Design for Love ((Women of Landry's Landing and The Fabrizio men)

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Design for Love ((Women of Landry's Landing and The Fabrizio men) Page 7

by Quinn, Shelli

  London cried out piercing the quiet that surrounded them as waves of ecstasy enveloped them both. Each time she cried out it took him to a whole other level of satisfaction as he listened to her moans of delight.

  Making love to her was rocking the very foundation of his existence, and he was enjoying every second of it. There was no way he ever let her go now. Gabe had never been addicted to anything in his entire life, but London had quickly become his drug. He was certain he’d need his daily fix of her making love anyway she wanted it.

  London was so far gone, she didn’t think she could find her way back with a map. He was turning her out, and she couldn’t get enough of him. If she thought, she was in love with him before, then she was certain of it now. All she knew was that she had no intention of give him up now that she’d had a taste of his love making.

  It didn’t matter if trouble found her. She'd face her past head on the way she’d been taught to do. After all she was a Landry woman and Landry women didn’t know the meaning of the word quit or surrender or beaten for that matter. And a Landry woman sure as hell didn’t tap out for anybody. They didn’t give up or let go of anything that belonged to them and whether Gabe liked it or not he belonged to her now.

  The ear-piercing scream that left her kiss swollen lips indicated that her release was as powerful as a tsunami descending upon a helpless island. The force of which almost suffocated her in a mind blowing orgasmic ocean of gratification. The sensations coursing through her made her feel, as if she was floating on a cloud of pure joy.

  Damn he was good. Her bones felt liquefied beneath her skin, and he was still going. If she died at this very moment, she would die a very happy woman. She’d never been so satisfied in her life.

  Gabe increased the pace of his strokes as he moved closer to his own release. The delectable anticipation of plunging head-first into a tidal wave of an orgasmic abyss because of the woman lying beneath him was an intense feeling. That thought powered his every thrust as he rocked into her tight tunnel. The way her inner walls clamped down around his cock made him grunt and growl from the sheer pleasure of being inside her.

  When his release finally came it was an eruption of mind boggling splendor swirling through his insatiable body. He clasped onto the bed beside her as he tried desperately to catch his breath. London had not only taken his breath away, but she had stolen his heart. From this day until the day, the last breath left his body, she was his, and he was hers. They would forever and always belong to one another.

  “So was reality better than fantasy?” He asked as he turned on his side and pulled her into his arms. She smiled as she willingly went into the comfort of his arms wiggling her body as close as she could to his.

  “Are you kidding it was incredible, hey wait a minute who said that I fantasized about making love to you?” She asked tilting her head back so that she could see his face.

  “What, I uh, you know with the pull of attraction between the two of us. It's only natural to fantasize about what it would be like to make love.” He replied innocently.

  “Yeah I guess you’re right. So how was it for you?” She asked hoping that he’d enjoyed being with her just as much as she’d enjoyed being with him.

  “Dolcezza, I can honestly say that no one has ever rocked my world like you just did. And in case you haven’t figured it out yet I have no intention of letting you go.” He said as he used his fingertip to draw tiny circles on her smooth bare back.

  “Really and who said it was up to you? Maybe now that I’ve satisfied my curiosity, I’d like to move on.” She said trying hard to hide the smirk that was threatening to take over her lips.

  “Like hell you will, woman do you know how long I’ve waited to make love to you?” He said gazing down at her.

  “And now that you have we can put all this behind us and move on.” She replied attempting to move out of his arms. “It was fun while it lasted, but maybe we should call it a night?”

  “Oh no you do, neither of us is going anywhere, and as for calling it a night, I’ll just have to show you that this night is just getting started.” He said as he pulled her beneath him so that he could give her a repeat performance.

  “Damn man, what are you the energizer bunny?” She squealed as he pressed her back to the mattress.

  “Let’s just say I’ll keep going and going until one of us either taps out or passes out.” He said with a grin.

  “In case you haven’t learned by now Landry women do not tap out.” She said teasingly.

  “Fine dolcezza, then why don’t we see how long it takes you to pass out.” He teased.

  “Lover, if you can put it down on me enough to make me pass out, then I will gladly submit to you any time or place that you say.” London said in the way of a challenge.

  “Oh baby are you sure you what to make that deal?” Gabe asked with a smile as he gave her the chance to back out.

  “Oh yeah, I’m sure.” She said smugly.

  “Alright then I only have two words for you dolcezza.” He said wearing a wide grin.

  “And what’s that, bring it?” She asked thinking those were the two words he had for her.

  “No baby, lights out.” He replied as he proceeded to make love to her again.

  Chapter Seven

  This next morning London awakened to the smiling face of Gabe staring down at her. She moaned before covering her face with her hands.

  “Good morning, dolcezza did you sleep well?” He asked sweetly.

  “Please tell me I did not pass out.” She said with her hands making her voice sound muffled.

  “That depends, do you want me to tell you the truth, or that you didn’t pass out in my arms?” He said teasingly.

  “What exactly did you do to me?” She asked moving her hands away to stare at him.

  ‘You mean you don’t remember?” He asked.

