  After a hearty breakfast, a dress rehearsal took place. The first take was too stilted and obvious. The second was much better and more natural. By noon, everyone sick of the rehearsing, finally they got it right. The final take showed David and Janice together holding coffee cups around a small campfire. They were standing with David occasionally putting a stick of wood on the fire. After standing for a few minutes they sat down holding hands.

  The view from the rock ledge showed a not perfect sightline, but good enough view for a shooter to take the shot. The sitting down amounted to about ten minutes. After that David stood up leaving Janice sitting there and disappeared for about five minutes. Then he came back with a cell phone and handed it to her. That scene should work they all thought.

  While they were eating breakfast Johnny noticed a small aircraft flying over. All took notice and looked at their watches. Indeed about thirty minutes later it came back and took a course for flagstaff. David said, “Well, guys, we’ve been photographed and now we continue our plan.

  Later after the video was finished, David and Johnny took their rifles and spotting scopes up to see how the holograph looked from the ledge. Also they wanted to locate precisely were they would dig their holes. Junior went with them. He could feel the tension and stayed closed to his master.

  The overhang area was fully fifty feet wide by about one hundred feet long. That fifty foot ledge area extended over an area of about one thousand square feet. Much like the brim of a hat sticking out to protect an animal from a sudden downpour or a windstorm. David thought that upon viewing the pictures from the air, a dark shadow area would appear the most likely place to set
up their ambush.

  As David and Johnny were finding a place to spend the night underground, Janice and Kay went to Flagstaff to find some snorkels, plastic, ear plugs and all supplies they might need for being buried alive.

  David and Johnny was looking the site over trying to decide the best place to hide. They needed to make sure the ground didn’t look like fresh dug holes. The Indian in Johnny and Mosi solved the problem with sage brush and knowing how to sweep the ground, place rocks and chose a spot that was not obvious.

  David decided to leave it up to Johnny and Mosi as he sat on his haunches trying to picture where the assassins might set up and after their shots were fired, how he and Johnny would rise up. In David’s mind he was going to shoot to kill and Johnny would no doubt follow suit after losing his dog.


  Dennis and Ann were on their knees leaning over the bed in their hotel room looking at the recent enlarged pictures of the intended hit site. “I think we have a likely spot to take the shot Ann,” said Dennis. “See this small flat area and what appears as an overhang. Not sure of the distance, but that really shouldn’t be a problem. Now how do we enter and exit is a good question.”

  “If we use a bike, it’ll make too much noise,” said Ann.

  “We could use a bike and park it say a half mile away and then hike in, “said Dennis.

  “But that would leave us a hell of a run to escape after we do the deed,” said Ann.

  “I’ve got it, let’s rent one of those hybrid cars that run on batteries most of the time. They’d be very quiet,” said Ann.

  “Good idea and let’s put our plan of action for the coming daybreak,” said Dennis.



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