  “The last thing I remember is you lifting me into some crazy position before pounding into me like a jackhammer to concrete shortly after that everything went black.” London said as she stared at him through eyes that were mere slits.

  “You certainly didn’t seem to have any complaints last night, now did you?” He whispered softly as he bent his head to nuzzle her neck.

  “It’s kind of hard for a woman to complain if she’s unconscious.” She said between moans.

  “There was plenty of time before that if you didn’t like the things I was doing to you.” He replied before running his warm wet tongue along the side of her neck.

  “You know damn well I enjoyed ever freaky thing you did to me. I just hate losing a bet.” She stammered at the feel of his wet tongue against her heated flesh.

  “Believe me baby when we make good on this little deal of ours you won’t be hating it for long.” Gabe said.

  It was a little over two hours later when Gabe and London finally made it into the office for the meeting. They’d made love in bed once before opting for a quick shower together which turned out to be not so quick after all because it wasn’t just the water that got all steamy. After that they both thought it was a good idea to get dressed in separate rooms. The more the two were around each other the harder it was for them to keep their hands off each other.

  They both walked into the conference room looking happy and completely satisfied, wearing smiles that were at least a mile wide. Gabe pulled out London’s chair before taking the empty seat next to her. When they looked up, they noticed that all eyes were on them and the expression on each face was that of surprise, confusion and relief.

  Surprised because the two of them walked in together as if it was something they did every day. They were confused, because just two days ago the two of them were close to killing each other. And lastly, everyone was relieved because the two had finally given in to their attraction to one another.

  “I hope you two have a good reason for being late to this meeting this morning.” Pierce said as he gazed at them.

  “Uh, is he for real, because I
’m no genius, and even I can tell you why they were late.” Asia said with a smirk.

  “Girl, I know that’s right, if he’s asking stupid ass questions like that, then Gigi you must be slipping?” Indy said teasingly.

  “The hell I am, baby you need to stop playing like that before everyone thinks that you’re not getting any. And we both know that you’ve been getting plenty.” Gigi said to her husband.

  Pierce cleared his throat loudly. “Forget I asked now mom and dad will be here soon they had to take a call from Italy. We can start the minute they get here.”

  “Good since we have a few minutes before they get here, are the two of you officially together or is this just a phase?” Gigi asked.

  “It’s official for me, but I’ll let your sister answer for herself.” Gabe said trying to respect London’s feelings.

  London glanced around the table at her family then turned her gaze to Gabe and smiled. “Oh, its official he’s mine, and I’m his and that is the way it shall stay unless he wants to die a slow painful death. I did not wait all this time for him to come to his senses for nothing.” London said.

  “Spoken like a true Landry woman, little sister.” Indy said with a smile.

  “All I can say is…it’s about damn time. I was beginning to think you two would never get your acts together.” Asia said.

  “Well, I for one am very happy that the two of you are finally together, and I hope that both of you will be as happy as the rest of us.” Gio said with a smile.

  “Yeah I’m happy for you too and congratulations to both of you.” Luc said.

  “Who are we congratulating?” Serafina asked as she and Guiseppe walked into the conference room.

  “Hi mom we were just telling Gabe and London how happy we are that they’re finally officially dating.” Pierce said with a smile.

  “Finally, my prayers have been answered.” Sera said smiling happily.

  “That’s wonderful son. I figured you’d come to your senses sooner or later.” Guiseppe said as he escorted his wife around the table to their seats.

  “Does everyone in this room think I was being stupid for taking so long?” Gabe asked as he glanced around the table.

  “Yes!” They all said in unison.

  “Now that we’ve established what an idiot Gabe was we can get this meeting started.” Pierce said teasingly. “First, Gabe why don’t you and London give us an update on the production meeting you had yesterday.”

  “Well London handled most of the meeting I was mostly here for support. I did read the statistics report that was done by the independent survey company. And it seems that most women in this area a very interested in having a line of intimate apparel that fits not only their budget but women of all sizes.” Gabe said as he explained findings in the report.

  “Yes, that’s why we decided to add a line of intimates to Designs by London, only I like to call the additional line Design for Love by London. What do you think?” London asked hoping that they like not only the idea but the name she’d come up with.

  “I think it is a wonderful idea, and the name is perfect, dear.” Sera said before turning to say something to Guiseppe in Italian. He smiled before replying to her also in Italian.

  “It’s a great idea do you think that you can design a whole new line before the debut that’s just a few weeks away?” Guiseppe asked a bit worried that it may be too much for her to handle.

  “Actually dad she already has close to a complete line of intimates designed, it was something she’d been working on for a future expansion to the line. Now we don’t have to wait so we can begin production on them along with the rest of the line.” Gabe said with pride.

  “That’s wonderful. I'm sure that will increase the sales figures for London’s division to ensure a successful debut.” Guiseppe said with a bright smile.

  “Gio and Indy we know that the baby will be here soon so don’t worry about rushing to finish that new flavor that you’ve been working on, because the numbers for your wine's division have been through the roof.” Pierce said.

  “What are you talking about we finished developing that flavor three days ago, we just have to give it a name.” Indy said as she rubbed her stomach.

  “Yeah, you see Indy wanted to make certain that we didn’t leave any work undone when the baby comes so we worked hard to get it done. So now she won’t have to worry about it, and I don’t have to worry about her worrying about the wines.” Gio said attempting to explain why they finished the latest flavor so quickly.

  “Okay, that brings us to the café and the Inn.” Pierce said as he turned his gaze to Asia.

  “Well if you’ve seen the figures for the cafe,é then you know it’s doing great, the master chef we hired is working out wonderfully. And the staff is finally healthy again after this flu epidemic. I’ve added several new dishes to the menu, and the bistro is thriving as well with the younger crowd.” Asia said.

  “I am going to need all of you to help me keep an eye on Asia. The doctor said that she shouldn’t overdo it, especially since we’re going to be having a baby.” Luc said with excitement.

  Sera let loose a flurry of Italian as she laughed and cheered, she reached over and kissed her husband on the lips she was so happy. Guiseppe laughed with his wife before turning to the others. To explain in his heavily accented voice.

  “In case you cannot tell ‘mia moglie’ uh sorry, my wife is extremely happy for this news.” He said happily.

  “We all are little brother, and for you, Asia.” Pierce said with a smile. “Let’s get passed this final piece of business, so we can celebrate all the good news we’ve had for the day.”

  “The new manager we hired for the Inn is working out fine, he and his family are quite happy here, and they love the newly renovated apartment.” Gigi said giving them an update on the Inn before adding. “And I have planned a number of family-friendly events for guests staying at the Inn, I’ve also added several vacation packages.”

  “I noticed that the Inn has been booked to capacity since reopening, we may want to think about expanding a bit.” Guiseppe said pleased with the direction that his sons have taken the company, he’s entrusted them with.

  “We’re already working on it dad.” Pierce replied.

  “Good I figured you were, but I just thought I’d mention it.” Guiseppe said. “Now, I think it’s time for us to celebrate.”

  “You got it dad brunch should be set up for us in the private dining room at the café.” Asia said happily.

  “Well, what are we waiting for let’s go eat.” Luc said as he escorted his wife to the door.

  Sera and Guiseppe followed them out as did Indy and Gio. Pierce and Gigi stopped near the door.

  “Are you two going to join us or what?” Pierce asked glancing back at them.

  “Yeah we’re coming.” London said just as Joan buzzed for Gabe. There was a problem in human resources that needed his attention.

  “Dolcezza, you go ahead with Gigi and Pierce, I’ll be there as soon as I can.” He said kissing her on the forehead.

  “Okay, I’ll see you in a bit.” London said as she turned to leave with Gigi and Pierce.

  “Hey we need to stop by the house and pick up Dante.” Gabe heard Gigi saying as they left the room.

  The call Gabe had to take didn’t last too long at all after about twenty minutes he’d taken care of the problem and was about to leave the office when his cell phone rang. What he thought was his cell phone but turned out to be London’s phone and not his. He must have picked up the wrong phone this morning it was hard to tell the difference, since they had the same phone.

  Gabe glanced at the caller ID and saw the name Toni and any hesitation he may have had about answering her phone disappeared.

  “Hello!” He said.

  “Hello, I’m sorry I was trying to reach London Landry.” The person on the other end of the phone said.

  “This is London’s phone, who may I ask is calling?” He asked.
br />   “Uh huh, first you tell me who this is then I’ll decide whether or not I’ll tell you my name.” The person said.

  “This is Gabriele Fabrizio, now may I have your name?”

  “Wow, I’m actually talking to a Fabrizio heir to the Fabrizio Empire.”

  “Yes, now may I have your name please?”

  “Oh sorry, my name is Toni. London is my legal guardian. Well, she was my legal guardian. I’m an adult now, but I wasn’t when she took me away from my abusive stepfather. He’s in jail, well he was in jail he’s out now, and he’s been looking for me and London. That’s why I’m calling, I need to tell London that I’m scared that he’ll find me, and since she’s not here I don’t know what I should do.” The girl barely paused to take a breath as she continued to tell Gabe about everything London had been trying so desperately to hide.

  “Are you London’s boyfriend? You sound really nice, did she tell you about me? Did she mention to you that she saved my life? Actually, she’s saved quite a few lives here in New York that’s why no one wanted her to move back home. Everyone is going to miss her so much, everyone but me. I won’t miss her because I’ll be moving there with her, as soon as she’s settled. She wants to tell her family about me first. And she also wants to be sure my stepfather doesn’t follow me down there he’s psycho, and she doesn’t want to put her sisters in any danger.” When Toni paused to take a breath this time he seized the opportunity to speak.

  “Toni, do you mind if I ask how old are you?” Gabe asked, curiously.

  “Oh, I’m nineteen I’ll be twenty next month. I’ve lived with London, since I was sixteen she adopted me when I became a ward of the state. So I guess you can say she’s my mom, but we’re more like sisters.”

  Gabe heard Toni gasp followed by loud banging and then shouting. “Oh no he’s here, he’s going to kill me. I really need London right now.” Toni yelled franticly.

  “Calm down Toni, I need you to listen to me. Now can you get out of there safely?” Gabe asked.


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